
  • One of Raeleen's most anticipated books of the year is a big disappointment...

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    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Alex, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Brittany, Bronte, Candis, Christina, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Joyce, Karina, Livi, Luna, Mario, Megan, Michelene, Michelle, Nicole, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Valentine, Vanessa, William, Zoe!


    00:00 - #283

    01:07 - Ariel Went Curling

    06:30 - Raeleen and The Zoo

    09:37 - Book Haul

    20:55 - What We Read

    47:42 - The Mail Room

  • This was a fun new adventure for us to try out!

    Support The Podcast:

    Sign up to the bookmark subscription! https://store.dftba.com/products/books-unbound-bookmark-subscription

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

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    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Alex, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Bonnie, Brittany, Bronte, Candis, Christina, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Joyce, Karina, Kayla, Luna, Mario, Megan, Michelene, Michelle, Nicole, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Valentine, Vanessa, William, Zoe!

  • Saknas det avsnitt?

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  • Raeleen goes on an adventure, Ariel went on an adventure a year ago, and we have some big book news!

    Links mentioned:

    New Directions Publishing (they sent some books to Raeleen): https://www.ndbooks.com/

    Lucy Maud Show News: https://variety.com/2025/tv/global/anne-of-green-gables-megan-follows-lucy-maud-1236311127/

    Amazon Kindle News: https://www.theverge.com/news/612898/amazon-removing-kindle-book-download-transfer-usb

    Leena’s great video about the Amazon news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a9TW9_DCWM

    Our new stamps: https://store.dftba.com/products/mini-book-stamp

    Support The Podcast:

    Sign up to the bookmark subscription! https://store.dftba.com/products/books-unbound-bookmark-subscription

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Alex, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Bonnie, Brittany, Bronte, Candis, Christina, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Joyce, Karina, Kayla, Luna, Mario, Megan, Michelene, Michelle, Nicole, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Valentine, Vanessa, William, Zoe!


    00:00:00 - So much to talk about

    00:01:43 - Rae’s Update

    00:16:47 - Cambridge Imprint Vlog

    00:24:34 - Book Haul!

    00:39:41 - What We Finished

    00:52:51 - Currently Reading

    01:02:36 - Book News

    01:13:49 - The Mail Room

  • It's time to hear reading confessions, hot takes, and reader problems from our listeners! On this episode we have someone who hates the special edition boom, someone who doesn't like half star ratings, two people who are reading too many audiobooks (is that possible?), someone who is having an existential crisis about borrowing too many ebooks from the library, and a bookseller who is struggling to live her 84 Charing Cross Road dreams!

    Links mentioned:

    Article about special editions: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/27/books/deluxe-book-editions-decorated-edges.html

    Article about ebooks at libraries: https://smartbitchestrashybooks.com/2020/09/hold-on-ebooks-cost-how-much-the-inconvenient-truth-about-library-ecollections/

    Our new stamps: https://store.dftba.com/products/mini-book-stamp

    Support The Podcast:

    Sign up to the bookmark subscription! https://store.dftba.com/products/books-unbound-bookmark-subscription

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Alex, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Bonnie, Brittany, Bronte, Candis, Christina, Claire, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Joyce, Karina, Kayla, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Michelle, Nicole, Rachel, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!


    00:00:00 - Hair mods

    00:05:37 - Rae’s Week

    00:07:36 - Ariel’s Oscars Watchlist

    00:10:12 - 2 Updates

    00:11:04 - CONFESSIONS!

    00:25:04 - Half Star Ratings

    00:32:17 - Inventory Dilemma

    00:45:19 - Ebooks, Audiobooks, and the Library System

    00:59:14 - 90% Audiobooks

    01:09:41 - On Reading Speeds

  • Two new reviews, a handful of currently reads, and no new books?!

    Links Mentioned:

    New Mini Book Stamp!!! https://store.dftba.com/products/mini-book-stamp

    Support The Podcast:

    Sign up to the bookmark subscription! https://store.dftba.com/products/books-unbound-bookmark-subscription

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Alex, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Bonnie, Brittany, Bronte, Candis, Christina, Claire, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Joyce, Karina, Kayla, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Michelle, Nicole, Rachel, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!


    00:00 - On Snow

    03:21 - Rae Update

    12:35 - Ariel Update

    17:48 - New Merch!

    19:56 - What We Read

    27:04 - Review: Second Hand Love

    33:03 - Currently Reading!

    46:38 - Mail Room

  • We both went on trips and those trips led to bookshopping...

    Links mentioned:

    Scoodie Pattern: https://www.averp.co.uk/patterns/p/crochet-scoodie-pattern

    Star Blanket Pattern: https://bettymcknit.com/patterns/6daystarblanket/

    Support The Podcast:

    Sign up to the bookmark subscription! https://store.dftba.com/products/books-unbound-bookmark-subscription

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Bonnie, Brittany, Bronte, Candis, Christina, Claire, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Joyce, Karina, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Michelle, Nicole, Rachel, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!


    00:00 - #278

    01:48 - Ariel’s new slippers!

    22:18 - The Decagon House Murders

    32:26 - Men of War

    42:10 - What We’re Reading

    54:01 - The Mail Room

  • We've both read books about women who are bullied at work this week!

    Support The Podcast:

    Sign up to the bookmark subscription! https://store.dftba.com/products/books-unbound-bookmark-subscription

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Bonnie, Brittany, Bronte, Candis, Christina, Claire, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Joyce, Karina, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Michelle, Nicole, Rachel, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!


    00:00 - Rae is SWAMPED

    01:34 - New Mug!!

    09:38 - #WhereImReading

    40:28 - What We’re Reading

    44:55 - The Mail Room

  • We're starting the year off with a BANG!

    Links mentioned:

    Leena's Book "Half Arsed Human": https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/Half-Arse-Human-by-Leena-Norms/9781472638199

    Leena's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leenanorms/

    Support The Podcast:

    Sign up to the bookmark subscription! https://store.dftba.com/products/books-unbound-bookmark-subscription

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Bonnie, Brittany, Bronte, Candis, Christina, Claire, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Karina, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Michelle, Nicole, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!


    00:00:00 - Welcome to 2025!!!

    00:00:52 - AGM

    00:02:16 - What We’ve Been Up To

    00:04:40 - Ariel Tried Hot Pot

    00:10:02 - Ariel Is Into Pokemon

    00:14:16 - Raeleen Got A Sourdough Starter

    00:16:35 - Rae Is Into D&D

    00:21:33 - Shrek Quest Update

    00:23:01 - Biggest Book Haul of 2025 (so far)

    00:41:35 - Half Arse Human by Leena Norms!!!

    00:45:08 - Review: Several People Are Typing by Calvin Kasulke

    01:08:52 - Review: Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? by Caitlin Doughty

    01:18:55 - What We’re Reading

  • We're reacting to our 2024 goals and creating our 2025 goals! HERE! WE! GO!

    Shrek Quest Bingo Card: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-2RQwlryXtmtb4Ul7eO2bhK1e160gO-V/view?usp=drive_link

    Ariel's log of visiting every bookshop in Nova Scotia: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/every-bookshop-in-nova-scotia

    Support The Podcast:

    Sign up to the bookmark subscription! https://store.dftba.com/products/books-unbound-bookmark-subscription

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Brittany, Bronte, Cait, Candis, Christi, Christina, Claire, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Karina, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Mickey, Nicole, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!


    00:00:00 - #275!

    00:09:05 - 24 A24 Movies In 2024 Part 24

    00:40:32 - Raeleen’s 2025 Goals

    00:57:31 - Ariel’s 2025 Goals

    01:06:35 - LIVE BOOK BREAKING

    01:10:28 - 2025 TBR’s

  • Ariel visited SEVENTEEN bookstores so she has a LOT of books! And we react to your stats! Nearly 3000 of you filled out the reading survey and left SO MUCH great information for us to look through!

    Ariel's log of visiting every bookshop in nova scotia: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/every-bookshop-in-nova-scotia

    The spreadsheet of community statistics for you to read through: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C74Hp9tXw6hFNlwjQN-Q9jg5nNKwjrN6SyNtHiZOSTI/edit?usp=sharing

    Support The Podcast:

    Sign up to the bookmark subscription! https://store.dftba.com/products/books-unbound-bookmark-subscription

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Brittany, Bronte, Cait, Candis, Christi, Christina, Claire, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Karina, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Mickey, Nicole, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!


    00:00 - Christmas Book Haul!

    04:21 - Every Book Shop In Nova Scotia

    46:12 - Community Statistics 2024

  • OUR BIGGEST EPISODE OF THE YEAR IS HERE!! WE ARE SO EXCITED!! Our favourite books, authors, covers, sub genres, and more! All of our reading statistics! It’s huge!

    Links mentioned:

    Our reading spreadsheet template: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/stuff

    Books Unbound Reading Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdw699d4vD5qbQ7coa3M7Qq9XuH9cGvvvUMymAoI7qDglpATw/viewform

    Max from WellDoneBooks: https://www.instagram.com/welldonebooks?igsh=MWdvYzYyYm56c3FrNg==

    Support The Podcast:

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Brittany, Bronte, Cait, Candis, Christi, Christina, Claire, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Karina, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Mickey, Nicole, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!


    00:00:00 - Raegreen

    00:02:38 - Table of Contents

    00:03:48 - Raeleen’s Top Books of 2024

    00:13:03 - Ariel’s Top Books of 2024

    00:23:30 - STATISTICS

    00:34:17 - Spreadsheets

    01:03:58 - QUESTIONS

    01:12:12 - Sub-Genre of the Year

    01:16:25 - 2025 Reading Trend Predictions

    01:19:07 - Favourite Authors of 2024

    01:21:22 - Cat Books: Final Edition

    01:27:32 - DNF’s of 2024

    01:30:02 - Book Memories

  • Links mentioned:

    Yearly Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdw699d4vD5qbQ7coa3M7Qq9XuH9cGvvvUMymAoI7qDglpATw/viewform

    Sign up to the bookmark subscription! https://store.dftba.com/products/books-unbound-bookmark-subscription

    Support The Podcast:

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Brittany, Bronte, Cait, Candis, Christi, Christina, Claire, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Karina, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Mickey, Nicole, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!

  • Fill out our yearly reading survey! https://forms.gle/c5dsrrnC37U37M1UA

    Links mentioned:

    Sign up to the bookmark subscription! https://store.dftba.com/products/books-unbound-bookmark-subscription

    Books and Brews market organizer: https://www.instagram.com/kydraslittlelibrary/

    Kings Co-op Bookshop: https://www.instagram.com/kingscoopbookstore/

    Cahier Stationary: https://www.instagram.com/shop.cahier/

    Wildcard Candles: https://www.instagram.com/wildcardcandlecompany/

    Support The Podcast:

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Adriane, Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Brittany, Bronte, Cait, Candis, Christi, Christina, Claire, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Karina, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Mickey, Nicole, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!


    00:00 - #271!

    15:12 - Unbelievable Shawl

    22:12 - Life in the big winter city

    25:25 - Updates

    27:29 - Bookmark Subscription

    40:20 - Rae’s Book Haul

  • Check out the new merch! https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Support The Podcast:

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

    Need Info or Some Books?

    Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnbound

    All the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/books

    Submit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.com

    Use our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1Xw

    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Ash, Bellanora, Bethany, Brittany, Bronte, Cait, Candis, Christi, Christina, Claire, Debra, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Karina, Katelyn, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Mickey, Nicole, Roisin, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!

  • It's Ariel's first ever solo episode! Raeleen is moving so Ariel is doing a variety show!Links mentioned:Our new merch! https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unboundThe Original "Off The Top Of Your Head" Book Tag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNeSnKaFCL0News about John Green's new imprint: https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/publisher-news/article/96296-new-john-green-imprint-crash-course-books-coming-in-march.htmlSupport The Podcast:Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unboundAriel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirtJoin our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunboundFollow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/Need Info or Some Books?Buy books with our affiliate link: https://bookshop.org/shop/BooksUnboundAll the books we mentioned in this episode: https://www.booksunboundpodcast.com/booksSubmit your book requests at booksunboundpodcast.comUse our affiliate link to get 2 audiobooks for the price of 1! https://tidd.ly/3dyW1XwOur Patrons:A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Bellanora, Bethany, Brittany, Bronte, Cait, Candis, Christi, Christina, Claire, Debra, Emma, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Karina, Katelyn, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Mickey, Nicole, Phoebe, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!

  • Support The Podcast:

    Our beautiful merch: https://store.dftba.com/collections/books-unbound

    Ariel's T-shirt: https://store.dftba.com/collections/bissett-books/products/im-thinking-about-books-t-shirt

    Join our patreon and become a Dust Jacket! patreon.com/booksunbound

    Follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/books_unbound/

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    Our Patrons:

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    00:00 - Raeleen’s Massive News…

    10:39 - Rollerskating

    16:27 - Book Haul!

    27:12 - Reviews

    29:50 - Ariel’s Vest

    53:11 - Debate: Potato Vs. Kettle

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    Our Patrons:

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    Our Patrons:

    A special thanks to our Gold Foil Team on Patreon: Bellanora, Bethany, Brittany, Bronte, Cait, Candis, Christi, Christina, Claire, Debra, Disa, Emma, Gene, Hannah, Hayli, Inbar, Jessie, Jill, Karina, Katelyn, Kyli, Luna, Maria, Megan, Michelene, Mickey, Nicole, Phoebe, Shaswar, Sherralle, Tiffany, Vanessa, Zoe!