
  • There are 3 months left in 2024, and my guess is you are yet to accomplish the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year.

    Don't worry, me too.

    So I made this episode to give you actionable advice & tools that you can use to actually get there.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.


    The BLUSH ACADEMY 2.0 IS HERE!!! Join now to get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including:

    the Attachment Styles course the Nervous System Regulation course all of the Neural ReWiring Practices & breathwork sessions hundreds of healthy recipes the upcoming Gut Health course & Inner Child Healing course the Q&A service & weekly bonus content

    all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to look your best, feel your best, and BE the best version of yourself. Click here to join.

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • It's the second Tuesday of the month, and host Hiwa Alaghebandian dives into AITA submissions, albeit this month with a special twist: overreacting.

    Hiwa pulled submissions from a new sister thread to reddit's AITA: "Am I overreacting?"

    She also shares her own personal Am I Overreacting story, and unpacks it in real time, on the air.

    We get into: insecurities, confidence, embarrassing traits, crushes, flaky & self-absorbed friends, and how to overcome embarrassing memories.

    You do not want to miss this episode.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.


    The BLUSH ACADEMY 2.0 IS HERE!!! Join now to get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including:

    the Attachment Styles course the Nervous System Regulation course all of the Neural ReWiring Practices & breathwork sessions hundreds of healthy recipes the upcoming Gut Health course & Inner Child Healing course the Q&A service & weekly bonus content

    all for less than the price of your Sweetgreen!

    This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to look your best, feel your best, and BE the best version of yourself. Click here to join.

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • This week, host Hiwa Alaghebandian resumes the conversation we started 2 weeks ago: friendships.

    This week we pick up where we left off in Part I: the crazy friend story.

    We also get into how to be a better friend, how to have more harmonious friendships, how to handle friendship conflicts, and more.

    Hiwa shares lots of stories, some more unhinged than others, and offers a lot of opportunities to learn from her mistakes.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.


    The BLUSH ACADEMY 2.0 IS HERE!!! Join now to get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including:

    the Attachment Styles course the Nervous System Regulation course all of the Neural ReWiring Practices & breathwork sessions hundreds of healthy recipes the upcoming Gut Health course & Inner Child Healing course the Q&A service & weekly bonus content

    all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to look your best, feel your best, and BE the best version of yourself. Click here to join.

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • It's the last Tuesday of the month, which means host Hiwa Alaghebandian is answering YOUR questions. This month, we dig into friendships & dating.

    More specifically, we talk about being iced out of a friendship, main character friends, communication, dating needy guys, attachment styles among genders, and more.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.


    The BLUSH ACADEMY 2.0 IS HERE!!! Join now to get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including:

    the Attachment Styles course the Nervous System Regulation course all of the Neural ReWiring Practices & breathwork sessions hundreds of healthy recipes the upcoming Gut Health course & Inner Child Healing course the Q&A service & weekly bonus content

    all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to look your best, feel your best, and BE the best version of yourself. Click here to join.

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • This week, host Hiwa Alaghebandian dives into FRIENDSHIPS. She shares some stunning & fascinating statistics on the importance of friendships, and how the strength of your social ties influences your physical health, emotional & mental wellbeing, your lifestyle & habits, and your finances & success.

    She also shares tips on how to make friends outside of school or work, new friend red flags, and the most important question to ask yourself before upleveling your friendship dynamics.

    To access the journal prompts from the episode: tap here.

    To sign up for the newsletter & get the recipe I mentioned: tap here.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.


    The BLUSH ACADEMY 2.0 IS HERE!!! Join now to get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including:

    the Attachment Styles course the Nervous System Regulation course all of the Neural ReWiring Practices & breathwork sessions hundreds of healthy recipes the upcoming Gut Health course & Inner Child Healing course the Q&A service & weekly bonus content

    all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to look your best, feel your best, and BE the best version of yourself. Click here to join.

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • This week, host Hiwa Alaghebandian breaks down Reddit's AITA submissions. This month's AITA roundup includes period accidents, incels, ceasing to be vegan, children's dietary restriction, meeting your partner's friends, dealing with difficult people, and more.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.


    The BLUSH ACADEMY 2.0 IS HERE!!! Join now to get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including:

    the Attachment Styles course the Nervous System Regulation course all of the Neural ReWiring Practices & breathwork sessions hundreds of healthy recipes the upcoming Gut Health course & Inner Child Healing course the Q&A service & weekly bonus content

    all for a few CENTS a day. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to look your best, feel your best, and BE the best version of yourself. Click here to join.

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • This week, host Hiwa Alaghebandian brings you an episode that is based on a profound life experience that she had. She discusses the dark underbelly of manifestation--the constant yearning and needing for more. The constant desire to want to "quantum leap" into the thing you want, or "collapse timelines" so you can have it sooner.

    She goes over how she overcame this yearning, and is striving towards a place of surrender and acceptance.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.

    The INAPPROPRIATE & UNPROFESSIONAL MERCH COLLECTION IS LIVE!!! This collection will be gone soon, so don't miss out on your chance to get your cute threads here.

    The BLUSH ACADEMY 2.0 IS HERE!!! Join now to get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including:

    the Attachment Styles course the Nervous System Regulation course all of the Neural ReWiring Practices & breathwork sessions hundreds of healthy recipes the upcoming Gut Health course & Inner Child Healing course the Q&A service & weekly bonus content

    all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to look your best, feel your best, and BE the best version of yourself. Click here to join.

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • Per the last Tuesday of the month, host Hiwa Alaghebandian answers YOUR questions!

    This month, we get into playing games in dating, making excuses to text, long-time flings who won't commit, and laxatives.

    Hiwa also shares lots of stories from her early stages of dating Aussie, and what you can learn from them.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.


    The BLUSH ACADEMY 2.0 IS HERE!!! Join now to get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including:

    the Attachment Styles course the Nervous System Regulation course all of the Neural ReWiring Practices & breathwork sessions hundreds of healthy recipes the upcoming Gut Health course & Inner Child Healing course the Q&A service & weekly bonus content

    all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to look your best, feel your best, and BE the best version of yourself. Click here to join.

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • This week's episode is different from our usual...it's a lot more off the cuff, no notes, no outline, just stream of consciousness. There is a very good reason for the *unprofessionalism* that you will find out when you listen.

    That being said, there are some amazing tips on how to be a better girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband/partner/person in relationships. It;s kind of novel advice that you probably won't hear other places.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.


    The BLUSH ACADEMY 2.0 IS HERE!!! Join now to get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including:

    the Attachment Styles course the Nervous System Regulation course all of the Neural ReWiring Practices & breathwork sessions hundreds of healthy recipes the upcoming Gut Health course & Inner Child Healing course the Q&A service & weekly bonus content

    all for less than a cost of a coffee per week. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to look your best, feel your best, and BE the best version of yourself. Click here to join.

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • This week, host Hiwa Alaghebandian is back discussing the 5 most harmful wellness trends that you have probably been exposed to and are in danger of falling victim to.

    She also breaks down 2 trends that are really on point and you should absolutely listen to.

    Topics covered include: insecurities, gut health, the nervous system, inner child work, relationship conflict, mindset and motivation, and more.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.


    The BLUSH ACADEMY 2.0 IS HERE!!! Join now to get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including:

    the Attachment Styles course the Nervous System Regulation course all of the Neural ReWiring Practices & breathwork sessions hundreds of healthy recipes the upcoming Gut Health course & Inner Child Healing course the Q&A service & weekly bonus content

    all less than the price of a smoothie! This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to look your best, feel your best, and BE the best version of yourself. Click here to join.

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • The second Tuesday of the month is for AITA submissions! This month is extra special because we have a second voice, my friend Merita, chiming in on the submissions.

    We get into rigidness with wellness routines, showing your partner videos, the debate between body positivity vs. the health effects of obesity, and more!

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.


    The BLUSH ACADEMY 2.0 IS HERE!!! Join now to get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including:

    the Attachment Styles course the Nervous System Regulation course all of the Neural ReWiring Practices & breathwork sessions hundreds of healthy recipes the upcoming Gut Health course & Inner Child Healing course the Q&A service & weekly bonus content

    all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to look your best, feel your best, and BE the best version of yourself. Click here to join.

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • This week, Gil Jacobs joins host Hiwa Alaghebandian on Blush. Widely known as the "Godfather of Colonics," Gil Jacobs is a prominent figure in the world of colon hydrotherapy & cleansing. His approach to colon hydrotherapy and deep tissue cleansing has gained him a significant following and a reputation for pioneering effective methods of detoxification.

    Jacobs began his journey in this field after a personal health crisis in 1981, when he was poisoned with hydrochloric acid, leading to severe damage to his internal organs. This life-altering experience pushed him to explore natural healing methods, eventually leading him to become a certified colon hydrotherapist in 1989. Over the decades, he has performed nearly 70,000 treatments, and his methodology emphasizes the importance of diet in conjunction with colon hydrotherapy.

    In this episode, we dive into the right diet for the ultimate gut health, what to look for in a colonic treatment, best and worst practices for gut health, what the wellness industry is doing wrong, and more practical tips.

    We also zoom out and get deep into why we care about gut health--how it affects our lives, and the point of all of this.

    Trust me, you do not want to miss this educational, inspiring, and transformative conversation.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.

    Join the BLUSH ACADEMY, where you get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including the Attachment Styles course & the brand new Nervous System Regulation course, along with the Q&A service, all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to move to secure attachment & have stable, safe, fulfilling relationships. Click here to join.

    To find Gil:

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • In honor of the last Tuesday of the month, host Hiwa Alaghebandian answers YOUR questions. This week, we spend a lot of time talking about friendships: best friends, insecurity in friendships, anxious attachment in friendships, social anxiety, and more.

    We also go really deep into fermented foods & how they can help anxiety, along with other foods that are good for anxiety & your nervous system.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.

    Join the BLUSH ACADEMY, where you get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including the Attachment Styles course & the brand new Nervous System Regulation course, along with the Q&A service, all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to move to secure attachment & have stable, safe, fulfilling relationships. Click here to join.

    To enroll in the NERVOUS SYSTEM COURSE a-la carte:
    Regulate Your Nervous System

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • This week, host Hiwa Alaghebandian resumes explaining how she healed her chronic constipation and became regular. She goes deep into gut health, and some potentially surprising things that affected her gut health.

    She also discusses lifestyle remedies that are annecdotally effective, but didn't work for her; and really simple lifestyle changes that were tremendously helpful for her.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.

    Join the BLUSH ACADEMY, where you get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including the Attachment Styles course & the brand new Nervous System Regulation course, along with the Q&A service, all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to move to secure attachment & have stable, safe, fulfilling relationships. Click here to join.

    To enroll in the NERVOUS SYSTEM COURSE a-la carte:
    Regulate Your Nervous System

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • The second Tuesday of the month means that it's an AITA episode! This week, we get into submissions about difficult bosses, procrastination & poor time management, panic attacks, waking up late, coregulation, and more.

    We spend a lot of time diving deep into the nervous system, dysregulation, polyvagal theory, liver cleansing, communication, and more.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.

    Join the BLUSH ACADEMY, where you get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including the Attachment Styles course & the brand new Nervous System Regulation course, along with the Q&A service, all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to move to secure attachment & have stable, safe, fulfilling relationships. Click here to join.

    To enroll in the NERVOUS SYSTEM COURSE a-la carte:
    Regulate Your Nervous System

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • This week, host Hiwa Alaghebandian breaks down one of her most frequently asked questions: how she quit laxatives, fixed her gut health, and was able to overcome her lifelong battle with chronic constipation.

    Note: this episode is a 2 parter, and will be resumed in 2 weeks. The whole episode will cover the gut microbiome, foods and lifestyle factors that affect gut health, supplements, herbs, and the nervous system connection, mindset, vagus nerve, inner child work, and more.

    If you have ever struggled with constipation, rely on supplements to be able to poo, or otherwise struggle with your gut health, then this episode is for you.

  • On the last Tuesday of every month, host Hiwa Alaghebandian answers YOUR questions. This month, we get into lower abdomen distention, strengthening your gut microbiome, inflammation & anxiety, and why some people are more prone to gut issues than others.

    We also get into Hiwa's recent colonic experience, some new things that she's experimenting with, and more.

    WARNING: this show is not for the humorless or easily-offended.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.

    Join the BLUSH ACADEMY, where you get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including the Attachment Styles course & the brand new Nervous System Regulation course, along with the Q&A service, all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to move to secure attachment & have stable, safe, fulfilling relationships. Click here to join.

    To enroll in the NERVOUS SYSTEM COURSE a-la carte:
    Regulate Your Nervous System

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • This week, host Hiwa Alaghebandian addresses 5 different tools & tactics that you can incorporate into your life that will help you look better, feel better, and be able to show up as your best self.

    Best of all: we give clear, actionable, advice that you can immediately start implementing.

    We get into inflammation, bloating, fighting, shame, highs and lows, neurolinguistics, and a shocking amount about birds.

    Trust me-- you do NOT want to miss this one!

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.

    Join the BLUSH ACADEMY, where you get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including the Attachment Styles course & the brand new Nervous System Regulation course, along with the Q&A service, all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to move to secure attachment & have stable, safe, fulfilling relationships. Click here to join.

    To enroll in the NERVOUS SYSTEM COURSE a-la carte:
    Regulate Your Nervous System

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • On the second Tuesday of every month, we analyze Reddit (or listener's) "Am I the A**hole" submissions.

    This month's submissions include overthinking, name calling, worrying, judging, secret dosing, and the effects of the ketogenic diet on gut health & constipation.

    Plus...a fairly unhinged tangent on wild animals, and a very important thought provoking question.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.

    Join the BLUSH ACADEMY, where you get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including the Attachment Styles course & the brand new Nervous System Regulation course, along with the Q&A service, all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to move to secure attachment & have stable, safe, fulfilling relationships. Click here to join.

    To enroll in the NERVOUS SYSTEM COURSE a-la carte:
    Regulate Your Nervous System

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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  • In honor of mental health awareness month, this week we are talking about HAPPINESS. Specifically, we are discussing scientifically proven ways to increase your happiness levels.

    Host Hiwa Alaghebandian lays out these scientifically-proven tools, and explains exactly how to implement them so you can reap the benefits.

    As always, if you enjoy this episode, please make sure you are subscribed to the show to hear more, leave a 5-star review telling us what you liked about it, and please share with your community who you think would benefit from the episode.

    Join the BLUSH ACADEMY, where you get access to every single Blush Academy course & digital product-- including the Attachment Styles course & the brand new Nervous System Regulation course, along with the Q&A service, all for a low monthly fee. This membership has every single tool & resource that you need to move to secure attachment & have stable, safe, fulfilling relationships. Click here to join.

    To enroll in the NERVOUS SYSTEM COURSE a-la carte:
    Regulate Your Nervous System

    If you have any questions you want answered on the podcast, submit them to [email protected] or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. You can also submit anonymously here.

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