The party is lit this week! GOVERNATOR DeSantis is back! SECRET SURPRISE! Talking about sex per usual. Latin - NOMEN EST OMEN- you are your name. Why do you think they came up with “Karen” it’s because they all exude the same persona and the same with Jennifer, Sara or Sarah… Take a moment and laugh at the fact you know someone with YOUR name, and has the same personality. I definitely can laugh when I compare people with the same name! Listen and get in touch for incredible hair care even if you don’t have it!! Toxic Masculinity is THE SEZZY BEZT! Laugh and enjoy this surprise show! Blowmeakkiss@gmail.com
What are your red flags in a relationship? Do you offer forgiveness to the person because you really like them? Non negotiable circumstances that you may have experienced in past relationships, would you be willing to overlook one circumstance because you have more chemistry with that person? Bill Murray quotes, and the best GOVERNATOR - not Arnold Schwarzenegger- but Jason DeSantis gives great input about being a strong, masculine man in todays world of dating; Ladies, hands off! How many of you would love to live separately from your partner? The million dollar question…. Why do older people start sleeping in separate bedrooms? Do daily habits of your significant other drive you nuts? How to you ignore someone honking a nose trumpet? Keep your first dates about embracing the sexy, mysterious side… don’t talk about your kids!!!
Saknas det avsnitt?
But we keep on coming back incessantly. Is it the scent of a man or a woman at makes you fall for them? Do pheromones work? Is sex more mental than physical? How do you fill your bucket to be happy in general, therefore happy in all relationships. Stimulating all the senses!
Blow a kiss with questions! Blowmeakkiss@gmail.com xoxo
We have Mr. DeSantis and LBR (Laurie Beth Robbins) what a perfect combo! The intensity with this duo is thru the roof! We discuss some extremely valid points! Blow Me A Kiss has had a lot of our listeners ask for a man’s opinion, so, you asked and we delivered! Who is more likely to be a cheater in a relationship and what causes us to cheat? Enjoy this episode, it really wets your whistle! And don’t forget to email us with your sultry questions! Blowmeakkiss@gmail.com
Getting in your head can really bang you up - and others as well. This explains how communication is key to a successful relationship that lasts, and how to win the final rose when you don’t see anyone else. Feeding your plant and never forgetting about it. Attention is so important and reminding your lover every single day about how thankful you are of them.
It’s audition in Hollywood. You make the cut in casting and it’s down to a final few, what makes you steal the show? How do we do this in a modern day life, make a lasting impression on someone where they can’t stop thinking about you. You’re running thru their mind literally and figuratively day and night. YES…… keep that mind jogging 24/7 kissers. Imagination is divine. Let’s explore the world together no judging. Pucker up babies.
Fascination with lips. Is there anything more alluring than lips supple and soft and feel like velvet when you kiss them. So many untold pleasures synonymous with style, sex, icons and even scandal. Why do DOMS use dark red lipstick? Regardless if they’re pursed or provocatively parted lips or biting one side of your lip when you gaze into each others eyes. Specifically tells a man you want him. Lips have undeniable visual power and lipstick is just the icing on the cake! There is a fascination with lips and the myriad of ways they’ve been depicted in paintings films and photography and also when you meet somebody like Natalie who always says to females you have a beautiful mouth!!! I’ve never heard her say that to a man! It happens to be the first thing she notices! the first thing I notice is the eyes and the teeth so it is a lot about the mouth in general. If somebody has bad teeth do you think that is an absolute no?
Plus...ear sucking - Ashley got a man to worship her by sucking on his ear! Got questions? Email us - Blowmeakkiss@gmail.com
Why are men so intimidated to approach a beautiful woman? Assuming that she is taken or are they afraid of rejection? Nothing worse than a bruised ego. We answer lots of questions about fetishes and wonder if Donald Trump really invited us to Palm Beach? Why do they say there are plenty of fish in the sea, but it’s really not true. As we get older it becomes so challenging to meet your match because we know what we “think” we want. Lots of things to ponder in this episode! We can’t wait to answer more of your questions, keep the emails coming! Blowmeakkiss@gmail.com
Planes,trains and automobiles! What is it that takes your breath away? Almost a second take on reality. Looking in the mirror with pure honest desire. Let's open up as one and become the best we can be!
What is the difference dating nationalities different to your own? What are your experiences with dating a white girl versus a Latina!? When is it time to solidify a relationship (get the fuck off the dating apps!). Tune in to this episode as we host the one and only, The comedian, MARIZA BRUSSOLO! We talk about how everything is mental (again) and ALTER EGOS! The man whisperer, (Ashley) gives one of her priceless tips! She will be giving one whisper on each podcast, so be sure you listen for it! Email us at blowmeakiss@gmail.com to be whispered to!!
We host Rick Sykes! Chatting and laugh about how sex is so mental. It comes from the brain! KY Jelly as hand sanitizer on a plane? It gets better!
Let's be rookies...or shall we be virgins? Playing games at the dinner table is one thing, into the bedroom is another. We play Fuck, Marry, Kill...who would you want? Juicy, juicy...
From food being foreplay, to spicing up relationships with actions and efforts far easier than we think, Ashley and LBR share their sultry and sassy ideas on finding the flavor and fun in fornication, in this episode, and with a luscious taste and tempt of what you can bring to the table to make your partner come crawling for more. Being that we have all been ghosted, who hasn’t? I’m sure Cindy Crawford hasn’t, but we discuss why and the appropriate way to react to this situation.
There is a spice market opening up and it’s not in Morocco! This spicy episode will bring you into a tantric mentality and have you exploring your partners body in ways that you wouldn’t believe you could do! We prove that manifesting goals and dreams really does work! Sit back and relax and enjoy this show! Squirting may be involved!
Ashley and Natalie dish about some Freaky Fantasies they each have experienced and believe that everyone should unlock the kink in you! Everything happens for a reason (not!) time heals all wounds (really?) blah blah blah, how do you really deal with a break up? Get the kisser secret! We answer a listener email about sex toys and round it out with Natalie sharing a tragic tale about a bad dating app date (hint: a calculator is involved!)
Meow! Natalie confesses her romantic life in past years was restricted by becoming unexpectedly pregnant with a guy she barely knew and raising a child on her own. Now nothing is holding her back, and when things too daring for her they are now met with the question, why not? Everything on the menu, nothing is off limits, bring it on!
How do we like to be kissed? Can being a great kisser score you a partner? If you’re a bad kisser, does that end the relationship, before it even begins? Good kissing skills are the cornerstone of happy relationships. The first kiss could be an end all! Natalie confesses her recent obsession with sex is because she was celibate for 10 years. Plus..Ashley has a break up!
Welcome, Kissers! We pop the cork on this podcast by sharing how we met, our insane experiences, some sexual obsessions, a few wild adventures, and the changes to make to get out of a rut!
A sneak peek at what's ahead on BMAK!