Andrea works as an Educational Kinesiologist, Brain Gym and Movement based learning practitioner and trainer in Johannesburg, South Africa.
You are guaranteed to leave this episode so much wiser when it comes to all things regarding baby and child behaviours! From ADHD to bedwetting, excessive clinginess to falling over all the time, an inability to keep good eye contact with others...Andrea uncovers the Whys to a range of child into adulthood behaviours.
Hint: How Birth unfolds and how we raise our young; be it instinctively or over protectively, has much bigger repercussions on a child's development than we could ever imagine.
Tune into this one for a few jaw dropping revelations!
Andrea's Website: www.innatepotential.co.za
Andrea's E-Mail: andrea@innatepotential.co.za
Katherine Finley from Sovereign Heart Coaching specialises in trauma healing, and joins us today to talk about her and her daughters attachment trauma post their natural birth in hospital, when they were separated for 2.5 hours immediately after birth.
How did they overcome their trauma? Was it worth revisiting? Why is post traumatic growth an opportunity for incredible healing?
Katherine talks to us about how we can align to our Source connection and to our embodied Knowing in the present time after a traumatic event, so that we can trust our moment to moment decisions, whilst honouring the gift of adaptability.
The mind should be service to the heart and the gut (intuition),by integrating its energies into the body.
Tune in to learn about the healing properties of surrender and much more in todays juicy episode!
Katherine's Website: www.sovereignheartcoaching.com
Saknas det avsnitt?
Here's my take on what it feels like to be with child during the Great Awakening, let alone being a mumma to several ankle biters already!
Crazy times like these call for extra digging deep abilities to unearth the treasures that are hiding under the surface of all the doom and gloom.
Shine bright fellow mummas....for we are the glue that holds our communities together, we have the abilities to radiate hope & our attitudes can play a huge role in creating an amazing future World for our babies.
Sending so much love your way....you beautiful diamond Xxx
Yolande from the Free Birthing Society and founder of Bauhauswife, shares her awe-inspiring journey as a naturally birthing mother to 8 babies...yes 8 babies!... and how at the tender age of 19 she discovered free-birthing with her 1st, which left her forever transformed.
Riddled with what the medical profession would have labelled as severe complications requiring a C section, Yolande overcame many "issues" in the lead up & during this first birth, which was instrumental in highlighting how her female body was in fact not flawed, yet extremely trustworthy, capable and frankly magnificent!
Yolande has made it her quest to share the undeniable benefits of this sovereign birthing right of passage with other women who wish to avoid interventions, medications and misogynistic protocols, which predominantly end in trauma for both mother and child due to unnecessary obstetric violence.
To find out more about Yolande's pioneering work, please go to:
IG: bauhauswife
For more info about Blissful Birthing, please visit and join the birthing autonomously movement:
Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/3clq0PIOfficial Website: https://blissfulbirthing.com/Facebook: https://bit.ly/3chrhaWInstagram: https://bit.ly/2Bm9e6aPinterest: https://bit.ly/2TU2zq8 Share this video with your friends who are pregnant.
Join me as Justine Leach from Resilient Birth shares her own first hand experiences with trauma and birth, to gain many helpful insights into how you as a birth giver, birth supporter or even as a survivor of trauma yourself can become empowered and best supported, in order to not have to suffer ever again.
Justine imparts her knowledge and wisdom with such gracious humility & empathy that it will leave you forever transformed for the better.
To find out more about Justine's amazing offerings, please go to:
Marie Tyndall has attended hundreds of natural homebirths in Costa Rica over the past 20 years, helping countless women and babies to have peaceful and safe deliveries in the comfort of their own homes.
Marie is such a well of knowledge & experience, coupled with an unbridled passion for the humanized birthing movement... you won't want to miss this episode if you're interested in natural birth!
Marie's contact information:
In today's episode I'm sharing why I find natural childbirth so utterly awe inspiring. Sound crazy? Yeh, I totally get it! If you had told me 12 years ago that THESE words would be coming out of MY mouth, I would have choked on my white wine (aaah those were the days) in both bewilderment and horror for sure!!
So please, hear me out and humour me for just 20 short minutes...you never know, it might even change your life Xx
Hey Beautiful Mumma!
Join me recalling my fond memories of Jesse being born into our spanish home, a mere 6 years ago. Jesse's birth is strictly speaking the only real, official home birth we've experienced...out of 5 babies!
His birth was when I truly unearthed and unleashed my inner birthing goddess. This time around I was a more veteran birther so to speak, and so I approached this one with so much more wisdom, gleaned from his 2 older brothers previous births.
I knew how very integral my birthing environment was both inside and outside of me, exactly how I needed my support crew to show up and was fully aware of how I could best help myself, through this awe inspiring transition of bringing a life earth side, in the most peaceful & loving way.
I hope you can gain some helpful insights from this raw & intimate episode, so that you don't have to wait until your 3rd time lucky to feel like you've mastered natural birth.
Love as always,
Chrissi Xxx
Vee, a pediatric nurse, is a mumma to 3 little ankle biters and due with her fourth in only 2 months time.
So far she has had 3 entirely different birth scenarios unfold and she patiently talks us through why she thinks they evolved into being the way they did. These truly fascinating realisations are pure gold, as we all stand to benefit from learning about what is likely to unfold during birth, in given situations and scenarios.
Vee also explains why giving birth naturally in a hospital is her safe space, which again makes for really interesting listening for those of you who feel the same way, as her tips on staying empowered within this dynamic are invaluable.
Feel free to reach out to Vee if you have any questions...she's happy to help you in any way that she can!
Instagram: vivian_esculpi
Zephyr is a gorgeous mumma to 2 beautiful babies and has recently qualified as a Hypnobirthing practitioner.
Her passion to help her fellow sisters as they transition into becoming birthing mummas is palpable. Zephyr is an absolute shining guiding light for those of you who really want to own your birth experience in a calm & peaceful way.
Hypnobirthing is not just extremely useful for those of us who birth naturally, as it is indeed wonderful for all kinds of birthing scenarios and can even be extended to use in our everyday life challenges.
I regularly use the concepts I learned from hypnobirthing 11 years ago, so genuinely encourage you to have a listen to this incredible episode to see what all the fuss is about!
Zephyr has various offerings available, based on your individual needs, which can be evaluated in a free 15 min consultation.
Feel free to reach out to her via:
HypnoBirthing Program: Private or Group, In person or Online
Victoria shares how she contracted COVID19 towards the end of her pregnancy with baby number 4, and how after having negotiated the various landmines associated with that reality, she was able to make a dream free-birth become a reality in her Scottish home, albeit all the odds having been stacked against her. This is such a story of inspiration, determination, grit & courage...that any woman feeling nervous about giving birth in these turmoiltois times needs to tune into, if she wants to learn more about how to really advocate for herself and for the lives of her children.
Ivana Daniell reveals how we each have our very own unique Body ID and how we can keep it youthful, healthy, fit and posture confident via an intelligent movement therapy tailor made to just ourself! I absolutely HAD to share this treasure trove of info with mummies to be as so many of us suffer throughout pregnancy with various aches, pains and ailments that could be eased or avoided entirely through this progressive work. Post pregnancy we also need as much TLC as possible, as we spend the vast majority of our time & energy tending to the needs of our beloved newborn, rather than honouring our body as the temple that conceived, grew and birthed our little miracle. Subscribing to generic online classes or Youtube fitness videos could actually do a lot more harm than good. After an in depth 90 minute online consultation Ivana will design a daily 15 minute program bespoke for your unique body every week.
Ivana is in her 60's going on 30....she is absolutely radiant & so youthful...I have been utterly inspired by her and for the first time ever actually feel hopeful about my years ahead being forever young! To be continued after my private consultation ;-) !!
Ivana's Contact Deets:
Book: A manual for a contemporary body
Podcast: A manual for a contemporary body
Me free-styling on how we sometimes need to be out of our comfort zones to become strong & achieve great feats of nature; inspired by baring witness to our amazing Olive Ridley sea turtles coming to lay their eggs at our local Costa Rican beach.
Nature is incredible & as we are part of nature, so are we!
Melanie Wells Alvarado speaks to us about her wonderfully healthy & magical advanced maternal age/geriatric pregnancy when she was 42 years of age.
How she adored being pregnant so much that she wanted to be pregnant forever and how she had wanted & planned for a natural, home, water birth only.
The emotional trauma of having had an unplanned C section is still palpable to this day...13 years later. Melanie shares with us why she still feels saddened at not having had the opportunity to birth her son vaginally, & we explore together as to why on an energetic level her baby may have been "stuck".
We discuss various methods Melanie could embrace to heal her emotional trauma, in the hope that her experience can help other mummas, who may be suffering from the same feelings of guilt, anger etc.
A very important listen to if you want to understand the intrinsic connections to your physical birthing abilities via unveiling & revealing any emotional blockers.
A special thank you to Melanie for being courageous enough to be so raw & real with Blissful Birthings audience today x
Katya Bugratsevich, a teacher of ecstatic yoga, energy & free dance movement practices is a mother to 2 young children, who speaks out to us today about her controversial recent ecstatic birth and how we as women all have the innate power, ability & right to experience the same!
Katya believes that "The orgasm of life is what we came here for". To quote the famous scene out of the movie "When Harry met Sally"...I want some of what she's drinking right ladies?!?
Katya believes, lives & breathes the notion that sexuality reveals our creative energies, lays bare our limitless possibilities and extends our divine feminine natures. The wild woman within each & every one of us exposes our true essence.
Katya explains how we can experience both physical & energetic orgasms by transforming the discomfort of childbirth into feelings of intense pleasure...the pleasure/pain veil is so very thin afterall!
I know this may all sound totally Woo-woo for those of you who haven't experienced an ecstatic birth yet...I used to feel the same way.
Until it happened to me ;-)
--Website fo Russian midwife, Nataliya, who inspired Katja's water births: nash-aist.ru
--Recommended Books to cultivate Tao sexual energies:
--Follow Katja on her Instagram page: My Dance of Life & Energy
Ron Slavick, father of 3, married & still deeply in love with his sweetheart of nearly 20 years, bravely joins us on todays eye opening & eye watering episode to share his 5 year struggle & heartbreaking story post a standard, 20 minute, day case vasectomy.
At 35 years of age, Ron was a type A personality doing extreme sports & winning at life in all possible areas; from achieving business successes, living in a dream home with his perfect wife and beloved kids, enjoying a great social life, travelling the world etc.
The drastic transformational downturn his lifestyle spiralled into after his vasectomy is truly shocking and took him no less than 5 years to figure out, thanks to his unwavering detective work.
Every couple considering having a vasectomy, take heed, & to tune into Ron's story as it is truly jaw dropping what the detrimental ramifications of such a supposedly innocent, run of the mill procedure has on a mans physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing.
From being a prime causer of prostate cancer within a 20 year period, to 1 out of 10 men experiencing permanent prostate pain, the risks associated with a vasectomy also include diminished sexual pleasure, being far more prone to developing an autoimmune disease, early onset of dementia, depression, insomnia and even suicidal thoughts.
The consequences of this procedure can negatively impact not just the quality of your mans life, but can ripple out & affect your relationship as a couple, as well as your family as a whole adversely.
Don't take this decision lightly. Research, ask questions and listen to men like Ron who have been there and have now made it their mission in life to prevent you from repeating the same trauma they experienced through pure ignorance and naivety.
"Knowledge is power" has never been a more apt saying.
Ron's contact deets:
Yati has dedicated the past 2 years of his life to the Wim Hof practice and opens his Costa Rican home (and zoom) for workshops to those who wish to experience the huge physical, mental and spiritual benefits this amazing breathing technique has to offer.
As I have experienced first hand, (5 x), how very powerful breathwork irrefutably is when navigating the intense sensations of labour, and how it can even fortify our stamina (my 2nd birth lasted 44 hrs), it was a no brainer to me that we need to do a deep dive into what Yati has to offer mothers to be!
In this episode we talk about many fascinating things; from what conditions Wim Hof breathing can help people with, how it helped Yati himself survive a near death experience in India, how the immune system becomes super robust (particularly important in these stressful times), and we even do a couple of rounds of conscious, circular breathing for pregnant mummas and for post partum mothers (to speed up healing, balance hormones, avoid post natal depression/anxiety)...which are techniques you can use daily. And obviously we also discuss the best type of breathing to employ during labour also!
So tune in my darling...this is one you are not going to want to miss!
Yati's Contact Deets: surfingmeditation@gmail.com
Guided Breathing for Beginners, 3 rounds: https://youtu.be/0BNejY1e9ik
Can I still practice Wim Hof whilst I'm pregnant?
After speaking to a friend of mine this weekend about the 2 C-sections she'd had, but never dreamed of having before she had her first, I felt compelled to speak out about why babies get stuck 99% of the time.
It breaks my heart that birthing mothers & their babies are so often put into compromising, traumatic and sometimes even life threatening situations because of totally unnecessary interventions. Too often, birthing mothers, are manipulated and coerced into giving permission to invasive procedures, under the guise of it being best for their baby....but they are rarely given the full picture of what the likely & highly predictable adverse side effects could be.
If you don't want to become another traumatised victim to protocols, another "unfortunate" emergency statistic....if you don't want to be cheated of experiencing the miraculousness of your birthing body, then tune in to todays episode to learn more.
Today we have a special treat in the form of my husband, Bradley, joining me on the show as I ask him what witnessing our 5 babies births over a 10 year time span, in 3 different countries, was really like for him.
This episode is a must listen to for the dads-to-be out there who just want honest, unedited, spontaneous, no BS answers to questions they may not even know they have! And of course it's always a good idea for you mummas-to-be to understand what your man may potentially be going through & feeling in the lead up to birth, during birth, and post birth periods--as we may have a tendency to think this whole birth thang is mostly just impacting us!
Birth can be even more beautiful if your partner is able to be with you both in a nurturing, loving capacity.
All 3 of us (mum, dad and bambino) each have our very important roles to play during birth, the power of which should never be underestimated or taken for granted.
Oxytocin, often called the Love Hormone, makes us all feel calm, connected and even promotes healing, but it's actually extremely shy and sensitive. In todays episode I explain why & how we, as birthing mothers, need to fervently protect & encourage our oxytocin levels during labour, birth and even post-partum if we want to experience natural birth & early motherhood as seemless & blissful, as well as physically safe.
For the more prude amongst you be warned...the ability for us lady's s to climax and have an orgasm is also touched upon, as it's a great analogy for how a natural, physiological birth works...oxytocin massively helps to conceive our babies and is essential in bringing them earthside too!!
Happy listening Xx
- Visa fler