In the past 10 to 15 years liberals have claimed that the political parties of today switched after the Civil War. This podcast will discuss historical facts that will put that theory to rest.
Many are confused as to the history of both political parties, there is a lot of propaganda coming from both sides... Let's clear that up, shall we?
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Is historical revisionism bad? Well, when you switch the historical figure's race or gender, then it is historically wrong.
Discuss the history of how America treated women when they wanted to have a higher education, hell, any education at that.
Learn of two women I write in my book who broke the chains of social constraints. These women disguised themselves as men and fought on the battlefields in the American Revolutionary War period yeah that's right women were fighting too.
The story of Africans being enslaved in America is a familiar one, comprehensively covered by scholars. Comparatively neglected is the plight of the Irish & Scots, who were the chief source of slave labor for the British American colonies for more than 179 years.
Gen Xers were latchkey kids, returning from school to an empty home while their parents were still away at work. And we still had time to invent some awesome stuff.
over 758k companies in the U.S. took Payscale’s online salary survey, and I discussed the results. Is there a gap? Or do the policymakers want you to believe there are?
At first, these programs targeted white men who were “mentally deficient,” diseased, or otherwise disabled, but by the 1920s, the practice had expanded to impact as many women of color.
https://amzn.to/3Sn1Yf7 A complete history of attacks on Capitol Hill...not what the media wants you to know.
https://rb.gy/fg607rThe UK government was dragging its feet in prosecuting Nazis. So, revenge it is...says the Jewish survivors!
https://www.digistore24.com/redir/418457/Juanita74/From the end of WW1 to 1948, the FBI consolidated an ABC list of enemies, which were American citizens and new immigrants.
https://www.digistore24.com/redir/503561/Juanita74/Let us talk about what MLK did and does the U.S. still honor him?
https://www.digistore24.com/redir/292043/Juanita74/ Learn the history of how the pill came about...you will be surprised.
https://rb.gy/nur0k6For 100 years. The ERA has been ignored. Why, you ask? Because nothing in the constitution states that women or gender is protected. Yes, some laws were passed to protect those two categories. But laws can always be overwritten.
https://rb.gy/fg607r Less than 10% of United States history taught in schools is about women. • women aren’t missing from our textbooks and public memory because there aren’t rich sources for studying them or because earlier generations wholly ignored women’s history. I plan on fixing it with this podcast and my first publication (link above).
This podcast discusses statistics relating to women being left out of history.
Juanita examines the dangers of excluding women from historical literature.
Women are excluded from history because men think that all they do is domestic duties and nothing worth writing about, which they are 100% incorrect in that assumption.
Let's put women back into the historicalthe narrative shall we.
Bleeping History You Should Know, where we discuss historical events in America. Facts will not be sugarcoated. You will learn what schools left out of your history assignments. History is one thing that never changes. We must learn from the past, so we never repeat it.