
  • Very significant that this is our 19th episode.

    Throughout this episode, we discuss the importance of a made up mind. However, when listening to the both of them, it's evident that they desire and are striving to compliment Allah (God), Who appeared to us in The Person of Master Fard Muhammad. With the goal of reflecting Allah (God), they also compliment one another. Watch this episode and see a beautiful example of a couple being on the same wavelength.

    Book Reflection: We discuss breaking self-defeating patterns and being self-made victims.

    Courting Allah (God): Doing for self (creating jobs for ourselves and getting our children out of public schools), plus celebrating Sister Yaterah X being retired and free from working for someone else for a year.

    Maintaining Peace: Maintaining Peace in Marriage

    Cā€™mon Let's Talk About It: What is Fard Money Network and what it's like partnering in business while being on the journey of marriage with children.

    šŸ“–Episode References

    Naturally Beautiful: https://www.amazon.com/Naturally-Beautiful-Ava-Muhammad/dp/1502302454/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=naturally+beautiful&qid=1599621761&sr=8-2

    About The Fard Money Network Team

    Sister Yaterah X is a wife, mother, dedicated MGT, and First Lady of Fard Money Network.

    Brother Supreme X is a father, the CEO of Fard Money Network, and the #1 Top Paper Pusher in the 7th Region.

    Together they are dedicated Muslims in The Nation of Islam, mission-minded to the heart and core. Through their business, Fard Money Network they are lifting two of the sciences that we were stripped from and that the enemy still tries to keep out of reachā€”the science of Business and the science of Warfare.

    About Fard Money Network

    Fard Money Network enlightens the masses about The Science of Money, Business, and Warfare in a Mathematical, Scientific, & Systematic way that everyone can understand. We provide a System that Builds Wealth & Leverage for the (average person) through Network & Affiliate Marketing. We're introducing to the World (The Future of Money), which is Gold in Currency Form Physical & Digital. Fard Money Is A Brand & Network For The People. *DISCLAIMER: We are not "financial advisers." We are Real Wealth Builders!

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FARDMONEY/

    About Black Tea

    We are two black women practicing femininity, striving to be spiritual, and living in our truth. Self-reflect with Sister Faith X, Sister Destiny Muhammad, and guests on Wednesday's, while we discuss personal journeys with Allah (God) in five segments (Book Reflection, Courting Allah {God}, Maintaining Peace, C'mon, and Self Care).

    Connect with Black Tea.

    Podcast: https://wavve.link/weareblacktea

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weareblacktea/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareblacktea/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoLOZgXALA71F_AQrytntw

  • We discuss why it is important to continue to have your own dreams, goals, and desires as women, especially as married women. We share our opinions on why and how it is easy to ā€œloseā€ apart of ourselves when entering new chapters of our lives. To balance out the many roles we have as women, we must maintain our sense of individuality.

    šŸ“–Episode References

    Naturally Beautiful: https://www.amazon.com/Naturally-Beautiful-Ava-Muhammad/dp/1502302454/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=naturally+beautiful&qid=1599621761&sr=8-2

    About Black Tea

    We are two black women practicing femininity, striving to be spiritual, and living in our truth.

    Connect with Black Tea.

    Podcast: https://wavve.link/weareblacktea

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weareblacktea/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareblacktea/

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  • Sister Tariqah Muhammad joins Black Tea for a timely and much needed perception on adaptability relating to Allah (God) and our relationship with Him. She also sheds light on humility, letting go, and building a personal relationship with Allah (God). Sister Tariqah Shakir-Muhammad brought her own light savory sip on this episode of Black Tea. Give us your feedback and prayerfully this episode is as timely for you as it was for us.

    About Sister Tariqah Muhammad

    Sister Tariqah Shakir-Muhamamd is a Staff Writer & Contributing Writer for The Final Call Newspaper, Black Girl Nerds and Joshuas Truth, plus a Visual Storyteller for Piercing Star Art. Connect with her on Instagram @piercingstar19.

    About Black Tea

    We are three black women practicing femininity, striving to be spiritual, and living in our truth.

    Connect with Black Tea.

    Podcast: https://wavve.link/weareblacktea

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weareblacktea/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareblacktea/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoLOZgXALA71F_AQrytntw

  • Sister Mecca Muhammad, also known by her stage name, Hecava Mecca (Rapper, Singer, Songwriter) joins us and sheds light on living out her purpose. As a full-time wife, mother, and an artist, she made time to give us a bit of her mind. She answers questions relating to the role of a woman, her assignment given from Allah (God), what it looks like to maintain peace and more.

    šŸ“–Episode References

    Naturally Beautiful (book): https://www.amazon.com/Naturally-Beautiful-Ava-Muhammad/dp/1502302454/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=naturally+beautiful&qid=1599621761&sr=8-2

    Young God (video): https://youtu.be/9_sgguI7BC8

    About Black Tea

    We are three black women practicing femininity, striving to be spiritual, and living in our truth.

    Connect with Black Tea.

    Podcast: https://wavve.link/weareblacktea

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weareblacktea/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareblacktea/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoLOZgXALA71F_AQrytntw

    About Hecava Mecca, Sister Mecca Muhammad

    Sister Mecca Muhammad better known as Hecava Mecca is a female rapper, singer, songwriter. The twenty-six year old is a conscious artist from Akron, Ohio. Her goal is to help in the resurrection of her people with The Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

    Connect with Hecava Mecca, Sister Mecca Muhammad

    Website: www.hecavamecca.com

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/hecava_mecca22

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD8aAoYSEiBRw5d_P8JspUQ

  • We had the pleasure of having our bright spirited Sister AnNura Muhammad as a guest. She reminds us that age does not limit possibilities, your ability to have security in Allah (God) comes from experience and the will to believe in Him no matter what. ā€œSometimes I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing, but I keep going!ā€ Give us your feedback and gain insight by listening to one of our most light and genuine episodes.

    Let us know what you think in the comments or send a voice note to (478) 521-9034.


    Courting Allah (God): 10:30
    Maintaining Peace: 20:23
    C'Mon Sis: 23:25
    Self Care: 26:29

    šŸ“–Episode References

    Mastery of Self: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1938289692/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_api_glc_fabc_2lp4Fb97KA1WR

    About Black Tea

    We are two Muslim Girls in Training practicing femininity, striving to be spiritual, and living in our truth.

    Connect with Black Tea

    Podcast: https://wavve.link/weareblacktea

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weareblacktea/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareblacktea/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoLOZgXALA71F_AQrytntw

    Connect with Sister AnNura Muhammad

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lunaralnura/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LunarAlnura1

  • Consistency, adjustments, fine tuning; how do we manage to stay in tune with Allah (God) while making these changes? How do we know if we are in tune with Allah (God) without these changes? Because of our daily lives it is possible to lose sense of awareness that we are not in tune with The God. It is important that we know when to be silent in order to tune up our relationship, desire, and will to be in accordance with Allah (God) and what He desires for our lives.

    šŸ“–Episode References

    Naturally Beautiful: https://www.amazon.com/Naturally-Beautiful-Ava-Muhammad/dp/1502302454/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=naturally+beautiful&qid=1599621761&sr=8-2 Mastery of Self: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1938289692/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_api_glc_fabc_2lp4Fb97KA1WR The Mind of an Entrepreneur: Mental Strategies for Navigating the World of Business: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1722123575/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_api_glc_fabc_Nnt5FbVV7EZTD

    About Black Tea 

    We are three black women practicing femininity, striving to be spiritual, and living in our truth.

    Connect with Black Tea.

    Podcast: https://wavve.link/weareblacktea

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weareblacktea/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareblacktea/

  • What is accountability?

    Accountability; an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions

    Are you willing, ready, and able to reflect on yourself, and hold yourself accountable for your actions? Or for your desire to change? Have you figured out your why? What drives you to want to change and is your why strong enough to actually keep the ambition to change? 

    Join us for this episode of Black Tea. Take notes (not necessarily on what we're saying, but on your personal development reflections), engage in self-analysis, be honest, and grow. 

    Episode References

    Tao Te Ching by Wayne Dyer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBp0cMt7WAU
    Mastery of Self: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1938289692/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_api_glc_fabc_2lp4Fb97KA1WR
    Naturally Beautiful: https://www.amazon.com/Naturally-Beautiful-Ava-Muhammad/dp/1502302454/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=naturally+beautiful&qid=1599621761&sr=8-2
    This One INVISIBLE FORCE is in CONTROL of OUR LIVES! | Wayne Dyer MOTIVATION: https://youtu.be/CjOvWYcpRaU
  • Book Reflections: Normally when we hear "Mary", we think of Mary, Jesusā€™ mother. In Naturally Beautiful, Sister Dr.Ava Muhammad asks, "Is Mary Magdalene the prototype of the Black Woman in America?"

    Courting Allah & Maintaining Peace: We pose two questions in reflection of episode 11 with  Sister Judith Muhammad. 1) Why didnā€™t the parents want their children to hear what the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad had to say? 2) How do you court Allah (God) being focused on the clean garment (new start) Allah has given us rather than your past?

    C'Mon Sis: What does it mean for you to be full in your life? Are you full? What does it look like? Can you be full in different areas and not so much in others? We revisit a comment that was mentioned from episode 1 and see how we view it today.

    Self Care: Taking everything into consideration, have we gotten to a point of knowing ā€œWho I Am?ā€ Do you believe that who you are remains the same or you are constantly evolving? If itā€™s the latter, are we truly able to say with certainty who we are and apply it to life or apply it to that level of where we are in that specific time in our lives?

    Do you make excuses? We close with Al-Qiyamah: The Resurrection, specifically the first section from The Holy Quran.

    After Recording Notes

    "Mary is a prototype of Black people. You are really the woman here that is going to give birth to a child. You are the people that are to give birth to the Messiah. You donā€™t know it, but you are the people that are going to do that." -The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Lecture: A Saviour Is Born for the Black Man and Woman of America After reading Surah 75, read Ezekiel (in The Bible) to identify correlations.

    Connect with Black Tea.

    Podcast: https://wavve.link/weareblacktea

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weareblacktea/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareblacktea/

  • On this episode of Black Tea, our beautiful Sister Judith Muhammad gives us insight into The Nation as a pioneer.

    Sister Judith first heard The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad speak when she was 9 years old. Her hearing him was definitely by Allahā€™s divine plan. When Allah wants you, He wants you. When you are called, you must answer. 

    Over time, Sister Judith encountered what others may consider odd situations. Being blessed to understand numerology, Sister Judith shares a mathematical equation, utilizing history in The Nation of Islam. As The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches, listen to what she says and not how she says it.

    We appreciate her for taking time to join us and give us as much history as she did. We are grateful for our pioneers in The Nation and these history lessons are immeasurable.

    May you enjoy your light savory sip.

    Connect with Black Tea 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareblacktea/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weareblacktea/

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZklwVIbBEsw

    Podcast: https://wavve.link/weareblacktea

  • Naturally Beautiful: Everything in our lives is a reflection of what we think. Dr. Ava Muhammad says ā€œWe know that every seed that is sown in the ground takes root there and produces after its own kind in obedience to divine law.ā€ With this being said, we know that our actions are a physical manifestation of what we think. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad says ā€œThere is nothing on the outside that does not come from within.ā€ Dorothy Hulst says in her feminine version of  As A Woman Thinketh ā€œCircumstances do not make the woman they make manifest what she is.ā€ Another indication that our circumstances are manifestations of what we have been thinking. Still not convinced? Have you ever been fearful of something? So fearful that the very thing you were fearful of ended up happening in some way? Our thoughts have power that we tend to overlook. Once we take control of what and how we think, we will have better control over the circumstances we allow ourselves to be in. Thereā€™s power in direct, positive thought!

    Courting Allah: Aside from prayer, what other way is there for us to get close to Allah (God) and hear him? Fasting. Fasting is a purification process. When fasting, we should be paying attention to what Allah (God) is revealing to us about ourselves and Him. If you havenā€™t tried it, ask yourself in the midst of your fast, what am I learning about myself and what is Allah revealing to me about Himself in the midst of my fast? If we desire to be better individuals, we MUST fast as much as we can in order to have self-discipline, self-control, and ultimately self-preservation.

    Maintaining Peace: When Allah answers our prayer even if we donā€™t receive the answer that we were hoping for, are we able to find peace in the answer? We should. Allah wants the BEST for us. Better than we want for ourselves. Therefore, when we answers our prayers and the answer is what we wanted, thatā€™s a blessing. We should always be thankful to Allah for answering our prayers. Regardless of the answer, when the prayer is answered that alone should give us peace in knowing that Allah (God) is listening, and still thinking enough of us to answer us.

    Cā€™mon Sis: We all have our own sense of power. Although it may look different for each of us, we have power. So, what does it look like when we give our power away to someone else? How do we feel? How do we then begin to look, to ourselves? When we are not comfortable with who we are, when we begin to live in the perception of others instead of being true to who we are individually, we give our power to the person or people whose eyes we desire to live out of. We lose a sense of living and being alive. We begin to exist. This life is meant to be lived, explored, for us to evolve and be true to who we are. Not to be true to what or who other people THINK we are.

    Self Care: Last week, we discussed having the power to fix our impediments. This week, we reflect on what those impediments are and how we are working to fix them. Most of all, we have what it takes, with the teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad to take care of ourselves, properly.

    Episode References

    Intermittent Fasting | Eating One Meal A Day While Pregnant with Sister Neema: https://youtu.be/P4PbrFGnGNc

    Connect with Black Tea

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareblacktea/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weareblacktea/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoLOZgXALA71F_AQrytntw Podcast: https://wavve.link/weareblacktea
  • Book Reflection: ā€œWhen we are unhappy with ourselves, we feel threatened by every female that walks by.ā€ -Sister Dr. Ava Muhammad, Naturally Beautiful

    Are you envious? Have you ever been envious? Do you base your self-image on comparisons of yourself to other people? These are questions that we must be honest when answering with ourselves. In order to overcome feelings of inferiority, we have to view ourselves correctly. When Allah created you, me, us he made no errors. It is through our own misperception of self that we feel feelings of envy, inferiority, and even superiority. When we feel that someone owes us something, we can even go to the extent of harming someone else for what we feel belongs to us. Putting the pervious sentence in its proper context, if our spouse decides to step out, our anger and immaturely directed toward the woman. Yes be hurt, but know that Allah has something better for you and donā€™t mellow in your own pity.

    Courting Allah: As a woman, what does our relationship with Allah (God) look like? Our relationship with Allah as individuals is personal, however, our relationship as women with Allah is different, collectively. Focus on your relationship, develop a relationship with Him and understand how He views you as HIS woman/girl. We do not belong to man, we belong to Allah (God). What does it mean, personally, to accept your own and be yourself? If you donā€™t know what that looks like, think over it. Write it down. We are all on this journey called life. Our journeys look different. Without interference, opinions, or criticism, figure out what that means to you and how it looks for you. Lastly,  what is your signature and what are you creating? What will or can stand in place of you to represent you? Dr. Ava Muhammad says in Naturally Beautiful ā€œOur signature is our creativity.ā€ Although the question posed may seem simple but if we are not and have not come into our talents or that ONE thing that makes us different from everyone else, it will be a tough question to answer.

    Maintaining Peace: How does it bring you peace when a Brother is speaking on The Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad? Does a brotherā€™s view or perception of The Teaching of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad bring you peace? If not, have you considered why or asked yourself if youā€™re able to receive a manā€™s perspective? Considering that our natures make us think totally different, our perceptions should bring us some sort of ease when we are striving to live in accord with these teachings.

    Cā€™mon Sis: Are you living in present time? As difficult as it is, we must always be honest with ourselves. Failing to do so, will have us stuck in a mental time warp. Lasting for months if we continue to deny the reality of our lives and lie to ourselves. As black people we tend to put on this facade that weā€™re ok and everything is fine. When in reality we are suffering. Then, it isnā€™t until a problem becomes too big that we are forced to really deal with the lie that we have been telling ourselves. Honesty is indispensable.

    Self-Care: As scientists of this world, we have the ability to ā€œfixā€ our impediments. Now, we are not condoning surgery or some microwavable quick fix. However, we do believe getting down to the root of the issue or whatever dissatisfaction you have with yourself and doing what needs to be done to properly fix it. Thereā€™s no need to complain about something we can fix. And, if itā€™s something that we cannot fix, we need to fix our view of that thing that cannot be changed.

  • This episode is unlike any other. We see ourselves as three transparent women, but in this episode you will seem some of the pain that is brewing inside and how we're striving to work through it. We contemplated on sharing this recording, but we we still think the conversation is just as powerful. It's different than any other episode, we met one another where we currently are, as sisters should.

    Naturally Beautiful: We discuss the power of thought and the power of prayer.
    Courting Allah (God): We pose the question of what is the significance of having a National Spokesperson.
    Maintaining Peace: We reflect on Sister Ava Muhammad's closing remarks during Study Group on Friday, October 16, 2020, "We would have never received The Criterion if The Minister wasn't going through an emotional episode... Otherwise emotional distress."
    Cā€™mon Sis & Self-Care: Simply put, we need to take care of ourselves.

    Episode References

    Naturally Beautiful by Sister Dr. Ava Muhammad: https://www.amazon.com/Naturally-Beautiful-Ava-Muhammad/dp/1502302454/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=naturally+beautiful&qid=1599621761&sr=8-2
  • Naturally Beautiful: Last week we discussed how to create your own essence. This week we go deeper into what your essence is. We individually have our own essence and purpose for why we are here on earth reflecting Allahā€™s attributes. Do you know what your essence is? Courting Allah (God): ā€œYou have to be willing to court the law of Allah.ā€ -Brother Rasul Muhammad Maintaining Peace: We reflect on one of the jewels, Sister Victoria X gave us last weekā€”service yourself first! Serving you first brings the greatest peace. Are you serving yourself first to create the peace you need for yourself? Cā€™mon Sis: Expand your feminine energy this week. Self-Care: How have you been lacking in the area of caring for self? Do something that properly serves you this week.

    After Show Notes

    ā€œWe are saying the word unity, but in our mind, we are thinking uniformity. And unity is what God wants us to have. Uniformity will never take place. It will never be a time that everyone looks the same, acts the same, and does everything at the same timeā€¦That is not biologically, mathematically, nor humanly possible. Each individual is unique. Unity means we do different things at a different place, at a different time, but for one common cause.ā€ -Brother. Nuri Muhammad, NNV Symposium on The Criterion: https://youtu.be/BA_14jccSTo

    Episode References

    Naturally Beautiful by Sister Dr. Ava Muhammad: https://www.amazon.com/Naturally-Beautiful-Ava-Muhammad/dp/1502302454/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=naturally+beautiful&qid=1599621761&sr=8-2 The First Law: Worship No God But Allah lecture by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: https://youtu.be/00mIMJ80vGA
  • On this episode we have a beautiful guest, Sister Victoria X, who partakes in each of our 5 segments. Sister Victoria X is a Work From Home Transition Coach who helps wives and moms increase their peace, profits, and posture. Listen as each of us bounce positive energy and relative thoughts off of each other.

    This week in each segment:

    Naturally Beautiful: We delve deeper into what it means to create our own essence, as well as reversing the decaying process. How do we reverse the decaying process?

    Courting Allah: Have you ever been wooed? What does it look like? How does it feel? The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was wooed by Master Fard Muhammad. Each of us explain how weā€™re being wooed, IF we are actually being wooed. The depth of this question is so intense that we get a bit caught up on answering it. Itā€™s such a profound question that each of us agreed, despite our answers, to ponder on it a little more.

    Maintaining Peace: Thereā€™s a great since of responsibility in knowing who The Christ is. However, it provides us with a sort of comfort in knowing that we follow The Christ, but does that same comfort provide us with peace?

    Cā€™mon Sis: Muslim women are easily associated with how we dress. But as Muslim women, do we know why we chose to cover? Have we personalized our coverings? Our coverings are our protection, but what else do they mean to each of us individually?

    Self Care: We have the ability to reverse the decaying process. Whatever we dislike or desire to enhance we have the means to do so. We must elevate ourselves mentally and become scientists to enhance the things about ourselves that we wish to enhance.

    Connect with Sister Victoria X

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SisterVictoriaX/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sistervictoriax/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFntSON7pmSe4Q4PGU9zoIg

    Watch more interVIEWS with Sister Victoria X.

    Transitioning from staying at home to working at home as a mom and wife on the Brother Ben X Network: https://youtu.be/BgMnqik3J40

    Conversations of Greatness with The JusB Show: https://youtu.be/T7WbgIwoeb0

    Why Join The Nation of Islam Documentary Series Part #273: https://youtu.be/pkYsiEDn1PQ

    Podcast References

    Naturally Beautiful by Sister Dr. Ava Muhammad: https://www.amazon.com/Naturally-Beautiful-Ava-Muhammad/dp/1502302454/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=naturally+beautiful&qid=1599621761&sr=8-2

    Holy Qurā€™an Surahs: 113 & 114

    ā€˜Strong Families: The Foundation Of A Great Nationā€™ (on the subject of Master Fard Muhammad wooing The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad): https://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/Minister_Louis_Farrakhan_9/article_103825.shtml

    Let This Mind Be In You by Brother Nuri Muhammad: https://www.nurimuhammad.com/

  • Our primary goal as women is to be beautiful.

    Who is the most beautiful woman in the world? In Naturally Beautiful, Sister Ava Muhammad says, "The female who was once sold as a slave on the auction block in North America is now the most beautiful woman in the world."Listen to find out how and why.

    We continue discussing the life of Sister Sharrieffah Muhammad and how arts and culture helps us to accept our own and be ourselves.

    How deep does our emotion effect what we say and do? We are responsible for our duty regardless to what we feel. Sister Sharrieffah was a woman of integrity. Regardless to how she felt, she instilled love into her children for their father. It is our duty to make sure our husbands are lifted up in the eyes of our children, especially when he is providing for the family. Do we have the strength to keep that going?

    As we close with maintaining peace, we speak on valuing our bodies. For self care, we discuss pujaā€”embracing our own bodies.

    Send us your feedback and thoughts at (478) 521-9034.

    Our current segments & timestamps:
    -Book Reflections (Naturally Beautiful) 0:39
    -Courting Allah (God) 13:43
    -Maintaining Peace 40:45
    -C'mon Sis 51:33
    -Self Care 59:08

    Episode References

    Naturally Beautiful by Sister Dr. Ava Muhammad:
    What is the Greatest Evil on this Planet? (on being happy & in peace)
    Self Improvement is The Basis for Community Development
    Overcoming An Angry Vagina by Queen Afua

    About Black Tea
    We are three black women practicing femininity, striving to be spiritual, and living in our truth.

    Connect with Black Tea.
    Podcast: https://wavve.link/weareblacktea
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weareblacktea/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareblacktea/

  • The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches, ā€œA mother by nature loves and admires her son because by nature she was made to honor and worship man.ā€

    How does that look to us, individually? Can we recognize this in our lives with our sons and/or how we interact with our spouses?

    We continue lifting the life of Sister Sharrieffah Muhammad (The Nation of Islam's Student Emeritus National Vanguard Captain) and speak on the ability to demand excellence from everyone we come across and the power of a woman speaking gently (without yelling).

    Will we stop the madness? As women we have to educate ourselves to the point where we no longer blindly contribute to our demise in this world and derailing humanityā€™s journey to become one with God. Our bodies, our minds our being here is sacred and we must always hold ourselves personally to that regard.


    Episode References

    Naturally Beautiful by Sister Dr. Ava Muhammad Let This Mind Be In You by Brother Nuri Muhammad Overcoming An Angry Vagina by Queen Afua
  • As women, we have an obligation to be studious and must be desirous of growth. On this episode, we discuss how being deprived of love shapes our perception as mothers, people and women. Why it is important to court Allah (God) and get to know ourselves in order to know Allah (God). How to maintain peace and what self care is and how it looks to us individually.

    Episode References 

    Naturally Beautiful Message To The Blackman The Mind of God lecture by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Overcoming An Angry Vagina