The Phasing Line Podcast is brought to you by Marty Sullaway KC1CWF, and Sterling Coffey, N0SSC, whose combined age is still less than that of the average ham radio operator. We hope to bring some interesting conversation to the table like no other ham radio podcast on the market. We talk about everything - literally everything - in ham radio. Whether it's about a four-square array, or the D-STAR/System Fusion/DMR debate, youth, or SDR architecture, we have it all. Warning: Tangential conversations ahead.
Najstarija priča na svetu je mit o potrazi. Čovek otkako postoji, on traga. Traganje može da bude prostorno, ali traganje može da bude i unutrašnje. Tragamo za srećom, za identitetom, tragamo pokušavajući da odgovorimo na mnoga pitanja. Kroz razgovore i putovanja, ovo je moja potraga, moj pokušaj da pobegnem od besmisla.Agelast podcast je projekat Galeba Nikačevića.
So the big question is this:
How are creative entrepreneurs like us, who don’t have a huge brand or following, who are spending time away from friends and family to grow our business…
How do we use SEO in a way that gets our products, services, and things we believe in out to the world?
That is the question and this project is the answer. -
Bite sized summaries of the latest legal technologies + who should use them + guest interviews. -
Podcast pod nazivom Znanje I Kreativnost namijenjen je slušateljima iz Hrvatske i ostalima sa područja bivše Jugoslavije. Bavit ćemo se problematikom slijepih i slabovidnih. Opisivat ćemo razna pomagala te programe i aplikacije za slijepe, ali i razne vještine neophodne za samostalan život slijepih osoba. Ukoliko želite postaviti pitanje, ili možda želite sudjelovati na podcastu kao gost, ili sami želite kreirati neku od epizoda podcasta, obratite se na mail adresu
Ana Radišić podcast - razgovori s ljudima koji inspiriraju. Pitanja koja se nerijetko pitamo, kako, zašto i na koji način je netko uspio. Priče gostiju su pokazatelj da su svi uspješni, inspirativni ljudi zapravo jednostavno - ljudi. Njihove postavke, njihova preispitivanja, njihovi životni putokazi - bez maski, ne klasični intervjui, opušteni, topli i iz srca – bit će okosnica svakog podcasta. Ana, pravnica po struci, voditeljica emisije 'Exkluziv', urednica i voditelljica glazbene emisije ''. Osim što je lice RTL-a, radijska je voditeljica glazbene emisije 'Inkubator', strastvena trkačica i ljubiteljica sporta, glazbe, knjiga i putovanja, a ono najvažnije putovanje na koje i vas vodi je putovanje prema samom sebi.
DataGen est un podcast qui permet de comprendre les stratégies data des plus belles boîtes en France. Je m'appelle Robin Conquet et chaque semaine j'invite un expert de la data pour décrypter ses problématiques. BlaBlaCar, Doctolib, Pernod Ricard, Deezer et bien d'autres, dans ce podcast, tu découvriras comment les entreprises qui réussissent utilisent la data.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
We at Dangerous Minds Podcast, are seeking to explore further weekly, the tech and the people behind this growing community of Biohacking, Grinding, Implantable Technology, Hard Sciences, and Information Security. Please feel free to reach out to us with questions, or comments. You are welcome to find us here, at or email us at and, perhaps we might one day talk to you about the work and or projects you’re exploring and developing. Society considers us dangerous, we are not dangerous but invested into the future, and seeking to find it, with every implant, procedure, project, experiment and or software program. Come with us while we explore the DIY Evolution. Until then, Seek the spark!