In Rigged, we’ll rummage through the bag of tricks used by PR to shape the world you live in. Over the last century, these tricks have rigged the media, the government… society, really...with sometimes ridiculous, and sometimes profoundly serious effects on our democracy. This is a podcast about that war for hearts and minds right here on US soil.
"What are UFOs really? It's incredible how people from all walks of life have witnessed phenomena that truly boggles the mind. You'll hear these amazing accounts and more reported by individuals who were truly astonished by what they witnessed. Follow or subscribe on your favorite podcast app and share the show with others!"
Join intellectual phenomenon Dr. Jordan Peterson for enlightening discourse that will change the way you think. This podcast breaks down the dichotomy of life through interviews and lectures that explain how individuals and culture are shaped by values, music, religion, and beyond. It will give you a new perspective and a modern understanding of your creativity, competence, and personality.
Classic lit with a modern tone, every other week.
From the creators of Myths and Legends, comes an altogether same-but-different podcast set in the world of classic lit. These are the stories of Dracula, The Time Machine, The Three Musketeers. They're stories written by Jane Austen, Shakespeare, and H.P. Lovecraft, but with a casual, modern tone. Listen as Jason and Carissa Weiser breathe new life into the classics and tell the stories of some of the greatest books ever written. -
If you love immersive, fact-based and responsible true crime storytelling... Canadian True Crime is for you.
Join Aussie-Canadian host Kristi Lee as she carefully unravels some of Canada's most compelling crime cases. With meticulous research and a trauma-informed approach, Kristi goes beyond the headlines to uncover surprising truths about crime — and the criminal justice system.
Find out why Canadian True Crime is Canada's top independent podcast.
Listen ad-free and early:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Get ready for a spine-tingling journey into the unknown with The Grave Talks - the weekly paranormal podcast and interview show hosted by the master of horror storytelling, Tony Brueski. Each week, Tony brings in new guests who bravely share their haunting experiences with ghosts and the spirit world, spanning every corner of the paranormal realm, from supernatural encounters to demonic possessions, shadow people, and beyond. You'll be on the edge of your seat with every episode, hanging onto every word as you explore the unexplained, the terrifying, and the unknown. Subscribe now to The Grave Talks and give us a review to help us grow - we're eager to hear your thoughts.
For even more exclusive content, including ad-free and advanced episodes, become a Grave Keeper at and support our show - if you dare.
Join us for a journey into the darkness that you'll never forget. -
Kendall Rae is a true-crime content creator on YouTube who has used her platform to spread awareness for victims and their families. Now she is bringing episodes of her YouTube true-crime series to podcast format, to hopefully create even more awareness around the cases she covers. Kendall's approach to true-crime content is empathetic and always approached with victims in mind first. Join Kendall in her journey to spread awareness and bring justice to those who need it most!
People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this to be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information.
Additional episodes and exclusive content can be found on our website Become a Member today and receive access to additional exclusive shows posted weekly, our full back catalog of episodes, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums. For the latest news, please visit our Blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. -
The world is more mysterious than most people are comfortable imagining. We cross paths with the mystical from time to time and may not even notice it. If we do, we quickly return to our usually mundane daily existence. But what if we not only acknowledged the unknown, we investigated it and spoke with those in the know? That's what co-hosts Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess, and co-executive producer Tess Pfeifle do at Astonishing Legends. Over 100 million downloads and hundreds of thousands of listeners have discovered the thrill of exploring the mysteries of our world, showing that the unknown can be both captivating and intriguing. Welcome to Astonishing Legends!
The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria is an interview-based show that features conversations with innovative scientists and practitioners in the field of Behavior Analysis. The podcast covers topics such as Autism, Functional Behavioral Assessment, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Functional Communication Training, Verbal Behavior, and more!
Distorsion est un podcast à propos d'histoires étranges de l'ère numérique. Emile et Seb scrutent les bas fonds de l'Internet afin de dénicher des cas inusités et d'en faire l'analyse pour vous. Au menu: true crime, disparitions, phénomènes internet, dark web, catfish, creepy pastas, conspirations.Fidèles sous emprise en exclusivité sur Radio-Canada OHdio.
Laura Reagan, LCSW-C, Psychotherapist, Burnout Prevention Consultant and Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator interviews guests to discuss holistic and alternative approaches used in psychotherapy, counseling, coaching and healing sessions. Be a fly on the wall as therapists discuss the practice of psychotherapy and how they implement self care into their own lives to prevent therapist burnout. Conversations about mindfulness, self compassion, The Daring Way™, EMDR, art therapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, other somatic methods, trauma, parenting, attachment will get you thinking deeply about therapy and the universal experience of being human, with all the joy and pain that entails.
Dans une ambiance sombre, votre humble narrateur vous raconte les histoires vraies de tueurs en série et de crimes sordides, mais aussi les mystères insolites des quatre coins du globe. Un peu comme on se raconte des contes effrayants pour se faire peur autour d'un feu de camp, Ars Moriendi nourrira votre fascination pour le macabre en suscitant une réflexion sur la fragilité et la cruauté de la race humaine et la nature qui l'entoure, à travers ces faits historiques mystérieux qui façonne l'homme de demain. Un podcast qui vous fera découvrir que la réalité dépasse toujours la fiction. Memento mori...
Comprendre notre passé, c'est comprendre ce que nous avons été pour mieux comprendre qui nous sommes aujourd'hui. Maxime Coutié aborde un fait, un événement ou une idée qui a marqué l'histoire, la nôtre ou celle des autres, en compagnie d'un ou de plusieurs invités. Les sujets peuvent être sérieux ou légers.
Regards de jeunes, regards empreints d'expérience, regards de femmes, regards d'hommes, regards d'ici et d'ailleurs... l'émission aborde le passé dans toutes ses dimensions : histoire politique, histoire sociale, histoire populaire. Naturellement, les événements liés à l'histoire contemporaine sont illustrés par des extraits d'archives sonores tirés de la collection de Radio-Canada. -
Cut through the noise with The Intercept’s reporters as they tackle the most urgent issues of the moment. The Briefing is a new weekly podcast delivering incisive political analysis and deep investigative reporting, hosted by The Intercept’s journalists and contributors including Jessica Washington, Akela Lacy, and Jordan Uhl.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Bridging the gap between literature and practice in pediatric intensive care.
Featuring guests from around the world and pediatric intensive care specialists Greg Kelly (Westmead Children's Hospital Sydney), Peta Alexander (Boston Children's Hospital), Karen Choong (McMaster Children's Hospital Canada) and Mike Clifford (Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne)
Pediatrica intensiva won’t tell you the answers, because no one knows what they are, but we can give you a chance to hear respected experts talk about what they actually do with some of the toughest problems in our field.
Rather than having short episodes on a topic, we have whole seasons. And that gives us the chance to go deep.
We really hope that you find it helpful - please listen and subscribe to Pediatrica intensiva wherever you listen to podcasts and follow us on iTunes and Twitter (, share with your friends and reach out with any feedback, requests or comments.
Of course, information in the podcast is not meant to replace the advice of a health professional and is in no way a substitute for the relationship between a patient and his/her/their own physician -
Dirty Rats is the true story of two of Boston's most powerful brothers - one a gangster, the other a politician - as they rose from poverty in a public-housing project to the pinnacles of power in their respective trades. Howie Carr, author of two New York Times bestsellers about Boston organized crime and their victims, unravels the brothers' sordid web of corruption and homicide that still haunts Boston to this day.
Annie Richard et Jean-Philippe Rousseau, déterrent, analysent et enquêtent sur des affaires criminelles oubliées. L’objectif étant de reprendre les éléments d’enquête d’un cold case, avec un regard nouveau, en utilisant les méthodes de recherches et d'investigation du XXIe siècle. Ici, pas de sensationnalisme, uniquement du travail rigoureux au service des victimes et de la vérité.