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    Jay is a Serial entrepreneur and multiple business owner in the fields of Real Estate, Property Management, Digital Marketing, and Sales Coaching.

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    Jay’s “Trusted Advisor” approach to Sales and Marketing has allowed him the opportunity to implement creative, rejection free, strategies to sales & marketing and to provide a new approach to converting sales.

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  • Listen in as Serial Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author & Mortgage Industry Juggernaut Carl White, explains the importance of finding your tribe. Carl, shares some many golden nuggets that can be applied in virtual any business and or life in general.

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  • Join me as I interview, best selling author and Phones Scripts expert, Wally Bressler. Wally has decades of Experienced in Business Advisory services with a demonstrated history of working in the real estate. Skilled in Coaching, Sales, Sales Management, and Script and Copywriting.

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  • Everybody, Sean Shallis, billion dollar blind spots where we actually help you capitalize and discover on the billion dollar blind spots that lie dormant within your business and your lifestyle.


    Last night I was actually at a college fair with my daughter and my wife were walking around. And oddly enough, in the afternoon I actually received a an email chat from one of my certified financial planners asking about the difference between their kid somebody's kid going to college to rent a place or living in the dorm or living in a secure in a sorority and or if the parent purchased a home for the daughter to rent and or live in with her college roommate friends. So here's the skinny on that. for years, you know, I kind of explained this to the to the financial planner.

    You know, in the very early in my real estate career on the real estate side, I worked in a town called Hoboken. In that town, had a lot of young professionals, I would come to that town that couldn't afford to live in New York City, but they could live in Hoboken and they would either rent a place in Ho Book and write outta college, or they would rent the place to put their kids in college in, in Stevens Institute, which was right in town. And I would always sit them down and say, Hey, you know, tell me a little bit about what's going on. Tell me a little bit about how long your timeline is gonna be for the person that's gonna live in that place. is it your daughter or your son or somebody along that lines, it's a graduate student. how long, it'll, how long are you gonna rent?

    If it's anything more than two years, you may actually fare better by purchasing a home. And they would say, Well, I don't really understand how that looks and this, you know, we don't really have a lot of liquid cash to make that investment. And I would say, Well, first of all, you only need 10, 20% down, number one. Number two, you can actually use the money from a retirement account in lower 401k is, and use real estate as an asset because you're gonna rent it to your kid and it's gonna be an investment property. And they're like, Well, can you tell me more about that, Sean? Absolutely. So, you know, first and foremost on that, you know, on that conversation, you know you're, you're far better off if you can invest in real estate as opposed to investing in somebody else's real estate investment and sending somebody else's kid to college.

    The other thing is, is the tax benefits alone far outweigh sending, sending somebody a check for rent to pay for their property. So let's just kind of look at this for a little bit. Like number one, as I said, you can actually, most people don't know this, You can actually take and take money from a 401K or a retirement account and use it to purchase a piece of real estate as a retirement account asset. So instead of purchasing stock in your 401k, you would actually purchase a piece of real estate and then, and understand that property has to be managed by qualified property manager and asset manager, which manages properties within an ira. the other thing is all the, all the money that comes back in rent has to go back into that investment and it gets distributed as, as according to your ira.


    But it's a great investment strategy. The other thing is, is that, that when you have your child, usually they're gonna live with roommates. So let's say for argument's sake, you have a two bedroom apartment, which is what we use to sell people is a, a one or a two bedroom condo. And we would actually take the dining room because most kids at that age are not gonna live, not gonna have a formal, you know, sit down dinner and we would put a temporary wall and to make it a...

  • Are you thinking of putting down roots or moving to a completely different and or new area? Listen to Sean Shallis, Mortgage Expert as he coaches Joey through the moving and home selection process.

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  • Maybe You Decided it time to Change! its Time to Sell the House, Down Size and and Move On, or You Did You decide you're playing Small and You Want to Upgrade to a New Home....This Morning You Hit the Ground Running only to Learn that When and if you Do Sell.. You're Gonna pay a Kings Ransom to the Realtors to Sell!.....You think maybe I'll Do it myself...Except your not Sure Where to Start?

    DON'T QUIT ON YOUR DREAMS...We can Help...listen to Sean Shallis as he Introduce the Worlds One and One Consumer Direct Real Estate Marketing and Coaching Company!

  • 2021-2022 Real Estate Re-Cap and Forecast Uncovers Another Billion Dollar Opportunity for Savy Investor!

    Just got done to an interview with another friend of mine in regard to kind of like a forecast of what's the outlook for 2022. What do you think Sean, what's going on? What do you think with between COVID and between interest rate hikes between shadow inventory and all that stuff? You know, what do you thinks gonna happen in 2022? Where do you think that the opportunities are gonna be and where can we find a billion dollar opportunity to make some money in the market?

    Welcome to billion dollar blind spots, where we help businesses and individuals recognize and capitalize on the billion dollar blind spots in life and business. Listen in as bestselling author shanty chais uncovers the not so obvious billion dollar blind spots in various businesses. Industries and markets shall is the co-founder of RI squared consulting, where he specializes in creating proprietary platform, strategies and systems to capitalize on changing markets and services. By combining more than three decades of practical tactical experience with modern day artificial behavioral intelligence, we can discover and deliver the really intelligent information to change their lives and business

    Who is Sean Shallis? Click here to Learn More!

    In buddy, Sean shall hosting billion dollar blind spots. Welcome back. It is December 21st, I just had a 2012, just got done to an interview with another friend of mine in regard to kind of like a forecast of what's the outlook for 2022. What do you think Sean, what's going on? What do you think with between COVID and between interest rate hikes between shadow inventory and all that stuff? You, what do you thinks gonna happen in 2022? Where do you think that the opportunities are gonna be and where can we find a billion dollar opportunity to make some money in the market? In some cases we're talking to major hedge funds, major real estate, investment trusts, private portfolio managers. We're talking to the investor that owns one or two of investment properties are talking to guy who has his personal house down the street from me or my house.

    And some cases that house, maybe 300,000, in other cases, it could be three or 4 million for their personal residents. They own two or three other houses. So, you know, there is a concern. Do you want to know what the market is doing and how to play the market going forward? And the smarter investors they're looking to see if there's an opportunity about to happen or has it already happened? So in order to kind of go forward, we gotta go backwards. First. We gotta kind at what's going on out there and what's been going on. So right now we have another variation of COVID is happening and it's actually, they just shut down some of the shows in New York city, Saturday night live actually shut down. They did the whole, they did the show virtually, which I didn't even realize this week. So that's a sign that this is coming around again.

    We also have the fed chairman telegraphing that they're gonna be doing anywhere between to three interest rate hikes over the next 12 months. In 2022, we have a bunch of political unrest with the Democrats and Republicans fighting over tax bills and fighting over different plans and everything else, president, Biden's talking about huge interest rate hikes for capital gains. And so what do we see and where is the opportunity gonna be and where, what is the forecast? First of all, once we look backwards and we look at the forecast, then we can actually look for the opportunity in the forecast. So let's back up for a second. I wanna just kind of back you guys up a little bit and do a history repeats itself, obviously, especially in the real estate business and...

  • Hey there. Welcome back to Billion dollar blind spots, where we help people capitalize and recognize the billion dollar blind spots in their life and their business to this episode is actually, we're recording this in December. I had a great conversation with a guy this morning, believe it or not in the hot tub about downsizing from his house. He's in his sixties, his wife is in her fifties. And you know, they're talking about finally getting kids outs the house and downsizing and what is the plan? And I said, you know, it depends on the timing. It depends on what you're trying to accomplish. And he said, well, what do you mean? I said, you know, go to real estate when you're downsizing, you got to kind look at what's going on. If you're trying to time the market, you got to look at it from a standpoint of what cycle are we in, in the market.

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    And where's it going when you look at a cash out. So for him, he has a four bedroom, two bath, and he go lives in, you know, in a, in a local town by me, you know, his kids are out and it's just him and his wife. So half of the house, they don't even see it most of the year, unless those kids come over for the holiday. So at this point, he's thinking, okay, if I downsize outs this house, I still wanna stay in the area. Cuz my wife still has a few years of working up here. Maybe we can get something smaller and take our chips off the table. He says, you know, Sean, what's the big deal. If we do it now or we do it five years from now or 10 years from. And I said, well, you know, ironically enough, real estate goes in cycles.

    So those cycles are usually eight to 10 year cycles. So what are we looking at right now in December the 20th of 2021? So we're in the process of going COVID 19, we're going into another cycle. COVID 19, but we still have the likelihood of, you know, and going into the first January, things are gonna come a little bit. We're gonna go back to some sense of so, so and normalcy, we also heard that the federal chairman mentioned that they're looking to do three interest rates over the next over the next year in 2022, every time interest rates go up, prices go down. So you got to kind of look at those things and say, all right, first of all, what do I need to know? I need to know what my properties were today and today's market. Then what you need to do is lined out what your property is estimated to be worth over the next three years, five years, 10 years, depending on when you're looking at, when you're looking to cash in your chips, why do I say a 10 year cycle?

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    Reason being is real estate goes in about a 10 year cycle. So if it's going up now and it starts to go down, it's gonna go down for about 10 years before it comes back again to where we are now or lower or higher. So how do we know when that's gonna happen? Well, here's a good, here's a good analogy for you. Two. You guys have heard me say this before 2008, we had 2 million people outta work with financial and real estate debacle. Most of those people went back to work. Most of those people were inspired to purchase homes by the government. But at the end of the day, during that period of time, we had, we had over 800,000 properties that were in some court, some sort of a distressed property situ somebody that I either was late on their mortgage or didn't pay their mortgage at all.

    And they were in what they called the shadow inventory. The shadow inventory is distressed properties that we're not aware of because there is federal memorandums in courts that limit financial institutions from putting foreclosure actions on people that are late on their payments or in a financial distress situation. So...

  • Sean Shallis your host, the billion dollar blind spots today, we're going to talk about one of the blind spots that happens every year during the holiday season. It's December 7th. When we get on the phone, we're talking to people in the morning about selling their house or possibly considering moving or something like that. The first thing we usually hear is we're going to wait until after the holidays. Nobody buys homes during the holidays. What's interesting is when you look at the chart and you look at a year over year chart during December and January and February, we have exit much activities we do in July and August. And the reason being is because, you know, it's appealing to our blind spot. The people that actually are buying homes actually get large chunks of cash toward the end of the year. They're usually getting bonuses or they're getting their tax returns, or are they getting something that's going to help subs subsidized their down payment where the money that they're going to use to acquire that house?

    It's also interesting too, is is that when people are waiting in order to put their house on the market in January, February, March, April, the funny thing is, is sales go down. I actually, for those at that particular time of year, the amount of transactions that goes down almost 10% across the, across the month over month. So what's interesting is you're going to introduce more inventory, which the more inventory you have, the less your property is going to be worth into a market where you're going to have less activity. So if you have more inventory and less activity, do you think your price is going to go up or down? Of course, it's going to go down. So, and ironically enough, when does this start to pick up again, September, October, November. So the hottest time of year to get the top dollar for your home starts and around.

    So at the end of September, and it goes all the way through April and again, why does that happen is because people are changing jobs. People are getting warrants to down payments as a result of, you know, bonus season or, you know, cashing in on the stocks or trying to do something before the end of the year, before it triggers it some kind of a tax event. So if you're thinking of putting your house on the market, somewhere in the March and April and may, you're actually pushing your house into the wind. I mean, it's like you're bringing inventory, you're bringing sand to the beach. And when that happens, it actually has an adverse effect on your price. So if you really wanted to get your house sold for the highest possible price in the shortest period of time, with the least amount of stress, the time to do it is in the last quarter of the year, between September and April on our professional opinion and our experience of selling over 2,500 homes in the past 25 years. If you want to find out more about a billion are blind spots in your business and your life, give us a call, let us know if you can. One of our guests on our show, you can actually get in touch with us [email protected]. Check it out on our podcast. Thanks a lot. And talk to you soon!

  • Hey there. Welcome to the billion dollar wise buys where we actually help people, individuals and companies discover the wine sponsor business and their life actually fine. A way to actually change their life, change their business, and go from just getting by quantum jumps in quantum leaps in their business. If you want to find out more, stay tuned, as you're going to learn about in today's episode, we're going to talk about the real estate bubble what's going on in 2021. How's it similar to 2008. Let's find out introducing Sean, Charles, your host, the billion dollar blind spots. I am so excited. I actually talked to you today. I'm actually standing on the patio, looking at a billion dollar mark on the line when we're recording this, but I wanted to sit down and actually answer a bunch of questions that I can get from pastors and out buyers.

    So over the past six months or four months going through COVID-19, without a lot of people asking us about what's going on in the real estate market and what has, you know, the swelling down is speeding up and it's still crazy. It's still 15 buyers for every one listing. Well, let's back up a little bit. Let's look at, let's look at the blind spot. That's actually happening right now in the real estate opportunity. So what do I mean by a blind spot in the real estate opportunity for those people out there that are saying, Hey, Sean, how do I get a view on how do I buy it? When I hear these stories about these guys that bought things on the 10 cents on the dollar. Now, all of a sudden they're selling them for a million dollars. I want you that well, you're going to be in a good situation for the next six to four months in my professional opinion.

    Why do I say that? Well, if we back off a history repeats itself, okay, we go through cycles and those cycles are anywhere between eight to 10 years, 12 years. In some cases from peak to peak is what it's called. When you talk to analysts, I've studied it. And when I studied at NYU, I was in real estate analytics courses and it takes anywhere from eight to 12 years, you're going to have a cycle [inaudible] and in real estate, because we're such an inefficient market. If something starts to happen, now, it takes anywhere from 12 to 18 months for an actual to hit the papers are actually for us to recognize it in the news. So it's almost kind of like when you hear the, in the stock market, they talk about why in the rumor and soul news, same principle. So our cycle was a lot longer on a cycle than the cycle of your words.

    I can tell you that, Hey, the stock went up 50% in the past hour. You can actually look at the ticker-tape and see it instantly. But this is with the real estate market. It's an education business. So in order for you to see the market shifting, you have to actually be in the market a hundred homo, the pulse of the market, or you have to be really close in tune with somebody like myself or another real estate professional. That's doing real estate on a regular basis. Now, when I say doing real estate on a regular basis in a real estate professional, I'm talking about somebody that's doing more than 15, 20 transactions a year, and not the average realtor in your neighborhood who doing what the five transactions is by the way, in the United States of America, the average person, the average realtor is doing anywhere between one to five transactions as a professional

    Full-time realtor. What's interesting about that as you're representing it, in most cases, the representing 75% of those sales are representing a buyer. So they're really not on the marketing side or the sales side. They're more on the introduction and the, what I call them, you know, the Mary Kay side or the van await side of the industry, you know, they're basically showing and selling the properties. So let's take a deep dive into why am I saying there's a billion dollar opportunity right now coming in...