Modern Meditations On Timeless Ideas -
More than two thousand years ago, the great Greek philosopher Socrates was condemned to death for making seditious comments against the city state of Athens.
His followers and disciples were legion. Ranging from Xenophon, the mercenary warrior and historian of the Peloponnesian War to the scholarly Plato, Socrates was described as the conscience-keeper of the nation, or the “gadfly” who would not let the massive machinery of the state rest in complacence.
The Apology of Socrates by Plato was thought to have been written following Socrates trial and death in 399 BC. It is one of many such accounts of this infamous trial. It is only through the Apology that we are today able to learn more about this most venerable Greek philosopher, Socrates, as he left very little written work himself. As a teacher and mentor to hundreds of young students, his thoughts and ideas were conveyed mostly through oral teachings. His method of teaching was though a series of dialogues with his students and he never lectured to them. One of his most famous quotes, “The unexamined life is not worth living...” forces us to introspect on our own motives and desires.
In the Apology, Plato describes the trial in detail and also Socrates defense of his every word, deed and action. He describes how he was inspired to conduct his search for the truth by the Oracle at Delphi and the consequent discovery that there were no wise men in this city. He considered it his duty to awaken the conscience of those in power. Straddling the thin line between philosophy and literature, the Apology is a brilliant and thought-provoking work, which examines themes like freedom of speech that are still plaguing our consciences today. It also teaches us that knowledge and humility should go ever hand in hand.
A deeply engrossing and inspiring work for every generation to read and ponder over. -
Welcome to Arts & Culture by Intelligence Squared. Here we delve into the artistic and cultural moments, movements and conversations that have shaped, and are still shaping, our world. In this podcast Intelligence Squared speaks to some of the world’s greatest orators, writers, actors and artists. Guests include Stephen Fry, Margaret Atwood, Bernardine Evaristo, Salman Rushdie, Kate Winslet, Simon Schama, Tom Hiddleston and Marina Abromović. Join us every week as we feature the best of culture today and revisit some of the best live podcasts we have produced over the last twenty years.
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In the Art During Wartime podcast, we'll be diving deep into the vibrant and diverse world of Ukrainian culture, exploring everything from the traditional to the contemporary and everything in between. The podcast features interviews with leading Ukrainian cultural figures ranging from cinema, art, photography, ballet, opera, pop, hip hop, even comedy. Art During Wartime is your one-stop destination for discovering fascinating aspects of Ukraine, a nation fighting to preserve its culture.
The Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art (RIBOCA) is an international biennial with a European focus and a strong regional profile, founded in 2016. In expanding conversations around its second edition, RIBOCA has invited thinkers, researchers, and writers from various fields to discuss their work and processes through a series of talks and conversations. For more information visit:
Tai lietuviškų audioknygų platformos Audioteka rengiama rubrika, kurioje žurnalistė Jurga Šeduikytė netikėtu kampu kalbina knygų autorius, aktorius, įgarsintojus ir kitus kūrėjus. Tai – neformalūs pokalbiai, nevengiant gilių temų, atskleidžiant asmeniškas kūrybos paslaptis ir primenant, kaip svarbu žaisti gyvenimą.
If you’re an aspiring author and want insights into what’s involved in launching a book into the world, this is the podcast for you. Maggie Smith, author and blogger, interviews debut novelists from the Women’s Fiction Writers Association discussing not only the inspiration behind their book, but also their insights into the writing process, the best advice they ever got, and the joys and sometimes pitfalls they encountered on their path to publication.
Neretai mažieji Lietuvos leidėjai ne tik skaito ir leidžia knygas, bet ant jų miega, su jomis gyvena, o kartais net jas valgo... Didžiajame popierinių knygų vandenyne jie plaukioja po vieną ar kelis, nes yra maži. Nors sudėjus į krūvą didesni nepasidaro, bet trumpam susitikę mielai dalinasi savo džiaugsmais ir negandomis.
In the light of a Campfire, everything else fades away. We find meaning in the experiences of others. Empathy that previously didn’t exist. Security we didn’t know we had. We discover real, human connection. And it’s in these moments that something magical happens. We’re illuminated by our collective wisdom and uplifted by our shared humanity. What we take away is also what we give in return. And when the Campfire is over, there’s a feeling that outlasts the experience — a warmth we can bring back to the world.Gather around our shared Campfire to hear stories about life and how we live it from the voices already around us. The Campfire Storytelling Podcast is how we bring our live storytelling experience to you, wherever you are.
From my kitchen in Paris, talks with my favorite bakers, cookbook authors, pastry chefs, bartenders, chefs, spirits experts, along with a dose of Paris dining tips and French culinary culture. -