When my client’s close big deals, I get HYPE!!!
In 3 weeks of working together, my client closed her first 5 FIGURE DEAL.
& (it gets better) now she has MORE leads than open spots.
Being that IN DEMAND doesn’t happen by accident.
Inside today’s episode I’m sharing the 2 shifts we had to make to get there.
Listen closely.
Get your FREE ticket to ‘10X YOUR STANDARDS, 10X YOUR LEADS’ & learn how to ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Stop wasting time with wishy-washy leads who can never commit & start attracting HOT & READY buyers who don’t even bat an eye at your HIGH-TICKET price tag.
Sick of lukewarm leads?
You're a POWERHOUSE coach, and it's time your bank account reflected that.
Inside this episode, I’m sharing why I won’t tolerate working with ANYONE who isn’t willing to MOVE MOUNTAINS to turn their business into their personal ATM.
It’s THAT level of standard that will allow me to attract hot & ready buyers.
Now it’s time for you to create YOUR own non-negotiable standards & attract the dreamiest of clients who don’t even bat an eye at your high-ticket price tag.
You ready?
Get your FREE ticket to ‘10X YOUR STANDARDS, 10X YOUR LEADS’ & learn how to ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Stop wasting time with wishy-washy leads who can never commit & start attracting HOT & READY buyers who don’t even bat an eye at your HIGH-TICKET price tag.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Last week my client wanted to drop the price of her program by $1,500-$2,000 so she would feel more comfortable…
Inside today’s episode, I’m going to tell YOU exactly what I told HER.
I know you need to hear it.
Get your FREE ticket to ‘10X YOUR STANDARDS, 10X YOUR LEADS’ & learn how to ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Stop wasting time with wishy-washy leads who can never commit & start attracting HOT & READY buyers who don’t even bat an eye at your HIGH-TICKET price tag.
You guys know I’m big on High-ticket sales.
You know I’m big on giving clients GUARANTEES that they’ll get results in our programs.
But that can ONLY happen if your framework is AIR-TIGHT & each step is optimized to make SURE your client has success.
Inside today’s episode I'm leaking a live coaching call I did with my clients all about how to ⬇️
🛠️Build your signature framework to GUARANTEE client results & back up your high-ticket prices.
I sure hope you have a notebook & pen ready to take notes for this episode.
You’re going to need it.
Get your FREE ticket to ‘10X YOUR STANDARDS, 10X YOUR LEADS’ & learn how to ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Stop wasting time with wishy-washy leads who can never commit & start attracting HOT & READY buyers who don’t even bat an eye at your HIGH-TICKET price tag.
3 days into working together, my client sent me this message about the clients she was ALREADY working with before hiring me:
“I just have these people that I’m working with that I’m starting to realize like I deserve to make more money off of what I’m doing for them.”
This is a MAJOR money-moment in her business & I’ll tell you why ⬇️
There comes a time where every coach looks at all the work they’re doing for their clients…
…THEN looks at their bank account…
…& THEN thinks to themself…
It’s in THATS moment when you FINALLY start to realize what I already see in you:
💎you ARE the expert & you deserve to be paid like it (hello $10,000 cash months 😍)
💎you’ve outgrown your current clients with wishy-washy commitment & are only paying you $300 per month
💎you’re no longer going to settle for anything less than a roomy calendar, 5 figure cash months, & premium clients.
This AH-HA money moment is HUGE because:
You accept the clients & money you THINK you deserve.
Once you realize you deserve MORE, THEN & ONLY THEN will your clients, your prices, & your bank account will rise to meet your new standards 📈
Inside today’s episode, I’m going to share the high-ticket sales strategy that will change EVERYTHING for you & your clients.
It’s time to wave GOODBYE to selling $97 1 hour coaching calls as your “signature offer”
Let’s make you some money, honey!
🤫CLICK THIS LINK to request the juicy deets on my new secret offer + a chance to access my it EARLY with a MAJOR MAJOR discount 😍
📲Follow me on Instagram & learn how to become a MONEY MAKER in your coaching business 🤑
I feel like a new woman.
It’s a new year & so much is changing in my life.
🖤Luca just turned 10 months old.
✝️My faith in the Lord is deepening.
👶🏼We’re working hard to get pregnant with baby #2
💻& my standards for my business are higher than ever.
Starting with… my bank account 🤑
My next business goal is to collect consistent 5 figure CASH months while watching my clients have absolutely MIND-BLOWING sales transformations in their biz.
& inside today’s podcast episode, I’m breaking down the 7 steps I’m taking to make it a reality 🤩
Tune in & take notes 🖋️
📲Follow me on Instagram & learn how to become a MONEY MAKER in your coaching business 🤑
The LAST episode for 2024.
It’s been a YEAR, mama.
Thank you for pressing play on the Bibles, Babies, & Business podcast!
I’m going to keep today’s episode short & sweet (so you can get back to your New Year celebrations!)
To close out 2024, today I’m sharing 24 lessons I learned in 2024 as a Christian, Wife, Mom, & Entrepreneur.
(P.S. I encourage you to write your own list!)
Here’s to you, 2024.
The highs.
The lows.
All of it.
📲 Follow Camie on Instagram for More Juicy Tips on Closing High-Ticket Sales, Rewiring Your Brain for Success, & Negotiating Like a Bosshttps://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/
I’ve been a Christian for as long as I can remember & I didn’t learn about spiritual warfare until I was in my mid-twenties.
like..WHAT 😳
Not only does spiritual warfare exist, the enemy wants to keep it hush hush because it’s hard to fight back against something you know nothing about.
But not today, satan.
Inside this episode, I invited one of my previous mentors on the show, Stefanie Gass, to discuss a topic that deserves spotlight attention:
7 Steps to spiritual victory so you can overcome spiritual warfare, strongholds, & defeat the enemy as a Christian mompreneur.
I pray this episode strengthens you in your faith (& your fight against spiritual warfare).
📝Click this link to access the workbook mentioned in the episode!https://battleplan.gr8.com
🎧Click this link to tune into Stefanie Gass’s podcast: Online Business For Christian Womenhttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/online-business-for-christian-women-business-growth/id1437868374
📲 Follow Camie on Instagram for More Juicy Tips on Closing High-Ticket Sales, Rewiring Your Brain for Success, & Negotiating Like a Bosshttps://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/
Nobody has ever done it worse than me.
I cringe even thinking about it & it’s been 5 YEARS.
I’m talking about…
My BIGGEST mistake in my online coaching business.
I’m talking about the time I severely, SEVERELY undercharged for my coaching services.
The irony is that I’m now HIGH-TICKET sales coach 😂
(God has a sense of humor lol)
I’m also sharing 3 big lessons I learned from undercharging AND I’m dishing my 2 high-ticket pricing secrets so you don’t make the same mistake as me!
Get ready for some laughs (& bring a pen to write down my 2 pricing rules)
Let’s go!
📲 Follow Camie on Instagram for More Juicy Tips on Closing High-Ticket Sales, Rewiring Your Brain for Success, & Negotiating Like a Bosshttps://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/
This episode will probably offend some people, but here we go anyway.
The truth is, I have been CRAVING deeper conversations with you.
Something God has been showing me lately is that it’s ALL connected.
This business is more than just a means to money.
It’s a pathway to breaking free from cultural norms that fly in the face of every value I choose to stand firm in.
✅ So I can stay home with my daughter because children weren’t meant to be raised in a daycare.✅ So we can afford to buy organic, grass-fed, poison free food because it’s no coincidence that the cheap stuff is designed to kill you.✅ So I have the option to homeschool our children because I believe public schools are government grooming facilities in disguise.✅So my family can escape the never-ending debt trap that entangles so many Americans.✅ So YOUR family can experience all of this too.Your business has a greater purpose than just providing an extra $5K to your bank account each month.
It’s a means to break out of the matrix & embody a lifestyle that puts your family first & honors the Lord.
You were made for such a time as this, mama.
I hope this episode fires you up in the best way 🔥
📲 Follow Camie on Instagram for More Juicy Tips on Closing High-Ticket Sales, Rewiring Your Brain for Success, & Negotiating Like a Bosshttps://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/
If you’re an online coach who is feeling down, discouraged, & doubtful about your business right now, I want you to listen to this episode very carefully.
It is very common for coaches to enter a ‘business funk” this time of year.
We’re approaching Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Years.
Christmas decorations are going up. & our overall environment is shifting in preparation for REST during the holidays.
OF COURSE there’s a part of you that just wants to sit on the couch with a cup of coffee & watch Christmas movies for the rest of the year.
So believe me when I say:
🖤You are not alone in feeling this.
🖤Your coaching peers are feeling it too.
🖤You are not broken.
🖤Your business is not falling apart.Breathe.
It’s important to acknowledge you’re feeling pulled to rest AND it’s not quite time to take your foot off the gas. There is still a tiny bit of work left to do before you close your laptop for the year.
You’ve ran 90% of the marathon already, you only have 10% left.
Inside this episode I’m sharing 3 practical tips to finish 2024 STRONG in your online coaching business.
& listen for my juicy details Black Friday mini-offer at the end of the episode! 👀
💌DM me “$100K” on Instagram for details on Your $100K Yearhttps://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/
Future you is on top of the world right now. 🌎
🤩She’s getting a new high-ticket client every week.
💌Her DMs are bursting with people wanting to work with her.
💸She just closed her third $10K+ month in a row.
🥹She paid off all her credit card debt.
🤍She gets to stay at home with her babies while she runs her money-making coaching biz from her laptop.
🛫& she’s just booked a flight to Europe for herself & hubs to enjoy a much deserved international vacation together [see you soon Amsterdam 😍]
I know it’s easy to feel like future you is a million miles away, but you should know…
She’s closer than you think.
💻The business
🤝The clients
🥰The freedom
💵The money
🌴The vacation
ALL OF IT is closer than you think.
Everything you desire to become & have is on the other side of this 5 step process:
STEP 1️⃣Rewiring your brain so you can achieve business success faster & easier than ever before.
STEP 2️⃣Creating an offer that is so JUICY, your ideal client won’t be able to resist saying “YES” to invest.
STEP 3️⃣Generate new leads every.single.week so your DMs are always bursting with new client opportunities.
STEP 4️⃣Convert leads into paying clients through high-ticket sales strategies so you can close consistent $5K-$10K months.
STEP 5️⃣Use FBI-created negotiation tactics so you can overcome client objections & never leave money on the table.
Future you isn’t far away.
Only about 6 months away to be exact.
High-Ticket Powerhouse is for women who are FINALLY ready to meet + embody their future self.
We start in 7 days ⏰
Are you ready to meet your future self?
Or do you want to be in the exact same spot 6 months from now?
Your choice.
💎 SEE IF YOU QUALIFY >> https://training.camiewilke.com/vsl-page
In this industry, nothing a business coach says even matters unless they bring RECEIPTS 🧾
& I have a stash of them 😉
It’s painfully common for coaches to tell me they “hired another coach & didn’t make ANY money” & now they’re stuck paying for a program that provided 0 return on investment.
It makes me sick.
Especially because there are so many coaches who COULD be raking in the thousands each month, but because of 1 bad experience, they swore to never invest again & are slowly letting their business run dry.
& that’s exactly what my client Kristen was struggling with BEFORE she hired me back in 2022.
After joining High-Ticket Powerhouse, she was able to ⬇️
💵Close $4,571 in sales in JUST 1 WEEK, using my money-making methods taught in Powerhouse
✍️Contract over $11,000 within 3 months after trying for 3 YEARS to build cash flow in her coaching business.
🔒Lock in over $25,000 in sales in less than 5 months ALL WHILE HOMESCHOOLING, living overseas, & being a stay at home mom of 4.
🚀Now, she’s working to scale her company & lock in $100K by next summer
🧾& I have receipts for ALL of it. Check my IG stories today for the screenshot proof.
Here’s the deal though, I can tell you this story in immaculate detail, but chances are, there’s STILL a part of you that’s hesitant to believe that my program is actually THAT good.
So instead, I’m going to let Kristen tell you herself.
Kristen went live on IG with me to share her real experience of what it was like to be a student in High-Ticket Powerhouse.
The next round begins in 11 days.
💎 SEE IF YOU QUALIFY >> https://training.camiewilke.com/vsl-page
This is part 2 of ‘10 Business Strategies to Close $10K Months as an Online Coach!’
If you haven’t yet listened to part 1, be sure to tune into episode 238 first!
& if you’re all caught up, then welcome to the next level 😏
Inside today’s episode, I’m dishing 5 MORE BUSINESS STRATEGIES that will help you lock in those $10K closed months 🤑
Be sure to take notes.
IMPORTANT: Each & every one of these business strategies is taught is IMMACULATE DETAIL inside of my signature program, High-Ticket Powerhouse.
Powerhouse is a group coaching program teaching you how to get more clients & close $30,000 in 6 months or less. GUARANTEED 💸
The next round begins in 14 days.
💎 SEE IF YOU QUALIFY >> https://training.camiewilke.com/vsl-page
In this industry, nothing a business coach says even matters unless they bring RECEIPTS 🧾
& I have a stash of them 😉
Before Caroline applied & joined High-Ticket Powerhouse, this is what she wrote on her application about what her #1 struggle was:
"Knowing how to brand myself, establish a specific “product”/offering, sell this offer, get leads… I am new to this and am needing support in different areas.”
After joining High-Ticket Powerhouse, she was able to ⬇️
💵Close her first high-ticket sale at over $6K
🔒Lock in her first $10K+ closed month
💰Sell $11,634 worth of coaching IN 24 HOURS
💎Become booked out with coaching clients
🏝️& make her dream of moving to California COME TRUE
[& I have screenshot receipts for all of it.]
Here’s the deal though, I can tell you Caroline’s Powerhouse story in immaculate detail, but chances are, there’s STILL a part of you that’s hesitant to believe that my program is actually THAT good.
So instead, I’m going to let Caroline tell you herself.
Caroline went live on IG with me to share her real experience of what it was like to be a student in High-Ticket Powerhouse.
Today’s episode is the audio from that interview.
The next & final round of Powerhouse for 2024 begins in 17 days.
Are you in?
💎 SEE IF YOU QUALIFY >> https://training.camiewilke.com/vsl-page
The doors to High-Ticket Powerhouse for the FINAL round in 2024 are officially open.
Calling all coaches who are:
❌ SICK & TIRED of signing clients for a measly $1,000-$2,000 per month & you’re ready to add an extra 0 to your bank account 💵
💥 Beyond ready to be molded into the multi 6 figure earner you were always meant to be & you're ready to make it happen with your pedal to the floor. All gas. No breaks.
😏 Not afraid to rock the boat, be a trend-setter, set your alarm for 4am if that’s what your dreams require of you. You know what you want out of life & you’re going to take it.
🔥Don’t need someone to hold your hand. You don’t lack discipline. & you sure aren’t having conversations with yourself like “is this the right time?” You KNOW it’s the right time. All you need is someone to hand you the formula & you’ll run with it.
This is the sign you’ve been praying for.Pay attention🚨
High-Ticket Powerhouse is a group coaching program teaching you how to get more clients & close $30,000 in 6 months or less. GUARANTEED 💸
Don’t confuse Powerhouse with other programs out there on the market.
(You know, the ones who promise you results & leave you disappointed?!)
Powerhouse is proven to work.
Powerhouse is GUARANTEED to work.
❌The question isn’t, “Will you get results?”
🧐The question is: “Will you continue to stand in your own way of success?? Or fast-track your financial freedom?”
Here’s what’s happening ⬇️
🔓I’ve temporarily opened the Powerhouse vault to teach 10 more coaches how to turn their business into a money-making machine.
🖊️I’m about to GUARANTEE (in writing) they will close $30,000 by the end of the program
📲I’m about to pay for them to access a virtual assistant who will hand them 30 new leads EVERY.SINGLE.WEEK
💵 I’m about to make sure they never have to wonder about how to make money in their business ever again
& all I’m wondering is…🤔
Are you going to be in the room crushing it with us??
Or are you just going to watch 10 more coaches achieve what you’ve always wanted in your business?
The choice is yours & applications are open 📨
💎 SEE IF YOU QUALIFY >> https://training.camiewilke.com/vsl-page
She came to me hungry,
Hungry to work hard
Hungry to grow her businessHungry to serve her clientsHungry to make moneyHungry to move to the beach 🏝️(The hungry ones always get the best results 🤑)
I’m talking about my client inside High-Ticket Powerhouse who joined my program less than 6 months ago & has already closed over $40,000.
But it didn’t start out that way…
BEFORE she closed multiple 5 figures in sales, she was:
Living in her parents house & ready to venture out on her ownNot sure how to create an established offer that would have her clients DROOLING to work with herStruggling to get leads for her coaching bizNew to the coaching industry & needing support to build her biz into aIn less than 6 short months of mentorship, she was able to:
Experience her first $10K+ closed monthLocked down over $11,000 in 24 hoursBecame BOOKED OUT with 1:1 clientsClosed over $40,000 with less than 2K Instagram followersPack up her life (+ her pup) & moved to the beach (her dream come true)Perfectly positioned herself to SCALE her biz to new income heightsInside today’s podcast episode, I’m going to tell you what happened IN BETWEEN & how you can copy + paste the same income growth strategies into your own coaching business.
💎 Free Training For Mama Coaches | Unlock the Secrets to Closing $5K-$10K Months in Your Business https://training.camiewilke.com/free-training--31eb4
📲 Follow Camie on Instagram for More Juicy Tips on Closing High-Ticket Sales, Rewiring Your Brain for Success, & Negotiating Like a Bosshttps://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/
These are your money-maker tasks.
Your income-producing actions
Do them weekly.
Do them consistently.
Inside today’s podcast episode, I’m dishing the 5 tasks you should be doing EVERY WEEK if you want to close consistent $5K months in your coaching business.
& If the $0 to $5K journey feels daunting & like it’s taking forever, be encouraged.
It’s MUCH easier (& faster) to go from $5K to $10K months than it is to go from $0 to $5K months.
Because that $0 to $5K journey is where you’re still learning the basics, experimenting with your niche, learning your ideal client, etc.
But once you have that foundational work nailed down …. 😏
Your growth can hit the fast track 🚀
💎 Free Training For Mama Coaches | Unlock the Secrets to Closing $5K-$10K Months in Your Business https://training.camiewilke.com/free-training--31eb4
📲 Follow Camie on Instagram for More Juicy Tips on Closing High-Ticket Sales, Rewiring Your Brain for Success, & Negotiating Like a Bosshttps://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/
We’ve seen this before…
4 years ago…
A global pandemic hitAn instance election took place in the USThe world felt like it was on fire& whether we like it or not…
Whenever big events happen in the world, it has a ripple effect on Instagram.
& when the algorithm shifts on Instagram…
That means online coaches like you & I must observe, learn, & adapt QUICKLY so our businesses don’t go extinct.
Right now, a similar pattern is happening again.
Engagement is down.Political ad spend is dominating viewership.Content creators are working hard to publish valuable content, & getting 200 views + 2 likes in return.So what should you do about it?
Inside today’s podcast episode you’ll hear a clip from an ACTUAL Powerhouse coaching call where we discuss the current Instagram engagement issue, along with practical action steps so you can get YOUR content in front of your ideal client & close high-ticket sales (even if the world feels like it’s on fire).
Take a listen & IMPLEMENT.
💎 Free Training For Mama Coaches | Unlock the Secrets to Closing $5K-$10K Months in Your Business https://training.camiewilke.com/free-training--31eb4
📲 Follow Camie on Instagram for More Juicy Tips on Closing High-Ticket Sales, Rewiring Your Brain for Success, & Negotiating Like a Bosshttps://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/
Time to reveal one of my all time favorite high-ticket sales secrets 🤫
This secret gem that has made me over $100,000 CASH & it'll do wonders for your business too! 💎💵
Tune into today episode to hear how you can easily boost your biz income by bringing this ONE THING to your sales calls 📞
Thank me later,
💎 Free Training | 4 Step Method to Get More High-Paying Clients & Close $5K-$10K Months in Your Coaching Business With the Powerhouse Methodhttps://www.camiewilke.com/powerhouse-method
📲 Follow Camie on Instagram for More Juicy Tips on Closing High-Ticket Sales, Rewiring Your Brain for Success, & Negotiating Like a Bosshttps://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/
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