An angel speaks to Joseph and calms his fears.
Merry Christmas! In today's Bible Story, Mary receives incredible news.
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Joshua sends two spies into the Promised Land. Rahab, who has heard of what the Lord is doing, makes a bold choice.
Solomon has grown famous for his wisdom; so famous, that the Queen of Sheba travels to Israel to test him.
Find out hwat happens when people unite around pride.
Our story today comes from Genesis 11.
We're in Exodus 33 and the Lord is done with the rebellion of His people; He tells them to head to the Promised Land on their own.
Todd and Matt conclude their countdown to some of the most interesting animals in the Bible!
Join Todd and Matt to explore some of the most interesting occurrences of animals in the Bible.
Israel marches around Jericho for seven days and the walls come tumbling down!
The people of God cross the Jordan River, and Joshua comes face to face with Jesus. We're in Hebrews 11 this week!
In today's visit to the Hall of Faith, the author commends the people of Israel for their faith as they walk through the Red Sea.
Moses must make a choice: who is he afraid of? Take a listen as we jump back into Hebrews 11 - the Hall of Faith!
Moses had a choice to make: comfort or suffering. Take a listen and learn more as we explore Moses' decision in Hebrews 11.
Moses' parents faced the wrath of the most powerful man on earth and they didn't blink. Check this story out in Hebrews 11!
After 100 years of waiting, the Lord had given Abraham and son - and now, He asks for him back. Join us in Hebrews 11 as we explore the faith of Abraham.
Put on your walking shoes - we're traveling through the Hall of Faith! That's right, we're in Hebrews 11, and in today's episode, we'll discuss Sarah.
We're in Hebrews 11 and today's Hall of Faith highlight is Abraham! Learn about a man who followed God's call into an unknown tomorrow.
We're back in Hebrews 11 and today we discuss the plight of Noah!
We continue to walk through the hall of faith (Hebrews 11) as we discuss Enoch.
We launch a new mini-series today on Hebrews chapter 11 and the Hall of Faith! Take a listen to learn more about Abel and his acceptable sacrifice.
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