
  • Episode 188: The Anunnaki - From Babel to Abraham Part 1 Show Notes


    The Anunnaki were worshiped among the ancient gods of the Sumerians or Akkadians. The idea that they were actually “aliens” from the planet Nibiru that came to Earth and genetically manipulated proto-humans to mine gold for their dying planet came from Zecharia Sitchin, who wrote a book called The 12th Planet in 1976. While this theory continues to be popular among some groups, many skeptics believe it is due to a mistranslation of the ancient Hebrew, Akkadian, and Sumerian texts, which Sitchin claimed to have studied extensively. We will examine the Scriptures to see if we can set the record straight about the Anunnaki in Part 1 of The Anunnaki: From Babel to Abraham.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast

    Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Richard Demers, Richard Nixdorf, Jack Edwards, Jr., Jeffrey Radliff, and Lisa Damerst


    “Hey Scott. I found your podcast a week or two ago. I really enjoyed the one on reptillians. I am currently listening to Henry Krane - Annunaki and History of Mankind. Could you do a series on differentiating between God the Father/Jesus, and Enlil and Enki? I think there is a poor attempt to mesh our faith with Sumerian believes and creation. David Icke as well does some of this. Would love to hear thoughts.” - Dustin Harrell: Listener Episode Request


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Romans 3:4, Genesis 11:1-2, Genesis 11:9, Genesis 11:27-28, Genesis 11:31, Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 12:4-12, Genesis 12:6-7, Psalm 48:1-2, Zechariah 8:3, Isaiah 14:12-14,


    All of pagan history is a perversion of the truth. Satan puts his hand on everything to lie and deceive humanity into believing he is god. The Sumerian stories of the Anunnaki are the beginning of the deception known as the mystery of iniquity. Mystery, Babylon, the mother of harlots, is the world religion that started in Sumer and will come to fruition when the dragon and his angels are finally cast down to the earth. In the next episode, we continue the series, looking into the fallen angel “gods” that claim to be the Anunnaki.




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  • Episode 187: The Grand Solar Minimum Show Notes


    Our Sun is now in or about to enter a solar cycle known as the Grand Solar Minimum. Solar minimum is the regular period of least solar activity in the Sun's 11-year solar cycle. During solar minimum, sunspots and solar flare activity diminish, and this has led some alarmists to predict dramatic changes on Earth, including food shortages and disruptions in the Earth's magnetic field. Is there any validity to these claims? What does the Bible say about changes that will occur to our Sun?

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast

    Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Jacquelyn Cochrell, Kelly Knight, Sam Jarvis, Shelley Chaney, and Dan Bacarisse


    Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling - Valentina Zharkova

    “The reduction of a terrestrial temperature during the next 30 years can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both Northern and Southern hemispheres. This global cooling during the upcoming grand solar minimum 1 (2020–2053) can offset for three decades any signs of global warming and would require inter-government efforts to tackle problems with heat and food supplies for the whole population of the Earth.” a quote here.” - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7575229/


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Genesis 1:14-19, Psalm 19:1-6, Revelation 6:1-8, Matthew 24:7-8, Revelation 16:8-9, Isaiah 13:9-11, Luke 21:25-27, Luke 21:25-27, Malachi 4:1-3


    Despite what the media tells you, scientists don’t truly understand what is happening in our cells, much less the solar system. They can explain all they want about solar minimums, but the Lord controls every action and power of the celestial bodies. We would do well to seek the answers in Scripture rather than trust NASA or other lying governmental agencies and academicians that are in league with the god of this world. Yeah, let God be true, and every man a liar!







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  • Episode 186: Media Manipulation - Interview with Tina Griffin Show Notes


    Tina Griffin is on a mission to help parents safely navigate the pop culture chaos. She is a former Hollywood actress, pop culture expert, speaker, multi-platform show host, and counterculture mom. Tina spent several years in Los Angeles as an actor and has seen first-hand what occurs when the lights are down and the cameras are turned off. Today, the mom of four is on a mission to counter the negative influence of what some call “harmless entertainment.” A lot of dirt is hidden beneath Hollywood’s red carpet, and Tina Griffin is committed to exposing it. Tina and I discuss how pop culture and the entertainment industry glamorize harmful behaviors without showing the consequences, and we talk about how these messages erode the foundational development of today’s youth.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Alexandria Corl, Ginger Cooper, Misty Glen, Lori Lindsey, Tracy Cumming and Brandon Fisher


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Ephesians 5:11, Ephesians 6:12

    Questions for Tina:

    Share your testimony and how you came to believe in Jesus Christ for salvation.

    Tell us a bit about how you came to work in Los Angeles and what drew you to the entertainment industry.

    When did you start to realize that something in Hollywood was sinister?

    Your website cites Ephesians 5:11 which states, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” What are some of the unfruitful works you are trying to expose?

    Is there an “unseen hand” at work behind the scenes that manipulates those who work in this industry, and do you feel there is a satanic agenda driving that manipulation?

    Do you believe there is a concerted effort by the entertainment industry to target young people and children?

    Is part of that target a grooming operation for pedophiles working at high levels in Hollywood and even Washington, DC?

    Were you exposed to or made aware of occult practices rampant in Hollywood such as that revealed in the film Eyes Wide Shut?

    Have you seen evidence of CIA tactics of Project Mockingbird to control news media and other means to manipulate media?

    Hollywood had suppressed minorities and women for decades: stereotype caricatures, the casting couch, etc. Today they deign to preach to the masses a moral high ground while pedophilia, political censorship, and misogyny continue to abound. Where do you think this ignorant hubris comes from?

    You shared with me an experience in Hollywood related to someone telling you or showing you something paranormal. Can you share what you saw or heard?

    What is your advice to those seeking to work in this industry?

    Do you feel the pop culture chaos is designed to assist in bringing about the end times deception prophesied in Scripture?





    The media and entertainment industrial complex is run and controlled by dark elites with a dark agenda. They are against God, against Christ, and His saints. Much of popular culture today is designed to deceive our children and young people and slowly assimilate them into an occult mentality that even permeates our churches. Pedophilia is rampant, and even the Pentagon and other dark government forces have control of what comes out of Hollywood. Be not deceived! Nothing is as it appears on the movie screen or social media. Behind the scenes lurks something very satanic…

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  • Episode 185: Mind Control Show Notes


    Satan is the god of this world. He uses his human proxies to control the minds of those who refuse to believe the truth. There are psychological operations in place by the US Government and all governments to control your mind and deceive you for their agenda. Since the dawn of time, this has gone on, but after WWII, Nazi psy-ops experiments were and still are used by the CIA to further a demonic agenda. From MK Ultra to the internet, mind control techniques are alive and increasing. What antidote do we have against this sinister agenda?

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast

    Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Kristina Petersen, Robyn Webb, Joshua Krauth, Adrien Klingel, and Greg McLaughlin


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    2 Corinthians 4:3-4, Ephesians 4:17-19, Ephesians 2:1-3, Acts 14:1-2, 2 Corinthians 3:12-16, Deuteronomy 30:1-5, 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, Psalm 10:1-11, 2 Timothy 2:24-26, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 4:20-24, Psalm 56:1-11


    Satan may have the power to blind and control minds, but God has the power to heal and renew minds. Recall that Jesus answered every temptation of the devil by quoting the Scriptures. If we submit ourselves to the Lord and let His Word renew our minds, we have no reason to fear the devil's wiles!  When satan says, "Yea, hath God said?" We can reply, "Nay, but as it is written!” Though these evil mind controlling enemies are set against us, we have no reason to fear! The Lord is for us; who can be against us?


    (How The Illuminati Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave - Illuminati Formula; Monarch Programming (https://vigilantcitizen.com/hidden-knowledge/origins-and-techniques-of-monarch-mind-control/)


    Interview with Mike Benz - https://tuckercarlson.com/uncensored-the-national-security-state-the-inversion-of-democracy/ He reveals networks, internet, and Google were all created by the national security state. Time Stamp - 3:00

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  • Episode 184: The Younger Dryas - Heaven Pre-Adamic Flood: The Creation of Three Heavens through God's Wrath


    Around 12,900 years ago, the Earth experienced a cooling period known as the Younger Dryas. This cooling led to widespread flooding, which some experts speculate may have been global. One theory suggests that the flooding was caused by an impact event that melted large ice sheets and triggered the cooling period. However, this theory is only sometimes accepted. We will explore if there is any evidence of such an event in the Bible and if it is related to the flood of Noah or something else. We conclude our series by exploring the possibility that the Younger Dryas resulted from a pre-Adamic flood.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast

    Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Lori Breedlove, James Kueffer, Eric Lopez, Karin Last, Beth Moench, and Kathleen Navin


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Genesis 1:6-8, Revelation 12:7-9, Revelation 12:10-12, Genesis 11:4, Isaiah 17:12-13, Psalm 77:16-20, Revelation 12:13-16, Deuteronomy 32:20-22, Hosea 5:15, Romans 11:25


    שָׁמַיִם šāmayim Heaven or sky

    מַיִם mayim Water

    יִם yām Sea

    שֵׁם šēm Name


    The Younger Dryas was possibly the flood of Genesis 1:2. Three heavens resulted from God’s wrath pouring out on the earth, and the fallen angelic rebellion polluted the heavens. Noah’s flood was much more recent, according to the Scriptures. There is no need to push back the date of Noah’s flood to match the Younger Dryas. The word heaven in Hebrew, Samayim, contains the three heavens in plural, but it was not originally so. Just as Elohim is plural, but He is the God of creation composed of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, so the word should be correctly translated as “heaven” in Genesis 1:1, foreshadowing the three heavens that God would form due to wrath.

    Links: Videos about the Younger Dryas



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  • Episode 183: The Younger Dryas - Water Show Notes


    Around 12,900 years ago, the Earth experienced a cooling period known as the Younger Dryas. This cooling led to widespread flooding, which some experts speculate may have been global. One theory suggests that the flooding was caused by an impact event that melted large ice sheets and triggered the cooling period. However, this theory is only sometimes accepted. We will explore if there is any evidence of such an event in the Bible and if it is related to the flood of Noah or something else. We continue our series that explores the possibility that the Younger Dryas resulted from a pre-Adamic flood.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast

    Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Mary Ann Saluri, Pawel Lebioda, Alicia Melendez, Lydia Roop, Matthew Allen, and Aaron Wolfe


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Genesis 1:6-10, 2 Corinthians 12:2-4, Job 38:29-33, Genesis 7:11-12, Revelation 4:2-6, Exodus 12:12, Exodus 14:19-22, Genesis 1:1


    שָׁמַיִם šāmayim Heaven or sky

    מַיִם mayim Water

    יִם yām Sea


    God sits upon many waters. This is symbolic of multiple things, but His throne is certainly above the frozen deep. This was the source of the waters in Genesis 1:2, and there is every reason to believe this was a flood upon the ungodly world of the angelic rebellion before Adam was created. The Younger Dryas was very possibly the flood of Genesis 1:2, which came from God out of the third heaven. Next week we will discuss why there is a third heaven when at first there was only one!

    Links: Videos about the Younger Dryas



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  • Episode 182: The Younger Dryas - Wrath

    Bible Mysteries Podcast unlocks the secrets in the Bible that the god of this world doesn't want you to know. Join Scott and John as they guide you through ancient mysteries that reveal much about what is going on in your world today. New episodes are released each Monday. 

    Show Notes


    Around 12,900 years ago, the Earth experienced a cooling period known as the Younger Dryas. This cooling led to widespread flooding, which some experts speculate may have been global. One theory suggests that the flooding was caused by an impact event that melted large ice sheets and triggered the cooling period. However, this theory is only sometimes accepted. We will explore if there is any evidence of such an event in the Bible and if it is related to the flood of Noah or something else. This three-part series explores the possibility that the Younger Dryas resulted from a pre-Adamic flood.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast

    Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Vickie Zavos, Jimmy McClure, Cassie R, Lisa Fleiner, Terri Rehl, and Tatiana Hauk


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Psalm 29:2-3, Genesis 1:1, Job 15:15, Job 4:18, Genesis 1:2, Jeremiah 4:23-26, Isaiah 34:8-11, Psalm 79:6, Isaiah 14:12-15, Luke 10:17-20


    God has twice destroyed the earth with water. God’s Hebrew letter Aleph is not in the word Heaven, nor are the heavens clean in His sight. When He formed Heaven as we know it today, He did not pronounce it as good. The 2nd Heaven is the abode of Satan and his angels, and a day is coming when they will be cast down to the earth. The Younger Dryas likely points to an ancient war that caused God to pour out His wrath in a flood upon an angelic rebellion led by Lucifer. This rebellion could match the timing of the Younger Dryas, proving there is more to Genesis 1 than meets the eye. Next week, we will dive deeper into the waters above and below.




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  • Episode 181: UFO Proliferation and Portals - Interview with LA Marzulli Show Notes

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Jacob D., Amber H., Michele S., PM Gafford, and Sam S. (September 2023)

    Summary: And now, a man that needs no introduction: L. A. Marzulli! L.A. is an award-winning author, lecturer, and filmmaker who has penned quite a number now of books, including Counter Move, Days of Chaos and over-sized volumes which reveal startling evidence of a massive cover-up of what he believes to be the remains of the Nephilim, the giants mentioned in the Bible. L.A.’s most recent film series is called UFO Disclosure Revisiting Roswell Parts 1 - 2: Exoneration and Evidence From the Debris Field. We discuss why UFO and portal sightings are proliferating in these last days.

    L.A. Marzulli is a frank super-naturalist who lectures on the subjects of UFOs, the Nephilim, and ancient prophetic texts, presenting his exhaustive research at conferences and churches, and through media appearances and interviews on numerous national and international radio and television programs.

    L.A. was featured at the Prophecy Watchers Orlando Prophecy Summit this Feb. 29 - March 3.

    Questions for LA:

    In your some of your content you open with the statement, “UFOs are real, burgeoning, and not going away.” I want to discuss the burgeoning part today. Why do you think there is a proliferation of UFO activity at this time?

    Do you see a connection between UFOs appearing in hot areas such as Ukraine and Israel?

    Will the fake narrative around Roswell eventually collapse so that those involved in the coverup will be forced to come up with a new story?

    Are portals also proliferating in the world, and do you believe activities at CERN could be having a supernatural impact?

    Are these spiritual entities masquerading as “aliens” really other-dimensional beings, or are they simply in the spiritual realm we cannot see like Elisha’s servant in 2 Kings 6?

    We are hearing of the DNA altering damage being done by the mRNA gene therapy shots. Is it possible alien abductions have been instrumental in developing these so-called vaccines?

    Can you give us your best guess through years of experience on what the crop circles are trying to tell us?

    In your opinion, are whistleblowers like David Grush and Bob Lazar sincere, or is there reason to suspect deep state psyops with their testimony?

    You were about to board a plane for Israel when the Hamas attacks occurred last October. Do you have plans to reconvene the trip when the military activities settle down there?

    Have you received further evidence of sightings such as the trail cam entity that indicates these beings want to be seen?

    Khandar Giant: why is the military suppressing information about this?

    Mile-Long UFOs: what do you suppose these large craft are being prepared for?


    UFO activity is increasing as the last days progress. We will see more sights and signs in the heavens that will cause men to question and be fearful, but a sinister deception is behind it all! LA Marzulli gives us his expertise on the area, and we grill him on why he thinks this activity is proliferating.


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  • Episode 180: The Name of God - The Hebrew language connects HIS name to creation, water, and mankind feat. Jeff Dodson

    Show Notes


    The Hebrew language of the Old Testament is fascinating in the way it forms words, and how the words can be broken down into components that point to a Divine Author. Our friend and brother Jeff Dodson is an amateur student of Hebrew, and today he comes to share with us what the Lord is teaching him about this amazing language. We focus on the name of God and how His very name shows His connection to creation, water, and mankind. You might be surprised at what you learn!

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast

    Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Jason Gill, Jacob Clayborne, Donna Randall, John Williams, Aneitah Garmann, and Lori Walter


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Zephaniah 3:8-9, Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:2, Genesis 1:6-10, Psalm 29:2-3, Psalm 77:16-19, Genesis 1:26, Isaiah 17:12-13, Psalm 18:13-19, Matthew 14:24-33


    God has twice destroyed the earth with water. He is returning to pour His wrath out upon the earth, this time with fire. It is interesting to note that the floods of ungodly men will roar like the sea, emulating God as if to use His power over water against Him. God has plans to poison the water, destroy the seas, and turn rivers into blood, just like He did in Egypt. Recall that the plagues on Egypt were against the gods of Egypt, and Egypt is a type of the world, Pharaoh a type of antichrist. O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! (Romans 11:33)


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  • Episode 179: The Depopulation Agenda - Why are they trying to kill us?


    The Luciferians, or satanic global elites, hate humanity and particularly hate believers in the God of creation. They are the reason behind almost every major war since the start of the beginning of sorrows, if not all wars. They despise God, His saints, and His Son Jesus Christ, and they seek to control the world for their own aim and purpose. One of the ways they demonstrate their utter disdain for humanity is the depopulation agenda, which has been in the works for a long time!

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast

    Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Gloria S., David O., Jeff T., Pam B., Paul Q., and Jamie B.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Genesis 1:26-28, John 8:44, John 10:7-16, Isaiah 13:11-13, Isaiah 24:1-6 , Isaiah 24:18-23, Matthew 24:21-22, Revelation 8:10-11, Revelation 9:3-6, Revelation 9:13-16, Revelation 16:1-21, 1 Thessalonians 1:10


    Global leaders are willing accomplices to a satanic agenda, whether by knowledge or ignorance because they defy the God of heaven. They will receive their reward, and justice will finally be served by the Lord. Only He can pour vengeance righteously on the children of the devil, and they will join the devil himself ultimately in the lake of fire.




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  • Episode 178: Luciferianism - Understand the Enemy

    While Christians largely ignore the spiritual battle we wage, the satanic global elites are strengthening their own religious fervor in these last days. To understand the enemy, we must understand its origin. While names have changed, ultimately, the demon-controlled leaders of the nations and their internal agencies, the WEF, the WHO, NATO, the IMF, and the Military Industrial Complex, are all part of a religion called Luciferianism. In this episode, we explore how it got a foothold in America and grew, though its roots go back to a far more ancient time.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Paul Q., Pam B., Jeff T., David O., Gloria S., and Joshua K.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Isaiah 14:12-14, Luke 10:17-18, John 8:43-45, Revelation 2:8-9, Jeremiah 11:11-14, Jeremiah 19:3-5, Daniel 10:12-13, Ephesians 6:12, 2 Kings 21:1-6, Isaiah 14:14, 1 John 2:18, 2 John 2:7


    Luciferians are the enemy of Christ and have the spirit of the antichrist in them. This is why political change in the physical realm never impacts the spiritual realm. We can remove leaders, but we cannot remove the princes of this world. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can remove these cursed entities from the earth!


    “To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion” by Brandon Smith at alt-market.com:


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  • Ali Siadatan reveals what led him to make his film UFOs, Angels & Gods, and what he learned about the spiritual realm from studying the Scriptures.Ali Siadatan founded Think Again Productions in Canada, a multimedia teaching ministry that sheds light on the mysteries and treasures of scriptural knowledge coming from the Lord to this generation. Ali shares his own experience with a UFO in Iran, which led to him making his film. In 2006, Think Again Productions released the groundbreaking documentary UFOs, Angels & Gods on Google Video. We welcome Ali back for Part 2 of his fascinating story!

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Jason G., Jacob. C., Donna R., John W., Anietah G., and Lori W.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.  

    2 Kings 6:13-18, Exodus 12:12, Psalm 82, Deuteronomy 32:8-9, Revelation 2:13, Daniel 12:4, Acts 2:16-19, Revelation 9:1-11

    Show Notes:

    The Bible refers to chariots of fire in 2 Kings. Do you believe these are, in fact, advanced angel technology used by both God and the dragon’s angels?

         2. The passage mentions Elisha praying to God over his servant, “open his eyes, that he may see.” Do you think these angels are in another dimension, or are they in our physical universe and we simply cannot see them?

         3. What is your take on the strong delusion God will send in the Time of Jacob’s Trouble? Do you see a connection to the UFO phenomenon?

        4. What is the significance of 1947 and the several events that occurred that year such as discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls, the crash landing at Roswell, and others?

    5. Clearly a portal is opened to release fallen angels from the bottomless pit in Revelation 9. Do you think portals are beginning to proliferate, and could this be due to activity such as CERN and other “scientific” experiments?


    https://thinkagainproductions.com/ (https://thinkagainproductions.com/)

    https://www.youtube.com/@alisiadatan4320 (https://www.youtube.com/@alisiadatan4320)

    https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/siadatan-ali-78157/ (https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/siadatan-ali-78157/)

    @ufosangelsgos (Twitter)

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  • The Red Heifer Show Notes


    There is much speculation about the timing of finding the red heifer and the temple building in Jerusalem to begin Mosaic sacrifices again. Christians globally can get excited each time a pure red heifer has been bred in or brought to Israel, thinking this is an indication or sign of the times. Jesus said nothing of a red heifer, but He did tell us of signs to look for. Prophetically, we are still in the beginning of sorrows. Still, one thing is sure: the newly rebuilt temple will be polluted by the antichrist, and the system around it will be tied to Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots, and Abominations of the Earth!

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    Jackie W., Jeff L., Stephanie L., Ed C., and Kristi G.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Numbers 19:2, Romans 10:1-4, Hosea 5:15, Isaiah 1:10-15, Hebrews 10:1-4, Isaiah 59:20-21, Romans 3:24-25, Matthew 24:14-15, Revelation 18:1-3, Revelation 18:11-13,


    Satan, through his seed, will defile the temple they build in Jerusalem and use it to force the world to worship him. Don’t be happy about this temple! It will not stand. Speculation about the red heifer is a distraction from the truth, and believers should not waste time seeking this sign. Rather, let us seek to proclaim the gospel to as many as we can until the rapture occurs. There is not much time left!

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  • Time Travel Show Notes


    As the narrative about UFOs changes from extra-terrestrial to inter-dimensional beings, one hypothesis being put forward is that of time traveling entities. Some even suggest these are human beings from the future coming back in time to observe us. Is time travel even possible? Is there evidence in Scripture that allows for such a possibility to be considered?

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    Micah G., Michelle M., Wesley L., Stephanie J., and Jennifer T.


    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

      בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ

    בְּרֵאשִׁית - Bereshit - In the beginning

    בָּרָא - bārā’ - created

    אֱלֹהִים - ‘ĕlōhîm - God

    אֵת -‘ēṯ

    הַשָּׁמַיִם - šāmayim - the heaven

    וְאֵת - ‘ēṯ - and

    הָאָרֶץ - ‘ereṣ - the earth.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Revelation 1:8, Revelation 22:12-13, Exodus 3:13-14, Genesis 1:1, Genesis 1:14-15, Genesis 8:21-22, Isaiah 46:9-10, Joshua 10:12-13, Deuteronomy 18:10-11, Luke 4:5-8


    It’s possible that fallen angels and demons can travel or see through time, at least to the future. Divination was literally fortune telling. Since I believe only God can manipulate time, I would suggest entities in the spirit realm can see some of the future, assuming it is not a lie when they reveal what they see. Apparently Satan had the ability to bring the man Christ Jesus to a place where he could show Him all the kingdoms in a moment of time. I am becoming more and more convinced that the spirit realm is all around us in our time and dimension, but we simply cannot see it in our human form unless a portal is opened to show it to us.

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  • Dimensional Entities Show Notes


    It is our opinion that the narrative around UFOs and aliens is beginning to turn from “extraterrestrials” to “inter-dimensional” beings or even time travelers. We are going to explore whether or not the spirit realm exists in another dimension or “parallel universe,” or are they co-existing in our reality but we simply cannot see them?

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    David H., Mary C., John E., L. Gee, and Kristina H.


    Could there be a fourth spatial dimension? We currently can't perceive or measure anything beyond the dimensions of length, width and height. We live in a four-dimensional universe defined by three spatial dimensions and one time dimension. Theoretical physicists who research string theory, also known as superstring theory, go beyond the standard three dimensions. They have proposed higher dimensions that may help us understand how the universe works.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Ephesians 6:12, 2 Corinthians 4:3-4, John 12:28-32, Ephesians 2:1-2, 2 Kings 6:15-18, Daniel 10:5-9, Daniel 10:12-14, Genesis 3:1-5, Ezekiel 1:15-19


    Eve could see and converse with the serpent, whom we know is Satan. She apparently could also see “the gods” he spoke of. Were our senses able to see the spirit realm before sin entered in? Elisha prayed for God to open his servant’s eyes to see the angels surrounding them. They were there with them in this dimension. Is it possible that portals into the spiritual realm can be opened by technology? Is that what CERN is trying to do?


    Demonic Entities Seen in Vietnam Through Red Night Vision Goggles:


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  • Angels and UFOs - Interview with Ali Siadatan Part 1 Show Notes


    Ali Siadatan is the founder of Think Again Productions in Canada, (thinkagainproductions.com) a multimedia teaching ministry shedding light on mysteries and treasures of scriptural knowledge coming from the Lord to this generation; knowledge which is making the Bible more real than ever just when we thought it was all myth! Evidence keeps agreeing with the Bible’s tale…from biblical cities peering through the sand to “alien” abductions and prophetic events, the mysteries of the Bible have opened up to our generation in a way no other could see it. Ali shares his own experience with a UFO in Iran that led to him making his film UFOs Angels & Gods on Google video.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Martin V., Christine G., Jennifer A., Barry B., and John F.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    2 Kings 6:13-18, Isaiah 45:1-4, Revelation 9

    Questions for Ali:

    Tell us of your long spiritual search and how you came to faith in Christ while in Persia. Were you raised Muslim?

    Did university bring you ultimately to Canada, or was that part of your spiritual journey?

    You stated that you had a close up UFO sighting on the road to Isfahan in your native Persia. Tell us about this encounter.

    UFOs Angels & Gods is an excellent video drawing the connection between these strange craft and fallen angels. Was it this UFO encounter that made you decide to make the film?

    You teach and practice Kung Fu and martial arts. What connection do these arts have to the spiritual realm?






    Ali has a fascinating testimony and story of his own UFO experience in Iran! His story of coming to know Jesus Christ through martial arts demonstrates how God is not limited in any way to reach those He desires to come to Him. We only scratched the surface of what Ali has to share, and we’ll have him back for a Part 2 to get into his video UFOs Angels & Gods more deeply.

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  • The Real Reptilians Show Notes


    News of unexplained phenomena is increasing. Public awareness of what appears to be hidden governmental agendas to obscure information about these events is growing. We know by the Word of God that “supernatural” entities will be manifesting in the last days, as well as fearful sights and signs in the heavens and earth. Portals are reportedly opening wherein giant beings are supposedly appearing. There is nothing new about this. If we trace the history back, we find reptilian beings have been behind this agenda all along!

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Michell W., Kelly Jo Y., Rick P., Dan C., and Michael B.


    Familiar spirit: Hebrew ôḇ (obe) - water skin bottle, necromancer, one who evokes the dead; ghost or spirit of a dead one, one engaged in the practice of necromancy (communicating with the spirits of the dead in order to predict the future), one that has a familiar spirit

    Seraphims: Hebrew śārāp̄ (saw-rawf’) - “a serpent, fiery serpent, poisonous serpent (fiery from burning effect of poison). Seraph, seraphim are majestic beings with six wings, human hands or voices, in attendance upon God.”


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Luke 21:10-11, Leviticus 19:31, Leviticus 20:27, Deuteronomy 18:10-12, Genesis 3:1, Revelation 12:9, Isaiah 6:1-3, Revelation 9:17-19, Revelation 9:10-11, Isaiah 14:29,

    Matthew 12:34


    There is a reason Jesus called the religious leaders vipers. Vipers are poisonous serpents, and the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees was indeed poison. They were just as possessed by demons as the Oracle of Delphi! The unclean spirits of the Nephilim dwelt with in the leaders of Israel to mislead the people and oppose the Son of God. And they will do so again!

    This antichrist will be a hybrid human/dragon entity, fathered by the serpent himself. It is my conviction that the fallen angels, at least those in command or of high rank, are seraph-type beings, reptilians in every sense of the word, who likely can change their form at will.

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  • Son of Man - The Sign Show Notes


    The term “son of man” is used to refer to the prophet Ezekiel 93 times. It was used to refer to Daniel only one time, but in Daniel it is also presented as a name for the Lord Jesus Christ in prophecy. We’ve explored the meaning of the name “the Son of Man” and why it is a title of Jesus Christ. Today we continue looking into the Son of Man concerning His sign. What is the sign of the Son of Man, and what does it mean to the world when it appears?

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Trey K., Dee B., John G., Joel H., and Timothy L.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Matthew 24:29-31, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, Daniel 7:9-15, Matthew 24:11-14, Matthew 15:21-24, Romans 11:25, Romans 11:19-24, Matthew 24:15-16, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, Revelation 13:11-15, Matthew 24:21-22, Matthew 24:27-28, Revelation 19:11-16, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10, Revelation 6:12-17


    Is it possible the world will see the sign of the Son of Man appear when the sixth seal is opened? It may be that the rapture occurs when the sixth seal is opened, and the sign is visible for the entirety of the time of Jacob’s Trouble. Perhaps the nations see the Lord’s sign and know of His coming judgment, which is why they are willing to worship the beast and take his mark, believing he can deliver them from the wrath of God.

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  • Son of Man - The Name Show Notes


    The term “son of man” is used to refer to the prophet Ezekiel 93 times. It was used to refer to Daniel only one time, but in Daniel it is also presented as a name for the Lord Jesus Christ in prophecy. The title “the Son of Man” is used 87 times in the new testament: once in Acts, twice in Revelation, and 84 times Christ referred to Himself as the Son of Man. (32 times in Matthew, 15 times in Mark, 25 times in Luke, 12 times in John) What is the meaning of the son of man, and why is it also a title of Jesus Christ?

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Andrea C., Daniel R., Lisa G., Stephanie C., and William C.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Matthew 8:18-20, Daniel 7:9-15, Ezekiel 2:1-5, Ezekiel 3:4-7, Matthew 15:21-24, Ezekiel 3:23-27, Ezekiel 4:1-8, Exodus 12:40-42, Galatians 3:13-18, Ezekiel 7:2, Ezekiel 17:2, Matthew 9:1-8, Matthew 10:23, Matthew 12:1-8, Matthew 24:30

    Show Notes:

    Ezekiel was commanded to prophecy warnings, not only against Israel, but also against the enemy nations that will be joined to the Beast and his kingdom: Pharaoh and Egypt, Babylon, the Ammonites, Moab, Seir, Edom, Philistia, Tyrus, Zidon, the false prophets and shepherds of Israel, Gog and his confederate army.


    The most important thing to take away from the title “the Son of Man” is that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, born of a woman, that He might redeem mankind by His blood, and can lay claim to the title of the earth as a man. Next week we will continue exploring the sign of the Son of Man.

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  • Episode 169 UFO Disclosure Update - Interview with Sylvia McKelvey Show Notes


    We welcome back investigator Sylvia McKelvey to Bible Mysteries Podcast! Sylvia has been a Christian investigator for over thirty years. She provided research materials for and appeared in the 1983 documentary, The New Age, Pathway to Paradise. produced by WDFC Christian television in Chicago, Illinois. She has been an investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and has served as the MUFON State Section Director for Santa Clara County in California.

    Sylvia is the author of Storm on the Horizon: The New Age, UFOs, and the Cosmic Christ, which is available at Amazon, Liferich, and Barnes & Noble. Her website is smckelveyahighersource.com. She is a former Petty Officer in the United States Naval Reserve Hospital Corps and served on active duty during Operation Desert Storm. She lives with her husband in Northern California, and she is with us today to discuss UFO disclosure updates. Welcome back, Sylvia!

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers:

    Guy B., Donna H., Kristin G., Sharon C., and Andres R. (August 2023)


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Revelation 9:1-12, Daniel 12:4 , Revelation 6:19, Revelation 13:4, Matthew 3:16-17, Acts 7:56

    Show Notes:

    A lot has come out towards disclosure last year, and 2024 looks to be following that pattern. What is the latest you have learned about disclosure and the US Government?

    Why has the terminology been changed from UFO to UAP?

    In our last interview you stated that the Government is in a precarious position officially to have a full disclosure of UFOs. Has anything changed to force their hand in any direction?

    Why are sightings typically military planes and ships and not commercial ships and planes, for the most part? Is it related to nuclear technology?

    Do you believe the whistleblowers who testified before Congress are credible witnesses?

    The Pentagon admits to AATIP, a $22 million program. Major news outlets have covered this like Fox, CNN, etc. Why is this not the biggest story in the history of the world? Is this a setup for the end times deception?

    Whistleblowers from Jesse Marcel, Bob Lazar, and more recently Luis Elizondo and David Grusch have been personally attacked and discredited by official government sources. Is this a standard tactic by the Pentagon to control the narrative around UFOs?

    What have you learned about the “jellyfish” UFO that’s been recorded?

    Are there different types of UFOs for different beings or different types of travel?

    Do you think there is anything to the 8-foot Miami mall aliens story? Was there really a portal opened to allow these things to enter?

    Does MUFON investigate UFO phenomenon around the world or mostly in the US/North America?

    Have you learned further information about the attacks on villages in Peru by tall aliens flying on antigravity devices similar to hoverboards?

    Jeremy Corbell’s latest video series is pushing hard to expose that deep state persons are hiding the truth about an active cooperative alliance between these entities and the US Government. Do you have any further corroborating evidence to show this is true?

    Can the success of the US nation in such a short period of time (250 years) be attributed to contact or a covenant with “alien life, or is this a worldwide phenomenon?

    The last time you were with us you mentioned that the world is in a preparatory stage to accept UFOs and their occupants. David Grusch is reported by a US Congress member to have stated the...