
  • Bhagavad Gita StructureWhere does Bhagavan talk about atma after chapter 2?What is the difficult part - preparation of food or eating food?What is difficult - sadanas to prepare the mind or gain knowledge about self?What are the various topics that Bhagavad Gita deals with?Why do we need to revist chapter 2 after some time?Why would it be difficult to understand the concepts given in this chapter?JeevaHow does the shastras split an individual / jeeva?What are the 2 parts to a jeeva?How do we identify our body - as I or mine?Where do we have our identification mostly - on the body or the conscious entity?Types of BodiesWhat are the three types of body?What is the gross body made out of?What is the subtle body made of?What are the 5 jnanendriyas (sense organs / organs of knowledge)?What are the sanskrit names for Ears, Skin, Eyes, Tongue, Nose?What do they gather from this world?What is the corresponding devata for each of the sense organs?What are the 5 karmendriyas (organs of action)?What are the sanskrit names for Mouth, Hands, Legs, Excretory organ, Reproduction organ?What are their functions?What is the corresponding devata for each of the organs?What are the 5-fold energy functions?What does Praana (respiratory system) do?What does Apaana (evacuating system) do?What does Vyaana (circulatory system) do?What does Samaana (digestive system) do?What does Udaana (reversing system) do?What are the 4 functions of Antahkarana?How is Manaha different from Buddhi?What is Chittam?What is Ahankara?How is Sukshma sareera different from Sthula Sareera?What will happen if our thoughts are known to others?What will happen if we start studying vedanta?Is it good to know about what is going on in others' minds?What should vedanta be used for?What is Kaarana sareera (causal body)?What is the seed form of physical and subtle bodies?What do we mean by avyakta?Where is the punya and paapa of the jeeva stored?When did Kaarana sareera come into being?

  • Sloka 11 (Contd...) - Wise Men do not grieveWhat is the ignorance that we possess?How long have we had that ignorance?What is the consequence of ignorance?What do we mean by Adhyāsa?What is the most common example of false super-imposition?What happens during false super-imposition?In the rope-snake example, whose existence is borrowed by who?Whose nature is borrowed by who in the rope-snake example?What is the result of Adhyāsa?What do we mean by Abhimāna?What is the result of false identification?What does raga-dvesha lead to?What is the root cause of samsara?How do we remove samsara?What is the fundamental problem and how does it appear as topical problems?How is the sorrow removed?Will the reason for Arjuna's sorrow be averted?What is the beauty of vedanta?What does Vedanta do to the problem?What does the mind turn into?What are the 2 benefits of Gita Shastra?Do we need to come to Gita after retirement?What can remove Dukha?When does a mind become calm?Why did Bhagavan take death as an example?What does Vedanta do to the most common and most valid reason for sorrow?What is the difference between psychology and vedanta?What is Prathama Malla Nyayam?How is it explained in the context of being the best chess player in the world?Does a jnani get sorrow in the most commonly agreed sorrowful situation?Where is the fault - external or internal - according to Vedanta?What is the essence of Gita?What is the meaning of Sankhya? What is the title of this chapter?Where is atma swaroopa explained in this chapter?What does Upanishads focus on?How is Gita different from Upanishads?

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  • Sloka 10 - Bhagavan's reaction to ArjunaHow did Bhagavan start his Upadesha?Where did He start his Upadesha?How was Arjuna's mindset at that time?What are the 2 reasons for Bhagavan's smile?Sloka 11 - Wise Men do not grieveWho is Arjuna grieving for? Is it worthy enough to be grieved for?Is Arjuna's sorrow justified according to Bhagavan?How does Arjuna speak, according to Bhagavan?Is Bhagavan considering Arjuna to be wise?Whom do wise men not grieve for?What does Gita shastra want to convey?What does Gita stand for?What is the main topic of this shastra?If Jnanis do not grieve, then who grieves?What is the cause for grief?What can remove grief / sorrow?What are, in our experience, various causes for sorrow?How can ātma ajñāna be the cause for our sorrow?What is Prathama Malla Nyayam?What do we mean by Swabhaava (intrinsic nature)?What is the swabhaava of Fire?Does the swabhaava change according to place / person / time?What are the various kinds of sorrows we face in life?What is the most common cause for sorrow?If death is the most common cause for sorrow, then should not all deaths affect us?Whose death impacts us?So what gets mixed in the situation that gives us sorrow?Which when removed from the "accident" becomes an "incident"?What is the feeling that Arjuna has about Drona and Bheeshma?Does the situation, by themselves, cause us sorrow?What do we have to do to remove sorrow from the situation?Do we need to change the situation to remove sorrow?Does studying shastras give us favourable situations?Will people stop criticizing us after reading Bhagavad Gita?Will we get financial benefit by studying shastras?What will go away if we study shastras?What do we do generally to remove sorrow?Will changing external things remove our sorrow?Does Vedanta provide solution to the problem? Or does it remove the problem itself?If I am the cause for my sorrow then who am I?

  • Bhagavad Gita StructureWhere does Bhagavan talk about atma after chapter 2?What is the difficult part - preparation of food or eating food?What is difficult - sadanas to prepare the mind or gain knowledge about self?What are the various topics that Bhagavad Gita deal in?Why do we need to revist chapter 2 after some time?Why would it be difficult to understand the concepts given in this chapter?JeevaHow does the shastras split an individual / jeeva?What are the 2 parts to a jeeva?How do we identify our body - as I or mine?Where do we have our identification mostly - on the body or the conscious entity?Types of BodiesWhat are the three types of body?What is the gross body made out of?What is the subtle body made of?What are the 5 jnanendriyas (sense organs / organs of knowledge)?What are the sanskrit names for Ears, Skin, Eyes, Tongue, Nose?What do they gather from this world?What is the corresponding devata for each of the sense organs?What are the 5 karmendriyas (organs of action)?What are the sanskrit names for Mouth, Hands, Legs, Excretory organ, Reproduction organ?What are their functions?What is the corresponding devata for each of the organs?What are the 5 fold energy functions?What does Praana (respiratory system) do?What does Apaana (evacuating system) do?What does Vyaana (circulatory system) do?What does Samaana (digestive system) do?What does Udaana (reversing system) do?What are the 4 functions of Antahkarana?How is Manaha different from Buddhi?What is Chittam?What is Ahankara?How is Sukshma sareera different from Sthula Sareera?What will happen if our thoughts are known to others?What will happen if we start studying vedanta?Is it good to know about what is going on in others' minds?What should vedanta be used for?What is Kaarana sareera (causal body)?What is the seed form of physical and subtle bodies?What do we mean by avyakta?Where is the punya and paapa of the jeeva stored?When did Kaarana sareera come into being?

  • Sloka 11 (Contd...) - Wise Men do not grieveWhat is the ignorance that we possess?How long have we had that ignorance?What is the consequence of ignorance?What do we mean by Adhyāsa?What is the most common example of false super-imposition?What happens during false super-imposition?In the rope-snake example, whose existence is borrowed by who?Whose nature is borrowed by who in the rope-snake example?What is the result of Adhyāsa?What do we mean by Abhimāna?What is the result of false identification?What does raga-dvesha lead to?What is the root cause of samsara?How do we remove samsara?What is the fundamental problem and how does it appear as topical problems?How is the sorrow removed?Will the reason for Arjuna's sorrow be averted?What is the beauty of vedanta?What does Vedanta do to the problem?What does the mind turn into?What are the 2 benefits of Gita Shastra?Do we need to come to Gita after retirement?What can remove Dukha?When does a mind become calm?Why did Bhagavan take death as an example?What does Vedanta do to the most common and most valid reason for sorrow?What is the difference between psychology and vedanta?What is Prathama Malla Nyayam?How is it explained in the context of being the best chess player in the world?Does a jnani get sorrow in the most commonly agreed sorrowful situation?Where is the fault - external or internal - according to Vedanta?What is the essence of Gita?What is the meaning of Sankhya? What is the title of this chapter?Where is atma swaroopa explained in this chapter?What does Upanishads focus on?How is Gita different from Upanishads?

  • Sloka 10 - Bhagavan's reaction to ArjunaHow did Bhagavan start his Upadesha?Where did He start his Upadesha?How was Arjuna's mindset at that time?What are the 2 reasons for Bhagavan's smile?Sloka 11 - Wise Men do not grieveWho is Arjuna grieving for? Is it worthy enough to be grieved for?Is Arjuna's sorrow justified according to Bhagavan?How does Arjuna speak, according to Bhagavan?Is Bhagavan considering Arjuna to be wise?Whom do wise men not grieve for?What does Gita shastra want to convey?What does Gita stand for?What is the main topic of this shastra?If Jnanis do not grieve, then who grieves?What is the cause for grief?What can remove grief / sorrow?What are, in our experience, various causes for sorrow?How can ātma ajñāna be the cause for our sorrow?What is Prathama Malla Nyayam?What do we mean by Swabhaava (intrinsic nature)?What is the swabhaava of Fire?Does the swabhaava change according to place / person / time?What are the various kinds of sorrows we face in life?What is the most common cause for sorrow?If death is the most common cause for sorrow, then should not all deaths affect us?Whose death impacts us?So what gets mixed in the situation that gives us sorrow?Which when removed from the "accident" becomes an "incident"?What is the feeling that Arjuna has about Drona and Bheeshma?Does the situation, by themselves, cause us sorrow?What do we have to do to remove sorrow from the situation?Do we need to change the situation to remove sorrow?Does studying shastras give us favourable situations?Will people stop criticizing us after reading Bhagavad Gita?Will we get financial benefit by studying shastras?What will go away if we study shastras?What do we do generally to remove sorrow?Will changing external things remove our sorrow?Does Vedanta provide solution to the problem? Or does it remove the problem itself?If I am the cause for my sorrow then who am I?

  • Adhikāritvam (Contd..) - Qualifications03. Mumukshutvam - Desire (for liberation)What does Mumukshutvam (Desire) mean?What is the issue when we depend on the world for emotions?Why should we not depend on the world?What are the psychological problems we face with regards to relations?Whose problem is it to rely on the unreliable?Where is our problem - with the world or with us?How is Samsara defined with respect to expectations / dependences?04- Shatka Sampatthi - Sixfold disciplineWhat are the sixfold discipline?Whom do we need to manage first - ourselves or others?04.01 Shamaha - Mental disciplineWhat do we mean by Shamaha?What is the mind used for?Do we see what is in our mind?What is the nature of the mind?Why do we need to master the mind?04.02 Damaha - Sensory disciplineWhat do we mean by Damaha?What are the senses used for?Why do we need to master the senses?04.03 Uparamaha - IntrospectivenessWhat do we mean by Uparamaha?Why should we make the mind look inward?04.04 Titiksha - Forbearance / ToleranceWhy do we need mental toughness?What kind of immunity is required in life?What sort of obstacles we get when doing a sadana?Why do we get obstacles when we do good karma?04.05 Shraddha - Faith / TrustDo we have an English equivalent for the Sanskrit word Shraddha?What should we have trust or Shraddha on?04.06 Samaadhaanam - ConcentrationWhy is focus important?How is the mind controlled & calmed?How is the mind retained & made to look inward?How is the mind stregnthened?How is the mind qualified?How is the mind made to focus?If we are qualified can we still attend the classes?Has Arjuna qualified himself? How?Sloka 09 - Sanjaya reporting Arjuna's final statement before Gita UpadeshaWhat is the meaning of Hṛṣīkeśa?What is the meaning of Guḍākeśaḥ?What are the three types of Guna and how are they different?What is the meaning of Pparantapaḥ?What did Arjuna say to Bhagavan?What is the meaning of Govinda?What did Arjuna do after saying that he won't fight?

  • Sloka 08 : Worldly Solutions cannot solve SamsaraCan name/fame/power/position/wealth/pleasures help in relieving grief / samsara?What is the famous mantra in Mundaka Upanishad?When does one discover Samsara?Does Arjuna see anything in this world that can remove his sorrow?How does he feel about his sense organs?Will an unrivalled prosperous kingdom relieve his grief?Adhikāritvam - QualificationsWhy must one have qualifications?How is reading & advising different from internalizing & applying?What are the 4 types of qualifications called out by Shastras?01. Viveka - DiscriminationWhat does Viveka (Discrimination) mean?What are the different types of Viveka?How are we to understand Nitya-Anitya Vastu Viveka?What is impermanent in this world?Is there anything that is permanent?01. Vairagya - DispassionWhat does Vairagya (Dispassion) mean?What is the definition of Vairagya?Why do we need to have Vairagya?Can the objects in world give permanent happiness?What is the problem of not having Vairagya?Will Viveka automatically lead to Vairagya?Can Vairagya come before Viveka?On what do we need to have Vairagya?

  • Sloka 07 (Contd) : Arjuna's SharanagatiWhat is the feeling that a Sannyasi needs to guard against, according to Shankaracharya in Sadhana Panchakam?What kind of sympathy should we not have in our mind?What is the dosha that had affected Arjuna's intellect?In which area is Arjuna's intellect confused with?What are the 2 definitions of Dharma according to Sampradaya Guru in this sloka?What is Arjuna asking Bhagavan here?What does Shreyas mean?What is the difference between Shreyas and Preyas?How do we know Arjuna's surrender is total?What does "niścitaṃ brūhi" mean?What does "niścitaṃ śreyaḥ" mean?Who decides the right path?What is other meaning for "niścitaṃ śreyaḥ" mean?Does Arjuna want a temporary or a permanent solution from Bhagavan?What is the meaning of "śiṣyaḥ"?What is the meaning of the word "Rama"?What does Arjuna want Bhagavan to do?Sloka 08 : Worldly Solutions cannot solve SamsaraWhat is the common mistake we do when seeking Ishvara's help?Who should do the worry and who should do the work?Why do some people come to the Guru?How do some people view the Guru and teaching?How does Arjuna show that his surrender is complete?Where do we look for Solutions when we have problems?What do people think when we say Vedanta is the solution to all worldly problems?What type of Solution that cannot solve his problem, according to Arjuna?

  • Sloka 07: Arjuna's SharanagatiAt which stage (within the 4 stages of Vedanta) was Arjuna in?Why will people not seek help?How do we conclude that Arjuna has become an adhikaari (qualified)?What do we need to recognize Samsara?What makes us say that Arjun was helpless?What important change is Arjuna going through here?What is Sharanagati / Prapatti / Surrender?What kind of person will surrender?What is important in a person when he has to surrender?Is surrender an activity?What is being surrendered in Sharanagati?Why is it difficult to surrender our intellect?What is the highest form of Sharanagati?To whom should one surrender?Does Arjuna know that Bhagavan has what he wants?Does Arjuna know what he wants?Does a Guru know the solution and knows that he knows?What does a Sishya know?What do most people know?What do we call people who do not know and think they know?How do we know the right Guru?How does Ishvara help us in getting the right Guru?What should we do to get the right Guru?What happens if we meet the right Guru but we do not have the right qualifications?What happens if we are qualified and meet the wrong Guru?What happens if we do Sharanagati at the wrong place?What is the meaning of Kārpaṇya dōṣam?Why does Arjuna feel that he is suffering from Miserliness?

  • Sloka 03: Bhagavan's reprimand of ArjunaHow does Bhagavan rebuke Arjuna?Which word of Bhagavan would have hurt Arjuna's ego?What does Bhagavan want Arjuna to do?At which stage (within the 4 stages of Vedanta) was Arjuna in?Sloka 04: Arjuna Giving the real reasonHow does Bhagavan rebuke Arjuna?Which word of Bhagavan would have hurt Arjuna's ego?What does Bhagavan want Arjuna to do?Why do we say that Arjuna is in the first stage of Vedant (Discovery of Samsara)?What was the real reason that Arjuna did not want to fight?When do we have a problem applying Dharma?How does Arjuna call Bhagavan in this sloka?What is the meaning of Madhusudana?What is the meaning of Arisudana?Sloka 05: Arjuna's alternative to the WarWhat is the better alterantive for Arjuna rather than killing Bhishma and Drona?What does Arjuna want to become?Which ashramas have the right to beg for food?Which ashrama has the duty to take care of the other 3 ashramas?What does Arjuna think of the wealth and sense objects that he could win after the war?Why do we think Arjuna has come to the second stage (desire to come out of samsara) of vedanta?Sloka 06: Arjuna's confusionWhat is Arjuna going to accept?What do we do when we are wrong?Which two courses are possible according to Arjuna?And which does he think is better?What does Arjuna think will happen?Why do we think Arjuna has come to the third stage (helplessness) of Vedanta?

  • Sloka 01 - Sanjaya's description of ArjunaHow was Arjuna's mind according to Sanjaya?What are the 2 things that Sanjaya saw in Arjuna's eyes?What did Bhagavan do then?What is the meaning of Madhusūdanaḥ?What is the meaning of Bhaga?What are the 6 qualities that Bhagavan has in full?What do we generally expect from Bhagavan at this stage?Does every human being undergo sorrow / have discontentment?Does a person get sorrow / discontentment only at a particular age?How do we know we are jealous? What are the various indications for jealousy?What are the other qualities that are indicators of Samsara?What do we do whenever sorrow afflicts us?How are our sorrows generally removed?What is Arjuna's cause for sorrow?Has Bhagavan given a solution specific to Arjuna's sorrow?Why are we reading Gita?Is there a fundamantal problem to all underlying sorrows?What does Gita solve - the topical problem or the fundamental problem?How can we say that the Gita removes the fundamental problem?What is the solution to the fundamental problem?Why do people not come to Gita / Vedanta?What is the discovery that one needs to make as a first step to coming out of Samsara?What is the desire that one needs to have as the second step towards coming out of Samsara?What is the third step towards coming out of Samsara?What does one need to do as the final step?Why does Bhagavan not advice Arjuna?In which step is Arjuna in?Why is Bhagavan helpless?Sloka 02: Bhagavan's reprimand of ArjunaHow does Bhagavan reprimand Arjuna?What are the three things that Bhagavan said Arjuna will not get?What is the meaning of the word Arya?Are Aryans from a different place?What is the definition of Arya?

  • When do we get Sokham / sorrow?How is sorrow different from attachment and delusion?How often we get sorrow?what are some of the reasons for our sokham?How do we generally address sorrow?How does Bhagavad Gita address sorrow?Why is Bhagavad Gita relevant for so many years?Is there a root cause for all the sorrows of the world?Is Bhagavad Gita limited to certain caste / gender / age / stage of life?If Gita is relevant why do most of them not come to study Gita / Vedanta?Does experience and knowledge go together?What do we need to do to discover first?How do we identify samsara?What is the turning point?Why do we ignore indications?What is Samsara?What do we do to remove the problems of samsara?What is required to give us the desire to come out of Samsara?Why are not many people interested?What are the 4 steps to vedanta?Why do we not accept helplessness?Why do we need a Guru?What are the 2 qualities required for the study of Shastras / Vedanta?What are the 3 points that we learn from Bhagavan - Arjuna Samvada?What happens when we advise without being solicited?What happens when we advise to people in sorrow?Why should lower-level people not advise people in higher level?Why is it better to keep quiet?Why is the second chapter of Gita important?What is Upakrama bhaagaWhat is Upasamhara bhaaga?What are the 4 major topics covered in the second chapter?

  • Sloka 43 - Caste Traditions and Family TraditionsWhat happens to Caste traditions and Family traditions when there is inter-mixture of varnas?What is important when looking for a bride or groom?What is being seen as important in present days?Sloka 44 - Final outcome of warWhere, according to Arjuna, will people end up because of the war?Why will people go to hell if they do not follow family traditions?What happens if we let go of Dharma?Sloka 45 - Great SinWhy does Arjuna think that he is going to commit a great sin?Why does he think he is fighting this war?What is Arjuna's delusion here?Sloka 46 - Arjuna's final statementHow does Arjuna conclude his arguments?What does he think is a better outcome than he fighting the war?How has Arjuna changed his position from how he was when he indicated that he was ready for the war?How does Bhagavan react to Arjuna's statements?What are the key emotions of Arjuna that showed up in his Monologue?Sloka 47 - Sanjay's description of Arjuna's stateWhat did Arjuna do after providing his arguments?Why had to Arjuna sit?What does his throwing of Bow and Arrows indicate?What was Arjuna's mental state, according to Sanjaya?Chapter End Explanation - Thanksgiving to IshvaraWhat is the meaning of Om?What is the meaning of Tat?What is the meaning of Sat?What is the meaning of Vāda?What is the meaning of Vidandāda?What is the meaning of Samvāda?What is the meaning of Upanishad?Why is Gita called Upanishad Saara?Can Religion be without Spirituality?Can Spirituality be without Religion?Is Bhagavad Gita a religious text or a Spiritual text?Chapter 01 - Summary01-01 Slokas - Dhrithirashtra s question02-20 Slokas - Battlefield description21-23 Slokas - Arjuna s Command24-25 Slokas - Bhagavan fulfilling the command26-28 Slokas - Arjuna's first emotion / weakness: Attachment29-31 Slokas - Arjuna's second emotion / weakness: Sorrow31-46 Slokas - Arjuna's third emotion / weakness: Delusion47-47 Slokas - Arjuna's state of mind

  • Destruction of Families, Family traditions perish, Adharma takes over, Women become corrupt, Ancestors fall, Cause for hell Sloka 38 (Contd) - Arjuna's third line of defenseWhat is Arjuna's argument? And is it correct?Should we behave the same way as others behave to us?Can a mistake be corrected by another mistake?Sloka 39 - Families are destroyed; Sinful actionWhat is our tendency when it comes to mistakes committed by others?Why does Arjuna want to withdraw from the war?What is the sinful action according to Arjuna here?Sloka 40 - Family traditions perishWhat is the consequence when families are destroyed?What happens when there are no family or broken families?What will happen when Dharma is destroyed?What does adharmic lifestyle mean?Should family traditions be followed only if we understand?What happens if we do not follow family traditions?Sloka 41 - Women become corruptWhat happens when adharma enters the family?Why is the woman in the family important?What does Dharma Shastra say with regards to the importance of the woman of the family?Who is the first role model for the child?What happens when a girl child grows up without any cultural values?Why is the inter-mixture of varnas not advised then?On what basis should profession be chosen?Sloka 42 - Ancestors fall; Everybody goes to hellWhat is the consequence of inter-mixture of varnas?What will happen to ancestors if they are deprived of shraddham and tarpanam?Why is shraddham and tarpanam performed?How does it help the ancestors when we do shraddham and tarpanam?What happens to the people who do not do shraddham and tarpanam?

  • Sloka 35 - Arjuna's Fourth reasonHow does Arjuna pre-empt Krishna's question?Will Arjuna kill these people even if they are willing to kill him?Will Arjuna kill even if he is given 3 worlds?What is the meaning of Madhusudana?Why does Arjuna address Bhagavan as Madhusudana?Sloka 36 - Arjuna's second line of defenseDoes Arjuna feel they (Krishna and Arjuna) will be happy in killing the Kauravas?What does Arjuna have an answer if Bhagavan asked that it should be done for Dharma?How can the duties be divided?What is our general attitude towards duties that we like?What is our general attitude towards duties that we don't like?How does Arjuna call the kauravas?What does Arjuna claim that Krishna and Arjuna will incur if they kill ātatāyinaḥ?What does ātatāyinaḥ mean?What are the pañcamahāpāthakāni?What is Agnida?What is Garadah?What is Aśastrapānir?What is Dhanāpahaḥ?Waht is Ksētradhāraapaharthācha?When Dharma Shastras mean when they say ātatāyinam āyāntam hanyāt avhicharayan ?How are Duryodhana and Duśasana ātatāyinaḥ?Why is Arjuna completely deluded?Sloka 37 - Arjuna's Indirect conclusionWhy does Arjuna not want to kill Kauravas?Does Arjuna have any confusion on Dharma-Adharma matters?How do we behave when it comes to Dharma matters?Do we have the same scale when it comes to dealing with people who belong to us and others?How does Arjuna include Krishna in the guilt trip?Is Kumbhakarna better than Vibeeshana?Did Karna do the right thing by supporting Duryodhana?When given a choice between relation and Dharma - what do we need to choose?Is happiness more important than Dharma?What is Arjuna's indirect conclusion and What is Gita's teaching?Sloka 38 - Arjuna's third line of defenseWhat is the viewpoint through which Arjuna wants Krishna to see?How is Arjuna trying to pre-empt Krishna's possible question?How do we react when someone uses a harsh word on us?Is the feeling of revenge inherent in all of us?When will the fight end?What happens if we do not retaliate and are magnanimous to forgive the other person?How do many people see that today?What growth does it actually bring?How does Arjuna see the Kauravas?What is it that the Kauravas are overpowered with, according to Arjuna?What are the consequences of war?What is the sin that Arjuna sees in this war?

  • Sloka 31 (2nd line) - Arjuna's First ArgumentWhat does Moha make us do or think?When will we know we are in delusion?What happens if the mind and intellect do not cooperate?How is Arjuna's mind working now?How did Shoka affect Arjuna and how is that position changed with delusion?How will Arjuna interpret Dharma Shastras?How did the Pandavas go about dealing with the Kauravas?Was war undertaken as the last resort?How did Arjuna see the war? What was his first argument for not fighting the war?Sloka 32 - Arjuna's Second ArgumentHow do we speak in an argument where we are wrong or have weakness?What does Bhagavan do when Arjuna is lamenting?What do we need to unlearn as we grow up?What are the things that Arjuna says he does not desire?What are the two types of Dharma?What does Arjuna want Bhagavan to tell him?What does this sloka show about Arjuna's mindset now?What is the negative side to this argument of Arjuna?What is the positive side to this argument of Arjuna?Sloka 33-34 - Arjuna's Third ArgumentWhy does Arjuna feel that the victory in this war is of no use?Who are these people that Arjuna wants to enjoy the wealth and kingdom?Whom does Arjuna call out first in the list of people?What is the difference between compassion and attachment?

  • Sloka 28 (2nd line) -29 - Arjuna's Shoka / SorrowWhat happens to Arjuna when he sees the people on the other side?Why is Sorrow as an emotion required?Do people prefer sorrow? If not, why do people watch tragedy movies?Why is sorrow considered a spiritual sadana?How do we differentiate pain and suffering?Can studying shastras help us alleviate pain?What emotion does Bhagavan talk about at the start of Gita Upadesha?Does everyone in this world experience sorrow?What was Arjuna's sorrow?How did Arjuna describe his sorrow?What happened to Arjuna's limbs?How did Arjuna describe the feeling in his mouth?Why did Arjuna's body shiver?When does horripilation (hair standing on end) happen?Sloka 30 - Arjuna's Shoka / Sorrow (Contd..)What happened to Arjuna's bow?How did his skin react?Why did Arjuna almost faint?Sloka 31 (1st line) - Arjuna's view of the situationWhy does Arjuna see bad omens?What is the relation between mind and outlook?Is sorrow a single thought?How does an emotion get formed?Where is Arjuna ending up now?Sloka 31 (2nd line) - Arjuna's Delusion / MohaWhat is Delusion?How is Raga related to Shoka and Moha?What is Antah Karanam?What is the difference between mind and intellect?What impacts attachment on Arjuna's mind?What is attachment impact on Arjuna's intellect?What are the different problems that arise out of attachment?What should the intellect be used for - apart from making decisions?What are the different areas that an intellect should be able to discriminate?What is the impact of attachment on the discriminative faculty?Which is man's biggest enemy?What are the spiral steps of destruction?

  • Sloka 21-23 - Arjuna's OrderWhat is utsargah? What is Apavaadha?Is Dharma superior to relations?Sloka 24-25 - Krishna's actionWhat is the meaning of Gūḍākeśah?What did Bhagavan do on Arjuna's order?Where was the chariot placed?In front of Whom did Bhagavan place Arjuna's chariot?What did Bhagavan say to Arjuna after placing the chariot?Sloka 26-28 - Arjuna's change of mindWhat is the meaning of Gūḍākeśah?What emotion of Arjuna is described in slokas 26-28?What emotion of Arjuna is described in slokas 29-31?What emotion of Arjuna is described in slokas 31-46?What is Ragah? How can one define Ragah?What are the two ways in which attachment grows?What is the result of attachment?When does attachment lead to fear?When does attachment lead to anger?When does attachment lead to sorrow?Why does Arjuna feel sorrow now?What is the beauty of Sanjaya's special vision?Who does Arjuna see instead of enemies?According to Dharma Shastra how many fathers does a person have?Who is Janitā?Who is Upanetā?Who is Yasca vidyām prayacati?What is Prākṛta puruṣaḥ?What is Saṁskṛta puruṣaḥ?When does an animal-man become a man-man?Who is the second mother for a person?Who is Anna dhātha?Who is Bhaya thrātha?What are the different relations that Arjuna see on both sides?Why is relation called bandhūn?What happens to Arjuna on seeing them?What is the meaning of Kṛpa in this context?What is the difference between compassion and attachment?What is the difference between jnani and ajnani with regards to emotions?What emotion overpwers Arjuna?And what is the immediate consequence of that emotion?What is the transformation that Arjuna undergoes?

  • Sloka 15 - Arjuna, Krishna & Bhima blow their conchesWhat are the names of Arjuna's & Krishna's conches?What is the meaning of the word Hrishikeshah?What is the meaning of the word Dhananjayah?What is the meaning of the word Vrikodarah?What is the name of Bhima's conch?Sloka 16 - Other Pandavas blow their conchesWhat is the name of Yudhisthira's conch?What are the names of Nakula's & Sahadeva's conches?Sloka 17-18 - Pandavas allies blow their conchesWho are the 8 persons named in this sloka who blew their conches?Sloka 19 - Effect of the ConchesHow did the conches sound come through on the battlefield?How did it impact the Kauravas?Sloka 20-21 - Sanjaya's description of the momentWhat did Arjuna at that moment?Whose image was in the banner of Arjuna's chariot?Sloka 21-23 - Arjuna's OrderWhat is the meaning of the word Achyuta?What is Arjuna's request / order to Bhagavan?How does Arjuna see the Kauravas?What is this fight actually about?How is Arjuna's mental state now?Was Arjuna's intellect overpowered by his emotions now?What is permanent - relations or Dharma?Is Arjuna aware that the war involves killing people?