
  • ep 83: Teacher to Business Owner | Farah’s Journey to Entrepreneurship

    In this conversation, I interview Farah Bazzi, a brand strategist, master storyteller, business owner, and teacher. You’ll hear all about Farah’s journey as a teacher and business owner, and the challenges and rewards she’s experienced through entrepreneurship. The entire conversation is full of so much joy, advice, storytelling, experience, all about life, business ownership and mindset. Enjoy!


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    Farah’s greeting cards

    Farah’s wedding invites


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  • Let’s chat about what’s in the way of your audience seeing you as the authority. When you have convos (both in the DMs and IRL) and you see yourself as a beginner and refuse to see your expertise and LEAD conversations, your audience is going to see you like that, too girl. I’ll walk you through how to begin to see yourself as the authority, so your audience see you as the authority as well and is EXCITED TO WORK WITH YOU!


    Knowing what to say in DMs is SO MUCH deeper than just having a template or a plug-and-play response.

    Seeing yourself as an authority and understanding the life changing transformation you walk your clients through is a non negotiable.

    Small shifts in the way you enter conversations can make a HUGE difference.

    Strategically asking questions to keep you out of the friend zone.


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  • In this episode, we’re shaking things up around here and I’m sharing a HUGE realization I had over the summer about moving from a space of inspiration & ease rather than discipline. While yes discipline is important and there’s a place for it, there may just be another way to do business that feels better and is more fun!

    ✨ Moving from a space of inspiration and ease is more effective (and fun!) than relying solely on discipline in business.

    ✨ Prioritizing money-making activities and building relationships = greater success.

    ✨ Revamping marketing strategies to focus on more valuable and strategic content will get better results than forcing consistency.


    “I was able to prove to myself that over the summer, everything was still running, and I made more money in my business than I ever have before. So why not? Why not start to move from this energy of ease and inspiration and doing things because I feel like doing things, not because I feel like I have to or I should or I’ve been doing it that way or that’s what I was taught or how I thought things were supposed to be. I was mind blown by this.”


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  • In this episode, I give a behind the scenes, tell all look into the launches of my group program, Biz Builders. I’ll give you a step by step playbook of how and why it started, how I got it up and running (without having anything built out), how it went, and how I changed things the second time I launched it. I also share about plans for the future, what I’ll do differently next time, and everything in between. This episode is all about realizing that no one has it all figured out, but there’s no way to figure it out unless you just go for it and flop.

    ✨ We keep going, even when it feels like no one is going to sign up.

    ✨ EVERYTHING is feedback and a lesson to learn.

    ✨ How to keep your launch stress free and easy peasy (not overwhelming or stressful).


    “A lot of times we just see success. We don't see the failures. We don't see the things that didn't work. We don't hear about when I launched something and nobody signed up and it flopped. We don't hear about those things. So I want to normalize this beginning part of launching and these beginning parts of a launch. I'm going to pull back the curtain here and give you everything that I have, everything that I did, everything that I didn't do and the mindset that I went into these launches with and my definition of success too and how that shifted.”


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  • We've got some changes coming up around here on the podcast soon! In this behind the scenes episodes I'll share exactly what's changing, what to expect, and why these changes are headed your way! Enjoy!


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  • This is Part 3 in a 3 part series, Get Your First (or next!) Client Masterclass.

    We're going to spend three episodes learning the step by step process to get your first (or next!) client! This process has worked for me, and for dozens of my clients! I encourage you to committ, listen to the episode (and relisten too, if you need to!), and do the accompanying homework below to get the most out of this episode! Make sure to reach out and send me a DM on IG and let me know what resonates!

    Here’s the homework that accompanies this episode:

    Here's your homework for today:

    Set a timer for 20 minutes and reach out to five people on your list from day 1 during that 20 minutes.

    Feel free to use the templates we used in the session today.

    Keep it low key and low pressure! Here's a checklist for you:

    Regulate your nervous system & set intentions Set a timer for 20 minutes Directly outreach (send messages) using templates Once the time is up, pat yourself on the back and walk away
  • This is Part 2 in a 3 part series, Get Your First (or next!) Client Masterclass.

    We're going to spend three episodes learning the step by step process to get your first (or next!) client! This process has worked for me, and for dozens of my clients! I encourage you to committ, listen to the episode (and relisten too, if you need to!), and do the accompanying homework below to get the most out of this episode! Make sure to reach out and send me a DM on IG and let me know what resonates!

    Here’s the homework that accompanies this episode:

    1. Begin to train your brain to find evidence that you ARE the best for this.

    In column 4, use the following sentence frame for each person on your list:

    “I may just be exactly what _NAME_ needs [because ___.]”

    You're essentially going to start training your brain to find evidence that you CAN do this; so when you talk about what you do, when you talk about your offer, you can do it with CONVICTION and CONFIDENCE.

    2. Notice your thoughts - catch the crappy ones and replace.

    “Who would ever pay me for this?”

    People pay THOUSANDS of dollars for ONE PAPERCLIP. Surely there are people out there who are READY and HAPPY to pay me for my services!

    3. Do some reflecting on “what’s not working” or “what’s hard.”

    ie. clients aren’t signing up/investing (Where are you not showing up for yourself/investing in yourself?)

    No one is listening (Where are you not listening to yourself?)

    I'm excited to hear what comes up for you as you work through these BIG ideas. 🚨 TIP!!!! 🚨 Give yourself some grace and space to work through these things. This is just the start of an amazing journey you're on in your business. ❤️

  • This is Part 1 in a 3 part series, Get Your First (or next!) Client Masterclass.

    We're going to spend three episodes learning the step by step process to get your first (or next!) client! This process has worked for me, and for dozens of my clients! I encourage you to committ, listen to the episode (and relisten too, if you need to!), and do the accompanying homework below to get the most out of this masterclass! Make sure to reach out and send me a DM on IG and let me know what resonates!

    Here’s the homework that accompanies this episode:

    PART 1:

    Create three broad buckets of people who you’d like to work with. (This might be “moms” “coaches” “teachers” “nurses” “college students”). It’s okay to be broad right now so don’t overthink it. We’re not worrying about niching down today; we’re just gonna move and get this first iteration going.

    For each bucket, write a short statement:

    What’s their problem? (1 sentence!) (examples- confidence, they want a new job, they want to start a podcast but don’t know how, etc.)

    What’s keeping them up at night? (just 1-2 sentences!) (examples- I wish I had more confidence to speak up for myself. I wish I could find a new job that fulfills me. I wish I knew how to start a podcast to share my thoughts.)

    PART 2:

    On a piece of paper, create four columns.

    In the first column, make a list of five people you know IRL that you’d like to work with. (DON’T OVERTHINK THIS and write it BEFORE you start to question anything, girl.) In the first column, also make a list of five people you “know” on socials that you’d like to work with. (Same; don’t overthink.)

    Now you should have a list of ten people. (Also, if you ALREADY have a list, ADD ten more to it today!)

    Side note: If you have a course or a product, that’s totally fine. Think of ten people who you would like to purchase from you.

    In the second column, a short statement about why you want to work with them. (DON’T OVERTHINK this! It can be as simple as “I know in my gut I can help them.” or simply “I would like to go to happy hour with this person.”)

    In the third column, a short statement about how you can help them (DON’T OVERTHINK THIS EITHER. It’s okay if it doesn’t align with your “niche.”) Examples: I can help her gain more confidence. I can help her begin to speak up about what she wants. I can help her find more balance and joy in her job. I can help her create more time in her day.

    WARNING: You WILL feel resistance doing this homework. It’s okay (that means it’s working!) I’m inviting you to push through, and trust the process here. I’m inviting you to do the work, and know you are fully loved and supported even if you don’t have everything figured out yet.

  • In this episode, I interview former teacher turned coach, Mary-Pat Moran. Mary-Pat has spent her life feeling like a black sheep, and in this episode she shares how she’s busted through so many limiting beliefs to create a beautiful life on her own terms, regardless of what anyone has told her is the “right” way to do things.

    In this episode we talk about everything from motherhood, business, the messed up education system, and everything in between.

    You’ll hear about:

    ✨ Doing things scared.

    ✨ How to let go of things that don’t serve you anymore.

    ✨ Not only how to think outside the box, but how to demolish the box altogether


    “We have one life, and we might as well make the most of it. And live it, and feel really good everyday; not just feel really good on the weekends or on Thanksgiving break or Christmas break, but feeling good EVERYDAY.”


    Mary-Pat on IG

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  • In this episode, I interview business coach, author and growth strategist, Dora Rankin. Dora is the author of The Heart Sell, A Guide For Women Entrepreneurs Seeking Financial Freedom, a must read for women who simply are tired of settling and want more. Dora is the Queen of selling without the sleaze, and she’s helped thousands of women founders create life changing amounts of money in their businesses.

    You’ll hear all about:

    ✨ Why we’re so scared to sell and how to overcome that fear.

    ✨ The difference between marketing and sales and why most of us have everything backwards (and that’s a huge reason why it feels like “nothing’s working.”)

    ✨ What to prioritize when first starting your business.

    ✨ The Heart Sell method and what makes it different.

    ✨ How to make relationships the heart of everything you sell and do in business.


    Dora’s website

    Dora’s Heart Sell Course

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    Dora on LinkedIn

    Purchase The Heart Sell book (you WON’T regret it!!!)


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  • In this episode, I interview former teacher turned business & confidence coach, Amber Jay. You’ll hear all about Amber’s decision to leave teaching and start her own business as a coach helping teachers and women create their own paths and break free of what they “should” be doing in life.

    She keeps it real and shares the hard parts, the scary parts, and the beautiful parts of deciding to leave her teaching job and start her business, plus everything in between.

    In this honest convo, you’ll hear about that gray area and the “messy middle” where we question if we made a smart decision and if this new path is actually going to work. Anyone who’s done something scary or is getting ready to take a leap of faith will love this convo because Amber tells how she put the puzzle pieces together to make it all work out.


    Amber on IG

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    Amber’s website


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  • In this episode, I interview former teachers turned business owners, Georgia & Christine. Georgia & Christine share their journeys out of the classroom and starting their own business together. They don’t hold anything back and share the challenges and fears they faced starting their businesses, the mindset shifts they had to make, and the importance of having a support system. Georgia & Christine share all about patience, perseverance, boundaries, and self care. There are SO many gems in this one, and Georgia and Christine are the ABSOLUTE sweetest! You’re going to love this episode and them! Enjoy!


    “However we’re manifesting something to turn out, we also need to be open to the idea that it can be even better than what we were expecting! As much as we’re scared, we have that deep belief that it’s going to turn out the way it’s supposed to because we know we put in the work behind the scenes and that we are in control of how it turns out.”


    Making the Grade Podcast

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  • In this episode, hear the most amazing convo with Anne Rajoo, a peaceful productivity mentor and owner Virtufully, a boutique VA agency. Anne shares her journey of breaking free from the hustle culture and finding a balance between productivity and peace. In this episode we talk all about mindset around productivity, creativity, and slowing down to create a fulfilling and sustainable life and business. You will LOVE this conversation! It has SO many beautiful gems to get you thinking about what it means to be productive, how more isn’t always better, and how to examine your relationship with productivity. Anne's approach is centered around being intentional, finding joy in the process, and embracing the idea that doing less can actually lead to BETTER results.


    “If I want to have the life I am dreaming of, it’s up to me and I have to make the change. My mom passed away very suddenly. She was only 54. She went to sleep and didn’t wake up again. That was the wake up call that life is really short. And what are we doing here? Waking up day after day feeling like life is a grind, not enjoying it, sitting there all miserable. Complaining to our girlfriends about how hard it is and not doing anything about it.. ”


    Anne’s website

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  • We recently got a dog, and we’re obsessed with the show The Dog Whisperer. As it turns out, the principles of training a dog all apply to business too! Listen in to this episode and hear how!

    ✨ Your energy is EVERYTHING in business.

    ✨ Set intentions for everything you do.

    ✨ Patience is essential in business.

    ✨ Taking responsibility for your results is a game changer.

    ✨ Calm confidence is what will attract your dream clients and make your life so mu


    “The second we decide to take responsibility for our results, is incredibly empowering versus blaming everything outside of you. Just like with the Dog Whisperer; it’s never actually the dog, it’s always, always the owner’s issue.”


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  • In this episode, I interview marketing & messaging expert + CEO of Blissworks Brands, Blessing Santoro. This is SUCH a great convo about the first step to creating messaging that attracts your dream clients is to get to the heart of WHO you are. You will love this convo (Blessing doesn’t hold anything back and graciously shares her knowledge and process) and walk away understanding what the steps are to begin honing in your messaging and content to align with your dream clients. This episode is all about knowing yourself and confidently & unapologetically expressing your value through your messaging.

    “One of the biggest parts of messaging and marketing in general is your voice and what does that voice sound like? And in order to find your voice, you’ve got to know how you sound and who you are and, you know, the things that make you unique.”


    Blessing’s Website

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  • Let’s chat about the importance of giving ourselves space to just be and the benefits of unplugging (from devices AND the massive to-do lists we’re all carrying around like baggage) and de-stimulating our minds. There’s so much value in slowing down and allowing our brains to wander; it’s where the best ideas and downloads drop in. This episode is your permission to give yourself to just be.


    “Let your mind just start to wander. Allow those ideas and inspiration to come in, and I think you’ll find that it’s a really, really good feeling!”


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  • In this episode, Sandy interviews former teacher turned copywriter and business owner, Devan Lauerman, about her journey out of the classroom and into small business ownership. You’ll hear all about how Devan got started in her business (she was working full time when she started her biz), how she moved through the tricky obstacles that might have held her back (but she didn’t let them!), and you’ll hear how Devan literally built her business around what’s important to her; her family. Devan has some great advice and reminds us that business building is not always easy, and it doesn’t always move as quickly as we want, but boy is it worth it! Enjoy!


    Devan’s Insta

    Devan’s Website


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  • Let’s chat about running your biz over those magical summer months. Summer is a special time to rest, recharge, and enjoy time outside. Nobody wants to feel like they’re missing out on summer while working their business. This episode is full of tips and tricks for working your business over the summer and still feeling like you have a summer!


    "I was scared. I didn't want to feel like I was missing summer with my kids, but I also didn't want to feel like I was letting my business down or letting my clients down. I wanted to feel successful in both areas and I think that that's something that we often grapple with."


    Episode 29: 5 Tricks for Working From Home Over the Summer

    Episode 49: Productivity Tips & Tricks- getting more done in less time (talks about your non negotiables!)

    The FREE 3 Day Get Your First (or next!) Client Masterclass is open! Join us on May 27, 28, and 30 at 10am PST!


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  • Don’t let these myths hold you back from building the life and business of your dreams.

    Have you ever thought:

    “I wish there was more time in the day. If ONLY I had TEN more hours, THEN I could build my business/go to the gym/finish my course/do that thing I’ve been wanting to do.”

    “This is going to take foreverrrrrrrr. I want it to work now.”

    “I have to hustle and grind all day everyday to make this work.”

    “I have to sacrifice time with my family/free time/sleep to make this work.”

    Listen in to debunk all of these myths plus more. Stop getting in your own way with all these lies, and get going building that business, girl!


    “We don’t get to choose the timeline. Yes, there are things we would love to happen in a certain amount of time, but we don’t get to choose. All we get to do is take aligned action, do what we can, and fully believe that it’s going to work and that our success is inevitable. If we’re doing that, and that belief is solid, there’s no reason why it has to take you a long time.


    Episode 25: Four Things You Need to Start a Business (and they’re not what you think!)

    The FREE 3 Day Get Your First (or next!) Client Masterclass is open! Join us on May 27, 28, and 30 at 10am PST!


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  • After the “5 Tips to Build Your Business While Teaching Full Time” episode aired, I got a TON of questions about the nitty gritty of leaving my teaching job.

    What were you actually doing?

    How did you make decisions?

    What were you thinking & feeling?

    How time did it actually take you? For real?

    In this episode, I get real with you and break it all down and answer these questions and more. This isn’t about WHY I left my teaching job, it’s about HOW I did it, how I made decisions, how I focused my time, and how much time it actually took to build my business while teaching full time and being a mom.


    “I just want to be very, very clear and very transparent here. When I committed to leaving my classroom, it wasn't like, I know that I said like the switch was flipped, but there was still a lot of fear and a lot of like unknowns. And that's why, looking back, there was no need for the fear. There was no need for that because all of the things that I thought were so important and were so like do or die, they actually weren't that important.”


    Episode 1: Meet Sandy Patterson

    Episode 61: 5 Tips to Build Your Business While Teaching Full Time


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