Songbirding takes you on an auditory journey through the songs of birds. Recorded entirely outdoors, a variety of songbird species from the Great Lakes region of North America are featured. Each episode provides listeners with a unique and immersive experience, as they listen to the beautiful melodies and calls of different birds in their natural habitats.
Along with the sounds, birding guide Rob Porter shares interesting facts and insights about the birds, providing a deeper understanding of their behaviour and significance in the ecosystems they inhabit.
Twice nominated as best Science Podcast in the Canadian Podcast Awards.
Season 1, "The Bruce Peninsula" was recorded in July of 2019, in various locales of the Bruce Peninsula in Ontario.
Season 2, "Midsummer" was recorded in July and August of 2019, in Hamilton, Waterloo, and Cambridge.
Season 3, "Spring of Solitude" was recorded in spring of 2020, in the Hamilton, the Niagara Region, and Norfolk County.
Season 4, "On Territory" was recorded throughout 2020 & 2021, in various places in Ontario.
Season 5, “In The Quietude” was recorded in 2021 through 2023 in Bruce Peninsula National Park.
Season 6, "Allegheny National Forest" was recorded in 2022 through 2025 in Allegheny National Forest and surrounding areas in Pennsylvania and New York states.
For those with high-frequency hearing loss, please search for "Songbirding Under 5kHz"
Recorded, engineered, narrated and created by Rob Porter.
Cover art by Lauren Helton -
Support the show at -
_This version of Songbirding is modified for listeners with high-frequency hearing loss. All sounds above 5kHz have been transposed down one octave._
Songbirding takes you on an auditory journey through the songs of birds. Recorded entirely outdoors, a variety of songbird species from the Great Lakes region of North America are featured. Each episode provides listeners with a unique and immersive experience, as they listen to the beautiful melodies and calls of different birds in their natural habitats.
Along with the sounds, birding guide Rob Porter shares interesting facts and insights about the birds, providing a deeper understanding of their behaviour and significance in the ecosystems they inhabit.
Season 1, "The Bruce Peninsula" was recorded in July of 2019, in the peak of songbird breeding season.
Season 2, "Midsummer" was recorded in July and August of 2019, in southern Ontario.
Season 2 of this podcast updates bi-weekly on Mondays and Thursdays in March and April 2020.
The Bruce Peninsula (also known as the Saugeen Peninsula) is the traditional territory of the Haudensaunee (Iroquois), Ojibway/Chippewa and Anishnabek. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties, with the exception of the Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation which is unceded territory.
Recorded, engineered, narrated and created by Rob Porter. -
Cette série de podcasts discute de la nouvelle réalité des jeux hybrides, à la frontière entre les jeux vidéo et les jeux de hasard et d’argent. Les chercheurs de l’Équipe de recherche Habitudes de vie Et Recherches MultidisciplinairES (HERMES) abordent l’impact des jeux hybrides sur les habitudes de vie des individus et des collectivités.
This podcast series will discuss the emerging nature of hybrid games that lie at the boundaries of gambling and video gaming. The researchers from the Multidisciplinary Research Team on Lifestyle (HERMES) address the impact of hybrid games on the behaviour of individuals and on communities. -
Delve into a diverse array of topics, including wilderness survival skills, bushcraft, nature soundscapes, captivating stories of environmental heroes, secrets in animal tracks, and much more. Ideal for outdoor enthusiasts seeking to enhance their skills or seasoned guides collecting little gems of insight.
Donation or subscription: Buy me a coffee
Hosted in the heart of a land trust site and hiking trailhead: Blueberry Mountain (cliffLAND) -
Weekly stories about moments of connection in nature, encouraging you to be curious, be amazed, and do it again! Visit the Nature Moments newsletter for the nature photography behind the stories. -
Laura Reagan, LCSW-C, Psychotherapist, Burnout Prevention Consultant and Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator interviews guests to discuss holistic and alternative approaches used in psychotherapy, counseling, coaching and healing sessions. Be a fly on the wall as therapists discuss the practice of psychotherapy and how they implement self care into their own lives to prevent therapist burnout. Conversations about mindfulness, self compassion, The Daring Way™, EMDR, art therapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, other somatic methods, trauma, parenting, attachment will get you thinking deeply about therapy and the universal experience of being human, with all the joy and pain that entails.
Les Mystérieux Étonnants est une vitrine pour les bandes dessinées, les Comic Books, le cinéma, les téléséries, les jeux vidéos ainsi que tout ce qui a trait à la sphère geek. Elle se compose d'une équipe dynamique et passionnée qui s'est donné comme mission de promouvoir la culture populaire. Le tout se fait dans un esprit d'humour, de réflexion et de franche camaraderie.
All modelers have a life but what do we know of it. This podcast is as much about the people in model railroading has it is about the hobby itself. I've met so many interesting people in the hobby over the years I decided it would be fun to share their back stories with everyone else.
So come along with me, Lionel Strang as we discover just how many fascinating folks there are in this great hobby of ours. -
Bienvenue au podcast IA café, le podcast pour les passionnés, comme vous, d’intelligence artificielle. Deux fois par mois, nous recevons, dans notre studio à la Faculté de philosophie de l’Université Laval, au cœur de la ville de Québec, les principaux acteurs (chercheurs, entrepreneurs, artisans) de la recherche sur l’intelligence artificielle, et nous discutons avec eux des enjeux techniques, éthiques et sociétaux émergeant de leurs domaines d’expertise. Au passage, nous tentons nous aussi d'arrimer nos expertises en Éthique, droit et sociologie avec ce domaine émergeant qu'est l'Intelligence artificielle. Je sais que le sujet peut sembler intimidant, mais le ton de ce podcast se veut très relaxe, simple, humble. On prend un café. On discute des grandeurs et misères de la recherche en intelligence artificielle. Rien de plus. Le podcast s’adresse principalement aux chercheurs, entrepreneurs et artisans de ce domaine, aux étudiants qui aimeraient y travailler, mais aussi à ceux et celles qui souhaitent s’immiscer à l’intérieur des murs, parfois étanches, des compagnies et institutions qui créent les intelligences artificielles qui feront bientôt partie de nos vies. Bonne écoute! Vos moutons électriques: Jean-François Sénéchal, Frédérick Plamondon, David Beauchemin, Ève Gaumond, Sylvain Munger, Shirley Plumerand, Véronique Tremblay et Stéphane Mineo.
Welcome to the Foil Life Podcast (previously Wing Life Podcast) – the show that dives deep into the world of foiling! From wing foiling and prone foiling to downwind glides and pump sessions, we’re here to celebrate the athletes, new emerging disciplines, innovators, and everyday riders pushing the boundaries of this revolutionary sport.
Whether you want to improve your skills, buy new gear, travel or hear from your favourite athlete, this is your hub for all things foil.Tune in for inspiring stories, pro tips, and behind-the-scenes insights from brands and the people who live and breathe the foil life.
Let’s ride the future, and let's talk about foiling! -
Welcome to the Helpful Gardeners, a weekly podcast diving into the home and garden topics you want to learn more about. Colin is a certified horticulturist with decades of experience working in landscaping, gardening and houseplants in various climactic zones. Brandi is a beginner with a passion to ask questions.
Subscribe to catch new episodes every Sunday! -
The Podcast from Australia for Science and Reason.
Join Richard Saunders and his team of reporters for your weekly dose of skeptical news and interviews, reports and comments.
Past guests have included, James Randi, Stephen Fry, Tim Minchin, Eugenie Scott, Dr Phil Plait, Michael Marshall, Dr Steve Novella, Dr Pamela Gay, Jon Ronson, Dr Ben Goldacre, Simon Singh, Prof. Richard Wiseman, Dick Smith, Banachek, Prof. Chris French, George Hrab, Tim Ferguson, Dr Paul Willis and many, many more.
Featuring Australian radio legend Maynard with his Spooky Action, Jo Alabaster from the 'Evidence Please' blog, Eran Segev's Grain of Salt, Dr Rachael Dunlop with 'Dr Rachie Reports' and Heidi Robertson aka 'The Raw Skeptic'. -
Gorilla Airsoft Radio is a podcast covering all aspects of the game of Airsoft. From news and new products to tech tips and upcoming events, we cover it all. Whether you're a hardcore Airsoft Operator or a noob just getting started, we've got the info you need. We try not to take ourselves too seriously and take pride in our ability to get through the show after all the adult beverages.
Welcome to The SNES Podcast, brought you bi-weekly by your hosts Greg (AKA SoulBlazer) and Joe. This is a podcast dedicated to talking about the games of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Any feedback, comments, suggestions, etc. please post on our Facebook page at or e-mail us at [email protected]