Fee breathed new life into Bristol dedicated Childfree Women's MeetUp group to the point where it now has almost 1000 members. In her late 40s, she went back to Uni to study Psychology. She made the bold move as an unmarried, childfree woman, of leaving the city behind to seek out a quieter village life. In short, she is a courageous and fascinating individual.
Hannah shunned the trad wife & mother ideals she grew up amongst, to hold her own as a writer in the male-dominated tech world. we talk archetypes and death.
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we talk about the pain of being marginalised in family situations, the importance of connection with other free-range women, & clear up the matter of whether not having children means we don't like them either.
having worked in education for over 25 years, Jess has a lot of experience kids - and parents. she is happily childfree now, and genuinely living her best life - but just after getting married in her 30s Jess was diagnosed with cervical cancer and pressurised into prioritising the fertility-saving option, over her own life.
As a teenager, Fenella realised that activism was more important to her than having children. After years of working directly with kids & parents in the realm of Play, Fenella now coaches people who feel stuck in their lives and want to change. I got in touch with her about living childfree after reading a great article she wrote on the matter for HELLO! Magazine.
a chat exploring why she and her fiancé have chosen to take permanent steps to prevent kids messing up their life together
in this short intro, I will explain why I decided to create this pod. in the episodes to follow, I will have chats with other childfree women about why they have courageously chosen this path as well.FB & Insta: Beyond Baba Yaga podcast