Hosted by former Marvel entertainment lawyer Paul Sarker and entertainment enthusiast Mesh Lakhani, Better Call Paul will delve into the business and legal issues at play behind the glitz and glam. This show takes you beyond the catchy headlines to find out what’s really at play behind the scenes and gives you an introduction to the business side of show business.
Singer, Songwriter and Producer L.Ariel interviews talented, creative individuals from all facets of the music industry about their exciting careers. From musicians to marketers to managers and more, the movers and shakers who work in music today discuss their musical passions, their career trajectories, and share advice, insight and outlook about the ever-changing landscape of the music business. Whether you're just starting your music career or actively seeking a job in the music industry, this weekly podcast will keep you informed and inspired.
Andy and Rob love music... perhaps a bit too much. On this podcast we go in depth with bands and artists spanning multiple genres, and dive deep into the history, discography and influence of music artists from the past and present! Our main show is our "discography series" in which we deep dive different bands and artist's careers album by album. We hope you will join us on this musical journey!