It's been a few episodes since we've talked about conspiring with the universe and manifesting techniques.
Truth is, there are various ways to manifest.
There are multiple streams of consciousness. You're manifesting every second of your life. Every act of manifestation is always in alignment with your frequency. There's never a notion of "unalignment" when it comes to your co-creation process here on Earth. Everything is always aligned with either fear (pain/triggers) or love (worthiness/interconnectedness).
I have learned a plethora of ways to manifest, and today as of recording this episode in 2024, I have become so deeply trusting in the ability of the Universe and I's participation response to co-crate. I don't worry about my manifestations because I know they are simply a live intentional act of acceptance and self-love.
How I began manifesting when I started this podcast is still valid, but NOT my truth today.
I've manifested big opportunities in my life, thanks to this manifestation technique. Things such as: my print article feature in Cosmopolitan Magazine, or TV and Show opportunities, and more importantly: deeper self-trust.
I share in this episode, how I manifest from a secure place of an activated aligned manifesting relationshp with the Universe (Source energy, aka: you, me, we, us).
Listen in to learn my manifestation activation process, and watch your reality shift!
May you manifest wisely,
Esoteric Esa
The veil is thin! Our favorite season of October and November is here as Brujx and witches. In Mexican culture there are many superstitions and mythologies to explore, but in this episode we condensed it to discussing real life experiences of my father who grew in Mexico witnessing elves (duendes), and we talk about what La Llorona meant to his generation, plus he shares two ghost stories from his time here in America.
This is a fun and spooky episode so kick back and enjoy with us!
#latinapodcast #supernatural #superstitions
Saknas det avsnitt?
*This episode is an astrology analysis based on research*
Let's talk about the potentially scary. Recession + an economic crash....
We have two major eclipses in October of 2023 that are back-to-back, and so much more important astrology this year that is eluding to, or blatantly indicating to an economic crash. Solar Libra eclipse on Oct. 14th and Taurus Lunar eclipse on Oct. 28th. Didn't the stock market crash back on Oct. 28 in 1929? Interesting...
I share insight on my intuitive msgs, dream visions and the astrology of my prediction of the stock market/economic crash of 2023. If it crashes, Octber 2023 and November 2023 are pivotal months. Especially Nov. 17th, seems to be an astrologically significant day for our economy.
I could be wrong, and I am not attached to the outcome. Honestly, it would maybe be best on the surface level, if I am incorrecct. Nonetheless, I share this info from a place of respect and without negative ego. Gratefully a messenger.
Historically, the stock market (with other significant astro markings) tends to crash during Sept. and into Oct., and it's mostly because of the Stock Market's birth chart/electional chart's natal Virgo, Leo, and Libra placements. Did you know the stock market is an official Cancer zodiac sun sign? Yeah, I talk about all that and more.
Tune in with an open mind, no negativity, and no scarcity mindset. This is an astrological prediction on the stock market crash that has a high probability of happening this year because of the reversal nodal return. We talk a lot of astrology in this episode. So grab your pen and paper. Hit rewind, and take your time listening. Pls receive this episode from a place of awareness and empathy. This is not meant to fearmonger in anyway. Pls take this as a productice episode with this intention to help our communities of color be come prepared and further familiar with the astrological dialogue that is here to support us as we ascend.
This episode should not be considered as or replaced for professional financial, legal, or economic advice. Always consult with a professional in those spaces. We are re-generating Venusian energy in 2023 as a conscious collective. Teaching us the affirmations of I AM (Aries), I HAVE (Taurus), I DESIRE (Scorpio), I FEEL (Cancer) + I WEIGH (Libra).
I share the eclipse history of every year the economy/stock market crashed along with how the current transits are influencing the electional chart of Wall Street with the offical date of June 27, 1921.
Inqueries: customerservice@souliminati.com
IG: www.instagram.com/esoteric_esa
Patreon: www.patreon.com/esotericesa
Website: www.souliminati.com
X: @jgalejandrez
TikTok: @esoteric_esa
May you manifest wisely. And so it is.
Aliens! Freaked out now that their existence has been confirmed? Don't be! I talk about my 2017 encounter with a UFO and why we're astrologically seeing a rise in Alien confirmation and more. I discuss specific astrological components like Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius and past Aquarius solar eclipses.
Join me in Vegas on 9/3 for Venus direct ritual and healing:
Tell me about your Alien encounters and don't forget to enroll in my astrology courses at www.patreon.com or www.souliminati.com
Let's connect on IG: www.instagram.com/esoteric_esa
Read my free resources here:
and https://www.cosmopolitan.com/author/235365/esoteric-esa/
#TheModernSpiritualLatina #YourEsotericHomegirl #EsotericEsa
I share insight on the 4/19-4/20 Aries Solar Eclipse and why it's a critical one. It will help you be more decisive and focused. I share tips on how to ground the astrology through specific exercises and examples. We talk what it means to work with this eclipse in particular.
Discover my services at www.souliminati.com
Find me on social media! @esoteric_esa
In this episode I explore the idea of tapping into present moment embodiment for those who find affirmations challenging to utilize. A discussion on removing the future proposition in the belief of an affirmation should be considered when propelling your word spells like the "I Am" and other affirmation slogans.
Learn more about my upcoming offerings at www.souliminati.com
Let's connect on Instagram: www.instagram.com/esoteric_esa
Join my Patreon for exclusive support and tools: www.patreon.com/esotericesa
Jasmin Alejandrez-Prasad aka: Esoteric Esa® (she/her), is an Astrologer, Bruja, Certified Reiki Practicioner, Podcaster and Psychic Tarot Reader. She is the Entrepreneur of creative brands Esoteric Esa, Souliminati® LLC and creator of The Modern Spiritual Latina Oracle®. Her podcast, Better Work Bitch!®, is a two time award-winning podcast by the People's Choice Awards®.
Her work has been featured in Bustle, Cosmopolitan, HipLatina, MiTú, Refinery29 Somos, and PopSugar.
As a first generation Latina of Mexican-Peruvian American heritage, she understands the importance of positioning education as equity among communities of color. Her mission is to eliminate the negative misconceptions surrounding
taboo spiritual subjects in Latine/x culture such as brujería and spiritual decolonial work. She graduated from Cal State University Northridge with a B.A. in Public Relations/Journalism and is based in Los Angeles, California.She is a contributing writer for Cosmopolitan and PopSugar Juntos.
Check out Press Coverage at https://www.souliminati.com/press-esoteric-esa-jasmin-editorial
Media Contact: jasmin@souliminati.com
www.tiktok.com/@esoteric_esa -
You know I had to start the season off with some astro tea. Listen in for the important major cosmic transits of 2023. I share the themes of the year, the numerology and key dates to keep tract of.
Eclipses of 2023
Star of Spica
Saturn in Pisces
Pluto in Aquarius
Jupiter in Aries
Mercury Retrograde
...and the digital revolution will be centered on democratizing online wealth as we question the tech billionaire oligarchy.
Read my latest for Cosmopolitan, the numerology of 2023.
Here: 2023 Universal Year Number
Check out my upcoming courses for 2023.
Let's learn together: www.souliminati.com
Esoteric Esa's Popsugar Pieces Here
"The universe does not expand "into" anything and does not require space to exist "outside" it." And, neither do you. You are absolute, infinite and abundant.
After the Universe expanded it cooled in order to allow the formation of matter. After going eight seasons strong, I need to cool after a fast expansion since the formation of this podcast in 2018. I spent all of 2022 in my own universal "cooling down" period. Hence why season 8 is a short-lived four-episode long season. Thank you for the opportunity to hold space for me as I've evolved. As Better Work Bitch! evolved. Here on out, it's metric expansion...
May you manifest wisely. Esoteric Esa
The ascension process. We talk so much about it in spirituality, but is it a literal or symbolic experience? I discuss how 2022 has been a huge ascension process for me in my personal life, as a creator and how I have been or not been showing up for myself. I hope this episode helps you in the dark if and when you ever find yourself there. I am making a lot of changes in my work, business and evolution of Esoteric Esa. Listen in to hear what I am releasing and making room for as it does effect my services. Thank you for a beautiful 2022. I love you.
I am part of The Soul of Business Summit hosted by The Biz Bruja and am running a segment on "Podcasting with Purpose for Profit: How to Create and Implement a Powerful Podcast with Intention" 10/9-10/12/22.
Sign up here: https://soulofbusinesssummit.com/ref/esotericesa/
In this episode I analyze Bad Bunny's chart. Note: this episode is not insinuating whether Bad Bunny is or isn't Queer. In no way imposing any sort of possible limiting labels on the individual. This is a chart analysis of depicting how sexual embodiment can occur in many complex manners.
We look at his chart to support his revolutionary approach to sexual expression.
I share examples of sexual fluidity and non-conforming expressions of sensuality as it could appear in a chart of another person.
I talk about Scorpio, Taurus and the Eclipses of 2022 and 2023. I also share how 5th house, 11th house and 8th house places can share your personal sexual power.
book a reading: www.souliminati.com
join my patreon: www.patreon.com/esotericesa
Playing on the themes of season 8: grace and self-mastery, in this episode I dive into the psychoanalysis of a personal ceremony I performed journeying with the Jaguar spirit. I share insight into the themes that Jaguar presented forth. The inability to let go, the struggle, prelude to release and the cosmic creation.
And so it is.
Xx // Esa
Book a reading with me: www.souliminati.com
Connect with me: www.instagram.com/esoteric_esa
Join Patreon: www.patreon.com/esotericesa
This episode I share the intuitive insights I received based on inspiration of my 33rd birthday. I feel compelled to embark on a 33-day Sadhana Spiritual Challenge to increase my discipline and invite you in on this challenge.
Want to sign up? We begin 1/31/22
Enroll here: https://forms.gle/2LyySeHteJd7Etr59
Alex Naranjo and Marlene Vargas, owners of House of Intuition, join us to discuss their book, Your Intuition Led You Here, now on sale. Their book features 32 rituals and magic 101 for the alchemist of any level. Listen in to learn more about these two incredible entrepreneurs!
Visit their website: https://houseofintuitionla.com/
Purchase their book: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/646125/your-intuition-led-you-here-by-alex-naranjo-and-marlene-vargas/
Support House of Intuition on Social Media:
Book a session with Esoteric Esa: www.souliminati.com
In this episode we discuss reclaiming our bodies as women and people who bleed. The importance of healing any stigma or guilt around our Yoni/Vagina and discuss openly what Coochie magick is with Erlinda, The Coochie Witch.
Learn more about Erlinda and her services at:
https://www.girlgangsteaming.com/#/ connect with her on IG @girlgangsteaming book a reading with me at www.souliminati.com Join our Patreon www.patreon.com/esotericesa -
Growing up I was the writer of the family. Given the official role at a young age. I wrote checks, wrote family or holiday cards, in charge of proofreading and drafting written communications on behalf of my family unit. But, I hit an identity crisis at the age of 23 when one of my first bosses told me I shouldn't write. My writing sucked. How did I overcome that pain to now be a professional writer? Tune in!
Don Jose Ruiz, son of Shaman Don Miguel Ruiz, joins us to discuss his latest book, "Shamanic Power Animals." We also discuss how to connect with Mother Earth, how to honor our bodies and work with animals, our non-human friends.
Purchase Don Jose's latest book and any others from the legendary Ruiz family at http://www.miguelruiz.com/
Get a copy of his previous books:
https://www.amazon.com/Shamanic-Power-Animals-Embracing-Teachings/dp/1950253147 https://www.amazon.com/Medicine-Bag-Shamanic-Ceremonies-Transformation/dp/1938289870 https://www.amazon.com/Wisdom-Shamans-Ancient-Masters-Teach/dp/1938289722 Connect with Don Jose Ruiz on Instgram: Don Jose Ruiz (@donjoseruiz) • Instagram photos and videos Connect with me: www.patreon.com/esotericesa Book a reading with me: www.souliminati.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/esoteric_esa Twitter: www.twitter.com/jgalejandrez -
Curious about the buzzword Manifestation? Trying to understand Magic on a more intimate level? Ready to step into the power of your thoughts, words and create beautiful ritual work? Elhoim shares his latest book, Manifestation Magic, which goes in-depth about spell work and how to become a strong Manifestor! We discuss his immigration to America and how he is now an Author of several Books!
Book A Service with Elhoim: https://www.elhoimleafar.com/
Support his writing by purchasing Manifestation Magic and leave a review!
Reviews help Authors.
Book: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/manifestation-magic-elhoim-leafar/1137424743
Follow Elhoim: https://www.instagram.com/elhoimleafar/?hl=en
Connect on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElhoimLeafar
Purchase Erika's books:
RSVP free event:
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Let's work together:
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Sandra Hinojosa Ludwig is a certified life coach from the Transformational Arts College in Toronto, Canada who focuses on non-profit coaching thru her Chica Catalyst program to help Latinas intentionally manifest a life loves them back! She is a Hay House Author of the book, "Chica, Why Not?" In this episode Sandra shares 6 steps written in her book to manifest along with sharing her personal story of overcoming physical and emotional abuse in her life.
Find her on Facebook @coachsandrahonojosaludwig
Book a reading with me www.souliminati.com
Find me on Patreon www.patreon.com/esotericesa
We discuss what it's like to feel "in-between" as someone who might be biracial or 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation Latinx American and the significance of owning your crossroads of heritage and how that adds to your personal alchemy. J. Allen Cross is an Author and joins me to discuss that and so many other important highlights in his book, American Brujeria, that helps us dissect what it's like to practice Modern Mexican American Folk Magic according to him! Get your copy of American Brujeria by J. Allen Cross:
Connect with J. Allen online!
IG: @oregon_wood_witch
Twitter: @witchoregon
TikTok: @oregon_wood_witch
Book a reading with me: www.souliminati.com
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