This Podcast is dedicated to sharing, learning, and discovering the fundamentals of Nonviolent Communication based on what I have learned from Marshall Rosenberg's classic book "Nonviolent Communication" and many of his videos. It is my intention to share what I have learned and to help those who truly want to become better communicators to avoid some of the common mistakes I see over and over when people attempt to practice NVC. It is truly an amazingly powerful way of speaking and being and I am excited to go on this journey with you.
A very warm and sunny welcome to Kyero ☀️
We've been helping millions of buyers from across the globe to find their dream home in the sun since 2003.
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In the Kyero Spanish Property Podcasts we chat to real people who recently purchased in Spain, and get inspiration and insider tips to help you make your move with confidence too ☀️ -
The Real Rebel Podcast is for the people who push the boundaries of our society. For the people who live on the fringe. For the people who aren't afraid to question the status quo and live life as exactly who they are. Not as who they should be. These are the people who make us uncomfortable. Who speak truth and break glass ceilings. Who aren't afraid to stand up and face themselves. Who refused to be oppressed and help us expand and evolve the edges of humanity. These are the Real Rebels. And this podcast is for them.
Married After Kids is a podcast dedicated to strengthening marriages for parents after having kids. Hosted by Dr. Lindsay Cavanagh, psychologist turned marriage coach, this podcast discusses all the ways children can challenge your marriage, while also offering effective, evidence-based solutions to help make marriages stronger and more enjoyable, which makes parenting and life so much easier. Married After Kids will completely transform how you look at marriage and give you the tools to have the marriage you want and need.
This podcast will give you real life tools and strategies to handle any aspect of The LDS Mission Experience. Whether a preparing missionary, currently serving, RM, or a Missionary Momma this podcast will help you with the "how" of doing hard things. We'll address your mental and emotional well-being, your confidence, decision making and so much more. It's easier than you think to overcome worry and anxiety, create epic unwavering confidence, step powerfully into your potential and embrace what's next.
Struggling with your skin? This podcast shares all the breakthroughs and insights that will help you get clearer skin, without diets, pills, and the so-called "struggle". Join Olena, the unlikely girl behind thousands of skin transformations, for unfiltered discussions about life, love, our blind spots, habits, and, of course, all things skin. The goal? For us to become a little more clearheaded in this messy world while finding humor in the absurd. Come for the best skincare advice or some smart-a** sass, and stay for the logic and the laughs.
I'm Kathryn Gordon and your Host of the Kathryn For Real podcast. I decided to create this podcast after so many readers of my book "Relationship Grit" commented on how refreshingly real it was. You see I'm a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur, and a best selling author, but what I'm most known for in my circles is my unwavering ability to call it as I see it and ask the tough questions. So In this podcast you will hear amazing authentic stories, learn valuable lessons, and discover some of my favorite health hacks and life strategies. And there will be moments when you will say, "Is she for real?" I am. Kathryn for REAL!
The Wirecutter Show is a podcast offering expert advice on everyday products that will make your life better. Each week, co-hosts Christine Cyr Clisset and Caira Blackwell, alongside producer Rosie Guerin, speak with Wirecutter’s best-in-class journalists and other expert guests for actionable advice, surprising life hacks, and delightful product discoveries. From which stand-mixer will last you a lifetime, to the best way to travel with pets, to figuring out if your smart lock is spying on you, The Wirecutter Show gives you straightforward solutions based on years of rigorous and independent product testing by more than 140 Wirecutter journalists.
Ai mitä? No sitä, että tervetuloa kuuntelemaan kahden siskon hostaamaa Ai mitä? -siskopodcastia. Me ollaan Mimmu, the isosisko, ja Susanna, the pikkusisko, ja meitä yhdistää huumorintaju, milleniaalius ja yrittäjyyshenkisyys ja erottaa hyvin erilaiset elämäntilanteet ja uravalinnat. Jutellaan meidän podissa mm. unelmien tavoittelusta, selfhelp-aiheista ja itsensä kehittämisestä sekä katsotaan peiliin ja nauretaan peilikuvalle. Samalla tarjotaan vertaistukea muille kolmekymppisille.
Hostit pähkinänkuoressa:
Mimmu: Ruuhkavuosien pyörityksessä oleva kahden pienen äiti, joka perhevapailla ollessaan perusti oman yrityksen.
Susanna: Monenlaisissa liemissä keitetty freelance-näyttelijä, joka uusimpana aluevaltauksenaan käsikirjoittaa uutta komediasarjaa.
Siskoboostia tarjolla joka keskiviikko. Kandee kuunnella!
Seuraa meitä myös somessa!
instagram: aimitasiskopodcast
tiktok: aimitasiskopodcast
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Esa Saarisen suositun Filosofia ja systeemiajattelu -luentosarjan tavoitteena on lisätä osallistujan kykyä omaehtoiseen, laaja-alaiseen, luovaan ja eteenpäinvirittyneeseen elämänfilosofiseen ajatteluun. Tavoitteena on synnyttää voimakkaasti rikastava oivallusympäristö, jossa osanottaja voi jäsentää toimintatapojaan, ajattelumallejaan ja arvokysymyksiä henkilökohtaisesti relevantilla tavalla. Luentosarja antaa työvälineitä rakentaa ja terävöittää oman henkisen kasvun ja elämänasenteen perusteita ja suuntaviivoja. Painopiste on kunkin osallistujan omassa toiminnassa ja elämässä. Tavoitteena on vahvistaa kunkin kykyä elää muutostilanteissa luovasti ja arvo-ohjautuvasti. Luennot hyödyntävät länsimaisen ja itämaisen filosofian voimavirtoja sekä nykyaikaisen ihmistutkimuksen keskeisiä tuloksia ja ilmentävät prof. Saarisen elämyksellisestä, kokonaisvaltaista ja tunnelmaintensiivistä luentotapaa, jossa avainroolissa on luentotilanteen osallistujissa synnyttämä ajattelun liike.
Eavesdrop on three Jungian analysts as they engage in lively, sometimes irreverent conversations about a wide range of topics as they share what it’s like to see the world through the depth psychological lens provided by Carl Jung. Half of each episode is spent discussing a dream submitted by a listener.
"Tämä ei oo teemapodcast vaan sellanen normaalipodcast. Vähän niinku ystävienkin kanssa juttelee luontevasti kevyistä jutuista, mut tarpeen tullen niistä kaikista vakavimmistakin. Konstailematonta menoa."
Podcast on vanhempainvapaalla ja uusia jaksoja on tulossa luultavasti syksyllä 2025. Ennen taukoa puhuttiin mm. rakkaudesta ja raskautumisesta sekundäärisen lapsettomuuden jälkeen.
Seuraa Henriikkaa Instagramissa @aamukahvilla (
Tuotanto: Asennestudio
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The American English Podcast teaches the language and culture of the United States. Through common expressions, pronunciation tips and interesting cultural snippets or stories, I hope to keep this fun, useful and interesting! All bonus material can be accessed at
Want help for your real-life relationship problems? We address issues that couples face every day and provide tools to deal with: affairs, limerence, sexual rejection, lying, communication issues, and much more. If you want to know how to make your relationships stronger - this podcast is for you.
Un progetto di Giulia Cuter e Giulia Perona
In occasione del 70esimo anniversario dal primo voto politico delle donne italiane, il 2 giugno 1946, è nato Senza rossetto, un podcast radiofonico che vuole raccontare la figura femminile ieri e oggi. Ogni puntata affronta un tema legato alle convenzioni che la società attribuisce all’universo femminile, attraverso la penna e la voce di una scrittrice contemporanea. -
Death is Hilarious is a podcast that talks about grief in a humorous, realistic, and death positive way with comedians and professionals in the grief space.
Tawny Platis, founder of Death is Hilarious Grief Relief Foundation and comedy content creator, started the podcast after her husband, George, passed away in November of 2019. They had a comedy podcast together called The Dirty Bits, which can still be found on this feed.
Watch the show live on Instagram @thatdeathpod