Michael Wilson has had a career spanning opera singing, public service, international development, and active politics. He is now the CEO of e-water and is based in Australia.
Join us in our chat with Michael to learn more about his journey.
00:35 Introduction
01:55 Career plan
03:26 Influence of personal values
04:23 Dropping singing as a career
07:05 Growing up years
10:25 Childhood heroes
14:45 Career thoughts during high school and university
22:21 Decision making at a key crossroad
26:14 Choosing various job roles
33:32 Transition to e-Water
41:30 Requirements for a diverse and successful career
46:03 Closing Remarks
Guest: Michael Wilson | Opera Singer, Public servant, and CEO| LinkedIn Profile for Michael Wilson -
Huong Dang is a 2023 Obama Scholar, 2022 Yale World Fellow, and the founder of Hope Box. Hope Box is a social enterprise that provides psychological and economic recovery services to victims of gender based violence in Vietnam.
Join us on this chat with Huong Dang and listen to her incredible journey in life and career.
00:05 Introduction
01:45 Huong as a person
02:33 Current roles
05:32 Life story that led to Hope Box
12:54 Childhood Heros
17:05 Most important career decision
23:24 Trusting KOTO
32:00 Identifying the right trainee in social projects
35:22 Walking the path unknown
39:14 Heros Today
46:47 What is next
48:29 Best career advice
52:14 Final words -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Dmitry Mikhaylov is professor, scientist, business innovator and an author in the area of big data and artificial intelligence. He is based out of Dubai.
Join us in our chat with Dmitry to learn more about his journey.
00:04 Introduction
00:33 Guest Background
06:30 Childhood Years
13:45 Childhood Influences
15:34 Academic Journey
18:22 First Job
24:25 Balancing Teaching and Commercialisation
27:19 Most Important Career Decision
30:00 Key Achievements
33:35 What is next in the journey
35:47 Final Thoughts
Dmitry Mikhaylov | AI Scientist and Deeptech Entrepreneur | LinkedIn Profile for Dmitry Mikhaylov -
Azran Osman-Rani is the CEO and Co-Founder of Naluri. Naluri is a digital health therapeutics platform that combines behavioural science, data science, and digital design, to help users become mentally resilient and adopt healthy lifestyles that are sustainable. Join us in our chat with Azran to learn about his incredible journey.
02:05 Three principles; Connection, Curiosity and Courage 02:50 Younger years05:57 Deciding his degree programs10:33 Getting out into the real world11:28 Job application process rejection, feedback, tweaking13:13 Starting iFlix, resilience19:51 Encouraging his children to make their own career decisions21:00 Returning to Malaysia (via Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea)22:00 Chance events – from privatizing the Malaysian Stock Exchange to Astro to Air Asia25:08 Networking and reputation25:56 Secrets of his success; take on difficult, complex problems through to execution28:00 Common thread in his career - inception, affordable and accessible for mass markets30:55 Starting Naluri from scratch35:24 Navigating Crisis Situations37:51 Biggest professional failure42:38 Are leaders born or made?44:20 What’s next for Azran
Azran Osman – Rani | CEO and Co-Founder Naluri | LinkedIn Profile -
Rebecca Wong works as a psychologist with elite sports teams and athletes to prepare them for global and regional competitions like the Olympics.
Join us in our chat with Rebecca to learn more about her journey.
00:05 Topic Introduction02:25 Growing Up Years11:40 Admission into Sport Psychology18:26 Move from Sports to eSports25:06 What Rebecca likes best in her job26:42 Most important career decision30:37 Next steps for Rebecca37:13 Life Motto
Guest: Rebecca Wong | Esport and Sport Psychologist | LinkedIn Profile for Rebecca Wong
Click here to feedback on this podcast. -
This is the final episode of Season 3.
Join me on this chat with fellow APCDA members Elisabeth Montgomery, Sujata Ives, and Liliya Tleukenova to talk about our learnings from the season.
00:12 Introduction01:13 Guests Background05:05 Career decision-making in different cultures13:46 Micro credentials27:05 Unique insights34:09 Using industry information41:59 Key takeaways
Guests:Elisabeth Montgomery | APCDA Program Committee Chair | LinkedIn ProfileSujata Ives |APCDA Program Committee Co-chair | LinkedIn ProfileLiliya Tleukenova |APCDA Program Committee Member | LinkedIn Profile -
What kind of developments are taking place in Central Asia?
What are the key labour trends in the region?
What are the employability skills that are in demand by employers but lacking in job seekers?
If these are some questions on your mind, join Liliya Tleukenova and I on this chat with Bolat Mynbayev and Natalia Timofeeva where we talk about the economic and talent landscape in Central Asia.
00:10 Topic Introduction01:57 Guest Background03:28 Regional integration updates08:25 Impact of transport infrastructure development on economies14:20 Needs and focus of different countries17:36 Economic and labour challenges due to geopolitical position22:02 Key labour market trends24:50 Issues around high female unemployment28:12 Advice to graduates on how to stand out to employers29:55 General employability skills in demand by employers32:30 Closing comments
Guests:Bolat Mynbayev | Partner, Strategy & Operations, KPMG Caucus and Central Asia | LinkedIn Profile for Bolat MynbayevNatalia Timofeeva | HR Director (People), KPMG Caucus and Central Asia | LinkedIn Profile for Natalia Timofeeva -
How can we start addressing water scarcity immediately?
What is the government doing about water pollution?
As the world moves towards urbanisation, will the cities have enough water to support the growing population?
If these are some questions on your mind, join me on this chat with Ravi Subramanian where we talk topics related to water scarcity and opportunities available for the creative minds to tackle this urgent issue.
00:08 Topic Introduction
02:05 Guest Background
03:08 Targeted actions that impact water scarcity
07:00 Tech developments for small farms
11:40 Addressing water pollution
18:10 Improving public utilities
23:15 Emerging careers
26:55 Closing comments
Guest: Ravi Subramanian| Ex-Director, CEO, Boustead Salcon Water Solutions Pte Ltd| LinkedIn Profile for Ravi Subramanian) -
I thought water was just used for drinking and sanitation. How do companies use water?
What are companies doing to address the water crisis?
Given the looming water scarcity, what does the future of the water industry look like?
If these are some questions on your mind, join me on this chat with Irshaad Hakim where we discuss issues that the water industry is looking to solve and how you can be a part of it.
00:18 Topic Introduction
02:37 Guest Background
03:52 Water Industry Landscape, Usage Issues, Digitalisation, and Future of the Industry
13:37 Why join water industry – the USP
15:16 Emerging Careers
16:08 Required Competencies
18:15 Closing Comments
Guest: Irshaad Hakim| Senior Vice President, SEA & ANZ at Veolia Water Technologies and Solutions | LinkedIn Profile for Irshaad Hakim) -
How do products reach us?
What is the global supply chain crisis?
Why do some companies take a longer time to restock my favourite products?
If these are some questions on your mind, join me on this chat with Sharath Ram Santhanam where we will talk about developments taking place in the supply chain industry and careers that will gain prominence in the changing landscape.
00:25 Topic Introduction
02:10 Guest Background
04:40 Supply Chain Landscape, Vulnerabilities, and Reconfiguration
24:30 Emerging careers
29:39 Skills in Demand
34:22 Closing Comments
Guest: Sharath Ram Santhanam | Head of Supply Chain, APAC at Evident Scientific | LinkedIn Profile for Sharath Ram Santhanam) -
What is wrong with our food production model?
Despite all the technological advancements, why are we still tackling hunger as a key challenge?
Will be we able to feed our growing population with all the challenges that climate change is throwing at us?
If these are some questions on your mind, join me on this chat with Howard Story where we will talk about the issues around food production and careers that are emerging as solutions.
00:12 Topic Introduction
02:05 Guest Background
04:15 Landscape and issues in the current approach to food production
22:40 Corporates and their role in reframing the food conversation
29:02 Emerging careers
35:50 Final Takeaways
Guest: Howard Story | Founding Director CEO at Permaculture Institute of Thailand and Asia | LinkedIn Profile for Howard Story
Related Websites
Permaculture Institute of Asia
Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms, Thailand -
What is the New Space Economy?
What kind of developments are taking place here?
I am interested in space but I am not a scientist or an engineer. How can I be part of the new space economy?
If these are some questions on your mind, join me on this chat with Zaheer Ali where we will discuss about the developments taking place in the New Space Economy.
00:06 Introduction
02:20 Guest Background
05:45 New Space Economy vs Old Economy
15:10 Spending on resources for space
24:40 Realistic business cases and profit models
30:35 Space for Earth vs Space for Space
33:20 Being part of the New Space Economy
37:49 Transferable Skills
42:38 Next in Space
45:38 Final Takeaways
Guest: Zaheer Ali | COO, Positon |LinkedIn Profile for Zaheer Ali)
Space-Related Degree Program
Executive Masters of Global Management (Space Leadership, Business, and Policy) – Thunderbird School of Global Management and Arizona State University
Recommended Reads
The Case for Space by Robert Zubrin
Wayfinding by Chellie Spiller -
IT is booming. Is it realistic to transition there?
What is happening in IT in the Asia Pacific and Middle East region?
How can a non-tech person be part of the tech boom?
Join me on this chat with Khalid Nizami where we talk about the developments taking place in the information technology industry.
00:16 Topic Introduction
00:57 Guest Introduction
02:23 Career Journey
06:52 Link to Sustainability
15:57 IT landscape in APAC and ME
25:55 Key Future Trends
34:55 Soft skills in IT
39:11 Reality of mid-career transition
Guest Information:
LinkedIn Profile for Khalid Nizami -
Why is the adoption of renewable energy so slow?
Why are fossil fuels not being phased out?
Should I join the renewable energy industry?
Are these some questions that plaque you or your clients when you think about the renewable energy industry?
Join me on this chat with Vignesh Nandakumar where we talk about the renewable energy industry landscape and opportunities that this emerging field presents to the job seekers.
00:21 Topic Introduction
00:32 Guest Introduction
01:48 Career Journey and Pivots
09:10 Renewable Energy Landscape
24:35 Peripheral Industries
28:30 Hiring Challenges
34:19 Emerging Careers
38:04 Talent Characteristics
Guest Information:
Vignesh Nandakumar is the CEO of Serentica Global that delivers round-the-clock sustainable energy, to hard-to-abate industries. These industries are the hardest to decarbonise and contribute to one-third of the global carbon emissions.
Vignesh has diverse experience in developing and growing renewable energy investments to the tune of US$1 Billion across India, South East Asia, South Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. He is also seasoned in raising funding capital, mergers & acquisitions, business development, project execution; and in managing company operations.
Apart from renewable energy, Vignesh is passionate about electric vehicles and the shared and circular economy. He is also an active angel investor and mentor to start-ups in this industry.
LinkedIn Profile for Vignesh Nandakumar -
This is a brief introduction of the podcast host and what you can expect in the upcoming season. 00:08 - Welcome00:26 - Host Background01:22 - Theme for Season 301:48 - Objective02:13 - Engagement02:30 - Contact email02:56 - Request for speakers03:16 - First episode launch03:24 - Thank youFor further questions, please check the FAQ document or email podcast@asiapacificCDA.org
This final episode of Behind the Science of Career Development finds Brian interviewing his mentor Dr. Spencer “Skip” Niles. The interview highlights the influence of Drs. Ed Herr, Donald Super, Mark Savickas and others who influenced Skip’s career and his philosophy of paying these gifts he has received forward as a mentor. It is with the greatest gratitude for the opportunity to host this podcast and to have Skip join me here at the end that I thank you for listening.
The interview is framed around the following questions:
2:20 How do you think about yourself as a mentor, the influence of Dr. Ed Herr?
5:05 How Skip found mentorship from Dr. Donald Super
8:25 What attracts Skip to mentees and other collaborators?
10:45 What are the needs of the future from career development professionals?
17:20 How much a career professional can impact our lives, my life? -
Dr. Jim Bright, one of the originators of Chaos Theory of Careers (CTC) joins host Dr. Brian Hutchison to celebrate the Asia Pacific Career Development Journal’s first Special Issue focused on CTC. Jim always provides an exhilarating conversation that helps us understand the role chaos plays in our career lives and why we need to understand this better in our professional careers practice. You will not be bored during this fun, energizing conversation about our work.
Chaos Theory of Careers originated story (5:00)How Krumboltz’s theory is fundamentally different than CTC (8:15)Chaos Theory of Careers is much more than chance events (11:11)How awareness of chaos impacts client perspectives and motivation for change (20:05)Privilege, expectations, and the pandemic impacts our perception of chaos (25:40)How to deepen your skills using Chaos Theory of Careers (32:55)
Find Dr. Jim Bright online at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimbright/
Learn more about Become Education at https://www.become.education/
Find Jim’s book The Chaos Theory of Careers: A New Perspective on Working in the 21st Century at https://www.amazon.com/Chaos-Theory-Careers-Perspective-Twenty-First/dp/0415806348 -
Tam Nguyen, a career coach based in Montreal Canada, joins host Dr. Brian Hutchison to talk about her practice and transition into the career development field from a career in supply chain management. Tam is a fresh voice in the field who reminds us about why career development is such an appealing profession, how our personal stories impact our choices, and that all previous careers contribute to our current career. She helps clients reimagine their lives in a unique and different ways. In this episode we discuss:
Tam’s origin story including early life in Vietnam and an early career in supply chain management. (3:50)How supply chain management concepts can be applied to career development practice. (7:10)Tam's process of career transition from supply change management to career development practice, a holistic perspective. (12:20)How new entrants into career development might navigate what we as a field have to offer (19:40)Tam’s approach to helping clients, and describing her work with them. (25:00)Doing deeper career work (31:30)
Find Tam on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/tam-nguyentb/?originalSubdomain=ca
Explore Tam’s coaching practice at https://empurpose.co/ -
Phoenix Ho, co-founder of Hướng Nghiệp Sông An, a career-focused social enterprise in Vietnam joins host, Dr Brian Hutchison, for this episode of Behind the Science of Career Development. Phoenix describes the work of Sông An and how it provides leadership in the field of career development in her country including training, supervision, and the translation of career assessment instruments. The conversation turns to the following topics (timestamp of this dialogue):
Social entrepreneurialism and leadership (7:00)Growing into a leadership role and making decisions (12:05)How the enterprise has changed her life/ lifestyle (15:55)Philosophy for building a core team (20:00)Women in leadership (24:10) - Visa fler