
  • 🗣 In this episode of the podcast, meet Karen Harding - one of OzNow Radio's featured artists you'll find in Melbourne, VIC. Karen shares a great insight into her career as an Australian singer songwriter. The perfect interview to bring this season of the podcast to a close.

    Here's how you can connect with Karen Harding: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karenhardingmusic/

    You can also catch Karen Harding on OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    In the meantime, get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. There's also a whole three other seasons ready for you to listen to.

    Here's to hoping we return in the new year with a fresh look into what's happening within the Aussie music community.

    If you like what you hear, I'd love for you to share my podcast with a friend aka fellow music lover. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create.

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D.

  • 🗣 In this episode of the podcast, meet Lanie Laynz - one of OzNow Radio's featured artists you'll find in Melbourne, VIC. Much like our previous guest, MORGANX, Lanie has recently rebranded and I can't wait to see where she takes her rebrand in future.

    Here's how you can connect with Lanie Laynz: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melanieisevolving/

    You can also catch Lanie Laynz on OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    In the meantime, get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole three other seasons ready for you to listen to.

    We're now one week away from the season finale, with hopes to return in the new year with a fresh look into what's happening within the Aussie music community. 

    If you like what you hear, I'd love for you to share my podcast with a friend aka fellow music lover. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create. 

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites.
    VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. 

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  • 🗣 In this episode of the podcast, meet MORGANX - one of OzNow Radio's featured artists you'll find in Canberra, ACT. She has recently rebranded which gets me all kinds of excited for what's to come.

    Here's how you can connect with MORGANX: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsmorganhain/

    You can also catch MORGANX on OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    We won't be back again till mid August, as I'm taking a mid season break. It's flu season and I've been well and truly hit 🤧

    In the meantime, get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole three other seasons ready for you to listen to.

    Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create. Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro.

  • 🗣 In this episode of the podcast, meet Bromad - one of OzNow Radio's featured artists you'll find in Western Australia. He's a music producer who loves writing... hang on, you're here to listen so I'll let you get to it 😉.

    Here's how you can connect with Bromad: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bromad/

    You can also catch Bromad on OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole three other seasons ready for you to listen to.

    Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create. Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro.

  • 🗣 In this episode of the podcast, meet Justina Ward - one of OzNow Radio's featured artists based in Adelaide, South Australia. I'd like to acknowledge that this episode is focused on Justina's music career, although she is also a talented actress.

    Here's how you can connect with Justina Ward: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ward.justina/

    You can also catch Justina Ward on OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole three other seasons ready for you to listen to.

    Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create. Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro.

  • 🗣 In this episode of the podcast, meet Grand Baxter - one of OzNow Radio's featured artists based in Melbourne, Victoria. Across socials, you'll see he's been sharing live music events (which I personally am excited to see happening given these past two years). 

    Here's how you can connect with Grand Baxter: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grandbaxter/

    You can also catch Grand Baxter on OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole three other seasons ready for you to listen to.

    Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create. Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro.

  • 🗣 Welcome back for a fresh new season of discovering original Aussie singer songwriters worth discovering! Meet Katanak - one of our talented music artists based in Brisbane, Queensland. He has just finished touring north of the state + has a whole lot to share about his career so far. 

    Here's how you can connect with Katanak: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katanakmusic/ 

    You can also catch Katanak on OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/ 

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com 

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole three other seasons ready for you to listen to. 

    Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create. Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro.

  • 🗣 Jump into this final episode of the season to meet Sam Higginson whom I was introduced to by a mutual friend. From my very first listen of his song, Legs To Run, I fell in love with his voice + knew his story would be the perfect fit for this episode of the podcast. Here's how you can connect with Sam Higginson:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesamhug/
    Linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/thesamhug
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1ybPxwKllr0oJzCsCUwnfQ

    This is my last podcast for the forseeable future but that doesn't mean you won't see me pop up as a guest on other podcasts 😉. I'll be busy working behind the scenes on the continued promotion of OzNow Radio which launched on March 1st. You can listen here:

    OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole two other seasons ready for you to listen to. Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create.

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro + the OzNow Radio sting.

  • 🗣 Jump into this penultimate episode of the season to meet Mykel Dixon, a man of many talents. We've each been hit with challenges amidst this pandemic in different ways; one listen to this episode + you will feel empowered and recharged by Mykel's shared experiences plus driven mindset. You don't need to be active within the Australian music community to benefit from this episode - all industries + all individuals will find something that will spark creativity. My interview with Mykel was really the highlight of all three seasons thus far because I personally had the opportunity to reflect on how my professional transition from HR to the world of music sees me using transferable skills which I do take for granted; yes, I am grateful. Here's how you can connect with Mykel Dixon:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mykeldixon/
    Website: https://www.everydaycreatives.com
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7ES3EZhWJEwDVcAAhGJMw

    Johnno Smallman returns for his final segment on this season of the podcast, to share which Aussie music artists are on his radar. Follow Johnno on Instagram at @thebizzwithjohnno. Heartfelt thanks to you Johnno for your continued support + friendship.

    With the launch of OzNow Radio on March 1st, I seek to share the experiences of Australian singer songwriters, bands, producers + people who are active within the Australian music community in the most supportive way possible. Listen now:

    OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole two other seasons ready for you to listen to. Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create.

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro + the OzNow Radio sting.

  • 🗣 Jump into this episode to meet Will Price, 1st World Boy, an up and coming  Aussie Singer Songwriter who has researched the industry well before releasing his music. Methodical + skilled, you won't want to miss what Will has to share about his findings. Here's how to connect with 1st World Boy:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1stworldboy/
    Website: https://journeyinsound.com
    OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    Johnno Smallman returns to share which Aussie music artists are on his radar. Follow Johnno on Instagram at @thebizzwithjohnno.

    With the launch of OzNow Radio on March 1st, I seek to share the experiences of Australian singer songwriters, bands, producers + people who are active within the Australian music community in the most supportive way possible.

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole two other seasons ready for you to listen to. Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create.

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro + the OzNow Radio sting.journeyinsound.com

  • 🗣 Jump into this episode to meet Niamh Watson, a talented Aussie Singer Songwriter who caught my attention when she took great interest in supporting OzNow Radio. Here's how to connect with Niamh Watson:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/niamhwatsonmusic/
    Linktree: https://linktr.ee/niamhwatsonmusic/
    OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    Johnno Smallman returns to share which Aussie music artists are on his radar. Follow Johnno on Instagram at @thebizzwithjohnno.

    In this episode, University of Music makes its final return for 2021 with Cory from The Cory Talks Podcast. You can listen to his podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/cory-talks-podcast/id1512747402. You can also follow Cory on Instagram at @coryfromoz. Thank you Cory for being actively involved (+ a supporter) in my projects these past three years. I hope to collaborate with Cory again in 2022.

    With the launch of OzNow Radio on March 1st, I seek to share the experiences of Australian singer songwriters, bands, producers + people who are active within the Australian music community in the most supportive way possible.

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole two other seasons ready for you to listen to. Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create.

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro + the OzNow Radio sting.

  • 🗣 Jump into this episode to meet Pace Randolph, an Aussie Singer Songwriter I first connected with on Clubhouse (when I thought it was the coolest place to be). Learn about Pace's journey in music alongside how he has built a loyal community on social media including TikTok. Here's how to connect with Pace Randolph: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pacerandolph/
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PAbQjJvHN4Q3R75FHO20g?si=vvk1yaXRT5qeTNRhPwvHyA
    Merch: https://pacerandolph.com
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@pacerandolph
    Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/au/album/lonely-with-my-friends/1509659640?i=1509659643
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNa0N_XdSScs9KLWwwk2XjQ
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pacerandolphmusic
    OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/ 

    Johnno Smallman returns to share which Aussie music artists are on his radar. Follow Johnno on Instagram at @thebizzwithjohnno.

    With the launch of OzNow Radio on March 1st, I seek to share the experiences of Australian singer songwriters, bands, producers + people who are active within the Australian music community in the most supportive way possible.

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole two other seasons ready for you to listen to. Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create.

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro + the OzNow Radio sting.

  • 🗣 Jump into this episode to meet Taylah Chapman, a skilled Photographer who has branched into Live Music Photography. Here's how to connect with Taylah: 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taylah_chapman_photography/  

    Check out some of her work:
    The Toothpicks: https://taylahchapmanphotography.pixieset.com/thetoothpicks-factorytheatre/
    Strawberry Swing: https://taylahchapmanphotography.pixieset.com/factorytheatre143/

    Johnno Smallman returns to share which Aussie music artists are on his radar. Follow Johnno on Instagram at @thebizzwithjohnno.  

    In this episode, University of Music makes its return with Cory from The Cory Talks Podcast. You can listen to his podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/cory-talks-podcast/id1512747402. You can also follow Cory on Instagram at @coryfromoz.

    With the launch of OzNow Radio on March 1st, I seek to share the experiences of Australian singer songwriters, bands, producers + people who are active within the Australian music community in the most supportive way possible.

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole two other seasons ready for you to listen to. Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create.

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro + the OzNow Radio sting.

  • 🗣 Jump into this episode to meet Koko The Kid, who comes to us live from Thailand though is very much loved + supported within the Australian music community.  

    Here's how to connect with Koko The Kid:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koko_thekid/
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3p4LKeTfY1kM3MSdOAQa4u
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLeK5SHrX4BEQfj3ckSkpw
    Merch: https://phulays.com
    OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    Johnno Smallman returns to share which Aussie music artists are on his radar. Follow Johnno on Instagram at @thebizzwithjohnno. 

    With the launch of OzNow Radio on March 1st, I seek to share the experiences of Australian singer songwriters, bands, producers + people who are active within the Australian music community in the most supportive way possible.

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole two other seasons ready for you to listen to. Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create.

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro + the OzNow Radio sting.

  • 🗣 Jump into this episode to meet @Aidan__is, a super talented graphic artist who is continuing to support the creative ventures of Aussie singer songwriters + bands. Here's how to connect with Aidan:
    Web: https://aidan.is
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aidan__is/

    Johnno Smallman returns to share which Aussie music artists are on his radar. Follow Johnno on Instagram at @thebizzwithjohnno.

    In this episode, University of Music makes its return with Cory from The Cory Talks Podcast. You can listen to his podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/cory-talks-podcast/id1512747402. You can also follow Cory on Instagram at @coryfromoz.

    With the launch of OzNow Radio on March 1st, I seek to share the experiences of Australian singer songwriters, bands, producers + people who are active within the Australian music community in the most supportive way possible.

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole two other seasons ready for you to listen to. Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create.

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro + the OzNow Radio sting.

  • 🗣 Off the back of the new podcast season premiere, meet Damien Johnson in this episode + discover his journey as an Australian singer songwriter. You'll get to learn about a significant project Damien has led, as funded by the Queensland Government and @ipswichcitycouncil through the Regional Arts Development Fund. Here's how to connect with Damien Johnson:

    Web: https://damienjohnsonmusic.com   
    Music: https://damienjohnsonmusic.com/music-and-merch
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/damiencreates
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLvG_KYgzC4/ 
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2VFn7hRdTSlDQHy4uwSpav
    Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/damien-johnson/1127484126
    OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    With this episode, Johnno Smallman is back for a third season to share which Aussie music artists are on his radar. Follow Johnno on Instagram at @thebizzwithjohnno.

    With the launch of OzNow Radio on March 1st, I seek to share the experiences of Australian singer songwriters, bands, producers + people who are active within the Australian music community in the most supportive way possible.

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday but there's also a whole two other seasons ready for you to listen to. Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create.

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro + the OzNow Radio sting.

  • 🥳 Season three kicks off with Polash Larsen, from The Offtopics, as my first featured guest for the season. Get to know Polash, discover his experiences during COVID-19 and how he is planning to engage as lead of his band. Here's how to connect with Polash Larsen + The Offtopics:

    Web: https://theofftopics.com
    Music: https://theofftopics.com/music/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theofftopics
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theofftopics/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheOfftopics
    bandcamp: https://theofftopics.bandcamp.com
    OzNow Radio: http://oznowradio.com.au/

    With the launch of OzNow Radio on March 1st, I seek to share the experiences of Australian singer songwriters, bands, producers + people who are active within the Australian music community in the most supportive way possible.

    Get in contact with me via @elliedofficial on Instagram or email me at hello@elliedofficial.com

    Thanks for choosing to check out my podcast. It's my hope that you'll listen, connect with my featured guest + continue to find ways to support our Australian music community. New episodes go up 12noon AEST every Friday from April 9, 2021 but there's also a whole two other seasons ready for you to listen to. Subscribe to be notified when my newest episode goes live. I'd also love for your rating + review of what I continue to create. 

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites. VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D. Thanks to Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro + the OzNow Radio sting.

  • Meet Kat Nix, an Australian singer songwriter based in Melbourne, Victoria. In today's episode of the podcast, you'll get to learn about Kat Nix's experiences behind her music PLUS catch my chat with Johnno Smallman (@thebizzwithjohnno) + learn about how his live lounge sessions came about on IGTV.

    This episode is the season finale for 2020.

    It's been a cracker of a year. Lots of challenges but as always, I've looked for the positives. Special thanks to Cory O'Connor + Johnno Smallman for being stellar co-hosts. Also thanks to every Australian singer songwriter that has featured on this season, for their pearls of wisdom + encouraging creativity during the pandemic (+ beyond).

    Thank you for listening, subscribing + providing feedback on this second season.

    Time to take a break for an even bigger project release in the new year. Season 3 will kick off Friday 9 April, 2021.

    Find Kat Nix on:
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/katnixmusic

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites.
    VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D.

    Thanks to Cory from Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro.

  • Meet Patient Lounge, an Australian band you'll find performing live music around Brisbane, Queensland. Johnno (@thebizzwithjohnno) joins us for his last segment of Top Picks for 2020, recommending music artists for you to wrap your ears around and Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast helps bring University of Music to a conclusion with the final results on our listening habits further discussed.

    Find Patient Lounge on:
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/patient_lounge/
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5zJvjwN7b3pQvtU7xnrpot?si=c1YF6ccJS6aTUn1gEEPmLg
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/thepatientlounge

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites.
    VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D.

    Thanks to Cory from Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro.

  • Meet Rose from Masochist, a socially conscious Australian hardcore punk band I discovered in recent months
    on my journey promoting homegrown talent around the globe. Johnno (@thebizzwithjohnno) returns with his Top Picks, recommending music artists for you to wrap your ears around and Cory from the Cory Talks Podcast returns for University of Music - this week we reveal the results from our recent online survey on listening habits.

    Find Masochist on:
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/masochistpunk/
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Vv9TFgIBLVBnaAeezwtNm?si=SdrIU-iuR62QxbxQpgPEjw
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/mschist

    Sound by Audionautix.com and Birds by Corbyn Kites.
    VO by Cassie Aldridge + Ellie D.

    Thanks to Cory from Cory Talks Podcast for creating my Podcast Show Intro.