This week, we dive into a fascinating conversation with Daniel Preece, Public Health practitioner extraordinaire. Daniel sits with the Plymouth City Council and commissions the local Stop Smoking Service.
We explore insights from our recent Behavioural Insights Deep Dive where we listened to routine and manual workers and why the want to - or don't want to - quit smoking tobacco.
This episode is packed with actionable insights and real-world examples.
3 Aha Moments:Autonomy is Key:
Many people who smoke want to feel in control of their quit journey. They prefer an approach that keeps them in the driver’s seat.Vaping is complex:
Vaping is a hugely complex behaviour and plays many different roles. For some it's a help, for some it's confusing and for others it started them smoking tobacco. Understanding this reality is critical to effective services,Knowledge doesn't matter if the offer is wrong
We often see a COM-B analysis that highlights the lack of the knowledge of the service and so we may then think - oh we need a communications campaign. But taking a behavioural insights approach means you consider beliefs too. And if the offer is wrong it doesn't matter how much you communicate. The service offer needs to match the needs - then you market it to the audience.
"Quitting is like walking a tightrope. People need to find their balance and build confidence on their own, with services acting as a safety net beneath them rather than pulling them along." Daniel PreeceHidden Voices Heard is the home of the popular Behaviour Change Marketing Bootcamp where we run the behavioural insight deep dives - www.hiddenvoicesheard.com
In today's episode we are joined by Stuart King. Stuart founded BeeZee Bodies 17 years ago whilst working in public health. A hugely successful service it supports people all over England. At Public Health England he was senior scientist in the obesity and healthy weight team and he still works closely with Public Health producing and hosting The Real World Behavioural Science podcast with the Public Health & Behavioural Science Network.
We look deeper into an ethnographic video Stuart developed on behalf of the London Borough of Hounslow. The video walks you through a day in the life of Veena a mum so you can see the influencers and patterns that are we are being exposed to every day. Shining a spotlight on the importance of the wider determinants of health.
Three key aha momentsOn a short walk Veena was exposed to fast food advertising 27 times. This is important because when running a healthy weight messaging you need to remember what else people are seeing. Dogs motivate because they are external triggers - they will nudge you into movement. Do you know what other external triggers your audience may have that you can draw attention to?Does is the environment your audience is exposed to bombard them with negative triggers? Such as the 'food' options in local shops and are these triggers the norm? If so recognise and celebrate the resilience it takes to overcome them.Veena - A Day in the Life -
Real World of Behavioural Science podcast
The Spirit Level by Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson
Loonshots by Safi Bahcall
Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed
Japanese Art Of Kaizan
Linchpin by Seth Godin
Saknas det avsnitt?
This episode deep dives into 8 top tips for effective Smokefree messaging this No Smoking Day - 13th March.
For details check out our blog
Want to do more?
Come to the Smokefree Training Day 2024 - the day after No Smoking Day on 14th March 2024
Early bird is on!
Happy 2024!
In today's episode we welcome Nathan Monk and Rebecca Roberts as we go deep into Behaviour Change and Further Education and Higher Education.
Nathan Monk is cofounder of Smile and one of the brains behind Prospectus Plus, the innovative and personalised prospectus solution that is transforming the conversation around digitally tailoring recruitment journeys. We talk about how those shifts in recent years align to wider behaviours when it comes to tech, and why understanding human nature can help advance your campaign strategies.
Rebecca Roberts is founder of Thread & Fable a youth agency and an expert in Higher Ed & Further Ed marketing. A specialist in youth agency she is a huge advocate for putting the audience at the centre of planning and targeting your audience - knowing where you fit in their lives.
To go deeper into Behaviour Change Marketing and FE&HE join us on 29th February 2024
In today's episode we highlight 3 books recommended by 3 of our 2023 podcast guests and an ask for you (see below!)
1) Mistakes Were Made But Not By Me - Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions & Hurtful Acts by Carol Travis & Elliott Aronson
Recommended by Samuel Salzer from E40 How to build Habits that Stick.
2) A more Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas by Warren Berger
Recommended by Melina Palmer E43 Applying Behavioural Science to Internal Comms
3) Made to Stick By Chip & Dan Heath
Recommended by Nedra Weinreich E57 Top Mistake When Communicating Mental Health
Perfect for colleagues secret santas or your 2024 reading list.
We're touting for interest.
Would you enjoy a relaxed, informal bookclub reading the latest behavioural science, marketing & comms books and... coming on the podcast to talk about it (not obligatory!)
We are at the very early stages.
We all love books, read books, share books - seems bonkers not to talk books too!
Email ruth@behaviourchange.marketing and we'll chat!
This episode takes a slightly different approach to our usual style.
To celebrate our behind the scenes working together Rebecca & I interview each other and look back at top tips we would give ourselves and also we look forward to our future events.
The title does give away the unveiling - but as they say the devil is in the detail so for more information go to www.behaviourchange.marketing/FEHE
🐓 Don't miss the Earlybird too!
For more on Rebecca and to listen to her youth focussed podcasts go to https://www.threadandfable.com/podcasts
Marketing and education news with Rebecca Roberts. 0:02
Teenage years, hobbies, and identity. 1:35
Marketing careers in higher education and public health. 5:14
TV shows, including "Stranger Things" and "Selling Sunset". 10:01
Self-belief and self-care for working mothers. 12:58
Work-life balance and career development for working mothers. 14:33
University decisions and the impact of cost and pressure on students. 19:20
Student debt, decision-making, and marketing strategies for higher education. 23:48
Using behavioural science in higher ed marketing. 28:20
This week we are joined by Jen Clinehens from Choice Hacking to chat all things social proof!
She is an expert in applying behavioural science to marketing and you can check out Jen's work over at Choice Hacking,
We chat canned laughter, the need to be part of a social group, how Apple took it a new level, why disaster preparedness never happens, The Bear and much more.
Listen to understand how we use social proof to signal our social norms.
Why it's important to think beyond messaging to product details - Jen talks through the classic Apple example.
How social norms can be used to drive action.
"Unreasonable Hospitality - the remarkable power of giving people more than they expect" by Will Guidara
The episode we chat about is Social Proof: The Persuasive Power of Crowds
This episode explores the murder mystery genre and how thinking like a detective can help you understand your audience - the first step to communicating change.
The three key questions -
1. Do they have the means (to make the change)?
2. What is their motive?
3. Do they have opportunity!
Anyone near Plymouth, UK on 7 November - come along to our in-person live workshop to find out more!
Click here for more info
Anyone not online - keep an eye out for our murder mystery meets behavioural science challenge - coming soon!
This episode talks through what habits are and how to write a behavioural statement so you can get clarity on the challenge you are working to solve.
3 AHA moments 💡Your audience may not be aware of their habits. They are behaviours that take place on autopilot.
Habits are contextual so by focussing on the trigger and time before the behaviour takes place is key to changing behaviour.
Once formed habits do not need rewards but they will use them when forming. When thinking about your audience's barriers and rewards ask if they are still relevant and if the barrier is now lack of reward.
To get the Habit Worksheet join the podcast's sister newsletter 'BrainFuel'
Final date for 2023 announced
Wednesday 13th December 2023
Today's episode welcomes Nedra Kline Weinreich, president and founder of Weinreich Communications. Nedra has over 25 years experience delivering social marketing to create positive change on health and social care issues.
"I would say the the biggest issue that I see in campaigns that are trying to reduce stigma, whether it's around mental health issues, or any other kind of stigmatised issue is you want to avoid the S word, which is stigma.
If you keep talking about how there's a stigma to mental illness, or to getting treatment, and that we need to remove the stigma, what that actually does is reinforce that there's a stigma. We shouldn't be talking about the stigma over and over again."
What is social marketing?Nedra explains what social marketing is in 60 seconds and how it is different to a traditional behavioural science research approach.
Social marketing Mental Health CampaignNedra shares the campaign "Take Action for Mental Health" a campaign designed to help you check in, learn more, and get support for your own mental health or the mental health of someone you care about.
3 aha moments 💡Stigma is not the main barrier. Tools to talk are.
Talking about stigma normalises stigma. Avoid the 's' word
When talking about suicide, don't normalise it as an option instead talk about the hope and help. Hope that it can be stopped. Help - where the services are. Who people can turn too.
Nedra's book recommendationMade to Stick by Chip & Dan Heath
LinksTake Action for Mental Health - https://takeaction4mh.com/Take Action for Mental Health evaluation - https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA2101-1.htmlSuicide prevention messaging toolkit -https://www.suicidepreventionmessaging.org/ Nedra's website includes free social marketing resources - https://social-marketing.com/ Few seats left! Join us at Behaviour Change Marketing BootcampThe next Bootcamp training takes place on 31st October 2023.
➡️Click here to find out more. ⬅️
Today's episode explains why Behaviour Change Marketing Bootcamp training is not a course!
Not because we don't love training.
But because the training is designed to focus on skills development and for busy pros who are short on time.
It accelerates your learning through a dedicated one-day where we can kick-start your application of behavioural science to your work.
This November we have four weeks follow up for everyone - so that when you get going back at the ranch you can check in with questions that you never thought of in the day.
Plus we're all about stopping the duplication and starting to stand on each others shoulders by sharing our wins and hints and tips!
That's why - once you have been through Bootcamp ALL MASTERCLASSES are then free!
So you can keep learning and growing.
This episode is late out and we missed the early bird - so for any Podcast fans reading this - use the coupon code PODCAST and it will give an extra 25% saving! -
Episode 52 dives deep into uncertainty and how you can use it to write killer messaging - specifically key messages.
We share why uncertainty is a decision killer - not great for behaviour change comms!
And how you can turn that around.
We talk about the Status Quo Bias and The Curse of Knowledge Bias - two cognitive biases it is worth comms leads being aware of.
1) Your audience would rather not make a decision and revert to the status quo bias than make a wrong one! Check if you are overloading, too many choices, being vague or too technical.
2) You are not the best editor! Sorry! But you need someone who isn't part of the work to check your messaging. This is due to the Curse of Knowledge bias where we - as experts - just can't help forgetting what it was like before we had he knowledge.
3) Check your content is using concrete language. Has your creativity trumped clarity?
Behaviour Change Marketing Bootcamp takes place on 31st October.
It is one-day where you learn then apply the behavioural science. Bring your work because you will get loads done!
You then get TWO bonus masterclasses after the Behaviour Change Marketing Bootcamp day.
Because you will need time to digest the day. But also so you can laser focus in on your speciality.
Because your get FREE access to ALL MASTERCLASSES for LIFE!
Join us at Bootcamp - doors only open 4 x a year!
This episode is a Behind the Scenes look at the reality of using behavioural science in the workplace. Alison Trout works with Ruth the host to run behavioural insight deep dives and shares the a behind the scenes look at the framework COM_B.
"you have to quite courageous to use this approach...!" Alison Trout
Thinking Fast & Slow, Daniel Kahneman, 2011
ChaptersApplying behavioural science in public health. (2:35) Applying behavioural science in local councils. (7:16) Using behavioural science in organizational projects. (11:18) Using behavioural science in marketing campaigns. (16:53) Applying behavioural science in organizational change management. (22:59) Using Combi and TDF for behaviour change insights. (29:58) Applying behavioural science in the workplace. (35:43)
Case study - internal comms. 89% increase in actual change
This episode welcomes Josephine Graham.
Josephine is a communications and marketing writer and strategist with a couple of decade’s experience across the private and public sector. Josephine aims to raise the bar of how we communicate with sometimes neglected audiences, such as internally with colleagues, by using behavioural science and testing to achieve measurable results for stakeholders.
After Bootcamp she applied the theories to her day job with brilliant success.
She saw an 89% increase in actual change!
In this episode we focus in on COM_B and discuss the reality of using behavioural science in the workplace.
Quotes…it was really satisfying to do something properly, and do something that made a difference. Because, you know, you know, what it's like when you're on that hamster wheel of just churning stuff out, and to actually be able to take the time to step back. And think through, like you say that the journey that people were going on, and, and, you know, what their blockers actually were… Josephine Graham
Three aha moments1. You can use COM_B as an effective prompt tool as an exercise at your desk. It doesn't need to be overcomplicated. The end result was the tone and messaging within two emails!
2. The upfront time means you have saved so much time for the future. Audience insight has a long shelf life.
3. Josephine had a clear measurable goal … so she can share it …and we can learn from it! Did I mention two emails!
Josephine recommends to just get going - start small, use the skills regularly!
BookThe Inner Rebel came out of Josephine. She highly recommended a journal instead of a book!
Chapters (time-stamp)Introductions. (0:01)Meeting John Peel and Bootcamp. (2:13)The importance of a COM-B. (4:24)What are the capabilities people are missing out on? (6:53)How did you build the email campaign? (9:07)The importance of content. (11:33)How much time did you spend on the course? (14:01)How to start with behaviour change? (16:21)One book that changed her life. (18:45)The power of journaling and the importance of memories. (20:15)Every training day has been booked out this year.
The last one is 31st October 2023 with two extra bonus masterclasses.
One on Internal Comms and one on Insight Mapping.
Check out the day here. 💗
Four signs your comms won't shift behaviour
There are 4 cornerstones or ‘must haves’ to using behavioural science effectively in comms & marketing. If you want to shift from raising awareness to action - to get started - you need to tick four boxes.
Remember behavioural science is of great interest because it helps us understand our audiences. To find the best way to communicate and get max results.
In other words - it is a way to deeply understand our audiences.
And that is the secret sauce.
That is why we love it.
Yes there are loads of biases and loads of frameworks …..
But to get started there are four cornerstone points you need must have clarity on.
4 signs your comms will add to the noise and not activate action
You don’t know the vision. The ultimate why you are doing it.You don’t know who else in delivering or influential in your space.You target everyone.You do not measure your work.So to help you find out we developed a fun quiz so you can test yourself.
Take the Impactful Change QuizIt takes three minutes tops.
It will show you how strong your foundations are and where you need to focus and what behavioural science tools and frameworks can help you do that!
You get the Interactive Communicator to Changemaker Dashboard which will talk you through the ‘why’.
Because this stuff will often get skipped to get to fun creative part - design and content. But that will never create sustainable change.
I highly recommend you do them in order as they are like the building blocks to your foundation of success.
How to get started with Behavioural Science. (1:58)
You don’t know the vision of your stakeholders. (6:25)
Know your stakeholders and your audience. (11:26)
Set a measurable goal. (15:19)
Are you an idiot magnet?
Todays episode is a short and sweet one following the excitement of the Unleash Your Inner Rebel conference led by Advita Patel.
The day was headlined by Thomas Erickson, author & behavioural scientist and Sam McAllister, Broadcaster & soon to be Netflix star with many other incredible speakers.
It was a day about leading change – it offered a huge amount from both a personal and professional perspective.
We ran the behavioural science session so folk could get going in this wonderful stuff and get active in making positive change.
You may tell when listening we were very excited! And sorry I think I mispronounce the name of the Unleash Your Inner Rebel conference is my haste to share the many insights from the day.
Listen in for a dose of inspiration and to challenge your thinking so you can accelerate change.
“If you cannot communicate you cannot lead!” Thomas Erickson, Author & Behavioural Scientist
Are you really surrounded by idiots? (1:36)
Leadership is a communication process. (3:08)
The problem with confusing clever words with personality. (5:17)
Own your decisions when things don't go right. (6:53)
Leaving the BBC to write her book. (8:45)
Behavioural Science Workshop. (10:17)
The importance of having a framework. (11:51)
Two fab quotes (14:04)
Unleash your Inner Rebel
* disclaimer* written by AI
In this episode, we welcome Phil Barden author of Decoded and Owner & MD of Decode marketing consultancy.
There are exciting developments happening at Decode, a consultancy focused on applying behavioral science to marketing. We talk about how Decode has incorporated AI into their work, specifically in the area of human vision and testing creative artwork.
The AI developed by Decode has been trained using 15,000 hours of human eye tracking video and has achieved an accuracy of nearly 99%, replicating human vision. This AI can analyze videos and static images in minutes, providing insights on areas of interest, legibility of text, reading time, word familiarity, visual complexity, and even memorability.
The book "Decoded" written by Phil, the founder of Decode, is praised for its valuable insights and case studies that apply behavioral science to marketing strategies.
We chat about how that understanding goals and motivations is crucial in developing effective marketing strategies, and that Decode's approach helps bridge the gap between engagement and application of this knowledge in marketing campaigns.
Phil’s most memorable marketing moment. (2:36)
Why do you not believe in change? (6:48)
How to link goals and motivations to the value proposition? (9:05)
How to link the value chain. (14:24)
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. (16:48)
Creative effectiveness measure at scale fast. (21:38)
Solving a real problem in marketing. (23:31)
Optimising the implementation gap. (28:35)
Why writing in capitals makes it harder to read? (31:40)
In this episode we welcome Advita Patel to the studio. Advita is the founder of Comms Rebel, a consultancy that helps organisations cultivate inclusive cultures through effective communication. She is also an experienced confidence coach and the co-founder of A Leader Like Me and Comms Edged Rebels. Vita shares her journey and discusses her book, "How to Build a Culture of Inclusivity," which focuses on building a culture of inclusivity through effective internal communication for diversity, equity, and inclusion.
But that's not all! Advita is also organizing a remarkable event called InnerRebel 2023, an inclusive Manchester-based event dedicated to doing things differently in the world of work. Advita's frustration with attending events that lacked diversity and different perspectives led her to create the Underrepresented Speaker List, which features over 180 names of individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences. InnerRebel 2023 aims to showcase what a great inclusive event looks like, featuring high-energy speakers and topics that challenge the status quo.
The event boasts an impressive line-up of keynotes, including Thomas Erickson, the author of "Surrounded by Idiots," a book on human behaviuor and communication; Sam McAllister, the ex-Newsnight producer known for bringing controversial figures to TV; and Nisha Katona, the founder of Mowgli restaurants, who will share her inspiring journey of humanizing leadership.
Alongside these keynote sessions, the will be there running a workshop on behavioural science in marketing!
Advita is kindly offering listeners to the show a 20% discount 💪🏿💪🏿🔥🔥
Unleash Your Inner Rebel 2023 takes place on Wednesday 14th June 2023 in Manchester.
Check out the agenda at https://www.commsrebel.com/events/unleash-your-inner-rebel
Use coupon code: RebelRebel20
Come say hi!
It's one thing for you to love behavioural science. To read the books , get some training and get going - but you need to take your team and stakeholders with you.
This weeks episode explains how to do that.
The idea is based on a decades experience selling in to public health as the lone marketer in the team and selling in to the corporate comms team. A double whammy of selling in - selling up and pushing the vision.
See what you think!
Let us know!
If it peaks your interest the final one-day Bootcamp training until the Autumn is on June 7th 2023.
Come see what you're missing!
Today's episode explains what behavioural science is in 3 fun ways.
Listen in to understand behavioural science from different perspectives.
This is the question many people want to ask but don't because you feel like you should know.
- Visa fler