Dave and Alex come together after a year and some change to give an update on life, fishing, drinking and whatever else they want to talk about.
Dave and Alex come back from a long break to talk about what we love the most. Can you guess?
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The Mediocre Alaskan, Jeff Lund was our guest in this episode. We discuss life in Southeast Alaska as an outdoorsman, school teacher, author, fisherman, Podcaster and hunter. He recently published his book, A Miserable Paradise that we get his inside take on the writing of it during the unprecedented year of 2020.
Website: Themediocrealaskan.com
Book: A Miserable Paradise
The one and only Guy Jeans Joins us on the podcast. Guy shares his stories of being a musician, fly shop owner, guide and body double for Christian Bale.
Guy's info:
Website: Kern River Fly Shop
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kernriverflyshop/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KernRiverFlyShop
Band: StoneFlys
Music Video: "With You"
Mike Dawes kicks off season 2 with some life lessons when chasing Permit on the fly.
Alex and Dave finish the year strong with beers in hand!
Alex and Dave randomly call unsuspecting guests for an impromptu interview without them knowing what's happening. Enjoy as we talk to Evan Praskin, Art Hurd & Jose Rubio.
Guest#1: Evan Praskin - Central Coast Guide
Website: Stoke Ventures Fly Fishing
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stokeventures/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StokeVenturesFlyFishing/
Guest#2: Art Hurd
Guest#3: Jose Rubio - Fly Fishing Rep
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rubio505/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rubio505
Dave and Alex are back where it all started, in Dave's backyard. Of course, talking Beer, fly fishing and food!
Tim Landwehr takes time to talk Wisconson fishing, conservation efforts to SAVE the Menominee, fried Pike with a side of cheese curds!
Podcast Beers:
3 Floyds Brewing Co - Barbarian Haze IPA
Mad River Brewing - Steelhead Extra Pale Ale
Tim Landwehr Info:
Tight Lines Fly Shop
BOOK: Smallmouth Modern Fly Fishing Methods, Tactics, and Techniques
Coalition to SAVE the Menominee River
Jen Ripple the creator and Editor-in-Chief of Dun Magazine stops by the virtual studio to talk about all things good in life.
Podcast Beers:
Alvarado Street Brewery: Mai Tia IPA
Devil's Canyon Brewing Company: If It Ain't Baroque Hazy IPA
Jen's Contact:
The one and only John Sherman share life's ups and downs while making fly fishing his career.
Podcast Beers:
Lagunitas Brewing Company
Fall River Brewing Company
Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
John Sherman's info:
Facebook -
Rudy Babikian has travelled the world chasing the fish you only dream about all while dodging everything that wants to kill him.
Podcast Beers:
Alvarado Street - Amigos IPA
Henhouse Brewing Company - Flavor Logistics IPA
Rudy's Contact:
Email: Hiddenhookfly@gmail.com
Instagram @hiddenhook
Website: Los Locos Magbay
Once deemed extinct in 1940 on the Truckee River, This Lahontan Cutthroat persevered and made it into the hands of our next guest, Bill Kitchen.
Episode Beer Sponsor: Alibi Ale Works, Truckee
Episode Beers:
Alibi Ale Works- Chance Of Clouds Cloudy IPA
Alibi Ale Works - Pale Ale
Guest: Bill Kitchen
https://greatbasinguideservice.com/ -
BFF is excited to have the FIRST full-time Licensed Female Argentinian Guide on the show. Marcela shares her story and the road it took to make history.
Podcast Beers:
Slice Brewing Co: Doobie Snacks DIPA
Mike Hess Brewing: Assaulted By Feather Pillows DIPA
Karl Strauss Brewing Co: Mosaic IPAMarcela's Info:
Las Pampas Lodge -
Pro Skater, Proprietor and fly fishing enthusiast, Josh Matthews joins the BFF for happy hour on National IPA Day.
Podcast Beers:
Dust Bowl Brewing Company - Confused Therapist Hazy, Imperial IPA
ColdFire Brewing Company - IPA
Josh Matthews Contact:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshmatthews_/
Lovely - https://www.lovelyspringfield.com/ -
Season On The Edge Host, Ken Baldwin stops by the virtual studio. Ken talks about his fishing show, Alaska and the amazing catch and cooks on his adventures.
Podcast Beers:
Alpine Beer Company - Duet IPA
Ken Baldwin Info:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/igkenbaldwin/
Season On The Edge Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKxp-l3UIrU
San Diego Surf Fly Fishing Legend, Jeff Solis talks Tarpon to Roosters and the best Taco Spot after a day fishing the surf.
Podcast Beer:
Amador Brewing Company - "Batch 007"
Belching Beaver Brewery - Deftones Phantom Bride IPAWine:
Justin Vinyard & WineryPodcast Food:
Los Dos Pedros
Jeff Solis Contact:
Website: www.solisflyfishing.com
Facebook: Solis On The Salt -
Dave and Alex revisit what is important in life...Beer, Fly Fishing and Food!
Podcast Beer:
Recreation Leisure Brewing - Nectar of the Gods IPA -
Eastern Sierra Guide, Sam Vasily, talks about the passion to make guiding a career, sharing a fish of a lifetime with friends and the hidden food gem of the Eastern Sierra's.
Podcast Beers:
Black Plague - Hazy In Love IPA
Resident Brewing - All Together
Shelter Distilling - Foggy Goggles Hazy IPA
Podcast Food:
Crowley Lake General Store - Hidden Food Gem
Sam's Contact:
Photo Credit: Seth Blackamore -
We take a beer break with Jeff Currier and discuss ice cream sandwiches, relationship goals and pursuing a life involving all things fly fishing.
Podcast Beers:
Fall River Brewing Company - Hexagenia IPA
Melvin Brewing Company - Melvin IPA
Rainier Beer
Jeff Currier's Info:
Cover Shot: Photo by Jim Klug/Yellow Dog Flyfishing - Visa fler