Points of discussion:
1. How to get your packaging hierarchy dialed in [ BBT Newsletter ]
2. Why are you refreshing your packaging?
3. Frame your brewery's Brand Strategy, portfolio and Brand Architecture
4. Different info types you have to include + some nice-to-haves
5. Are you seeing "Stand-up Skinny" merchandising in your market?
6. We're designing packaging to sell beer, not win awards.
7. Differences between primary and secondary packaging
8. On the merits of "duping" cans when not using a carton
9. Your carton's bottom panel is not a junk drawer
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 8,000+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. How CODO Refreshed Malibu Brewing's package design - [Case Study]
2. Malibu Brewing
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 8,000+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Saknas det avsnitt?
Points of discussion:
1. How we refreshed the Alewerks Brewing brand
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 8,000+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. Endorsed Brand vs. New Brand [BBT Newsletter]
2. How we built the Cold Drinking Beer brand Case Study + Podcast
3. Shout out to everyone out there smashing a Paul Blart Jort Force Hazy Triple Mango IPA® by Voodoo Ranger on your way to work.
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 8,000+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. Question from a BBT subscriber
2. A strong brand builds enterprise value
3. Your brand is a platform
4. A compelling brand set the stage for co-branding opportunities
5. This all art directs your look and feel
6. A strong brand helps you attract and retain great talent
7. A heartwarming story about a CODO mom (and how we fired her son?)
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 8,000+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. How to Tame Rotation Nation [Newsletter]
2. Left Field Brewery
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 5,500+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. McLaughlin PC's website + [email protected]
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 8,000+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. How we helped AleSmith launch a Hard Cider Brand - [Case Study ]
2. AleSmith Brewing
3. Let's talk hard cider - [BBT Newsletter]
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 8,000+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. Package Refresh Series, Issue 3: How to Successfully Refresh Your BRewery's Packaging
2. Staggered Rebrand Launch [Podcast]
3. Email Isaac to discuss your package refresh: [email protected]
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 8,000+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. Package Refresh Series, Issue 2: Package Refreshes vs. Brand Refreshes (vs. Rebrands)
2. Email Isaac to discuss your brewery's package refresh: [email protected]
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 8,000+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. Why are package refreshes so hot right now?
2. Here’s our series thesis:
There are more breweries today in the US than anytime in history, yet consumers are drinking less beer. This has led to flat-to-declining sales for breweries of all sizes across the country. The fallout? Marketing budgets are tighter than ever.
But this comes at a time when investing in your branding, packaging and marketing is more important due to all the aforementioned competition.
This means that breweries are carefully weighing their options and investing where they expect to see an outsized return. In this landscape, package refreshes have emerged as a compelling strategy to stay top of mind with consumers.
3. Package Refresh vs. a deeper rebrand: On weighing risk vs. reward
4. Cost is subjective here
5. Your packaging is dusty (it hasn’t been updated since…)
6. You’ve gone through several in-house designers and/or agency partners and can clearly see the inconsistent label design style strata across your different brands
7. Your sales are flat (but not in a free fall)
8. Things are going well (you’re winning new placements and sales are increasing YOY) and you want to invest in your brand while the sun’s shining
9. You’ve rationalized your portfolio and want to clean everything up now that you have a clear set of priorities
10. Package Refresh as a stop gap: You’re planning on a deeper branding effort in the coming years, but still need to make a change now
11. You need to address an Intellectual Property (IP) issue
12. Email Isaac to discuss your brewery's package refresh: [email protected]
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 8,000+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. What is a Brand Essence?
2. Brand Strategy vs. business strategy
3. Examples of Brand Essences
4. Can these become public facing?
5. Brand Essences and Mood Boards ensure a smooth transition from strategy to design
6. Mood Boards serve as a phenomenal rapid prototyping tool
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 5,500+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
> The Beyond Beer Handbook
1. We should have expanded the book's scope
2. We should have spent more time explaining how your brewery can (and should) develop a Brand Architecture Map
3. Brand Architecture is an invaluable tool for future proofing your portfolio
4. Sub / Endorsed Brands are a clutch tool for safely expanding your brewery’s brand
5. We didn’t spend enough time on the House of Brands / Hybrid Brand models
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 5,500+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. When to Jettison your Brand Equity [Newsletter]
2. If your current look is actively hurting your business
3. If your current identity doesn't accurately represent where you want to take your business in the future
4. If you're making, or planning to make major changes within your company
5. If you’re self conscious of your branding or packaging
6. You're making some Brand Architecture moves
7. Let's discuss a sacred cow: What about losing your current fans through a rebrand?
8. "Don't sacrifice your brewery's future on the altar of Brand Equity."
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 5,500+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. Leverage your brand or start a new one? (CODO's CBC presentation)
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 5,500+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
CODO Design's 2024 Beer Branding Trends Report
1. Can a smaller brewery actually pull off a craft lager brand?
2A. What’s the best packaging format for Hop Water?
2B. Why hasn’t ABI released a Hop Water?
3. What does the beer industry look like in 2030? (Hot takes only.)
4. Is fudging a beer's style as a positioning tool disingenuous?
5. Do you have any thoughts on the Bud Light controversy?
6. Should we feature awards (GABF, World Beer Cup, etc.) on our packaging?
7. No mention of Cannabis in your report???
8. What are the downsides of building a contract brewed / lifestyle brand?
9. Do you think we’ll see more private equity in the beer industry over the next few years as there are deals to be had?
10. White Claw NA: Stupid or brilliant?
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 8,000+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. 2024 Beer Branding Trends Report
2. How we built the Cold Drinking Beer brand
3. Time Traveling with the Beer Can Archaeologist
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 5,500+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. 2024 Beer Branding Trends Report
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 5,500+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. Rebranding NoDa Brewing [Case study]
2. NoDa Brewing
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 5,500+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
Points of discussion:
1. 2024 Beer Branding Trends Report
Learn more at: www.craftbeerrebranded.com / http://www.beyondbeerbook.com
Have a topic or question you’d like us to field on the show? Shoot it our way: [email protected]
Join 5,500+ food and bev industry pros who are subscribed to the Beer Branding Trends Newsletter (and access all past issues) at: www.beerbrandingtrends.com
- Visa fler