
  • Have you ever wondered what it means to be more of you?

    Do you get confused about who you really are at your core?

    Are you curious about how life would look if you stripped it all down, took off the masks, laid down the armor and rejected the script you were handed?

    I did it. So can you. Here's how.

    Jill's hosting the first Be You retreat!! "More of ME" retreat this September.

    Visit www.jillherman.com to learn more and/or apply.

    Show Notes:

    [2:01] - It happened to all of us. We were taught to be someone we aren’t.

    [3:30] - We are so full of stuff from our past, we sabotage ourselves.

    [5:50] - We don’t know the things we’re doing subconsciously.

    [8:40] - This entire podcast is about excavating the person you already are.

    [10:34] - The upcoming retreat in September is a gift to Jill as well.

    [15:20] - This retreat is for women who are ready to heal and crack open in a safe space.

    [17:49] - There are experiences that will literally change you.

    [20:16] - Jill can hold someone who has a history of trauma as a trained and certified coach who has done her own work.

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    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • Jill traveled to Brazil and recorded on her iPhone for a quick life update and… a Be You BIG announcement!!!

    She’s hosting the first Be You retreat, “More of ME,” this September and applications open TODAY!!!

    She only has 8 spots maximum and may keep it as intimate as 4-6.

    Go to www.jillherman.com to learn more and apply.

    Show Notes:

    [1:31] - Jill gives a quick life update at a beautiful wedding ceremony in Brazil.

    [3:39] - Recording from her phone is a little out of her comfort zone, but she has since learned why she didn’t choose to pre-record.

    [5:48] - In September, Jill is hosting the retreat she has always known she’s wanted to.

    [7:41] - Apply to make sure this is the right fit for you.

    [8:20] - Put some real thought into the answers on the application.

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

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  • Too few of us are willing to be true to ourselves and risk disappointing or (GASP!) offending others.

    We rarely speak our truth or ask for what we want.

    We shrink, hide and politely accept and agree to terms we don’t want in order to be accepted and liked.

    What if we didn’t?

    Show Notes:

    [3:10] - We need to be willing to get uncomfortable and potentially make others uncomfortable by asking for the things we want.

    [4:21] - We’ve been taught to be “the good girl.” We wind up saying yes to everything to be nice and not be “too much.”

    [7:07] - It’s hard to stand up for ourselves and it takes practice.

    [8:50] - When will you allow yourself to have the things you want to your satisfaction?

    [10:27] - With more practice it becomes harder to not follow your true north.

    [14:29] - Don’t apologize for your decisions. You can apologize for taking someone’s time or inconveniencing them, but not for your decision.

    [17:40] - Many times life is going to put us in situations that are so extreme to show us how bad it feels to abandon ourselves so we can really make the decision to choose ourselves.

    [19:14] - Think of a situation where you spoke up for yourself and how it showed up in your body. Now think of a time when you didn’t.

    [21:08] - You don’t have to abandon yourself and your needs to fulfill the needs of someone else.

    [23:36] - It will eventually feel so natural to stand up for yourselves.

    [29:03] - Jill gives an example of how “the flavor can change.” What feels right to you and when are you willing to compromise?

    [31:10] - What are your rules? What are your boundaries?

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • Jill uses her gift of storytelling and uses her words to paint three pictures that the listener can see vividly and clearly as they extract a personal message and lesson for themselves.

    Show Notes:

    [2:27] - Every human being deserves to have these “ah-ha’s.”

    [5:41] - Sometimes, the biggest gifts come from struggling. But suffering is optional.

    [7:23] - Jill was convinced that she would learn something specific, but she had to learn something different and trust the process.

    [9:01] - Integration and embodiment can be used in so many different areas. The difference between knowing in your head and knowing in your body.

    [11:26] - Subtle change leads to huge change.

    [12:45] - Jill describes the experience.

    [15:10] - “It’s a trick question. I choose both.”

    [16:57] - The second lesson is all about how Jill’s art will be perceived.

    [18:45] - Someone could have told me these things, but I had to experience this and release so much through physical discomfort to access this.

    [21:18] - Jill describes what she saw that led to the third lesson learned in this journey.

    [23:48] - What if we look back at trauma and painful experiences as a grown adult and not from the perspective of a child?

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • Meet one of Jill’s dearest friends and soul sisters, who happens to be 20 years younger. What? YES!

    Sydney Pacula Owen has a love for both the energetic world unseen and our earthly three dimensional experience. She professionally works as a jewelry designer in her family’s Diamond business focusing on engagement rings and redesigning the old to new. In her creative work, dance is her religion. She has taught creative movement and movement arts to all ages over the past 15 years. Her teaching emphasizes dance as an enjoyable, authentic form of expression. She finds her greatest fulfillment in connecting with others through art whether it be diamonds or dance.

    Listen as they explore unconventional friendship, spirituality, the healing art of intuitive dance, and what it means to find God without rules.

    Show Notes:

    [2:08] - Do you have relationships with other people that aren’t easy? Do they feel forced or feel like they don’t flow well?

    [4:16] - Do you radically accept everything about yourself? Because if you don’t, you can’t expect that out of a relationship.

    [7:50] - Check out Sydney’s website: Pacula Diamonds.

    [12:21] - Jill shares her version of meeting Sydney and the deep knowing that she was supposed to do something with her.

    [14:45] - Sydney explains how she knew she was supposed to be there for Jill.

    [19:02] - Sydney invited Jill to the moon dance experience and kept the invitation intentionally vague.

    [21:29] - If you are at all interested in a women’s dance circle, observe one. It opens up a sense of community.

    [22:46] - Giving yourself permission gives others permission.

    [25:43] - Sydney had to learn to just trust in the space she has created.

    [27:30] - Sydney explains how and why she got into dancing and movement as a way to overcome her disconnection.

    [31:53] - Intuitive dance is not planned or choreographed. It will be different every time because it is what you need at the moment.

    [35:03] - Give yourself the time and space to just be.

    [38:47] - By connecting with her body and truly loving herself through movement and dance, she was able to love herself and her body more.

    [41:21] - Sydney describes her faith and how her spirituality doesn’t fit into societal religious practice.

    [45:13] - Jill has discovered the freedom of being in tune with herself and finding God there.

    [47:50] - Prayer and church do not need to look the same for everyone.

    [54:21] - Sydney has always been told that she is “an old woman.”

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • After talking about how we sometimes pretend not to know what to do, this week Jill explains how to know if it's intuition and truth or interference.

    And today is the day you get asked a really sobering question.

    Tune in to find out what that question is....

    Show Notes:

    [2:21] - With any type of deep inner work, you are going to create new neural pathways and new ways of being.

    [3:44] - Your intuition will not lead you to confusion.

    [4:36] - If it comes from divine truth, it will not be a wobble. It will be clear.

    [8:01] - How do you know if something is intuition? How do you know if something is true for you?

    [9:23] - If there’s any area of your life where you are not fully yourself, how long are you willing to continue that?

    [12:01] - If you are your true authentic self, you are going to trigger some other people.

    [13:27] - I will not abandon myself for anyone. When you walk this way, you will recognize the wobble and discern the difference.

    [16:12] - When are you going to honor your own guidance? When are you going to step into the role of leading yourself?

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • Jill takes the gloves off and gives us bare knuckles coaching on:

    Pretending we don’t know what to do

    Not admitting we aren’t willing to do what it takes to get what we say we want

    Being ask-holes

    The lies we tell ourselves about weakness and strength

    Blaming everything outside of ourselves for the life we have

    Why quitting is sometimes the bravest act

    Show Notes:

    [1:27] - Let’s chat about the lie we share that we don’t know what to do.

    [2:48] - Our brain craves safety. But safety isn’t safe. It’s just what is familiar.

    [4:20] - Some of us are genuinely unwilling to do what it takes. That radical honesty is fine.

    [6:18] - Some people will continue to complain about not knowing what to do, even though the solutions have been provided.

    [9:33] - We can’t pretend to not know what to do. If we really don’t know what to do, we can find the answers.

    [11:03] - You need to do the work, read the books, find the information, take the courses, and do it all yourself. You can’t rely on someone else to give it to you.

    [12:18] - Some people will not only complain about not knowing what to do, but will come up with lists of reasons why they can’t do it.

    [14:17] - Being a people pleaser is actually a form of control.

    [16:02] - We’re married to our story. We’re married to the excuses. What if we decided to propose to the answers?

    [19:54] - We don’t know what we don’t know.

    [21:08] - Are you willing to become the student?

    [24:51] - Things will change for you when you realize you are the director of your own theater.

    [27:23] - No one is coming to save you. You are your own hero.

    [32:26] - There’s a difference between rest and weakness.

    [34:03] - Functional freeze is when you are able to function, but inside you are stuck.

    [37”25] - Are you going to heed the advice?

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • When you look out at others, where does it come from?

    Does it come from safety and truth?

    Or are you needing and wanting to confirm some sort of story you’ve made up?

    In this episode, Jill explores the reasons behind our need to see other people and make up a story about their successes and compare them to our own insecurities.

    Show Notes:

    [9:58] - Some of us are in bondage to these made-up stories.

    [11:47] - Why is our knee-jerk reaction to focus on the things that other people seem to be doing better, but when we look at ourselves, we focus on the negative?

    [13:44] - We play a comparison game because we focus outward.

    [16:24] - When you’re focusing externally to find meaning, that’s the pitfall.

    [17:49] - Why are you looking outward?

    [21:13] - If your “come from” is safety and security, you won’t feel threatened.

    [22:58] - There are things you simply won’t know about someone else by looking at them.

    [26:06] - We find ourselves looking at other people and we’re thinking that they’re doing things better because deep down we still feel like we are not enough.

    [28:29] - If it is coming through the lens of love, we won’t make anything up or add anything to the picture. We won’t make it mean anything about ourselves.

    [31:02] - Everybody does this. But is it all-consuming?

    [33:03] - Consider who you are looking at and how you are making a made-up story mean something about your own life.

    [34:32] - It all boils down to outsourcing our worth.

    [36:30] - We avoid being still and quiet to face insecurities. It's easier to look outward.

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • With over 25 years of experience in education, Kelly has taught some form of personal growth to individuals from preschool to graduate school and beyond. His early training in drama therapy, non-violent communication, and childhood development combine with his more recent experiences in parenting, personal development and leadership training to create a unique approach to helping individuals grow their most loving relationships.

    Show Notes:

    [1:56] - This conversation goes in many different directions and you’ll learn a lot about yourself.

    [6:04] - Kelly shares a bit about his background and the foundational experiences that shaped him.

    [9:08] - Kelly began working with men, particularly about developing healthy relationships.

    [10:56] - What is Drama Therapy and how can this approach guide people through self-discovery and expression?

    [16:00] - Jill shares the experience of watching a movie that moved her to identifying and expressing something that was heavy to her.

    [19:05] - Kelly became involved in this work early in his life, but continues to learn more and more.

    [21:46] - What is the difference between a caregiver and a caretaker?

    [24:07] - What are things that show up for you that appear good, but are not what they appear?

    [28:17] - Kelly explains how he discovered that he was pointing his finger at someone else.

    [30:02] - Women coming together and being vulnerable is built into society. But men in community are socialized in a world where that is not normalized.

    [33:50] - What things don’t you want other people to know about you?

    [36:40] - Kelly’s societal expectation was to create and provide safety, but what value do men have when they fear they can’t keep it together?

    [40:24] - We need authentic masculinity, but that’s not just a man’s job.

    [42:57] - The antagonist is a reflection of the externalized version of the protagonist’s internal drama.

    [45:25] - You can only see so much through your own ego. You might not be able to do this alone.

    [47:57] - Kelly shares the story of a man he has worked with that experienced profound healing in building relationships.

    [53:38] - It’s not building up strength and hardness that allows you to let go. It’s softening.

    [54:50] - The things that bring you success are oftentimes the things that hold you back, especially when it comes to relationships.

    [57:38] - Kelly explains compassionate communication.

    [60:36] - Some communication is just taking your judgments and squeezing them into a form that you think would be more easily accepted. But it's still judgment.

    [63:08] - We can’t argue with feelings.

    [65:44] - Every communication is seeking something that needs to be met.

    [68:03] - Sometimes, we truly want conflict.

    [70:01] - Jill admits something about how she communicates with her husband sometimes and Kelly suggests it is about wanting to be invited.

    [75:03] - Identify why you are going into a conversation and the core need you are seeking to be met.

    [76:55] - The majority of conflicts in a relationship stem from both parties needing to be heard and seen.

    [79:05] - There are programs online that can help provide community.

    I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is. Thank you for being here today with me on our healing journeys.

    Connect with Kelly:

    Kelly Gardner Coaching Website

    @iamkellygardner on Instagram

  • In this solo episode, Jill catches the listeners up on some recent developments in her life while weaving in some bread crumbs of wisdom, no BS guidance with a splash of coaching.

    You will have a good laugh when she talks about purchasing a Yoni steamer, and you’ll feel inspired when she explains how she finally conquered her battle with exercise and shows you how you can do the same.

    She shares the antidote to comparison, gives you a pep talk to help you break up with perfection, and gives you an invitation to come hang out with her this fall.

    Show Notes:

    [3:36] - Who is Jill actually? Not who people are telling her to be.

    [4:42] - Over time, Jill has thought about putting the podcast aside and doing something else.

    [8:09] - Jill is working on a book and shares what plans she thinks she has, even though she knows that it’s a challenge to know what will actually happen.

    [12:05] - Jill shares an experience when she spoke to a psychic a few years ago.

    [15:46] - After some health updates, Jill made some changes.

    [20:06] - If you are over 40 years old, start learning about menopause.

    [23:03] - Jill has cracked the code to having a good relationship with exercise and physical movement.

    [24:53] - She’s not following a strict regimen.

    [29:17] - “Crushing it” does not need to mean perfection.

    [31:14] - She’s not seeing physical results, but she’s feeling emotional, internal, and spiritual results.

    [36:01] - Listen for some updates on upcoming podcast episodes and interviews.

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    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • Have you wondered why some of us rarely choose change and others appear to thrive when they try new ways of living and expressing who they are?

    Do you want to take a big leap but can't get over the fear of failure or critique?

    How do you react when you see someone take a total left turn and create their own plot twist?

    Jill reads a recent article she wrote on blooming, renewal, expansion and reinventing ourselves at any age.

    Check out the published article here: http://thedesignhornet.com/books/rved/#p=52

    Show Notes:

    [1:56] - Why do people hold themselves back when they have the desire to reinvent themselves in any capacity?

    [3:43] - We see people making changes and it will trigger different things for different people.

    [4:23] - Jill shares the different types of responses we might have to a change in someone else.

    [8:03] - A person doesn’t see the gift until they’ve made the transformation. Most of us resist change and will never see the gifts we have.

    [9:53] - Our subconscious brain is driving the bus.

    [11:57] - There are parts of you from childhood that want to keep you small and close to home plate.

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • A solo episode where Jill shares her recent diagnostic health results, announces her first retreat open to Be You listeners and delivers a message her angels told her to share about the art of slowing down.

    Show Notes:

    [3:02] - Jill was supposed to be traveling but something didn’t feel right for her.

    [7:08] - Jill shares the experience of changing plans based on gut feelings.

    [11:17] - Be willing to let things go, because something better is going to come. But it can’t show up if we’re not willing to create space for it.

    [13:26] - It is so important for us to look in unexpected places for answers and not to rely on the information we get. Be willing to look at other sources.

    [16:45] - Jill shares some health updates that make a lot of sense for the issues she is experiencing.

    [19:26] - Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do.

    [21:03] - Jill is planning on hosting a retreat this year, so stay tuned for updates.

    [23:09] - It is imperative to slow down. You can’t intellectualize healing.

    [25:32] - The more you are willing to release, the more love and joy you can hold.

    [30:38] - We will choose a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven because it feels safe.

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • Part two with hellenistic astrologer and astrological coach Rachel Ruth Tate. The listener gets a front row seat to a private 1:1 reading Rachel does for Be You host Jill Herman. It's fascinating and super interesting. Wait till you hear what Jill learns about herself!

    Rachel Ruth Tate has generously offered a discount only for the Be You listeners.

    When you go to rachelruthtate.com and schedule a reading you can enter code “Be You“ for 24% off any reading for all of 2024!

    Show Notes:

    [1:53] - This is a lot to understand and complex. Rachel is such a great teacher and gives the highlights of Jill’s private reading.

    [3:14] - Rachel explains the sun and the moon and what they mean for each individual.

    [4:59] - Rachel describes Jill’s Scorpio sign.

    [8:41] - The spectrum of human emotion is vast. And it’s intense.

    [11:28] - Conjunctions are light fusing by the time we receive it.

    [13:46] - Because of her chart, Jill’s life has had some interesting experiences and people in her life.

    [15:51] - Rachel describes some of the ways Jill might have experienced “bad-mouthing” especially when it comes to family.

    [19:32] - We all want to be right. But Jill’s chart shows that although she has an internal knowing, she has a hard time putting it into words.

    [24:10] - Jill learns her tendency to struggle putting into words the love she has for her children and knows that she shows them love differently.

    [27:30] - Jill is somebody who moves toward the position of community authority.

    [29:24] - Jill and her husband are completely different when it comes to being alone.

    [31:23] - Rachel explains why Jill needs time to be quiet and internal.

    [34:32] - Are you in your fifth house year?

    [35:55] - Rachel expects Jill to accomplish a big creation this year, between May and November.

    [39:37] - Jill and her children are going to travel in May which lines up with something Rachel explains from her natal chart.

    [42:12] - There are a series of eclipses in the house of Libra this year that may cause a difficult time for the relationships of others.

    [44:38] - When Mars is in retrograde in December this year, there could be some sort of loss for someone close to Jill.

    [48:04] - When someone has the sun and the moon in the same sign, that means there is the least amount of light in the evening the day they were born. They need quiet.

    [52:55] - Scorpios typically don’t want to experience a journey in front of other people.

    [56:09] - Jill describes an experience that the connection to her natal chart gives her goosebumps.

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • Have you been curious about astrology?

    Are you skeptical? Confused?

    Do you fear that it conflicts with your faith or religion?

    Join Jill and hellenistic astrologer and astrological coach Rachel Ruth Tate for

    Astrology 101 and a 2024 forecast

    Rachel breaks it all down and explains the origin of astrology, how it's used and what we can learn from it for every aspect of our life.

    Rachel Ruth Tate has generously offered a discount only for the Be You listeners.

    When you go to rachelruthtate.com and schedule a reading you can enter code “Be You“ for 24% off any reading for all of 2024!

    Show Notes:

    [8:02] - This topic is a first for Be You Podcast and Jill has been drawn to it lately.

    [9:50] - Rachel shares her background and her upbringing. Astrology came knocking at her door.

    [11:57] - Astrology is a way to navigate your lived experience on Earth.

    [14:15] - Rachel explains what a lunar cycle is and how the traditional monthly calendar works. She also touches on some of the history behind astrology.

    [20:20] - Rachel describes the scientific reasons behind the moon’s impact on us.

    [24:18] - We’ve been conditioned to think that astrology is wrong.

    [28:36] - Resolutions are only in alignment with certain types of people.

    [34:19] - The twelve numbers on a clock are based on the twelve signs of the zodiac.

    [36:12] - Rachel explains what signs are important to different types of people and what the signs mean.

    [41:49] - The cycles of the planets take different lengths of time to revolve around the sun and they have different impacts on us.

    [48:37] - At the time of this recording, Pluto just entered into Aquarius.

    [53:02] - The different hemispheres also make a big difference. We experience time differently, depending on where we are located.

    [56:21] - There are so many different ways to take in this information.

    [61:46] - Creation is constant.

    [64:15] - Not knowing can be scary and things are constantly uncertain.

    [68:17] - For the year 2024, things will be more positive.

    [70:03] - Rachel explains eclipses and what to look forward to this spring.

    [75:16] - Observe and be mindful of who and what is calling for your attention around eclipses.

    [77:54] - The month of April will be full of surprises.

    [81:19] - Rachel explains some of the discomfort that could be coming as well.

    [82:48] - What is retrograde?

    [85:38] - What if a person doesn’t feel the disruption of retrograde?

    [89:02] - The second half of the year will feel a lot different than the first half.

    [91:39] - The fall will see a lot of transformation as long as we are open.

    [95:22] - Late in the year, we will experience some tension within relationships.

    [97:16] - Rachel shares what she offers on her website RachelRuthTate.com.

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  • Jill's former coach and former Be You guest Christine Hassler is hosting a ten week inner child healing experience. This work changed Jill's life and she highly recommends clicking on the link to the FREE recorded "intro" experience or just jumping right into the ten week registration. Jill does not receive any compensation for this advertisement! It's from her heart to yours.

    Journey to JOY (free) https://christinehassler.com/joy

    Reconnect (ten week online experience) https://christinehassler.com/reconnect/

    Last week Jill promised to revisit the real life example of her friend who was stuck in a pattern of overthinking so this episode starts there and goes deep into where these patterns start and how we can learn from them. Jill shares an additional example of coaching another friend who was stuck in the same pattern.

    Show Notes:

    [2:38] - We have aspects of ourselves that we tend to hide, shame, and judge.

    [3:39] - Jill recommends the book All is Well by Louise Hay and Mona Schulz.

    [5:25] - You have to trust your own intuition and what your heart is telling you.

    [7:24] - Whatever we feel is a flaw in us is also a superpower. It is a double edged sword.

    [8:45] - If you judge this part of you, you are actually making it worse.

    [11:22] - When we were small, we were watching our parents and observing what would get us love and what would not get us love.

    [13:15] - The messages we receive as children lead us to learn to not be ourselves.

    [14:54] - We abandon ourselves to make it feel safer.

    [17:03] - This “flaw” doesn’t need improvement, it needs love.

    [19:05] - Sometimes, we stop ourselves from doing something we know we want to do.

    [23:02] - What if you were able to see it from a place of knowing that you are in charge?

    [26:15] - Remember this conversation when you judge yourself internally or even outwardly.

    [27:20] - We all have blindspots.

    [29:04] - Any time you go out of your comfort zone and challenge your paradigm, it’s going to scare your nervous system.

    [30:58] - Observe yourself and where you are doing this in your life and just see it without judgment.

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    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • For the first time in my life, my nervous system feels safe and relaxed enough to allow me to move toward this goal slowly with no pressure on myself, celebrating each tiny win, while enjoying every single moment of the journey.

    Show Notes:

    [4:10] - Hear an update after January’s health and wellness episode series.

    [9:16] - What can you celebrate for yourself?

    [12:12] - Little by little and breath by breath might not sound appealing but it works.

    [16:50] - Every time, there will be a new win.

    [19:52] - It’s all about how you feel.

    [21:55] - An editor of a magazine reached out and asked Jill to write an article. This gave her motivation to write.

    [24:52] - Perfectionism causes us to procrastinate, but don’t be hard on yourself.

    [26:50] - Jill reads an excerpt from an article she wrote recently for a magazine.

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    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • Jill fills you in on life behind the mic since Christmas and shares examples of

    Figuring it out

    Thinking outside of the box

    Asking for what you want

    Playing the hell out of a crappy hand

    This episode is like sitting down with a good friend for a laugh and a love note.

    Show Notes:

    [2:40] - Taking the time to catch up triggers Jill’s ego sometimes since a podcast seems very one-sided.

    [4:21] - Jill shares the experience of scrolling through a social media account that has caught her attention.

    [7:39] - She went down an entire rabbit hole that brought up a lot of guilt.

    [8:40] - Although she’s done so much work on herself and inner healing, wounds are still there and can still come up.

    [10:56] - It’s so easy to see the perfection in people on social media, but remember that we only see the “highlight reels” of their lives.

    [13:22] - Recently, Jill spent a few days on the couch not feeling well.

    [16:38] - There are a few possibilities as to why Jill felt a lot of heavy fatigue.

    [19:50] - No matter how many experts we work with, we always need to trust ourselves and question everything.

    [24:01] - Jill’s husband has opened up a franchise location which is an exciting life event.

    [27:15] - Jill shares how Christmas went, some resistance from her children on doing things differently, and her grandson being sick.

    [29:20] - A wonderful nanny who is a musician really helped Jill’s grandson. Follow her on Instagram: @emilytheott

    [31:24] - Jill is really good at making the best out of a crappy situation.

    [33:32] - Being resourceful and thinking outside of the box is something that Jill has learned as well.

    [35:26] - In addition to her being resistant to her fitness, Jill has also been resistant to writing her book.

    [39:10] - Jill will not be hiding her real self in 2024.

    [40:50] - Listen to a recent Instagram post that Jill made about her new year.

    [44:58] - Life might be really hard for you right now or really amazing. But whatever you are moving towards wants you.

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • Ellen Day left corporate sales several years ago to start Elite Laser Austin, a laser therapy clinic in Austin, Texas exclusively dedicated to helping people heal faster. Having worked in the pharmaceutical industry for many years, she had the opportunity to observe clinical medicine in all types of specialties. She noticed a distinct lack of focus on healing root causes, a lack of answers for patients who had questions about how they could optimize their healing, and a hard push towards pharmaceuticals and surgery for pain and inflammatory conditions that could benefit from alternative modalities of healing, including laser therapy (also called photobiomodulation). One of her favorite things is facilitating healing and better outcomes for people who had come to the conclusion that they would just have to live with pain. Laser therapy is quickly emerging as one of the most reliable and powerful ways to heal the body, and Ellen is thrilled to be able to help more people experience this miracle every day!

    Show Notes:

    [4:45] - Ellen shares her background and how she sought a career in laser therapy.

    [6:54] - Doctors are under pressure and have a lot of limitations but Ellen knew there were many alternative options that weren’t being made available to patients.

    [10:50] - She didn’t just bet on what she learned, she bet on her intuition and her gut feeling.

    [15:34] - After being laid off from her job, Ellen surprisingly didn’t feel scared or worried. She experienced gratitude and saw the new opportunity to say yes to something else.

    [20:01] - Ellen was ready for more which is why she was able to expand.

    [23:52] - She learned how to live completely by her intuition.

    [27:49] - It is easy to tell when something is a big yes.

    [29:06] - When she began, Ellen hadn’t realized how much hope this option would give people.

    [36:28] - Ellen is also a trauma informed coach and she shares what she learned and the connections she’s made to laser therapy.

    [39:53] - Being with clients where they are in support is more impactful on healing than the procedure itself.

    [41:43] - Healing is never linear and it is always cumulative.

    [46:47] - Surgeries and medical procedures are traumatic and sometimes the patient doesn’t realize the impact it had on them.

    [51:38] - Your body can hold memories.

    [53:09] - Ellen explains how laser therapy works.

    [61:56] - Jill and Ellen discuss a common problem with c-sections and how scar tissue could be causing pain in other areas many years later.

    [65:40] - To a surgeon, every problem looks like it will be solved through surgery.

    [71:51] - Learn how to find a location that can help you get started with laser therapy.

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • Amanda Porta, known as The Holistic Beauty Coach on social media, blends her love of aesthetics and natural health to help her clients achieve optimal results. Amanda has worked in many areas of the beauty industry for over 20 years and has used her wisdom to help women through the breast explant process after going through it herself. She has helped thousands of women globally and inspires them by teaching them to live more holistically.

    Amanda has appeared on KIRO TV and KTLA Channel 5, as well as contributed to the podcasts – Ancient Health Podcast by Dr. Josh Axe, The Way Forward with Alec Zeck, Kathryn For Real, Awakening with Ali and many many more. She’s also written articles for and been interviewed by Hair Therapy, Ask Us Beauty, and Evie Magazine.

    This is a no judgment and no filter conversation with a woman who has seen it all after working in plastic surgery clinics in Beverly Hills for many years and becoming a well known wellness advocate for women.

    Show Notes:

    [5:22] - Amanda shares her background in the beauty industry. Working with plastic surgeons, she found herself getting botox and procedures.

    [9:02] - In her case, Amanda reluctantly got breast implants and didn’t truly understand the problems associated with them.

    [10:46] - Right now, the trend is extreme features.

    [14:22] - Amanda experienced over 7 years of illness as a result of her breast implants.

    [18:04] - Breast implant illness is a real problem but not widely accepted in the medical industry.

    [21:33] - Initially, Amanda’s Instagram was hyperfocused on breast implant explantation. But as she learned more about holistic health, she knew she needed to do more.

    [25:26] - Botox and medical grade skin products when used for many years cause a lot of noticeable inflammation.

    [28:14] - There are so many chemicals in beauty products that we are told are safe that could be causing problems.

    [33:08] - Symptoms are our friends. That’s just our body saying to us that something is going on so we can correct it.

    [37:01] - Amanda explains how breast implants and botox cause inflammation.

    [43:41] - Jill admits that she hasn’t ever done anything to her skin and wonders if that’s why her skin is healthy as she ages.

    [45:24] - Amanda explains how she turned to Eastern medicine and learned about the lymphatic system.

    [50:51] - We need to learn how to detox, which could look different from person to person.

    [54:08] - Jill and Amanda discuss contrast showers.

    [56:23] - Rhythmic movement is beneficial to the lymphatic system.

    [58:40] - Amanda gives us some simple actions you can take to improve the lymphatic system.

    [62:29] - Jill is feeling inspired by implementing some different practices.

    [66:07] - There is no one detox process.

    [70:41] - Castor oil offers a lot of benefits and Jill and Amanda have both experienced them.

    [74:00] - Learn how to connect with Amanda Porta, The Holistic Beauty Coach.

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow Be You Podcast. There is a new episode every single week, and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out.

  • Dr. Salome Masghati is a board certified gynecologist with fellowship training in minimally invasive surgery and pelvic pain. She has been focusing on functional medicine and hormone balancing the last 4 years and offers virtual consults.

    In this episode, she discusses birth control, hormone balancing, liver detox, menopause, hormone replacement therapy myths and facts, why supplements are not enough and she dives into topics that physicians rarely speak of.

    Show Notes:

    [0:56] - We can’t ignore our physical body and only focus on our inner healing.

    [4:51] - Jill shares her feelings about Dr. Masghati and how safe she feels with her.

    [6:53] - Doctors are responsible for seeking more education and understanding outside of their medical school training.

    [9:11] - Dr. Masghati explains that her training was focused on women who were very ill and she wasn’t able to establish long-term care.

    [11:58] - Doctors are different and may operate differently in their practice.

    [15:41] - Jill shares the biggest frustrations she had as an RN.

    [18:01] - During menopause, women expect suffering. But it is not normal to suffer.

    [22:23] - Even the way we talk about childbirth in society is with the expectation of suffering.

    [27:42] - Dr. Masghati had to distance herself from parts of her practice to become the best provider she could be in other areas.

    [29:16] - Dr. Masghati recommends the book Estrogen Matters.

    [33:02] - The discussion about hormone replacement and cancer is ongoing and there is a lot of fear mongering involved.

    [36:04] - Physicians have a lot of pressure and wind up with very limited time with their patients.

    [39:21] - Women have not been taught about their bodies.

    [40:25] - Women experience menopause completely differently.

    [44:00] - There are other factors that impact a woman's experience with menopause.

    [47:30] - Jill’s experience has been different and a lot more positive than what she was taught it would be.

    [52:01] - Jill and Dr. Masghati discuss the use and benefits of castor oil.

    [55:12] - These are all tools. Patients all have different needs.

    [59:20] - Protein is a critically important component.

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    “I love Be You Podcast!” ← If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps the podcast reach more people just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” I know there was something in this episode that you were meant to hear. Let me know what that is!

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