Für den Sleeping Buddha Podcast zum Einschlafen habe mehrere Wirkelemente zusammengestellt:
Aufnahmen von Naturgeräuschen, die ich bei meinen Wanderungen in der Natur mache, bilden das Zentrum des Podcasts.
Die hochwertigen Audio-Aufnahmen, umfassen das volle hörbare Klangspektrum und entfalten so die maximale Wirkung.
Naturgeräusche führen dazu, dass im Gehirn das Grundeinstellungsnetzwerk so aktiviert wird, dass wir unseren Gedanken freien Lauf lassen können, aufmerksamer sind und gleichzeitig Stress abbauen.
Die Gute Nacht Geschichten dienen als Fantasiereisen und helfen Abends im Bett gedanklich abschalten zu können. Bei Fantasiereisen handelt es sich um gelenkte Tagträume, in denen sowohl Erwachsene als auch Kinder lernen, in ihrer Fantasie Vorstellungen zu assoziieren und zu entwickeln, mitunter auch um Probleme zu lösen und Ziele zu erreichen. Sie sollen helfen, Stress abzubauen, ein inneres Gleichgewicht herzustellen und Fantasie und Kreativität zu fördern.
Du erlernst Techniken um positiven Einfluss auf deinen Schlaf zu nehmen, durch Atem- und Bewusstseinsübungen. Die Sleeping Buddha Methode orientiert sich an der S3 Leitlinie für erholsamen Schlaf und setzt die wichtigsten Elemente der kognitive Verhaltenstherapie im Podcast um. Ich gebe Informationen zu gesundem Schlaf, erkläre die Ursachen von Schlafproblemen und zeige Behandlungsmöglichkeiten auf.
Die Übungen bringen dem Körper Frische und das Gehirn in einen Zustand vollbewusster Ruhe. Durch die Tiefenentspannung werden nicht nur allgemeine Leiden wie Stress und Nervosität abgebaut, sondern die im Unbewussten liegenden Kräfte sollen ins Bewusstsein gehoben werden.
In der Schlaftherapie verwende ich Aufnahmen von Delta- und Thetawellen, wie sie auch in Schlaflaboren zum Einsatzkommen um einen Impuls zu setzten und diese Zustände anzuregen.
Das limbische System unseres Gehirns wir durch Theta Wellen in einen hochaktiven Zustand versetzt und verbessert unsere unterbewussten Erfahrungen, Emotionen und Stimmungen. Du wirst dich dadurch ein Stückchen wohler und geborgener fühlen
Durch die Wiederholung erlernt dein Gehirn diese Bewusstseinszustände von selbst auszulösen, was eine tiefgreifende Veränderung in deinem Stressmanagement bedeutet.
Wissenschaftler meinen, dass Thetawellen folgende Wirkung haben:
-Sie reduzieren Stress und mindern Angstgefühle.
-Sie fördern tiefe Entspannung und geistige Klarheit.
-Sie verbessern die sprachlichen Fähigkeiten und die Ausdrucksfähigkeit
-Sie synchronisieren die beiden Gehirnhälften.
-Sie fördern lebhafte, spontane Visualisierungen und kreatives Denken.
-Reduzieren das Schmerzempfinden, erhöhen Glücksgefühle und stimulieren die Endorphinausschüttung.
Wie funktioniert das mit den Wellen?
Du kennst es vielleicht, wenn man eine Gitarrenseite zum Schwingen bringen will, ohne sie zu berühren, dann macht man das, indem man einfach die gleiche Resonanzfrequenz z.B mit einer Stimmgabel erzeugt. Und so ähnlich läuft das hiermit: die Alpha, Delta, und Theta-Wellen, die ich in die Therapie mit aufgenommen habe, stimulieren dein Gehirn in diese Wellenfrequenz einzustimmen.
Du schaffst dir damit die Voraussetzungen diese Frequenzen lang anhaltend selbst wieder zu produzieren.
Schlafforscher vom Psychologischen Institut der Universität Köln konnten diese Effekte in einer Versuchsreihe mit 170 Probanten erfolgreich nachweisen.
Musik: Entspannung ist das Geheimnis der Transformation. Eine Veränderung werden wir nicht erzwingen können, sondern nur durch einen sanften Weg erreichen.
Die entspannungsfördernde Wirkung von Musik zählt zu den ureigensten Funktionen dieses Mediums und besitzt ein stressreduzierendes Potenzial was auch wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen ist. -
Silent Angels podcast is a biweekly podcast that is dedicated to parents who lost their children and the children we love. Each show is named after an angel we lost. The parents will share their best memories of their little angels, honor their short but still meaningful lives, and help the rest of world understand what's helpful and what's not to their grieving process. Yes, there will be tears. But listeners will also find inspirations because some of these parents are doing amazing things to find healing and honor their children.
Hello, I am a marital therapist, communications trainer and author. I have thirty-five years helping couples and individuals make better relationships. I have written twenty-plus self-help books which include the international best-sellers ‘I love you but I’m not in love with you’ and ‘How can I ever trust you again?’ My books have been translated into twenty languages. I trained with RELATE the UK’s largest counselling charity.
Perhaps it has been turning sixty but I have become interested in spiritual as well as psychological questions. Who am I? What are my values – as opposed to my parents, my teachers and the wider society? What makes my life meaningful? What do I believe about life, the universe and everything? Although my clients might come to me because of destructive arguments, falling out of love and infidelity, they are also interested in having more meaningful relationships and a more meaningful life.
So what is the meaningful life? Why do we so easily lose our way and get lost in depression, anxiety, doubt, addictions and obsessions: the swamplands of the soul? One thing I know for sure is that there is not one answer. Each of us has to find out for ourselves what makes our life meaningful. But we can learn from each other, share our experiences of how to navigate the journey, how to endure and learn from the swamp, and finally how to find solid ground.
I have decided to use my original training in radio and journalism to interview witnesses for what makes life meaningful. Each week, I invite someone who is a therapist, academic, self-help coach or who has an enlightening personal story to share their knowledge or experiences. I hope our discussions will help you discover what makes your life meaningful and find more purpose and contentment. -
لأن الروح جميلة و متميزة و نقيّة بتكوينها، و لأن شوائب الدنيا من الترومات، الأنماط المكتسبة، العادات، التجارب المؤلمة، المشاعر المخدرة لعبت دورا في تلطيخ هذه الروح و التعتيم عليها بطلاء من التخدير تارة، و الانكار تارات، قررت أن أتكلم معكم بتجرد، لنتشارك مواضيع عميقة و حساسة جدا قد لا يجرؤ لسانكم على التحاور مع أحد عنها!
و لأنني أدرك مدى تعطشنا و احتياجنا للشعور بالأمان، للشعور بأن هناك من يفهمنا، يرانا، يشعر بنا و يشاركنا تجاربنا، بتسليط الضوء داخل عتمة نفوسنا على خيالات مواضيعنا الحساسة، و التي كنا قد أخفيناها حتى عن ادراكنا، و ذلك لنخترق بعد اللاوعي الى الوعي، و حاجز الغرور نحو حلاوة الروح! -
A podcast exploring the inner workings of our brains, mental health, & disabilities and how film & television portray them.
Each episode, hosted by sisters Heather & Sarah Taylor, has an expert talk about a specific facet of our brains. Guests include therapists, scientists, and those with lived experiences and they share facts, insights, and how-tos with our listeners. We then discuss TV series and films that capture this specific aspect of our brains and tell it as it really is.
Please follow/subscribe on your favorite podcast app, listen to new episodes biweekly on Tuesdays (every two weeks), and let us know your thoughts about the show.
If you enjoy Braaains, please take a moment to rate the show 5 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
For more information or to suggest a topic, please visit: -
Discussions of the many facets of Motherhood, with a particular focus on the Postpartum journey. You've had the baby - now what?! As told from a Doulas perspective, helping women to empower themselves from fertility through to postpartum. Sharing ways for women to be supported in order to heal, thrive and kill the mom game.
Welcome to the regular addition of The Burnt Chef Journal hosted by Kris Hall founder of The Burnt Chef Project.
Join us as we explore mental health and wellbeing within the hospitality world and talk openly with our guests about the journey through their careers and experiences with mental health and stress.
Listen whilst prepping, on your break, at the gym or at home as we discuss what a mentally healthy hospitality workplace looks like.
We hope that you enjoy the content and that you find the open conversations refreshingly honest, relatable and potentially provide some tools to use to benefit you or your team. -
Bottoming is the LGBTQ+ mental health podcast, about rock bottoming and beyond. This is not a sex podcast, but if you came here for that, stay anyway. Contact us: [email protected] @bottomingpod
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Springbrook's Converge Autism Radio, featuring viewpoints and insights about autism for parents and professionals who support children with autism every day. We select our speakers and guests based on their expertise and experience in the field of autism, and we want this program to bring you fresh ideas, practical tips and renewed hope. The ideas and opinions expressed on this program are not necessarily the viewpoint of Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health.
Despite some acceptance, mental health, and all that is related to it, still carries a stigma. F*ck that perception! Each week, join The Misfit Therapist- mom, daughter, best friend, psychotherapist, and the one who “never really fit in” as she challenges you to listen and think about Depression, Anxiety, and a bunch of other stuff in a way that leads to restoration. Maybe you’re bored. Maybe you’re here because you want some insight on how to finally “fix it,” whatever “it” is. Come along, as we heal the world, one person, one family, one community at a time.
How do I find my purpose? How do I add more joy to my life? How can I start living my dream life? If you’re a heart-centered person who's ready to get back to trusting your own intuition, you’re in the right place, love.
Welcome to Wholehearted Coaching: The Podcast, the place where mindset, mindfulness, and manifestation meet. I am your host, life coach & alchemist Shirin Eskandani. Join me as we kick your week off with inspiration by diving deep into my “Mindset Monday” posts: life-changing motivations I share on Instagram (@wholeheartedcoaching) that transform the minds of heart-centered people like you and help you learn to listen to your intuition again, release limiting beliefs, and do the damn thing!
Sign up for my free 7-day guided journal with 45 prompts that will change your life!
Become a part of the Wholehearted Community on Instagram at @wholeheartedcoaching
Head to to learn all the ways we can work together -
In a world where many are vulnerable to uncertainty, getting stuck in an hopeless voice, we are committed to being a voice through which life can be communicated to teenagers and fellow young adults.
Here is a hope for you.
Listen in!
Victoria Adepoju-Babs
Victoria Oluwaferanmi Adepoju -
Bite-Sized Balance is a podcast where everyday extraordinary women share their stories, expertise and wisdom with other women - all in the name of lifting each other up and creating a better life balance.
Whether it’s wellness, career, relationships, alcohol, food, mindfulness, hormones or parenting - we talk about all things women’s balance.
If your life looks great "on paper" but it still feels like something is missing, you're in the right place.
Wendy McCallum, the host of Bite-Sized Balance, is a Certified Burnout & Balance Coach and Wellness Expert who has spent over ten years helping busy high achievers create more joyful, balanced lives.
As an experienced coach (and ex-lawyer!) she speaks with honesty and empathy. No stranger to burnout, she’s been where many of her clients find themselves.
Wendy has a background in nutrition and wellness (RHN, NNCP), life coach training through CTI, and a sub-specialty in alcohol-free life coaching (as a Certified Naked Mind Coach).
She helps busy people reduce stress, prevent burnout, and replace unhealthy coping mechanisms like food, alcohol and social media) with healthier habits.
Find Wendy at -
A weekly podcast where two friends discuss the importance of mental health, overcoming obstacles, diversifying yourself and rejecting the victim’s mentality in order to become the best version of who you are. Not just words. Action.Join us on this journey of life! Support this podcast:
Bingeproof Brain is a podcast for women who struggle with binge eating, overeating, emotional eating, food addiction, and yo-yo dieting. In each episode, Natalia shares her expertise and insights to help you overcome your struggles with food by utilising principles of neuroplasticity and mind management techniques. You can go from blindly following diet culture trends to finding your own path to true wellness (without obsession!).
Find us on Instagram @bingeproofbrain