The podcast was incepted by host Krista Xiomara in April 2018 with the intention of investigating the intersectionality of spirituality, personal development, and healing. The podcast has created a global audio community that fosters conversation, curiosity, and connection by bringing inspiring guests to share their stories of awakening, enlightenment, healing and personal growth. Follow this podcast on Instagram @ianwpodcast
Healing into Awakening explores the spiritual approach to life and healing created by Jason Shulman. Through readings and discussions, hosted by him, his senior students and friends, we will explore the deep physical, emotional and spiritual healing that occurs as we awaken into the true state of nonduality, in which our separate existence and our complete unity with the all, co-exist. This approach releases our genuine inner kindness for ourselves and this precious interrelated world we live in.
Enlighten your life with Lama Tsultirm Allione, an iconic woman in Buddhism and champion of the Sacred Feminine. Her fascinating life story and deep well of compassion and wisdom informs her interviews with myriad of guests including: Deva Premal, Jack Kornfield, Robert Thurman, and more.
Denne podcast er til for dig, der gerne vil inspireres til et liv med indre ro, højt selvværd, styrke, balance, glæde og nærvær.
Værtinde, Kisser Paludan, interviewer gæster. Hun er selv spirituel psykolog og forfatter og kender har beskæftiget sig med personlig og spirituel udvikling i over 30 år. -
I denne podcast, fortæller jeg spøgelses historier fra mit eget liv, min families, mine venners liv, historier jeg finder på nettet og alle jeres historier, hvis i har lyst til at dele dem. Jeg vil til tider have gæster i podcasten, som kommer og fortæller deres egne historier, som de selv har oplevet det. Så kan du lide uhygge, det overnaturlige og spændende historier, så er dette bestemt podcasten for dig. Du kan finde podcastens side på facebook, her kan i komme i kontakt med andre, der elsker en god spøgelses historie. Hvis du vil have din egen oplevelse med, så send den på [email protected]. Vi lyttes ved i lampens skær..
En podcast om personlig udvikling, karriere & velvære i 20'erne.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Guddommelig sex - En podcast der rykker
Velkommen til Guddommelig Sex, hvor sexolog Robert Lubarski har sat sig foran mikrofonerne sammen med Trance Medium Dennis Søndergaard, der kanaliserer viden og indsigt fra højere bevidstheder.
Robert Lubarski har fået lov til, at spørge om alt, og denne mulighed bruger han til, at få mere viden om noget meget essentielt for mennesker, nemlig kærlighed og sex.
Trance Medium Dennis Søndergaard har siden 2002 beskæftiget sig med at Inspirere og oplyse udviklingsorienterede personer til en højere livsenergi, bevidsthed og større frihed for: krop, sind og ånd.
Vi håber, at Guddommelig Sex giver dig glæde og gavn.
God fornøjelse.
Trance Medium Dennis Søndergaard
Foredrag, privatsessioner kurser.
telefon: 29 16 44 55
Robert Lubarski:
Foredrag og privatsessioner omkring shamanisme, bevidsthed, parforhold og sexualitet
telefon: 29 84 08 44
Hvis du vil ha os ud live, så både “Merlin” og Robert Lubarski kan besvarer spørgsmål om kærlighed og sex, så kontakt os. -
Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative teacher, author, broadcaster, and speaker, described as having the unique ability to “blend the sacred with the profane”. The inside-out understanding at the heart of his work challenges the cultural mythology that stress, pressure, and other symptoms of “seriousness” are a necessary part of adaptation and growth in business or indeed any area of life.
In his role as CEO of Genius Catalyst Inc. since its inception in the UK in 1990 to its incorporation in the USA in 2007, Michael has spearheaded its growth from consultancy to a multi-media organisation delivering services to tens of thousands of loyal customers each year through live training, online courses, and self-study programs.
He has also spent more than three decades as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, and creative spark plug to founders, CEO’s, celebrities, royalty, and those who are up to something in the world. His global client base is wide and diverse, having served clients in North America, UK, Europe, and the Middle East in the fields of investment, sales, energy, manufacturing, the entertainment and media industry, and more. He has been consistently ranked alongside Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, and other legends in the field as one of the top 30 coaching thought leaders in the world, and continues to run a small private practice working with high performers in their fields of expertise.
A gifted communicator, Michael has authored six best-selling books including Creating the Impossible, The Inside-Out Revolution, The Space Within, and Supercoach. His books have been translated into more than 25 languages, and his public talks, retreats and seminars have touched and transformed lives at the United Nations and in over 60 countries and on six continents around the world. His TEDx talks, ‘Why Aren’t We Awesomer?’and ‘Can a TEDx Talk Really Change the World?’ have been viewed by over two million people around the world and his blog and podcast, Caffeine for the Soul, has been entertaining and inspiring audiences around the world for more than 20 years. -
Welcome to the Martinus Cosmology Podcast! This is a new podcast dedicated to talks and reflections on life, seen from the perspective of the Danish writer Martinus’ spiritual works. Here, you will find podcasts and short video introductions on all kinds of topics, relating to the main issues of Martinus’ world picture.
Wisdom from a talented Psychic Cowgirl ®; Reverend Shannon Laackmann B.Msc, C.Ht, brings practical cowgirl wisdom to help you increase your awareness, intuition and understanding of yourself on your personal journey. Connecting with the Psychic Cowgirl will automatically raise your vibration, ignite spiritual growth and increase your intuition.
Underfladiske samtaler er ærlige, autentiske og relaterbare.
I et mix af solo-snakke og samtaler, lukker jeg dig ind i min underfladiske verden.
Du får skiftevis lange interviews med gæster, solo-episoder med mig. Engang i mellem også reportager fra det virkelige liv.
Gæstelisten er dem jeg fascineres og inspireres af på min vej.
Hvis mit indhold sætter noget igang hos dig, så lad os endelig fortsætte samtalen på min Instagram som du finder her
Obs: Det kræver min tilladelse at videredistribuere mit indhold.
Underfladisk PatreonSupport this show
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Lyslevende samtaler om livet, lyset og hverdagens ritualer. Forfatter og spirituel mentor Stine Schou Kvistgaard inviterer dig med i en serie af samtaler, der udforsker, hvordan vi kan leve et liv med mere selvkærlighed, og hvad vi selv kan gøre for at skrue op for det lys, vi har indeni. Samtalerne vil desuden dykke ned i, hvad vi kan bruge vores spiritualitet og sensitivitet til, og hvordan vi kan skabe mere hverdagsmagi gennem små selvkærlige ritualer. Podcasten og videoserien Lyslevende er kommet til verden i forbindelse med udgivelsen af Stine Schou Kvistgaards bog af samme navn. Du kan finde videoversionen af podcasten, eller læs mere om bogen "Lyslevende" med 25 selvkærlige og spirituelle ritualer til livsmestring og hverdagsmagi, her: God fornøjelse!
3 Bitchy Witchys talking about everything and anything with NO holds barred! Support this podcast:
Serien er en indføring i spirituel forståelse og træning af din evne til at stilne sindet og heale dig selv. Besøg mit spirituelle univers 👉🏻 en betalt abonnent (coming soon):