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  • The Baldies have returned from the podcast pit of procrastination!

    In this episode we have a catch up with what we've been up to and playing, share some thoughts on playing an RPG in the flesh (phwoarrr!) , discuss a tricky second hand purchase and why there may be a shortage of Giant Skittles in Steve's local shop.

    Steve's poltergeist also makes a brief appearance although previously having been asked to hold off joining us until October, I mean, you just can't get the ghasts these days..

    Links to stuff discussed:

    Dementia UK Raise Your Game!

    Leisure Games Shop

    Those Dark Places RPG:

    Fighting Fantasy Crystal Of Storms


    Beowulf Beastslayer

    Beowulf Beastslayer: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/191139066X/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_RWG0Q48X32SGZMT7TB8B

    Reach the Baldies at:
    Facebook: @BaldandBoard
    Twitter: @BaldandBoard
    Instagram: @Baldsquared
    Or download the Anchor.FM app - sign up and leave us a voice message!
    Stay Bald – Be Board.

  • The Baldies are back with a phut!

    In this found audio adventure join us in this episode as, (backed by the  Bilbo Saggins & The Tall Guys funk band) we went on a roadtrip to the UKGE..

    We share our thoughts as we wandered the hall and in an absolute, complete chance encounter managed to interview Jonathan Hicks, writer of the excellent Those Dark Places RPG from Osprey Roleplaying Games!

    Jonathan shares his insights into writing the game, getting into creating games and gives us an excellent Hobby Jobby!

    You can buy Those Dark Places and supplements here:





    Audio quality is variable, our chatter content quality is average so thanks to Jonathan for raising the quality of this episode considerably!

    Reach the Baldies at:
    Facebook: @BaldandBoard
    Twitter: @BaldandBoard
    Instagram: @Baldsquared
    Or download the Anchor.FM app - sign up and leave us a voice message!
    Stay Bald – Be Board.

  • This podcast contains very strong language..

    Join the Baldies this week as they once again try and roll an entertainment saving throw with a large chunk of chat about boardgames, role playing games, a dice related top 5 and .. erm other stuff!

    Pull up a chair, grab yourself a brew, get some snacks (giant Skittles but no olives please!) and join us round the virtual table..

    Games in the baldlight this episode..


    Into The Mother Lands: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cypheroftyr/into-the-mother-lands-rpg?ref=discovery&term=into%20the%20mother%20land

    Hoplomachus: Victorum: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/chiptheorygames/hoplomachus-victorum?ref=nav_search&result=project&term=hoplomachus

    Mosaic - A Story of Civilization: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/954412004/mosaic-a-story-of-civilization?ref=discovery&term=mosaic

    Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fowers/burgle-bros-2-the-casino-capers?ref=nav_search&result=project&term=burgle

    Necrobiotic - A Dystopian TTRPG: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pennyforatale/necrobiotic?ref=nav_search&result=project&term=necrobiotic

    The Prophecy of Nine Omens Trilogy (5e): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/midnight-tower/the-prophecy-of-nine-omens-trilogy

    Spintronics: Build mechanical circuits: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/upperstory/spintronics-build-mechanical-circuits?ref=nav_search&result=project&term=spintronics

    Other Games discussed:

    Dawn Of The Zeds: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/175095/dawn-zeds-third-edition

    Those Dark Places: https://ospreypublishing.com/store/osprey-games/osprey-roleplaying/those-dark-places

    Elder Sign: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/100423/elder-sign

    Milito: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/258207/milito

    Other links:


    Reach the Baldies at:

    Facebook: @BaldandBoard

    Twitter: @BaldandBoard

    Instagram: @Baldsquared

    Or download the Anchor.FM app - sign up and leave us a voice message!

    Stay Bald – Be Board.


    00:00 Intro and chit chat

    02:17  We are Bald and Board, you're a vision to me!

    06:48  Kickstarting the News!

    1:25:49 Hobby Jobbie

    1:30:10 Top 5 (not singers obviously)

    1:35:17 Wrapping up and Rolling Off..

  • This podcast contains strong language..
    We've missed each other.. we've missed you, our listener XX
    The baldies are lost no more.. 
    pull up a brew, pour yourself a chair and join us for a chat that even veers into games occasionally..

    Small Talk: https://thewalrus.ca/blah-blah-blah-the-lack-of-small-talk-is-breaking-our-brains/

    Starforged: http://kck.st/3aESvtu
    Awfully Cheeful Engine! https://www.awfullycheerfulengine.com/
    Florence: http://kck.st/3v7yTpB
    Canvas: http://kck.st/3mJuF4E

    Games discussed:
    The Search for Planet X: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/279537/search-planet-x
    Arkham Horror - The Card Game: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/205637/arkham-horror-card-game
    Hive Pocket: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/154597/hive-pocket
    Oh My Goods!: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/183840/oh-my-goods

    Other links:
    ROTPL - The Dread Below Adventure https://ospreypublishing.com/gaming_resources_roleplaying
    Dark Sphere - https://www.darksphere.co.uk/shopSB.php
    ElsieGee Tokens https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/ElsieGeeTokens
    Kirbys Workshop https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/KirbysWorkshop?ref=profile_header

    Reach the Baldies at:
    Facebook: @BaldandBoard
    Twitter: @BaldandBoard
    Instagram: @Baldsquared
    Or download the Anchor.FM app - sign up and leave us a voice message!
    Stay Bald – Be Board.

    00:00 Lost....
    01:24 Found!
    05:15 Chit chat..
    25:04 Kickstarting with the News
    40:48 Shelves of shame, talking games
    1:18:30 Hobby Jobbie
    1:23:30 Anyone out there? we outta here..

  • Let’s get some RPG Romance! This week the baldies are joined by RPG designer and publisher extraordinaire Scott Malthouse to talk about the games he’s created, including his fantastic folklore, baldy favourite,  RPG Romance Of The Perilous Land! We talk about getting into the hobby via Fighting Fantasy and Pathfinder, the challenge in creating small RPGs and some exciting future plans for The Perilous Land.

    More Folklore here!



    Twitters: @trollishdelver @welovefolklore

    Reach the Baldies at:

    Facebook: @BaldandBoard

    Twitter: @BaldandBoard

    Instagram: @Baldsquared

    Or download the Anchor.FM app - sign up and leave us a voice message!

    Stay Bald – Be Board.


    00:00 Intro

    01:24 Welcome Scott!

    03:44 Gaming now and discussing the day job..

    06:00 Getting Into Gaming via Fighting Fantasy

    18:44 Creating your own adventure

    24:42 Small And Mighty

    28:25 The Perilous Land

    43:42 Cover Art 'Controversy’

    48:42 The Hobby Jobby

    58:03 Online Gaming

    1:07:06 New Trollish Delving

    1:11:09 Outtro

  • EXTRA EXTRA!!! In a special extra episode the Baldies speak to Rikki Parsons, one of the owners of the Dice Board Game Lounge in Portsmouth about getting Dice rolling, the impact of the pandemic, how Dice is coping and the importance of supporting your local game space… Keyforge greatness and Hungry Hippos!

    Signal Boost: https://www.facebook.com/diceportsmouth/

    Buy Games from Dice Here! : https://diceportsmouth.selz.com/

    Reach us at:

    Facebook: @BaldandBoard

    Twitter: @BaldandBoard

    Instagram: @Baldsquared

    Or download the Anchor.FM app - sign up and leave us a voice message!

    Stay Bald – Be Board.


    00:00 Intro

    01:14 Heeeere’s Rikki!

    04:27 The Before Times at Dice

    10:12 Getting started and favourite games

    41:57 The Hobby Jobby

    51:44 Pandemic Dice

    1:01:50 Saving Throws

    1:06:10 A Dice future

    1:15:25 Four questions for Rikki

    1:26:09 Thank yous and goodbyes!

    1:29:01 Outtro

  • Join the busy baldies this week as they lament the encroachment of work into their hobby lives, discuss pandemic themed games on Kickstarter,  online fallout and the depiction of female characters in games.

    Steve shares a Hobby Jobby and that invoked such emotion in him we had to deploy the censor horn! (answers on a postcard please if you can guess the word!)

    Reach us at:

    Facebook: @BaldandBoard

    Twitter: @BaldandBoard

    Instagram: @Baldsquared

    Or download the Anchor.FM app - sign up and leave us a voice message!

    Stay Bald – Be Board.

    Links from games discussed:

    Delve https://blackwellwriter.itch.io/

    So You’ve Been Eaten http://kck.st/3bRQ1I8

    A Mending http://kck.st/3q3U2hC


    00:00 Intro

    00:40 Work and funny handshakes

    12:31 Is anybody out there?

    15:20 News, including Pandemic Kickstarters

    44:50 Hobby Jobby

    54:30 Tiny Epic Fallout

    1:09:12 Four Questions for Stu

    1:11:24 You can find us here..

    1:13:33 Outro

  • Introducing BnB 5th Edition!

    Join the baldies this week as they level up and welcome their very first guest on an RPG special..

    Passing a tricky DC 20 intellect check they’ve only gone and rolled a nat 20 to get a true RPG Master of Games, Russ Morrissey to talk about designing systems, Dungeons and Dragons, Judge Dredd and The Worlds of 2000AD, playing online, his live and upcoming projects and find out what his Hobby Jobby is!

    More Morrissey Magic here!




    Reach us at:

    Facebook: @BaldandBoard

    Twitter: @BaldandBoard

    Instagram: @Baldsquared

    Or download the Anchor.FM app - sign up and leave us a voice message!

    Stay Bald – Be Board.


    0:00:00 Intro

    0:01:01 Just one headline and ‘Sorry Mum’

    0:02:29 Welcome.. Russ Morrissey!

    0:07:00 Questions, questions..

    0:10:30 DnD and other RPGs

    0:21:57 DnD dominance

    0:28:23 WOIN and Judge Dredd

    1:00:51 Hobby Jobby

    1:05:30 Talking Podcasts

    1:09:38 Solo RPGs

    1:12:41 What’s in the pipeline?

    1:24:21 Thank you and goodbyes!

  • Welcome back as the Baldies chat about calling out knobbery, will I like my sandwich?, the lack of time to game,

    and the announcement of a special guest for the next episode..

    Games discussed Paladins of the West Kingdom - City of Crowns (14:26), Digital Asmodee Humble Bundle (20:03),

    Unforgiven: The Lincoln Assassination Trial (23:05), Coraquest (29:13).

    Signal Boosts:




    Stay Bald – Be Board.

    Episode 3 (or is it 4?) Timechecks:

    00:00 Intro

    00:34 Hello, Hello.. it's cold out here

    02:47 Who are ya?

    6:17 News at BaB

    31:44 Special Guest Announcement - Russ Morrissey coming soon!

    33:41 Hobby Jobby

    39:25 Time.. or the lack of

    51:25 Shout out for the Murder Birds - say Curly Wurly Steve!

    54:22 Four questions for Steve

    56:22 Goodbyes!

    Helpful Links:




    Reach us at:

    Facebook: @BaldandBoard

    Twitter: @BaldandBoard

    Instagram: @Baldsquared

    Or download the Anchor.FM app - sign up and leave us a voice message!

  • This week the Baldies share their thoughts and experiences about playing online.. Along with a four legged tripod, expansion boxes and an appearance from Uncle Aspidistra

    We discuss Space Worm, Legendary Alien Covenant expansion, Judge Dredd and The Worlds of 2000AD rpg, Cosmic Frog and The King Is Dead...

    Stay Bald – Be Board.

    Episode 2 Timechecks:

    00:00 Look after each other

    00:57 Intros

    03:31 What's new with you?

    13:21 News at BaB

    25:53 Hobby Jobby

    46:56 Gaming Online, the good and the bad

    1:10:17 Four Questions For... Stu

    1:11:34 Goodbyes!

    Helpful Links:




    Reach us at:

    Facebook: @BaldandBoard

    Twitter: @BaldandBoard

    Instagram: @Baldsquared

  • This week there is a rant about Olives, Bluetooth earpieces, and the Sneaky Bin-bagger; No love for Shrinkwrap; What is an Eyerim? 

    We discuss Legendary 007 - Taverns of Tiefenthal - Dead Panic - Brittania -  Hive - Tussie Mussie - The Coldest Night - Tinner's Trail. 

    And witness the Birth of the Hobby-Jobby! 

    Stay Bald – Be Board.

    Episode 1 Timechecks:

    00:00 Hello!

    01:25 Ranty Steve

    03:55 What's an eye rim?

    04:41 What we've been up to..

    21:55 News..

    38:54 Hobby Jobby

    46:32 The Hokey Cokey

    1:07:00 Four Questions For... Steve

    1:09:30 Soshal Meeja and goodbyes

  • Warning: This podcast may include adult language, themes and opinions.

    Bald and Bored-  a podcast so new that even we can’t remember the name correctly… Join Steve and Stu as they say farewell to 2020 and hello to a new podcast for 2021 (and beyond?)! 

    Episodes are unedited and uncut as we (occasionally remember to) discuss a variety of topics around the tabletop gaming hobby. 

    In episode 0 we discuss what we imagine this podcast is for; Stu thinks everything is lovely; Steve’s spent too much time researching Scandinavian wood, and one of us has a better microphone than the other (I’ll sit closer next time).. 

    It’s all a learning process.. we’re here for a giggle or two.. leave us a voicemail if there’s anything you’d like us to discuss.

    Stay Bald – Be Board. 

    Episode 0 Timechecks:

    00:00 Intro 

    00:34 Welcome to.. 

    04:00 Remember the name.. 

    08:23 Christmas 

    42:13 Mission Statement 

    53:00 The First Big Topic - The Kallax Parallax: The Dark Art of Storing games 

    1:22:30 Four questions... for Stu-art 

    1:24:04 Next time stuff, and Goodbyes