
  • Sound Bites

    "It's just in time, man."
    "I see robots all the time now."
    "I was in England where it rained."
    "That's probably why I only did it for about six months."
    "I bet you're in fucking great shape."
    "This is how I imagine it in my head."
    "I regret that day."
    "You probably, so you would go back."
    "Don't be a dick about it."

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    "Well, I don't know if this was fun, but I kind of wanted to, actually I'll wait. I have a story I want to share with everybody. I want to brag a little bit. I want to brag a little, so I'll wait.""I went grocery shopping today and as I'm putting my stuff out of the cart onto the belt for the cashier to ring it up, a woman pulls in behind me on her cart and she's probably, you know, late 30s, early 40s. She starts giggling. I look up, she goes, my God, I'm sorry, but you are so cute.""We went to a new weed doctor. Oh, did you?""But he likes to lick it off Michelle's ass crack.""MDMA, it's fun. You can't do too much though.""I have a drug scale and MC capsules.""Let's talk about some labor issues, motherfucker.""Let's get Burt going on unions and his opinion of unions.""Cat gate""Yeah, that's funny. I was watching a little porn today and this young girl had a pretty hairy bush and she was using it to like adjust it. She'd grab that fistful of hair and pull it up and to the side and use it as a tool. I liked it. Good for her.""Maybe it's like Chatbot AI trying to get smarter and this is how it learns about relationships. What to do with, like somebody must have typed into Chatbot, my balls stink. And they're like, you know what? We got nothing. Let's write back council. Let's leave back council voicemail.""Maybe leave a note on his door. Dear sir, your kind is smelly.""You know what I would do if I was this chick? I would start talking about one of our friends that he thinks is hot might like him or might be asking about him and see if there's a change in his grooming behavior. So he thinks, hey, maybe if I get laid, I'll start washing my shit. Her cooter.""So no cleaning crews, right? Nobody cleaned that place for four days. They couldn't find a dead body at a desk.""He was innocent. Poor our Bud Dwyer.""I was only doing baby ketamine, Katie, not the 40 milligrams of ketamine.""On the nights we share tab, I spend almost twice as much as I normally do.""Well, you know, I'll help this guy because I feel it's our obligation to help this guy." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
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    "Kids home.""It reduces the bandwidth actually when they're when they're home.""The only problem is she's so into Jesus, like Michelle has to go up to the pool with her and hear about Jesus the whole time.""Did you get the drugs?""You're all invited to the boat party""Are you excited that this guy Joe wants to come?""Weed sperm.""Yeah, she used to stick up the whole condo making can of butter.""He gets worried when I say a nice, sincere thing.""I apologize, goose. I apologize.""I would feel, that would just feel kind of creepy.""OMG, I know your mom.""Halle Berry's gotta be 55, 58. That's pretty old, man. Holy shit.""Elizabeth Shue wasn't, she got more attractive as she got older, I think.""Joan Rivers made a joke once about women getting plastic surgery and every time their mouths getting bigger and bigger until finally they look like something you should be trying to toss a beanbag into.""Jillian Anderson is 56, right? And she's hot as fucking hell.""Oh my god, I'm looking at a picture of Elizabeth Hurley in a fucking bathing suit at age 55. She is fucking gorgeous.""Nicole Kidman." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Sound Bites

    "I had no idea, right? Because that's all I wanted.""Well, no, but after you date for a while and you figure out that they're cool, like, you know what I mean?""He's a check down machine.""My new passion is watching strangers listen to Rush for the first time""For some reason, seeing these people discovering this band that I've loved all my life and really appreciating them, because that's part of the fun is that they really respect their musicianship and they're surprised""There's nobody he's passionate about""I really don't want to discuss it with him because it's Yuck.""Does everybody else hear that? Weirdness.""Yeah, I'll ask her.""Motherfuckers. Fuck that guy.""She's insane, right? It's not like I'm cheating on her.""How about like s... Bitch.""Pole dancing, Katie watches it and shows me, it is far more athletic than break dancing.""What other fun activities are going to be Olympic sports?""Survival shows maybe drop off Olympic survivalists in a different town and they have to find their way back." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Sound Bites

    "I love that feeling""I voice record what I'm thinking""Getting a second dog may indicate potential relationship issues""Mmm, nice slow ghost.""How much does Tammy like them or the woman? Is she gonna miss the relationship or is she like, yeah, that's cool, we don't have to see them as much?""He actually has my secondary range finder.""Now it's dead. Yeah.""A rope around its neck.""Oh, yeah, at least it wasn't in a pot.""Trying to poke her, buddy. That's it. That's the only hole you need to poke.""Yeah, smart people are very good at convincing themselves of bullshit.""People need to believe in something that is bigger than themselves.""I don't think I've ever seen any of my brothers naked, like fully naked, you know, ever, you know?""I mean, look, if you gotta take an emergency shit, like, you gotta take an emergency shit. Like, all bets are off at that point, you know what I mean?""I peed in the pool too. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Don't judge me. Don't fucking judge me.""You're stanky.""Oh, I can't imagine being on the other side of that, though.""Wash the day away from your vege." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
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    "So for two days between the hours of eight and four thirty, no one in the building can flush their toilets.""How many residents did you have to get this notice to?""I'm gonna burn the whole day""It was all couples.""Was it sexy enough that when you got home that night you could recall specific scenes and use that as your masturbatory material?""I'm going to see limp biscuit.""You stop laughing. You stop laughing.""Whatever it is. Whatever. I love you, though, man. I do love you. You're mostly funny. Mostly funny.""No""All the movies in the 70s and 80s had lots of nudity.""Yeah, you're a dick, dude. You're - Oh, you're dick, too, Bert.""Well, yeah, but okay, so I'm talking about when when when if you get a waiter or way if you get wait staff as a lousy demeanor, right?""I love watching track and field""I used to run track and cross country""He smells like Fritos" ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
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    "I'm not interested. Oh, it's a pagan set. I love""So I got to get the Penguin Cinco de Mayo shirt or the St. Patrick's Day t-shirt. Those are always good.""Well, sorry Tim. I guess I'm a flawed person.""I cannot fucking believe it. Like after watching him like roll a fucking car and then being upside down, I'm sure that fucking kid's gonna be sore as hell today or yesterday.""Upside down you turn me""Oh my God.""That guy's a fucking genius.""Your parallel parking. Ooh, that's a tough one.""It's well to watch and you realize there's such an enclosed space, right?""Alright. Well, you guys ready to start the show? Have I been recording this? Oh, okay.""Bug the house. Absolutely.""You know, nowadays, can feel like everyone's life's gonna be on camera and filmed in social media and you'll be able to go back and, you know, find some evidence of things.""Even if you get her pregnant, don't do it.""Sometimes sex happens.""Whip Cream on Your Privates" ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
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    "Like have you guys ever been roped into an old timey photograph?""There's nothing worse than kids, hockey fucking uniforms, man.""I feel like I stink more now than I did when I was a younger man.""Oh, they're gonna start carrying man.""Yeah, I shake till I cum.""Actually, actually this whole this whole week I've had great one of Greg's songs from Winston the musical stuck in my It's the underpants song gets really in my head, what would they say about my underpants?""Oh, no, no mushroom soup like I like maybe mushrooms on a salad, but mushroom""Yeah, I think my angel food would be I like pizza. That's a good one in french fries.""Perogies. You never have perogies. Why not? That's so sad.""Yeah, takes it up the ass.""The first thing you do is you figure out all the sex positions that you can come up with.""She had this like really long kind of corkscrew hair coming out of one of her nipples""Do your friends influence your dating choices?""Take your shots and find your rightful spot in the hierarchy of looks.""Dump them and keep looking for someone better." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Sound Bites

    "I wish I was nerdy about one thing and one thing only""I like being more of a generalist""I couldn't think of a single thing that I feel like I could do it justice to evaluate""Yeah, there's a lot of celebrity deaths. Yeah, fourth. And you know what? Somebody you didn't even suspect, somebody young relatively speaking. Yeah.""Oh yeah. Well I liked her and she had a little bit part in Annie Hall too that I liked. She played a kind of a vacuous model that Woody Allen was dating and I thought she was good in""Yeah, she's like, yeah, right the wolf Yeah""Those girls know that they're addicted to something, you know. They know they're getting shot up with heroin or whatever. You know, they're not getting heroin slipped into their diet Pepsi's and that's why they're acting so crazy.""Some of the happiest memories of my life were when I had little prescriptions of Vicodin.""Best Thanksgiving of my life. I was alone. I just had my meniscus surgery and I had this little prescription of Vicodin.""I just hide them in the back of the shelf so they can't see them.""It's not the thrill of stealing it, but I want that towel.""Sure man, yeah, fine, fine, if you want that, fine.""There's victory then there's the appearance of victory""The fact that you have to now worry about the feelings of your wife, it kind of sucks all the joy out of playing a game""The objective is to get your dick wet" ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
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    "The Indians saved their ass so many times""The Native Americans saved them""The connection between the Indian Wars and Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam""Replace truth for fiction for truth.""I hope that I'm making you feel obligated to invite us in the future""We're like old bandmates who get that we're kind of inextricably linked together""Seriously though, I have two friends that I've been friends with since the ninth grade. We're so close that a lot of our friends refer to us as Moe, Larry, and Curly.""Oh my god""Let's change this around. Why don't we change it around? Greg, you're fucking Michelle, right? And then you're fucking Michelle and then Tim. Send me pictures""There's a certain tendency that definitely exists out there.""That's gonna be a horrible life. Being a horny chick who wants to fuck and then has to cr - and then just feels terrible guilt afterwards.""Yeah, but can they open their mouth and suck dick? That's what we really bad as.""What was that movie where Tom Cruise was a cop that arrested people before they committed the crime? Minority Report.""My God, should we not maybe make them look so indistinguishable from humans that they can infiltrate and kill us? This is just like, you know, Terminator.""Can you guys imagine, I mean, it's probably not unrealistic that in, I don't know, 10 years, 15 years, no, seriously, 10, 15, 20 years, like that these humanoid robots will be available commercially and affordable for most middle class and up families, like to have like servants." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Sound Bites

    "That is a bad day. That is a bad day.""I've been in many of those little convenience stores and gas stations.""I can shut up, but it's it's it's not it's like it's still more difficult to close.""We're gonna bring a bunch of edibles to Pittsburgh Bird, so that'll be fun.""Is it reciprocal? Like if you've got a medical card from Florida, is it?""Jessica Rabbit was hot. I don't care in any way.""You're not winning the over 50 with a GoPro on your head, Greg. You gotta just...""You could. Penis cam.""Yeah, well, I mean, if you're doing downhill shit like that, like if you're racing downhill, that's where the guys can really get hurt.""He could see where one would find me terrifying""You can come in there and piss in the cat thing all you want if that's your kink""Why can't they invent that for people though?""Ahahahahah""Yeah, she hit me so hard my clothes flew off.""I love when you too feud""You know they sell those devices you plug in that supposedly draw the smoke in like wear one of those around like a flavor on a necklace""I love smokers though. Like, you know, my brother's a smoker. He smokes indoors. He seems so shocked about it, you know.""My dad would smoke with the windows rolled up in the car. We were hot boxing, fucking cigarette smoke on trips." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Keywords

    lightning strike, damage, Hitachi vibrators, finding parents' adult materials, comedy show, judges, closing of a bar, working in the restaurant industry, attraction, relationships, adolescence, adulthood, waitresses, hope, dreams, high school, crushes, cool kids, reunions, misadventures, eccentricities, balconies, fear of heights, rock climbing, weight loss, conversation, action figures, accessories, humor, interchangeable eyebrows, bottomless gummy pouch, stripper pole, high-powered rifle, windbreaker, microphone, bike, satchel of drugs, humor, personal relationships, anecdotes, staying at home, documentaries, testing jokes, friendships, news story, stabbing incident, marijuana, dating, humor, drugs, anecdotes, anal sex, lighthearted, anal sex, unconventional methods, religious arguments, personal stories, knowing how or when you will die, departure, speculation, colostomy bag, lubrication, masturbation, colonoscopies, early detection, colon cancer

    Alternate Titles

    Hitachi Vibrators and Awkward DiscoveriesWhen Lightning Strikes: Damage and Surprises Reminiscing about High School ExperiencesThe Evolution (or Lack Thereof) of People Over Time Journey to Weight LossThe Thrill of Rock Climbing The Humorous Side of Action FiguresImagining Fun Accessories for Action Figures Dating and the Effects of MarijuanaThe Role of Marijuana in the Incident A Brief Mention of Anal SexHumorous Anecdotes and Drug Stories Personal Stories and Experiences with Anal SexThe Power of Humor in Discussing Sensitive Topics Humor and SpeculationThe Mystery of Tim's Departure ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Sound Bites

    "There's some altitude there.""I've had Lyme before.""She's got to like pull a tick out of the car.""It's like if you wish on a monkey's paw, you'll get the wish but it executes in the most terrible way possible.""That was Greg in Chicago with Dave, right? If I recall correctly, yeah. Oh, is that where you met Dave at Penn State?""My first year roommate had sex with so many different guys and she would do it in the room while I was sitting there.""You played with other teams, you had like 24 kids. What sport did you play, you know? Three-man football. Katie was the punter.""I did have a slightly sexual experience on the football field once, Katie. Yeah, I did. It was...""And that's where Tim's predilection for shoving women to the ground in sexual situations came about.""clog the toilet.""What color was it?""That's where that dime went.""Well, and maybe even invite her back for a threesome, right?""I need you to hold this for me until tomorrow. Just ground beef, you know.""We kissed in front of him at a party. And he was like, how's your new apartment? We're like, it's good. The bed is comfortable.""Who are they playing this weekend? Who are they playing? Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.""Yeah, well, we love baseball. I mean, that's the thing we like to pay attention to, you know what I mean?""No, I love baseball. I won like $1,500 this week gambling on baseball.""We love the show? Wow.""Move on.""Louise, she's a fucking asshole!"


    Dealing with Ticks and Lyme Disease

    Dealing with Ticks and Lyme Disease (Continued)

    Letting Go of Hoarding

    Roommate Tales

    Social Media and Conflict

    Nostalgia and Reconnecting with the Past

    Approaching Social Events with Humor

    Exploring Foot Fetishes and Kinks

    Humor and Lightheartedness in Conversations

    Humorous Anecdotes and Bodily Functions

    Dealing with a Talkative Person During a Walk in the Woods

    The Curability of Leprosy and the Antibiotic Dapsone

    Humor and Funny Stories as a Defense Mechanism

    Setting Boundaries and Being Direct in Social Interactions

    The Challenges of Attending Live Sports Events

    The Art of Ghosting: Avoiding Difficult Conversations

    Choosing Grandparent Names: A Fun Activity for Couples

    Disliking Spouse's Friends

    Vindication and Disliked Friends

    Fun and Light-hearted Conversations

    Different Sports Preferences

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    "The influence of music and personal music preferences play a significant role in shaping individual experiences and memories.""The discussion around satanic imagery and the concept of Satanism provides insight into the perception and interpretation of religious and cultural symbols.""The use of nicotine and experiences with nicotine products are shared, highlighting personal preferences and experiences with different forms of nicotine consumption.""I've actually listened to that song a lot lately, and I was like, just the music, I was like, oh man, that's a really good song. I like that song.""I would say I'd like to pick one song. It would be Sheila E. The Glamorous Life. I swear to God that's not fucking great.""So is that something that comes once and just leaves forever or is it?""Bell's Palsy everybody!""I just want to put a cigar on this side when you do that.""The other thing too is the guy oh, yeah, all the guys are totally on fucking Viagra like this guy walks in He's already got a fucking like erection right and it was it was it was weird.""Good girl, naughty girl. What else? Like whore.""Can you provide me with some examples of what you may like?""Maybe they're into finance. You could talk about, oh, our portfolio's up 20 % this year. Some people get turned on by that. Maybe not.""Oh...""Trust me, you know, yeah, that would, that would, me walking into a room with my mother, my sisters and my aunts like that, that would be traumatizing. Oh.""Yes, so I read the article and they were married in the United States, but I guess they went on a vacation to the Dominican Republic and the Dominican Republic at the time or maybe still or is among the few nations in the country where you can divorce your spouse without notifying them.""Yeah, he does. So you have to admire that, Katie, right? I know it's negative. Yeah, it's negative, but restrained. They can coexist."


    The Entertainment Industry and Celebrity Influence

    Musical Favorites and Memories

    Adventures and Anecdotes

    Navigating Health Challenges

    Navigating Health Challenges and Social Interactions

    Amsterdam Adventures and Observations

    Humorous Anecdotes and Insights on Human Behavior

    Adventures in Amsterdam: From Innocence to Debauchery

    Espionage and the Spy Among Us

    The Art of Dirty Talk: Navigating Communication in Intimacy

    Exploring Sexual Communication and Preferences

    The Impact of Performance-Enhancing Drugs on Sexual Experiences

    Humor and Hypothetical Scenarios in Sexual Discussions

    Exploring Trust and Betrayal in Relationships

    The Impact of Personal Experiences and Anecdotes

    The Role of Humor and Banter in Conversation

    The Impact of Physical Health Issues

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  • Keywords

    family, health, strip clubs, international trips, death, random thoughts, eulogies, life expectancy, quality of life, sex room, Taylor Dane, fathers, smoking, apocalypse, cannibalism, hypothetical scenarios, 150th episode, listener's favorite episode, milestones, banter, husband, Chiefs, Super Bowl, child's birth, truth, placenta, eating placenta, oral sex, Trump, Biden, humor, bodily fluids, taste, period, deep fakes, cheating, AI, porn, misinformation, deep fakes, analog media, coworker, declined lunch, banter, well wishes

    Sound Bites

    "He's going to get hungry, and then he's going to want to know where your mom's at.""She's been battling this for like a month.""What the fuck?""No. Yeah, that's interesting.""I love Mesh.""If our professional association was the sum total of our association, he would have been a major factor in my life.""It was so fucking delicious.""That was sexy!""Yeah, it works. Timmy T works.""How can I get the truth out of him?""You don't. Because you know the truth. You just want to hear what you want to hear.""This guy could do a lot better.""Can you do it again? Greetings, bad council cast.""Placenta latte.""Corn placenta hash.""You can do it, do it, do it, do it""Diarrhea is pretty gross""The clitoris is actually shaped like a wishbone""Maybe the whole deep fake thing results in a resurgence of analog media""Maybe she's an angry man-hating lesbian""Maybe she felt like you were hitting on her" ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Keywords
    concert, disappointment, Indigo Girls, Hozier, Weezer, Doobie Brothers, Talking Heads, Stop Making Sense, music, artists, age, volunteering, Rob Ford, John Belushi, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynn, Birkenstock shoes, popularity, aesthetics, lesbians, preferences, stereotypes, misconceptions, instructional videos, cunnilingus, embarrassing stories, high school crushes, prank calls, failed relationships, voyeurism, exhibitionism, exhibitionism, sociopathy, lack of empathy, right and wrong, manipulation, revenge, sociopathy, traits, lack of empathy, lying, sense of superiority, AI manipulation, deepfake, relationships, dating show, anger, psychopathy

    Sound Bites

    "I give them one more song. If they play one more song that I don't know and then the next song isn't one of my five, we're out of here.""Do you guys like concerts of artists you've seen before and loved, or do you like to see new artists?""Stop Making Sense is widely considered one of the best concert films ever.""Yeah, yeah, I don't know what you mean man. Yeah, yeah.""What was that guy's name, the mayor? Rob Ford, man.""Yeah, cocaine. Just all three of them, cocaine, cocaine, cocaine.""They wish we were their parents.""It was the shoes.""She was actually the girl I moved from Ohio without telling.""I'm out.""I must have called her phone, I don't know, in the course of high school a thousand times.""Wow, a thousand times. That's like creepy, creepy stalker.""Yeah, they're exhibitionists.""I a little, a little, I, you know, I, I, I did get money, ⁓ but, ⁓ no, I, I, I just, I mean, my dad, ⁓ I remember one time one of my sisters told another sister and we all got in trouble because we told on our family.""She had this wheelbarrow that she kept near the window, and if I stood in it, on my tiptoes. ⁓""Sense of superiority in being extremely opinionated""Having trouble with the law, authority, or rule following""A marked departure from measured thoughtful reason to increasingly anti-social advice and personal behavior""Everything's gonna become a deep fake. Everything is fucking deepfakeable at this point, right?""They take the person's like boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, and they ⁓ have like, they, they superimpose their face over like someone else's image, having sex or making out with another person.""That's crazy, right? Yeah, like if I got mad at you because I had a bad dream about you and I woke up and I wanted to like stab you."


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  • Keywords:

    gummies, stamina, intimate moments, childhood crushes, TV characters, perception, foreplay, attractiveness, preferences, celebrities, resemblance, 4/20, comedy shows, musicals, collaboration, rap, rock, funny anecdotes, 4/20, chores, stoned, scary documentary, nuclear testing, games, tattoo contest, coworker, divorce, tattoos, funny tattoos, strange tattoos, 80s music, Sister Christian, losing virginity, songs, music, 80s, 90s, trade, relationships, infidelity, podcast, movies, cancer, death, personal experiences, Mad Max, Trainspotting

    Sound Bites

    "With Tantra and Stamina, we went for at least three hours today.""Are you done yet? Let's go.""Did you ever do edging where you tried to get close and then back off?""Silver spoons, that was it, yeah.""Katie looks more like Janet from 3's Company""Yeah, we're number two. So we try harder.""Don't you get stoned doing the chores? Aren't chores so much better when you're stoned?""We detonated a thousand nuclear bombs in our country""I have an opportunity to fuck her""Can you imagine being on a third or fourth date and you finally, you know, you get to it and you're doing some doggy style and you're looking down and there's some other guy's name right there?""What the hell is Sister Christian even about?""I lost my virginity at the church. I had, I lost my virginity before that. But it's great if she thinks that.""Oh, I was saying back to life, back to reality.""Fritz Peterson, Yankees pitcher who was involved in an unusual quote unquote trade dies at 82.""Jojo, oh no!""Fuck you, cancer.""That karma, oh thank god it missed me.""Even Joe is surprised that he's still alive."


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