Recent data collected from across the nation - by researchers from the journal Science and funded by the U.S. Geological Survey - show that butterflies across the nation have declined 22% from 2000-2020. While there are a few specific reasons why this is happening/happened, this is a situation where small steps that each of us take can absolutely make a difference! In today's episode I share with you some ideas - easy ones - on how each of us can help.
For more information, please follow me on social media: @BackyardColumbus on Facebook, Instagram & TikTok.
Check out my blog for more info and backyard shenanigans:
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We've all done it: get excited to start a garden, go overboard and the whole thing fails. In today's episode, I hope to help set you up for a successful gardening season by sharing some typical gardening mistakes and easy ways to avoid them.
If you have any questions or comments, please drop me a line: [email protected] or message me on Facebook or Instagram: @BackyardColumbus -
Saknas det avsnitt?
It feels like we're still in the middle of our Ohio winter - and we are! But, spring is right around the corner and in today's episode, I'll share with you some ideas to prepare for a successful spring gardening season!
If you have any other questions or comments, please drop me a line: [email protected]
Check out my website/blog: www.BackyardColumbus.com
Find me on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok: @BackyardColumbus -
Saving bees - our NATIVE bees - is about more than beekeeping and buying bee clothes and jewelry that promises to make donations to bee causes. Although I believe heavily in donating to worthy causes, the more important cause is saving bees right in your own backyard. In today's episode, I'll share some ideas to help save our most important pollinators!
If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with me: cathy@backyardcolumbus or on Instagram & Facebook at BackyardColumbus or on my website: www.BackyardColumbus.com -
If you want to learn how to do anything, it helps to know where to start! In today's episode, I'll give you some helpful tips on what to consider to get gardening things started. A very good place it to start at the beginning and if you're new to gardening, I hope you'll find the ideas that I share a useful guide to the most rewarding hobby there is! I'll take you step by step, in a few easy steps, on how to begin your gardening journey this spring!
You can send me any follow up questions or ideas to [email protected]
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok @BackardColumbus
And check out more info: www.BackyardColumbus.com -
We're hours away from the new year and have a got a resolution for you! What combines the top resolutions into one? If you want to increase your exercise, improve your mental health, integrate mindfulness, reduce stress and more, then there's ONE hobby that will blow your mind on how it can help you achieve all these things. It should be no surprise - it's gardening!
I appreciate you listening and subscribing to my podcast and I'd be very grateful if you'd share it with your friends! This podcast is one of my passionate hobbies and not only do I love doing it, I love sharing the information.
If you have any questions, comments or ideas for future episodes, you can contact me via Facebook & Instagram @BackyardColumbus and on my website: www.BackyardColumbus.com -
The Monarch butterfly has just been listed as a threatened species by the US Wildlife Service. While this isn't an ideal situation, don't despair...act! This is one situation we can actually have a positive impact on, so please listen along while I share a few simple ideas. Wouldn't it be wonderful to come home to more butterflies?!
Please share this episode and follow me on Instagram and Facebook @BackyardColumbus.
You can find me online at www.BackyardColumbus.com -
Most of us suburban dwellers love a tidy yard, me included! In today's episode, I'm gonna share some ideas and thoughts of how we could rethink some of the ways that we tidy up for fall. Lots of cuties linger in our gardens and lawns over the winter and we can help them out with a few simple changes.
For more ideas on how to make your yard an amazing place to be, check me out on all the socials under @BackyardColumbus and my website:
www.BackyardColumbus.com -
Study after study has shown the positive effects of being outside and listening to nature. In today's episode, I share some ideas on how to improve your well-being...and you don't even have to leave your own backyard!
For more ideas on how to improve your yard and bring more nature into your life, please check out my blog:
You can find me on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook
Please share this podcast with all your friends; thank you so much! -
In today's tongue-in-cheek episode, let's see if it matters who gets into office. Will your flowers die? Will butterflies still come to your yard? One thing is certain: when we make a space for nature, we always have a place of respite from the crazy things that pass by in life. Tune in, share ideas and for more backyard ideas, I'd love it if you checked out my website:
www.BackyardColumbus.com and you can find me on some socials: Facebook, Instagram and YouTube under Backyard Columbus -
Getting outside and really taking a good look at your flowers and noticing what you DON'T see can tell you a lot about what's going on in your yard. If you'd like to see more butterflies and other pollinators in your yard, it's important to have the right stuff. In today's episode, I'll get into exactly what that means.
For more information, tips and ideas on how to make your yard more of an experience, check out my website: www.BackyardColumbus.com
You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok under @BackyardColumbus
For more info on what flowers to plant in central Ohio, check out: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52bb9733e4b09788115247ec/t/587507f2197aeab06645746d/1484064756329/factsheetButterflyGardensOSUExtensionNPSNEO.pdf -
Many homeowners across the country don't realize they're living amongst rats - but they are. Unfortunately, I live in an area where several construction projects have brought out the worst of it into our neighborhood...and our backyard. In today's ratty episode, I'll share with you my journey, some ways to deal with such an issue and probably, make you squirm.
For more - and cheerier - tips on how to get the most nature and joy out of your backyard or outdoor living space, check out all my socials under Backyard Columbus and my website: www.BackyardColumbus.com -
In this episode, I share some things to consider when planning next year's landscaping project...and the time is now! Fall is just about the best time to plant trees and bushes and the best time to plant perennials, especially for a pollinator garden. For more ideas on how to make your backyard or outdoor living area an amazing place for you and nature, please check out and follow my website: www.BackyardColumbus.com
"Raising" butterflies begins with your yard, actually, not the butterflies. In this episode, I'll share some ideas on how you can give butterflies (and moths) a better start to their short lives and how to enhance your own!
For a list of native butterfly host plants for our region, click this link for a great listing from OSU Agricultural Extension: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52bb9733e4b09788115247ec/t/587507f2197aeab06645746d/1484064756329/factsheetButterflyGardensOSUExtensionNPSNEO.pdf
Check out my website, Youtube and all the socials: Backyard Columbus
www.BackyardColumbus.com -
This is the time of year when nurseries start to sell mums - chrysanthemums -and schools sell their "Mumkins" for fundraisers. But you know who isn't happy about mums? Bees, butterflies and any other pollinator. Tune in to today's episode and I'll share why...
For more backyard tips, ideas and shenanigans, check out my website:
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/backyardcolumbus/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BackyardColumbus/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@backyardcolumbus/featured -
Have you been thinking about becoming a backyard chicken owner? If you have questions, I hope I can help you with some answers! In today's episode, I'm just sharing a few more ideas to consider before jumping into the world of chickens.
To get more backyard chicken info, as well as other ways to maximize your backyard, please check out my website: www.BackyardColumbus.com -
It's time for the Monarch Blitz! In conjunction with the Xerces Society, Monarch Joint Venture, The Journey North and quite a few other organizations, we're setting out to learn where monarch butterflies are - and aren't! Over the years, we've turned our suburban backyard (and front) into an oasis for nature...and you can, too! Tune in to hear the scoop and follow me at www.BackyardColumbus.com where I share what I know, what I learn and hopefully we'll all make progress together!
Do you ever feel overloaded and stressed about the world around you? Wars, politics, homelessness...the list is endless. Maybe, there may be some respite right outside your door....
Follow me on social media @BackyardColumbus and on my blog for ideas about how to make where you live the happiest place on earth (at least "A" happy place!): www.BackyardColumbus.com -
To attract more nature to your yard, the more natural you keep your yard - not a hot mess - but incorporating or eliminating certain things - the more nature will thrive. In today's episode, I share with you some ideas that hopefully will help you in your journey.
For more ideas, follow me on all platforms at Backyard Columbus and my blog:
www.BackyardColumbus.com -
The most inefficient way of watering is just standing there with your hose....and who has time for that anyway? Ever thought about installing your own irrigation system? Let me make a case for why it's a great idea!
Want some more ideas on backyard stuff? Check out my website:
www.BackyardColumbus.com - Visa fler