On this insightful episode of the Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, Argavan chats with
Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and co-creator of
Intuitive Eating, an evidence-based, compassionate self-care eating framework rooted in dignity and respect for all bodies. Since 1995, Evelyn has been at the forefront of helping people cultivate a healthy relationship with food, mind, and body. She’s also the author of 10 books and has a thriving nutrition counseling practice in Newport Beach, California. Evelyn is passionate about public speaking and training health professionals on the process of Intuitive Eating.
We discuss Evelyn's background in Intuitive Eating, the modern anti-diet movement, how diet culture on social media impacted our internal dialogue around hunger and body image and much more! Tune in now.
Mentioned in this Episode:
The 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating
- https://www.intuitiveeating.org/about-us/10-principles-of-intuitive-eating/
Project EAT ((Eating and Activity over Time)
- https://www.sph.umn.edu/research/projects/project-eat/
The Minesotta Semistarvation Study
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcjdPE1nDQg
Book: The Great Starvation Experiment: The Heroic Men Who Starved so That Millions Could Live
- https://www.amazon.com/Great-Starvation-Experiment-Starved-Millions/dp/0743270304
New York Times Article: They Rejected Diet Culture 30 Years Ago. Then They Went Mainstream.
- https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/18/well/intuitive-eating.html?smtyp=cur&smid=tw-nytimes
For more on Evelyn Tribole, you can follow her on Instagram @evelyntribole and through her websites https://www.intuitiveeating.org/ and https://www.evelyntribole.com/.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in This Episode and Eran’s Recommendations:
Eran Magen on YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCve9zWBj7lqmuIatF4iY7wADivorcing Dads website
https://www.divorcingdads.org/Divorcing Dads Podcast
https://divorcingdads.buzzsprout.com/2372419/followFor more on Dr. Magen, you can follow him on Instagram @EranMagenPhD and through his website www.eranmagen.com.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Mentioned in This Episode:
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
https://www.aapd.org/Find a Pediatric Dentist
https://www.aapd.org/publications/find-a-pd/For more on Dr. Hardwick you can follow her on Instagram @tam.teeth and through her website mttampediatricdentistry.com.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in This Episode:
Conflict Prevention Conflict Kit
https://lisarothman.com/conflict-prevention-jumpstart-kit/Free 30-Minute Family Strategy Session
https://lisarothman.com/offerings-for-families/Rupture Repair Role Play
https://lisarothman.com/rupture-repair-role-play/For more on Lisa Rothman, you can follow her on Instagram @stopfamilyconflict and StopFamilyConflict.com.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in This Episode:
8 Rules of Love by Jay Shetty
On Purpose Podcast with Jay Shetty
Attachment Theory by Thais Gibson
The School of Greatness Podcast by Lewis Howes featuring Esther Perel
For more on Sarah Jones, you can follow her on Instagram @sarahjones_85.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Harmful ingredients in cereals
https://foodbabe.com/cerealshare/European Food Safety Authority
https://food.ec.europa.eu/horizontal-topics/general-food-law_enWhat is GRAS? (generally recognized as safe)
Dr. Joel’s Book: Parenting At Your Child’s PaceDr. Joel on Episode 50 of the Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-50-an-integrative-and-holistic-approach/id1580301084?i=1000554324566For more on Dr. Warsh, you can follow him on Instagram @drjoelgator and through his website https://integrativepediatricsandmedicine.com.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Jenny's Recommended Resources
https://www.jennyfriedmannutrition.com/resources/For more on Jennifer Friedman, you can follow her on Instagram @feedingpickyeaters, and through her website JennyFriedmanNutrition.com
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in this Episode:
CSPDA Firefighter Fact Sheet:
https://sportsrd.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/CPSDA-firefighter-fact-sheet-082923.pdfFeeding America’s Bravest: Survival Mediterranean Style – Firefighters’ Mediterranean Diet Intervention
Free Recipe Book on https://www.rescuerd.com/Recipes:
https://pbgfrwellness.com/home/healthier-meal-options/Nutrition Articles:
https://pbgfrwellness.com/nutritional-articles/For more on Megan Lautz, you can follow her on Instagram @rescue.rd, on TikTok @Rescue.RD, on LinkedIn @MeganLautz and through her website https://www.rescuerd.com//
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
For more on Evelyn Tribole, you can follow her on Instagram @evelyntribole and through her websites https://www.intuitiveeating.org/ and https://www.evelyntribole.com/.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Dr. Yip’s Latest book: Hello Baby, Goodbye Intrusive Thoughts: Stop the Spiral of Anxiety and OCD to Reclaim Wellness on Your Motherhood Journey
https://www.amazon.com/Hello-Baby-Goodbye-Intrusive-Thoughts/dp/164848283X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=6VW74YD6X33H&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xYYFcXkT8osVKr97s9cdgZzkovNRU9IP3UmMqfR5m00aS_LHyqQL5R90hQduMrXy.rUOoZch8x_LxjS4be-YkYtfK7A9-ngT_cYPRJchZDCk&dib_tag=se&keywords=hello+baby+goodbye+intrusive+thoughts&qid=1708653827&sprefix=hello+baby+good%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-1ADAA (Anxiety & Depression Association of America)
https://adaa.org/IOCDF (International OCD Foundation)
https://iocdf.org/The Stress Less Life Podcast
https://dryip.com/category/the-stress-less-life-podcast/For more on Dr. Yip, you can follow her on Instagram @drjennyyip, on Facebook: Dr. Jenny Yip page, on LinkedIn @Dr.JennyYip, on Twitter @DrJennyYip and through her website https://dryip.com/.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in this Episode:
On-demand course with Melanie and Dr. Dalton, a national expert in pediatric anxiety: - -- https://mymunchbug.com/courses/pediatric-feeding-disorders-and-anxiety/ (If you would like a discount code – you’re welcome to include mymunchbug10 for 10% off)
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/melaniepotock
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymunchbug_melaniepotock/
Coaching: https://mymunchbug.com/coaching/
For more Melanie Potock, you can follow her through her website www.MelaniePotock.com.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
For more on Melissa Lapides, you can follow her on Instagram @healyourtraumatherapy, on Facebook: Melissa Lapides page and through her website https://www.melissalapideslmft.com/.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in this Episode:
American Medical Association (AMA) Overdose Epidemic Report
https://www.ama-assn.org/system/files/ama-overdose-epidemic-report.pdfThe Addicted Child by Richard Capriola
https://helptheaddictedchild.com/the-bookBaby Steps Nutrition Podcast Episode #74: Teens and Substance Abuse with Richard Capriola
https://baby-steps-nutrition-podcast.simplecast.com/episodes/episode-74-teen-substance-abuse-what-caregivers-should-know-GiUCcNveBaby Steps Nutrition Podcast Episode #83: Social Media and Teens with Richard Capriola
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-83-social-media-and-teens/id1580301084?i=1000581052430For more on Richard Capriola, you can follow him through his website https://helptheaddictedchild.com/.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Airway info:
The American Academy of Physiological Medicine & Dentistry
https://aapmd.org/The Breathe Institute
https://thebreatheinstitute.com/Dr. Staci’s Favourite Products:
Sleep Wrecked Kids: Helping Parents Raise Happy, Healthy Kids, One Sleep at a Time
by Sharon Moore
https://www.amazon.com/s?k=sleep+wrecked+kids&hvadid=409960995493&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9032306&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3579283142949983331&hvtargid=kwd-515797719586&hydadcr=24657_11410751&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_6a9wdzxypf_eBreath: The New Science of a Lost Art
by James Nestor
https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Breath+-+James+Nestor&crid=4BLPKVW74JB9&sprefix=sleep+wrecked+kids%2Caps%2C320&ref=nb_sb_noss_1For more on Dr. Whitman, you can follow her on Instagram @doctor_staci, on TikTok @doctor_staci and through her websites doctorstaci.com, nopokids.com and fygg.com
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
For more on Nathalie Curabba, you can follow her on Instagram @nathalie.curabba, on Facebook: Edible Rainbow Project page and through her website www.nathaliecurabba.com.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
For more on Will Bullard, you can follow him on Instagram @bullbody84 and through his website www.willbullard.com.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Free E-cookbook download
https://www.kidscookingforlife.org/e-cookbooksKids Cooking for Life Donors and Sponsors
https://www.kidscookingforlife.org/classesHow to support Kids Cooking for Life
: https://www.kidscookingforlife.org/ways-to-giveFor more on Lara Rajninger, you can follow her on Instagram @kidscookingforlife, on Facebook: Kids Cooking for Life page, on YouTube: Kids Cooking for Life and through the website www.kidscookingforlife.org.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Thriving with ADHD Book- A Guide to Naturally Reducing ADHD Symptoms in Your Child
https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/book/The Soaring Child Podcast
https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/adhd-podcast/For more on Dana Kay, you can follow her on Instagram @adhdthriveinstitute, on Facebook: ADHD Thrive Institute page and through her website https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in this Episode:
AAP Infant Food and Feeding
Other Dr. Murray's Podcast Interviews
Abbott Nutrition Research Conference (2022)
SNA: Pediatrician's Perspective
Contact information for Dr. Robert Murray is not available at this time. You may find his projects, contributions and interviews online.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
Mentioned in this Episode:
NSF’s global Certified for Sport® program
https://www.nsf.org/consumer-resources/articles/certified-for-sport-programInformed Sport
https://sport.wetestyoutrust.com/Tony’s offer for Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast listeners
https://nutritionfp.com/bsn/For more on Tony Castillo, you can follow him on Instagram @coach_tonycastillo and through his website https://nutritionfp.com/.
For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website www.babystepsnutrition.com.
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