Here are the 3 options I was given for my miscarriage.
The support of family and friends is amazing! Thank you all for helping me through this! ❤️
Saknas det avsnitt?
Is bleeding during pregnancy normal? Listen to this weeks episode to find out more.
Here’s the several weeks of my miscarriage. Be sure to tune in next week as I continue to explain more.
Hey friends! It’s me- Nurse Whit. In this season we are going to talk about something that is sometimes hard to talk about. But I hope that maybe my experience can help someone else someday…..we are going to talk about my miscarriage.
Postpartum Hair Loss is normal. Here are a few tips from Nurse Whit.
Please don't forget to subscribe to my podcast for exclusive Q&A episodes each weekend! Don't forget to send any questions you have about Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, or Postpartum Care to BabyBumpLife@gmail.com Also, if you haven't already... go over to YouTube.com/BabyBumpLife and check out my Educational Videos over there as well.
Check out my Childbirth Education On-line class at NurseWhit.com use CODE: PODCAST for 25% off Thank you so much for listening and have a great day!
There are many different foods/herbs out there that can help increase your breastmilk supply AND...there are a few you should stay aware from as well!
Please don't forget to subscribe to my podcast for exclusive Q&A episodes each weekend! Don't forget to send any questions you have about Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, or Postpartum Care to BabyBumpLife@gmail.com Also, if you haven't already... go over to YouTube.com/BabyBumpLife and check out my Educational Videos over there as well.
Check out my Childbirth Education On-line class at NurseWhit.com use CODE: PODCAST for 25% off Thank you so much for listening and have a great day!
Putting your baby to sleep safely is very important! Listen to Nurse Whit's thoughts on this!
Please don't forget to subscribe to my podcast for exclusive Q&A episodes each weekend!
Don't forget to send any questions you have about Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, or Postpartum Care to BabyBumpLife@gmail.com
Also, if you haven't already... go over to YouTube.com/BabyBumpLife and check out my Educational Videos over there as well. Check out my Childbirth Education On-line class at NurseWhit.com use CODE: PODCAST for 25% off
Thank you so much for listening and have a great day! -
Accepting help can be hard for some but definitely beneficial! Here are my thoughts on accepting help from others during your postpartum period!
Please don't forget to subscribe to my podcast for exclusive Q&A episodes each weekend!
Don't forget to send any questions you have about Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, or Postpartum Care to BabyBumpLife@gmail.com
Also, if you haven't already... go over to YouTube.com/BabyBumpLife and check out my Educational Videos over there as well. Check out my Childbirth Education On-line class at NurseWhit.com use CODE: PODCAST for 25% off
Thank you so much for listening and have a great day!
What does this new role in postpartum look like for you?
Listen to how I felt during my postpartum time!And... Please don't forget to subscribe to my podcast for exclusive Q&A episodes each Friday!
Don't forget to send any questions you have about Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, or Postpartum Care to BabyBumpLife@gmail.com Also, if you haven't already... go over to YouTube.com/BabyBumpLife and check out my Educational Videos over there as well.
Check out my Childbirth Education On-line class at NurseWhit.com use CODE: PODCAST for 25% off Thank you so much for listening and have a great day!
Hey Mamas! I feel that it is so important to prepare for your postpartum journey. Here are my thoughts and tips!
Hi Friends!! Listen to today's podcast to hear more about formula feeding sadness (that can occur in some mothers) vs. formula feeding joy. What are your thoughts on this topic?
And... Please don't forget to subscribe to my podcast for exclusive Q&A episodes each Friday!
Don't forget to send any questions you have about Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, or Postpartum Care to BabyBumpLife@gmail.com Also, if you haven't already... go over to YouTube.com/BabyBumpLife and check out my Educational Videos over there as well.
Check out my Childbirth Education On-line class at NurseWhit.com use CODE: PODCAST for 25% off Thank you so much for listening and have a great day!
Hi Friends!! This week I want to talk to you about an important topic... Postpartum Depression and Baby Blues! Please let me know if you have any questions
And... Please don't forget to subscribe to my podcast for exclusive Q&A episodes each Friday!
Don't forget to send any questions you have about Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, or Postpartum Care to BabyBumpLife@gmail.com Also, if you haven't already... go over to YouTube.com/BabyBumpLife and check out my Educational Videos over there as well.
Check out my Childbirth Education On-line class at NurseWhit.com use CODE: PODCAST for 25% off Thank you so much for listening and have a great day!
Hello Mamas! Let's talk about Hemorrhoids and Constipation...I know, I know...everyone's favorite subject. But definitely an important topic!
Please don't forget to subscribe to my podcast for exclusive Q&A episodes each Friday!
Don't forget to send any questions you have about Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, or Postpartum Care to BabyBumpLife@gmail.com Also, if you haven't already... go over to YouTube.com/BabyBumpLife and check out my Educational Videos over there as well.
Check out my Childbirth Education On-line class at NurseWhit.com use CODE: PODCAST for 25% off Thank you so much for listening and have a great day!
Hello Mamas! Here are a few tips of how to care for yourself after a Cesarean Section!
Please don't forget to subscribe to my podcast for exclusive Q&A episodes each Friday! Don't forget to send any questions you have about Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, or Postpartum Care to BabyBumpLife@gmail.com
Also, if you haven't already... go over to YouTube.com/BabyBumpLife and check out my Educational Videos over there as well.
Check out my Childbirth Education On-line class at NurseWhit.com use CODE: PODCAST for 25% off
Thank you so much for listening and have a great day! -
Did you know that after baby is born you can have abdominal "after pains" or cramps? The good news is... they don't feel as strong a labor cramps and only last a few days. Listen to today's podcast for more info from Nurse Whit!
And be sure to subscribe so that you can hear this weekend's Question and Answer Podcast with Nurse Whit!!
Click here to download Nurse Whit's Childbirth Education On-line Class --> NurseWhit.com
Click here to download Nurse Whit's Lactation E-Book --> "All About That Latch: The Ultimate Guide to Breastfeeding your Newborn"
Thank you for your support friends!
Hello Mamas! First off...sorry for the late podcast! And secondly... here are a few tips of how to care for yourself after a vaginal delivery.
Please don't forget to subscribe to my podcast for exclusive Q&A episodes each Friday!
Don't forget to send any questions you have about Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, or Postpartum Care to BabyBumpLife@gmail.com
Also, if you haven't already... go over to YouTube.com/BabyBumpLife and check out my Educational Videos over there as well.
Thank you so much for listening and have a great day!
The Fourth Trimester (aka the Postpartum Period) is the next 12 weeks after baby is born. Check out this season for more information about how to care for you and baby during this time.
And as always, if you haven't before... please be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my podcast for additional education (new episodes for subscribers on Fridays!!)
Thanks friends!
We are just getting started here with Week 1 of your Pregnancy! This is such an exciting journey- please make sure you subscribe here to my Podcast to be sure to get more important Pregnancy information along the way! Week 1 the Fertilization is starting between the egg and the sperm. Be sure to stay tuned next week to see what happens next. And as always, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel as well for additional information on Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, Postpartum, and Baby Care. Thank you for listening Friends! Have a great day!
Check out my Childbirth Education On-line Class at NurseWhit.com use CODE: PODCAST for 25% off
Hello Baby Bump Life Friends! I am so excited to start Season 4 with you all! This time we are going to talk all about Pregnancy and we are going to talk week by week about what you can expect to feel, what is happening in your body, and how big your baby is at that time. I hope you will all subscribe here to my podcast and join me along this exciting journey! As always, please feel free to ask me any questions at BabyBumpLife@gmail.com And be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel as well for more information on Pregnancy, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, Postpartum, and Baby Care. Thank you all for listening! Have a great day!
- Visa fler