
  • Your mindset greatly impacts your day to day life. If you’re stuck in unhealthy or unhelpful thought patterns, both you and your marriage will suffer. But there are simple ways to unpack your thought patterns and replace the unhelpful with a biblical perspective. In today’s episode we’re looking at practical ways to adopt a gracious, life-giving perspective in marriage.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    Common perspective mistakes in marriage and what causes them

    Practical tips to resolve perspective issues and create a Biblical perspective

    What do secret sin and perspective have in common?

    Ways to communicate more effectively and seek to understand your spouse's perspective

    Tips to cultivate oneness and a spiritual foundation of unity

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!

    Couples Conversation Guide:

    Main takeaway: Is your perspective of your spouse realistic? For most issues, a generous perspective and good communication can get you through it together.

    Questions to Discuss:

    Do you have any unrealistic expectations of your spouse today? If you’re not sure, check them out together.

    Are you and your spouse at odds over an issue? Take the time to learn what matters most to your spouse about their position on it.

    Do you have thought habits that are leading to bitterness or resentment in your marriage?


    "It's hard to step into your spouse's shoes or take the time to do that, to have empathy for them." - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    "Resentment can be a huge thing and it's so dangerous because if we don't stop it, it continues to grow." - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “Perspective is your lens on the world. If your lens is covered with smudges and you’re not seeing clearly, that’s not the world’s fault. You’ve got to clean your lens.” - Lindsay Few


    If you are ready to have a better perspective – and a better marriage, then the biblically-based 4 Week Reframing Challenge is for you!

    Turn to God and ask him to renew your mind with our NEW resource, 11 Prayers To Stop Thinking Negatively About Your Spouse

    15 Better Assumptions To Make About Your Spouse is a free printable to help you set your mind on what is true, right and good. Learn more here!

    Join the Marriage Changer Movement! Because a world full of awesome marriages can change the world Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!
  • An affair doesn’t have to mean the end of a marriage. At Awesome Marriage, we have seen so many marriages restored! Yet the recovery process will take time and working together to see the Lord heal the union. If you’ve experienced this pain, you need a guide to help you along the way.

    Rick Reynolds joins Dr. Kim today to share his story of marriage recovery, and how he’s used his own painful experience to help others through the process of rebuilding after infidelity.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    How to avoid common behaviors that can set you up for an affair

    How to rebuild a marriage after affair - better than before

    Why Christians need to be aware of their own vulnerability

    How to overcome the obstacles to recovering after infidelity

    Common mistakes in the affair recovery process

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!

    Couples Conversation Guide:

    Main takeaway: One of the best ways to protect your marriage from an affair is to realize you could be vulnerable to infidelity, and put boundaries in place. If your marriage has experienced infidelity, it can be restored much stronger than before.

    Questions to Discuss:

    What boundaries do you have in your life to prevent even baby steps toward an affair?

    Are you a safe place for your spouse to be completely honest and open? What would help make your marriage a safer place for honesty?


    “When we fall, what’s important is what we do afterwards.” - Rick Reynolds

    “A lot of Christians don’t realize they’re vulnerable, so they don’t put constraints in place. Then they find themselves in a mess.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “What heals is empathy and emotional responsiveness.” - Rick Reynolds

    “The wayward spouse needs to understand that disclosure is the way that trust is reestablished.” - Rick Reynolds


    Learn more or sign up for the Hope Rising Conference at AffairRecovery.com

    If you feel defeated about your marriage, or are considering divorce, our 90 Days to Save Your Marriage plan is for you. Learn more here.

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  • When costs keep rising, and earnings often don’t match, money stress is bound to invade your marriage. Most couples face additional tension around how to handle finances well – as well as how to handle them together.

    In today’s podcast, Dr. Kim talks with Dan and Kay Ockey about how to take control of your finances, even in times of financial uncertainty. Dan and Kay offer concrete and actionable advice on how to take the steps to get out of debt, make a realistic plan, and work together. Tune in for help to get your finances in order.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    The action plan for how to start tracking finances

    Productive ways to handle the realities of inflation and financial uncertainty

    2 keys for financial success in a marriage

    Use this reframing shift and fight over finances less

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    "The magic bullet doesn't exist, but being real about your numbers and not spending more than you make is key." - Dan Ockey

    “We’re finding that among a lot of people there’s an expectation you should have the life you want.” - Dan Ockey

    “We may not have the money to do all the things we want right now, and that’s ok. You’re not a failure - you can work toward that.” - Dan Ockey

    “Our money conversations were so painful. Then I realized that our unity was more important than my beliefs about money.” - Dan Ockey

    Couples Conversation Guide:

    Main takeaway: Unity in your marriage finances requires a team mindset, learning about each other, and learning the skills to handle money well.

    Questions to Discuss:

    What financial beliefs are keeping you from unity in your marriage?

    Are you working toward a common goal together today? If not, work together to set one.


    Learn how to avoid the 4 common budgeting mistakes couples make when in the FREE Centsei Class. Learn more here.

    The Gap and the Gain

    Get the budget conversation started with 27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask

    Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!

  • Show of hands: Are you an Amazon box hider? … or do you have your spouse break down the boxes for you?

    All joking aside, online shopping can be an issue that hinders couples’ closeness. Money management in general can be a hot topic, but the wide range of ways we can spend money online with just the click of a button can create some additional obstacles, and we hear about it from couples all the time. Today we’re equipping you to resolve this issue.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    Red flags that you need to address online spending with your spouse.

    The role of trust in marriage money habits

    How to know when online shopping has become a problem

    The negative cycle of emotional triggers

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “When you look into what’s most important with money, you make a lot more progress more quickly.” - Lindsay Few

    "When you quit being a team, that's when it becomes a problem." - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    "If shopping is getting in the way of closeness with your spouse, then something needs to change." - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    Couple's Conversation Guide:

    Main takeaway: Money secrets do not serve your marriage well, so do what it takes to build trust with your spouse around finances.

    Questions to Discuss:

    Are there any money habits your spouse does not know about you?

    What areas bring out money tension for your marriage?

    What is one step that would help you work through that and build unity today?


    Learn how to avoid the 4 common budgeting mistakes couples make when in the FREE Centsei Class. Learn more here.

    Get the budget conversation started with 27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask

    Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!

  • We don’t often talk about our failures, but maybe that needs to change. It’s easy to focus on others’ highlight reel, while we’re highly aware of our own personal shortcomings. But the shame of feeling like we don’t measure up keeps us from real relationships.

    Today we’re going there with special guest, Becky Kiser, as we talk about the power of the gospel and how God uses us in spite of our shortcomings. Don’t miss this powerful conversation.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    Fight the cascade effect of feeling like a failure

    The two most debated sections of Becky’s new book - and why!

    The 1st step to start loving your spouse well

    How to move out of shame and into freedom

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “Even women who are successful; women who have accomplished a bunch, deal with failure.” - Becky Kiser

    “The Gospel message is not, ‘Get your life together then God can do something with your life.’” - Becky Kiser

    “I’ve found the most freedom from acknowledging I can’t.” - Becky Kiser

    "Not all failures are actual failures. They’re just a part of life.” - Becky Kiser

    "We spend so much time ‘dying to ourselves’ that we think there’s no value to ourselves.” - Becky Kiser


    Find Becky at https://www.beckykiser.com/ and on Instagram @beckykiser

    Grab the new book, “But God Can” today!

    Get the budget conversation started with 27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask

    Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!

  • After five years of marriage, Kristin and Todd Evans’ world was rocked when they learned they were about to become parents to a child with a disability. The stress, grief and the demands of learning to be caregivers to a child with disabilities transformed their once-joyful marriage and nearly broke it apart.

    When spouses are also caregivers, the marriage will face challenges that others may not know anything about. Today Todd and Kristin share their powerful story of learning to navigate this reality and how they have kept their marriage strong through it all.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    The additional challenges parents face as caregivers

    Learning to cope with the ‘living loss’ of disability

    How to set and communicate priorities in an unending to do list

    Ways to deepening emotional connection & intimacy while always “on call”

    Handling grief and chronic sorrow together

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “For all parents, there’s a sacrificial piece to it. For special needs parents, it goes to a new level of what you have to sacrifice.” - Todd Evans

    “1 in 3 caregivers experience depression and anxiety.” - Kristin Evans

    “I couldn’t understand why I couldn't’ get over my grief, but Todd had moved on.” - Kristin Evans

    “There’s not a right or wrong way to grieve, it’s just different.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling


    Order the Evans’ book, How to Build a Thriving Marriage as You Care for Children with Disabilities

    Follow @DisabilityParenting on Instagram for more great tips!

    Get the budget conversation started with 27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask

    Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!

  • Reduce money stress in your marriage by making sure your money knows where to go!

    Don’t avoid talking about money with your spouse: Establishing a budget you can both stick to will certainly pay off long term. Today Dr. Kim shares several simple tricks that help him and Nancy to stress less and be intentional with their finances.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    The basic starting point for building a budget

    The budget category Dr. Kim & Nancy would NEVER cut out

    The power of breaking a scarcity mindset and becoming generous

    Strategies to better money management

    How to get started if you’ve never budgeted

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “We felt like it was always important to have a date.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “Make sure to build in your budget that you can go out somewhere each week and not have to worry about it.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “God is so generous, and that’s really what we want to emulate.” - Lindsay Few

    “My lack of generosity was not the person I wanted to be.” - Lindsay Few

    Continue to ask, “What are our financial goals? How do we budget to make them work?” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “If you need help, get it. If you’re going to fight about money for 50 years, that doesn’t sound fun at all. ”- Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “When you tithe 10%, the 90% you have left goes a lot further than you thought the 100% would.” - Lindsay Few

    “I don’t know anyone personally who would say they regret tithing.” - Lindsay Few


    Get the budget conversation started with 27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask

    Learn how to avoid the 4 common budgeting mistakes couples make when in the FREE Centsei Class. Learn more here.

    Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!

  • Do your habits online support your marriage? Or damage it?

    Fewer couples are getting married than ever. Tech is hitting marriages hard today. Yet research shows that marriage can provide a huge boost to personal happiness. Today’s guest Arlene Pellicane has written several books on how technology is impacting relationships, and today she shares tech habits that will help you and your marriage to thrive.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    The 1 habit that leads to a 99% marriage success rate

    Simple to streamline your tech habits for more connection

    Why today’s tech affects relationships differently than before

    Research shows how marriage can impact happiness

    Parenting tips to break unhealthy tech habits and get your child back

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “If we seek God and His guidance, He’s always going to have an answer.” Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “Is technology bringing you closer together? Or causing you to grow farther apart.” - Arlene Pellicane

    “We're missing all these little times to connect. That’s why you feel disconnected.” - Arlene Pellicane

    “You have to prepare to be unpopular, because as a parent, it’s your job to protect your child.” - Arlene Pellicane


    If you need help with family tech habits, DO NOT miss Arlene’s books on the topic.

    National Marriage Week is each February 7-14th – and their great marriage building resources are available all year long! Learn more and support the mission on the WEB, FACEBOOK, X (TWITTER) or INSTAGRAM !

    Learn more about what boundaries can do for your marriage in Dr. Kim’s free Building Healthy Boundaries Webinar. Learn more here!

    What could 1 intentional weekend do for you and your spouse? Find out when you take on our Marriage Weekend Challenge! Click to learn more!

    Don’t let screens come between you: Use our free 17 Questions Every Couple Should Ask About Tech printable to get on the same page!

    Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!
  • We’ve all wondered at some point … is everyone else living a better life? It looks like they might be, and social media only seems to confirm it!

    That’s why we’re delighted to bring you Dr. Kim’s conversation with today’s guest, Sarah Bragg, of the Surviving Sarah podcast. In today’s episode, we’ll hear Sarah’s take on feeling “stuck” in life, how to become happier, and steps to overcome the idea that someone else’s life is better than yours.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    Why we face the questions that keep us up at night

    Practical strategies for when you feel stuck in life

    How to deal with experiencing grief in midlife

    Guardrails to protect yourself from the effects of comparison

    Staving off the effects of unhappiness in your marriage

    Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. Click here to get each week’s guide!

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “We can look back and see where we’ve been. But when we look forward we don’t know what it’s going to look like.” - Sarah Bragg

    “When we keep it inside, it grows. It feels bigger than it really is.” - Sarah Bragg

    “We all grieve in different ways, over different things.” Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “It’s okay to just keep showing up and trying.” - Sarah Bragg

    “In this age of social media, it’s nothing but compare and compete.” - Sarah Bragg

    “Connection is the root of happiness.” - Sarah Bragg


    Order Sarah’s book, Is Everyone Happier Than Me?

    Listen to the Surviving Sarah podcast and find more from Sarah on her website &

    @SarahWBragg on Instagram!

    Don’t let screens come between you: Use our free 17 Questions Every Couple Should Ask About Tech printable to get on the same page!

    Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. Click here to get each week’s guide!

  • Did you know that marriage can be good for you? Marriage is not always viewed as the gift from God that it actually is, but He has designed this relationship to provide some *amazing* benefits to both spouses.

    Today Dr. Kim is sharing several of the ways a healthy marriage supports health and wellness for you, your spouse and your family. Tune in to learn more!

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    The benefits of a good marriage for mental and physical health

    Health effects on kids and families

    The damaging effects of loneliness - even in marriage

    Steps you can take to combat loneliness

    Hidden benefits of the process of working on things you need to work on

    Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. To get each week’s guide click here to subscribe!

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “There’s all kinds of incentives to work on your marriage, and this is one of them: If you have a healthy marriage, you have a healthier, longer life.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “We hear about so much depression; so much anxiety. Everybody’s under stress. Marriage can help your mental health.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “I was out of my comfort zone, and any time you do that is uncomfortable, but on the other side there might be something really helpful.” - Lindsay Few


    Don’t let screens come between you: Use our free 17 Questions Every Couple Should Ask About Tech printable to get on the same page!

    Life’s unpredictable. Build a solid foundation for your marriage with 21 Prayers to Build an Awesome Marriage

    Are you ready to join the mission? Our Marriage Changers exist because a world full of awesome marriages can change the world! Learn more HERE

    Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. To get each week’s guide click here to subscribe!

    We are here to help! Email [email protected] any time.

    Our Healthy Self / Healthy Marriage Podcast Series goes deeper:

    Why Does Physical Health Matter In Marriage? | Ep. 520

    The Connection Between Emotional & Spiritual Health | Ep. 521

    Mental Health & Your Marriage | Ep. 522

    Answering Listener Questions | Ep. 523

  • Does marriage still matter in this day and age? We say a resounding yes!

    Marriage was designed by God, and there are several purposes the Bible gives for why marriage matters. Today we’re digging into what Scripture says about the value of marriage. Tune in to learn God’s purposes for the marriage relationship, and why they matter in your marriage!

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    Dr. Kim’s list of biblical purposes for marriage

    Several ideas for what it means to “be fruitful” in marriage

    The power of a marriage model - and tips on how to find one

    The ripple effect of an intentional marriage

    Ways your marriage can be a light in our dark world

    Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. To get each new guide, click here to subscribe!

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “No marriage is perfect. But if you’re a couple steps ahead, you’ve navigated some things that others haven’t.” - Lindsay Few

    “My dream for the marriage changers is that they’re learning, growing and passing that on.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “Prayer has had such an impact on our marriage. When God answers prayer like He does, we want to tell everybody what He’s done!” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    The things God calls us to do bring glory to God. They bring us joy, life and peace, and they also bring light and encouragement to others.” - Lindsay Few

    “Yes, it’s hard at times. Yes, there are things you have to work through. But the big picture result is worth it.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling


    Don’t let screens come between you: Use our free 17 Questions Every Couple Should Ask About Tech printable to get on the same page!

    Life’s unpredictable. Build a solid foundation for your marriage with 21 Prayers to Build an Awesome Marriage

    We are here to help! Email [email protected] any time.

    Are you ready to join the mission? Our Marriage Changers exist because a world full of awesome marriages can change the world! Learn more HERE

    Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. You’ll get each new guide when you click here to subscribe!

  • Is it harder to live a faithful life today than in times past? Today’s world does provide some unique challenges that couples face, but there are also unique opportunities. Today’s conversation with Gabrielle McCullough sheds light on some of the ways today’s world can be deeply impacted by Jesus and the effects of our faith can have on marriage.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    Unique challenges and unique opportunities for faith in Gen Z

    3 questions for biblical accountability

    A challenge to help you find your place in the local church

    The impact of following Jesus on every aspect of life

    Why the local church is still relevant and needed today

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “Following Jesus impacts every area of your life.” - Gabrielle McCullough

    “We follow Jesus because he has our hearts. There’s an obedience that is compelled that isn’t out of drudgery but out of true delight.” - Gabrielle McCullough

    “They want something that’s authentic. That excites me about my generation.” - Gabrielle McCullough

    There’s a beauty in asking, ‘how can I serve the church?’ instead of asking how others can serve me.” - Gabrielle McCullough

    “As Christians, our responsibility is to love people the way Christ loves them; with love and with truth.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “If marriages can be healthy and strong, what a testament to the world of who Jesus is and the way he fights for his Bride.” - Gabrielle McCullough


    Find Gabrielle on Instagram, TikTok, and on her website

    The Christmas in July Sale is on at Awesome Marriage University and that means you get 30% ANY and ALL of our online marriage courses! BROWSE our course offerings to find which one your marriage needs and use the code JULY at checkout!

    Our 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy digital resource provides practical steps to understand and share your emotions, and to work together to grow your emotional intimacy…and it’s our gift to you for your donation of any amount.

  • Has you or your spouse’s insecurity affected your marriage? We’re all insecure about something, and the way we see ourselves will end up spilling over into the way we relate to others. Nowhere is this more likely to happen than in marriage.

    In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share ways to address your insecurity and your spouse’s insecurity, including a surprising way Dr. Kim has learned to turn his weaknesses to strengths. Tune in for wisdom and practical tips.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    How insecurity affects a marriage

    Advice if your spouse’s insecurity is weighing you down

    Advice if your OWN insecurity weighs you down

    Practical steps to overcome insecurity

    How to fight back against your insecurities

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “How you view yourself absolutely affects how you’re going to interact with others.” - Christina Dodson

    “I think the role of the spouse is to build each other up. Your marriage should be your safest place, next to your relationship with God.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “Perfection is not what God expects from you, nor should anyone else be expecting it from you.” - Christina Dodson

    “You begin to believe the things God says about you and who you are in Christ, and that changes your countenance. You will look like a different person.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “There’s less holding you back if you’re not weighed down by your insecurities. There’s more joy, more abundance, freedom to enjoy life together. ” - Christina Dodson

    “One thing God does so well for us is he loves us right where we are. Our goal is to love our spouse right where they are.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “You can’t take it over. You can’t fix it for them. But you can come alongside and do what God wants you to do.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “No one is thinking about you as much as you’re thinking about you. To me, that’s really freeing!” - Christina Dodson


    Our 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy digital resource provides practical steps to understand and share your emotions, and to work together to grow your emotional intimacy…and it’s our gift to you for your donation of any amount.

    The Christmas in July Sale is on at Awesome Marriage University and that means you get 30% OFF ANY and ALL of our online marriage courses! BROWSE our course offerings to find which one your marriage needs and use the code JULY at checkout!

  • Want better connection with your spouse? One thing we hear a lot from couples is that they don’t feel close to each other or that their relationship feels like it’s missing some depth. That’s why today we’re re-airing this episode from Dr. Kim and Christina that talks all about emotional intimacy and gives you ideas of practical ways to deepen the emotional intimacy in your marriage.

    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    What is emotional intimacy, and why does it matter?

    Warning signs you need to grow in this area

    Emotional intimacy killers to avoid

    Tips to start working on this - alone, and together

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “It is hard work knowing someone. You have to pay attention. It takes work to be intimate.” - Christina Dodson

    “Laziness and business are going to block your intimacy, so we have to fight against those things.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “Give yourself opportunities to connect.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    “It adds value to my marriage for me to have a relationship with my friends, just like it benefits our marriage that he has guy friends.” - Christina Dodson

    “You could have had the best childhood in the world and you still have baggage because we’re human. That’s okay, and you can deal with that.” - Christina Dodson

    “You can’t be emotionally intimate with your spouse if you aren’t aware of your own emotions.” - Christina Dodson


    Our 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy digital resource provides practical steps to understand and share your emotions, and to work together to grow your emotional intimacy…and it’s our gift to you for your donation of any amount.

    Your marriage can only be as healthy as the two of you are. The Bible says, “Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord” (Lamentations 3:40). Our new Self Check-In Guide will help you do just that!

    Print out this Feelings Chart and use it to help you talk about your emotions.

    Our Questions To Help Your Spouse Open Up resource is a simple way to help build the closeness between you and your spouseAccountability is a biblical and helpful tool for growing in holiness.

  • What is a “gospeler”?

    It’s probably a lot simpler than you think! It is something that will certainly impact you and your marriage, but also has the potential to have a huge impact on others around you.

    Today Willie Robertson shares how one person sharing the Gospel impacted thousands, starting with his family, and he explains just how simple it can be to begin to care enough for others to share the Gospel with them.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    Gospel genealogy & the ripple effect one conversation can have

    The Biblical basis for this kind of conversation

    Where to start if you don’t know where to start

    Advice for parents to share their faith in parenting

    Different ways to approach sharing your faith

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “When you’re active in sharing your faith, it takes care of a lot of other things for you as well.” - Willie Robertston

    “The great commission was for all of us.” - Willie Robertston

    “Make disciples, baptize people, teach people; you’re not going to do any of those 3 unless you open your mouth.” - Willie Robertston

    “It starts with caring about people.” - Willie Robertston

    “You start learning the Word, you’ll start standing out in the crowd.” - Willie Robertston


    Order Willie’s new book, Gospeler today!

    Find more from Willie at DuckCommander.com and WillieRobertson.com

    Our 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy digital resource provides practical steps to understand and share your emotions, and to work together to grow your emotional intimacy…and it’s our gift to you for your donation of any amount.

  • Are you ever a bit too helpful in your marriage? Do you find yourself frustrated with the way your spouse responds to you?

    You may be trying to control your spouse by “helping” even if you don’t mean to!

    Today Laura Doyle from the Empowered Wife Podcast joins Dr. Kim to teach us some ways to shift our marriage culture - without resorting to control tactics. Tune in to learn how!

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    Empowering ways to shift the culture of your marriage, even if your spouse isn’t on board

    “Cheat phrases” to help you shift from controlling tendencies to deeper intimacy

    The unexpected lesson of sitting down with your spouse and getting nothing done!


    Find more of Laura’s content, including her free Empowered Wife Road Map on her website

    Check out Laura’s book, the Empowered Wife!

    Our 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy digital resource provides practical steps to understand and share your emotions, and to work together to grow your emotional intimacy…and it’s our gift to you for your donation of any amount.

  • Most of us deal with self doubt, regret, and feelings of not measuring up. But learning to love ourselves properly means learning to see ourselves as God does, and it allows us to love others more freely and graciously.

    Today, Bryan Crum will help you step away from nagging self doubts and into a solid biblical perspective. Give your marriage the gift of seeing yourself and your spouse through God’s eyes.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.

    Episode highlights include:

    Unexpected lessons learned from people who are facing their mortality

    Why is it hard to accept loving and valuing ourselves properly?

    Rewriting negative messages we’ve learned

    Ideas to break away from self-doubt

    Why relationships are needed to help us learn to love ourselves

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!


    “I’m on a mission to help people fall in love with God’s greatest creation; and that’s us.” - Bryan Crum

    “We all want to know our time on this earth means something.” - Bryan Crum

    “I’ve discovered 2 truths about living: 1. We’re priceless. 2. For some reason, we’ve forgotten that truth.” - Bryan Crum

    “We interact with people every day but we don’t always treat them like they are valuable.” - Bryan Crum

    “When we acknowledge the truth of what we’re worth, we’re acknowledging a truth heaven knows well.” - Bryan Crum

    “The first step is to stop comparing ourselves to each other.” - Bryan Crum

    “There's power in giving each other the benefit of the doubt.” - Bryan Crum

    “Giving each other grace is a small step that covers a lot of distance.” - Bryan Crum

    “Marriage is promising each other that we’re all-in. We’ve got to make the conscious choice to say, ‘I’m still here.’” - Bryan Crum


    If your marriage is doing okay but could use a jumpstart, then this 5 Week Marriage Refresher Challenge is for you!

    Find more from Bryan HERE

    Order Bryan’s book, Neighbor, Love Yourself HERE