Awakened heart is a gift to us, which may be a small precursor for everyday life. In this podcast, we will address some essential questions and, above all, shed light on how we can live spirituality, awareness, mindfulness, whatever term is right for us, in a very practical way in everyday life, at any time and in any place. We reveal some secrets about certain mysteries and beliefs and clear up a few essential misunderstandings to rediscover the open secret of love, compassion and kindness. It is a reminder of our presence. Because it's not about how we can achieve this or that state, but how we can be in harmony with ourselves and with the nature around us.
Satyaa was born in France and grew up in Geneva, Switzerland, where she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts. At a very early age she felt the call for freedom and a higher meaning in life and she travelled to India, where she spent many years, first in the ashram of Osho and later with Papaji in Lucknow, North India. There she found her true home. She is a composer, singer, songwriter and mother and together with Pari she has been traveling and sharing the love for freedom and true happiness in their seminars, retreats and concerts, worldwide.
Pari Laskaridis was born in Greece and grew up in Germany where he studied Psychology. His search for a deeper meaning in life led him at a young age to India and many ashrams. First he spent many years with Osho and later with Papaji in Lucknow. Pari is a master who is guiding many people to their one’s own heart. He is a Satsang teacher, musician, husband and father. He runs a seminar centre in Corfu and, together with his wife Satyaa, regularly provides retreats and concerts mainly in Greece and Germany, but also throughout Europe and worldwide.
The recordings are based on a series of conversations that took place in early 2024.