Let the loose thread be dangling!
Born and raised in New England, Sarah Haskell has a BFA in Textile Design from RISD and a Masters of Art and Healing from Wisdom University. As a seeker, maker and creative pathfinder her medium is most often thread, investigating the mystery of encoded fabrics and the hidden language of cloth.
Sarah talks about the soothing nature of weaving, the importance of community involvement, how the natural world and its objects (rocks, shells, pinecones) speak to her, and making work that you yourself need to see. Sarah uses embroidery, weaving, and natural dyes to explore personal truth and universal wisdom. I love how she describes her obsession as taking separate objects and putting them together in an organized structure that other people can respond to. She creates a structure from things that are chaotic.
A sketchbook is a repository for your dreams, thoughts and ideas - all of it, everything!Weaving is a full body process.Thread is elemental- almost like DNA.Approach everything with an awareness of all the things we can see and those that we cannot.Make the work you need.Find a way to raise up all the boats in the harbor.Take off the backpack of self-doubt and keep forging ahead.Sarah Haskell
Sarah Haskell on Instagram
Sarah Haskell on Facebook
Molly Meng
Melissa Guido is a multidisciplinary printmaker and illustrator whose work draws inspiration from fashion and costume design of the 1920’s. Melissa is currently living in Iceland for 9 months under a Student Fulbright Open/Study Research Grant where she is exploring Iceland’s sustainable textile practices and unique plant sources for natural dyeing.
During our conversation Melissa talks about digital art, the magic of Iceland, the collaborative nature of printmaking and some surprising revelations about rulers and paper cutters. Her obsession with pushing boundaries is evident in her printing work –screen printing, letterpress, etching, lithography, and relief printing – as well as her current creative pursuits focused on traditional textile arts, natural dyeing, embroidery, weaving, and knitting.
As the co-founder of Sourwood Press, a design and printing studio established with Brittany Emerson, Melissa leads a female-run business specializing in designing, producing, and selling products such as bandanas, stationery, and tote bags. Sourwood Press also collaborates with designers and businesses to create bespoke printed goods and products.
What is the best possible way to make a piece shine?My skills were built over having lots of mistakes.Stay curious about tactile skills.Don’t ever wish your life away.Melissa Guido
Melissa Guido on Instagram
Sourwood Press on Etsy
Peter Hristoff on Instagram
Chelsea Cardinal
Larry B Wright
Charles Yoder
Jillian Tamaki graphic novelist
Dafi Kühne on Instagram
Hamilton Wood Type Museum
Pressing On: The Letterpress Film
New York Collage Ensemble
Fulbright Student Fulbright Open/Study Research Grant
Saknas det avsnitt?
Artist, teacher, collector, and storyteller Molly Meng interviews artist and illustrator Elizabeth DeJure Wood for today’s episode. They discuss the authenticity of non-human animals, being fully present, generating ideas and limiting options.
Elizabeth has a creative background in ceramics, graphic design, illustration, and fine art. She loves drawing every day and enjoys developing novel visual solutions for clients. Molly and Elizabeth met in the beautiful coastal town of Portsmouth New Hampshire where they both reside.
Animals are inherently authentic.Staring into space is important for your creative life.An extended eye to eye with an eel makes an impact.Being fully present in the moment to moment makes a really great life.Keep your instruments or tools of play in sight so you can express yourself fully whenever you need.Generating ideas often come during the ordinary moments and while moving our bodies.Limiting options in the media you use helps with discipline and getting into a more regular art practice.Elizabeth DeJure Wood
Elizabeth DeJure Wood on Instagram
Elizabeth DeJure Wood on YouTube
Elizabeth DeJure Wood on LinkedIn
Elizabeth DeJure Wood on Bluesky
Elizabeth DeJure Wood on Pinterest
Molly Meng
SarahPedlow, founder of ThreadWritten, is an artist working with embroidery and cultural preservation through workshops, textile travel tours, and fine art. ThreadWritten supports women artisans, traditional textile practices, and the preservation of heritage through research, education, and the cultivation of a global community of makers.
While participating in an artist’s residency in Budapest, Hungary in 2009, Sarah fell in love with Hungarian embroidery and clothing during a visit to the Ethnographic Museum. The experience led her to seek out women embroidering in the written style in Transylvania, Romania, and start ThreadWritten in 2012, first with artisan-made bags and pillows. Since 2014 she has focused on education, lecturing, and teaching cultural embroidery workshops. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, she moved to Amsterdam, NL, in 2019, and to Rotterdam this year.
Notice what feels nourishing to you. Keep your antenna up and remain curious and creative.Each part enriches the other part.Keep the channel open – the gist of a longer quote by Martha Graham“A miracle is a shift in perception.” Marianne WilliamsonSarah Pedlow
Sarah Pedlow on Instagram
ThreadWritten on Instagram
Tim Ingold
A brush with…podcast
Museum of Ethnography, Budapest
Krista V. Allenstein, Midwest Optimistic Artist, loves neon signs, old buildings, dollhouses and the culinary delights of Kwik Trip. She loves painting things often overlooked as beautiful. Monkeying around with words and phrases makes her especially happy. Krista often wishes she had a camera in her eyeball so she could share how she sees the world. Her paintings attempt to make that wish a reality.
During our conversation Krista talks about embracing chaos, being uncomfortable with compliments, middle-age anonymity and invisibility, and the crippling nature of looking backwards. Krista is a true Francophile who would move to Paris if she could get away with it. She embraces and reveals all the parts of her authentic self – from her contagious optimism and positivity to her control freak tendencies.
A graduate of the School of Visual Arts (NYC), Krista has had the opportunity to participate in exhibitions at the Lakefront Festival of the Arts (In 2023 as the featured poster artist), Des Moines Arts Festival, Columbus Arts Festival, Oconomowoc Arts Festival, Madison Art Fair On the Square, Cincinnati Artfest, Free Range Art, Frank Juarez Gallery, Gallery 2622, MARN Gallery, 2020 Wisconsin Artist Biennial, and a 2019-2020 ARTservancy and MARN mentor/mentee appointments.
See the world not the way it is but the way you prefer it to be.Tightly controlled situations aren't that interesting.You have two choices. You could live your life being scared something terrible is going to happen again, or you could just live your life and assume it's not going to.You’re exactly how you’re supposed to be whether you like it or not.The key to successful art is when people know that you mean exactly what you put out there and you're not trying to be someone else, you’re not trying to say something you don't mean. People respond to that kind of authenticity.Krista V. Allenstein
The Regal Find, Madison, Wisconsin
News in Slow French
You're going to hear about fighting for the underdog, discernment, editing, celebrating differences, and relinquishing control through your tools in today's episode with Debbie Taylor-Kerman.
Debbie is a Scottish artist who came to New York City to work as a textile designer in 1991. She fell in love with the city and her husband Elliott, and they moved to Harlem where they raised their two sons and still reside. Her path included the Foundation Course at St Martins School of Art in London, a Printed Textiles degree from Liverpool School of art and 4 consecutive years of Nicholas Wilton’s Creative Visionary Program. During the pandemic Debbie left her successful commercial art career of more than three decades and finally decided to paint fine art full time.
We had a great conversation about her obsession which we ended up calling “equality” – but that doesn’t do it really justice –it’s about fighting for the underdog, for racism and inequality, celebrating diversity and how much we can learn from each other. Debbie strives to normalize the fact that we're all different and we all celebrate different things. She writes: “I need to find hope in this fragile and divided world by creating the beauty of diversity. I believe it's critical for everyone to feel seen and to feel that we can coexist in peace.”
The mundane things unite us.We all come from somewhere. We are all a part of the people we have in our lives. When the desire to do it becomes bigger than the fear, take the leap!Find the most important thing and give it room to breathe.Ask yourself: “where is my heart and what do I want to explore and paint?”Debbie Taylor-Kerman
Debbie Taylor-Kerman on Instagram
Debbie Taylor-Kerman on Facebook
Art Juice Podcast: Finding purpose in your art with Debbie Taylor-Kerman
Tap Into Your Creativity with Sandra Felemovicius
Jillian Suzanne
Sue Zipkin
Nicholas Wilton’s Creative Visionary Program
Cheeky Wee Pumpkins quilting fabric
Wiser Than Me, Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Mark Rothko
Egon Schiele
Bird by Bird, Some Instructions on Writing and Life, Anne Lamott
Rachel Davis
Princeton Catalyst wedges and contours
Siara Berry creates multi-medium sculptures influenced by neighborships, housing systems, and American domestic landscapes. Deeply influenced by her upbringing in the suburban Midwest, her work contends with cultural narratives about place and purpose, property and people. Using a combination of found object and traditional craft processes, Berry deploys a visual language that is equally quotidian and absurd.
Listen in as we chat about neighborships, domestic landscapes, construction sites, the lawn, yard signs, and control over nature.
Artists should feel creative, comfy, and cared for.Every artist is working in their best interest in what feels right to them, and when it doesn’t feel right it’s a negotiation between the artist and the work.Acknowledge that social media is not the full picture.Neighborships are a collective effort in living a private life.Siara Berry
Siara Berry on Instagram
John Michael Kohler Arts Center Arts/Industry Residency Program
Mary L. Nohl Fund Fellowships for Individual Artists
The Curious History of Your Home podcast
all photos courtesy of Michael Lagerman.
Rainer is a queer creator, collector, and tinkerer raised in lederhosen with a pet buffalo on a floral farm in rural Pennsylvania by an eccentric immigrant father and a defiantly strong mother. Rainer is a designer leveraging art to explore and document encounters of the human condition. He is a sculptor and a painter who creates interactive installations and experiences that help people feel seen and heard.
During our conversation we talk about documenting the human process, what helps and what hurts, machines, control and letting go, procrastination, and seeing time in yearly spirals.
Stand up for what’s right. Don’t be afraid to try new things.Sometimes when you start a project you have no idea how much of an impact you will have.Self-doubt can push you into problem-solving and exploration.Not knowing the rules can give you confidence.Don't forget to keep the other burners of your life alive.We’re so much more similar than we are different.Rainer Wolter
Rainer Wolter on Instagram
Rainer Wolter on LinkedIn
The Accounting, by EJ Trask (Rainer’s debur in short horror story)
Art Prize
Khadi Papers
Krista Allenstein, Authentic Obsessions Episode 2
Mixed media artist and painter Erica Jane Huntzinger was raised in the western suburbs of Chicago. Her parents hail from Maine and Pennsylvania and they drove back there each year to see family and friends all while absorbing and exploring the landscapes and ground they missed. Her immediate family was centered in questioning, learning and growing. Her mother was a psychologist, her father, a minister and Erica was the sister to an adventurous brother. Erica made her way through creative explorations from hundreds of coloring books, mud, rock and stick scapes into multi-media work through the lens of a painter.
We talk about flow, the importance of play, and demystifying the creative process, including how people make creative decisions in their life and how and where people can affect dynamic change for themselves through creative actions.
You can affect dynamic change for yourself through creative actions.Be open to asking yourself: why DON’T you do some of the things you aren’t doing?Play helps get you through difficult feelings, which in turn drives your curiosity.Whatever you make, and it doesn’t matter what kind of artist you are, there's somebody out there that's going to like it.Erica Jane Huntzinger
Erica Jane Huntzinger on Instagram
Erica Jane Huntzinger’s podcast, In The Act
Erica Jane Huntzinger on YouTube
Creative Quest, Questlove
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Sara Willadsen
Art as Medicine, Creating a Therapy of the Imagination, Shaun McNiff
Marco Polo
Lois Keller
Rachel Weaver Rivera
Whitney Morales
On Writing: A Memoir of Craft, Steven King
Cooper Diers
Glimpses and layers of time, what will remain, walking, beauty, palimpsest, AI art, and clothespins are all on the mind of London-based photographer and writer Duncan Petrie.
Duncan explores nature in the human landscape, and what the world might look like when we are gone. His images, found on long walks, are a sort of synecdoche: from a single frame, a single point of punctum, they construct a world. He seeks simple images in order to strip them of their context, and to allow the viewer to peer at the world between them. He holds a 1st class degree in Marine and Natural History Photography from Falmouth University.
Always book the tickets the day before. It’s important to make it easy to fit the creative bits into your life. Photography is a collaboration with the world.Look! See!The future, the end of history, can be beautiful.Look at this world that we have built and notice what things might outlive us and what things are very temporary.Duncan Petrie on Instagram
Duncan Petrie on YouTube
Camera Lucida by Roland Barthes
Beauty in Photography, Robert Adams
This American Life
Ursula Le Guin
The Worm Ouroboros, E. R. Eddison
The Last Unicorn, Peter S. Beagle
Piranesi, Susanna Clark
Lud-in-the-Midst, Hope Mirrlees
Old books, tight deadlines, the button box, design, and dancing all come up during my conversation with mixed media artist Sue Johnson.
Sue Johnson is a mixed media artist from the UK who loves painted papers, pattern, and repetition. Her working process is quite eclectic but often begins with a colour palette and experimental mark making and various printing and painting techniques. She often works on found surfaces and ephemera such as used envelopes and pages from discarded books destined to be shredded. These provide unique surfaces to paint and print on and the use of collage yields unexpected results. Her printed textiles background informs her composition and process but play, curiosity and intuition lead the way.
Push all the boundaries and do something different.Little and often.Notice what you notice.Sometimes the best things come out at the end during the last-minute push.To get unstuck, hold your work up to a mirror to distance yourself and see what needs to be changed.Sue Johnson
Sue Johnson on Instagram
Sue Johnson on Facebook
Creative Visionary Program with Nicholas Wilton
Bindex UK Link, Bindex US Link
Rex Ray: Art and Design YouTube video
We Are All connected Art Project, Beatricia Sagar
Art Juice podcast
Articulation, pivoting, sketchbooks, observation, and travel all play a key role in Ethan Keister’s creative life.
Graphic designer, illustrator and art director Ethan was born in Vietnam, grew up in the backwoods of Upstate New York and now calls Milwaukee, Wisconsin his home.
When Ethan isn't ruining his posture at his desk, you can find him snow skiing, water skiing, biking, hiking, traveling, and writing about himself in the third person.
Pivot in a way that allows for more growth and a fresh perspective.Eighty percent of drawing is seeing.When sketching people, be on the lookout for good poses and gestures.“Beautiful things don’t ask for attention.” James ThurberEthan Keister
Ethan Keister on Instagram
Ethan Keister on Facebook
Ethan Keister on LinkedIn
Ethan Keister on TikTok
Mark Manson
Paul Noth (episode 92)
Jon Horvath (episode 89)
Idea generation, your brain on cartoons, incongruency & divergent thinking, and how to encourage your creativity are all on the mind of cartoonist, writer and artist Paul Noth.
Paul is a cartoonist for The New Yorker magazine, where his work has appeared regularly since 2004. He created the Emmy-nominated animated series "Pale Force" for Late Night with Conan O’Brien. He has been an animation consultant for Saturday Night Live and developed shows for Cartoon Network Adult Swim and Nickelodeon. Paul is the author of the middle grade novels “How to Sell Your Family to the Aliens,” “How to Properly Dispose of Planet Earth,” and “How to Win the Science Fair When You’re Dead,” all published by Bloomsbury.
Embrace the limitations of your art form.Conscious effort impedes the incubation process.The preparatory phase of creative work requires hard work and skill, but it also requires letting go.The idea comes despite the effort not because of it.Paul Noth on X
Paul Noth on Instagram
Paul Noth on Facebook
Paul Noth on LinkedIn
Paul’s middle grade books
Paul Noth on IMBD
'Midwest nice' cartoonist for The New Yorker is ready for Chicago and the DNC
The New Yorker
This is Your Brain on Cartoons article by Sarah Larson
Roz Chast
Iain McGilchrist
Photo credits, Camila Guarda, Chicago Sun Times
Rocker chick Paula Hare talks about no longer giving a rip what other people think, New York City, and Wisconsin’s most iconic dessert – the cream puff.
Paula Hare is a life-long artist, designer and creative director, plein air and studio painter. She brings a unique perspective to her work which includes unusual juxtapositions, compositions, and subjects. Paula's keen eye for detail and appreciation for the unconventional allows her to breathe life into scenes that might escape the notice of others. Whether it's the play of light on chrome, the wind-swept landscapes that unfold along the journey, or elements of a back-alley way, Paula captures the essence of the moments they portray and the stories they tell.
Paula’s obsession with the biker lifestyle (Harley’s, not bicycles!) spills over into all her ventures, including Gearhead Fashion, which features sustainable, repurposed, reinvented, one-of-a-kind apparel and accessories for anyone that wants to look and feel like a rock star.
Do cool stuff, paint cool things.You gotta jam 24/7 – suck it up and get to work. You’ve got to make yourself do it. Just put one foot in front of the other and just keep moving forward and not stop.Bundle up all your skills and energy and figure out what’s in you, and then you have a direction. Stick to that path and you’ll be successful.Paula Hare
Paula Hare on Facebook
Paula Hare on LinkedIn
The Arts Mill on Facebook, and Instagram
Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
Deadwood, South Dakota
Original Cream Puffs
Gearhead Fashion
Gearhead Fashion on Instagram
Diving deep into your own life to find your voice, the selfish nature of being an artist, the power of observation, and reacting to marks and layers are all considered during my conversation with Victoria McDonnell.
Victoria relocated from Bogota, Colombia – at the age of 28 – to the rural countryside of Norfolk, UK. The cultural change was already overwhelming, but the language barrier added another layer of challenge. It was an act of courage, driven by love, to move to a town of just over 300 people. In response, she turned to the language without words – art – which became her constant companion that has deepened over time.
Victoria offers glimpses of familiarity in her subjects, inviting viewers to engage playfully while allowing ample room for personal exploration. Working across a diverse array of subjects in oils and acrylics, she unifies them through the lens of abstraction.
Victoria’s latest obsession is ‘Chairs,’ a project of exploration, observation, and discovery. Inspired by the simple objects that are central to our daily lives and our personal connections with them, she examines the narratives they embody. Whether it's the chair in the corner that sparks conversation, the kitchen chairs that keep the family united, or the old nursing chair passed through generations, each chair tells a different story.
“Not having distractions is my best friend.”The more you put yourself out there, the more comes your way. Little steps give way to little successes and they all add up.“Through her eyes we organized my mind.”Abstraction requires a lot of confidence.Every chair has a story.Victoria McDonnell
Victoria McDonnell on Instagram
Victoria McDonnell on Facebook
Victoria McDonnell on Pinterest
Victoria McDonnell on TikTok
Victoria McDonnell on LinkedIn
Colombian Rainbow River
Gooderstone Water Gardens
Vejer de la Frontera
Art and Success Pro Abstract Painting
Norfolk Painting School Studio talk & master classes
Roisin O’Farrell Love to Paint, Learn to Paint
Monumental undertakings through multimedia narrative projects, travel and deep introspection, embracing chance and spontaneity, baseball, and how people define happiness, all come up during my conversation with Milwaukee interdisciplinary artist and writerJon Horvath.
Influenced by his early formal education in creative fiction writing, philosophy, and composing music, Jon's practice has since expanded into the mixed use of photography, video, performance, sculptural objects, and other mediums brought into a combined space. He desires to share open-ended, poetic narratives rooted in an exploration of how we build personal and cultural mythologies as a way to better understand the world around us.
The making is driven by intuition.Let go of having to know everything about every choice to allow unexpected moments.Don’t let something that's making you fearful influence choices that you’re making.Some distance from your more regular experience allows you to have permission to entertain other possibilities.Pictures are influenced by that which surrounds them.Jon Horvath
Jon Horvath on Instagram
This is Bliss
Slow Burn
Listen in as Stacy Bogdonoff talks about using verbs as she works on a project, the importance of not putting too much (psychologically) into social media, slowness and control, living at the intersection of design and art, and why the media & the process – the heart and head of knowing and being known- is her authentic obsession.
Stacy is a mixed media artist who divides her time between her very messy studio in Kent, CT. and her neater tabletop workspace in NYC. Stacy works with textiles, vintage fabric, paper, paint, dyes, and found objects to explore the theme of “Home, Safety, and Shelter”, and how those change as we age and move through life. "My inspiration comes from three directions. I am deeply drawn to a wide variety of unconventional media, and I love to explore tools and new ways to use them. I am also equally driven to explore my inner world and understand my feelings."
Understanding the context behind the work enhances the experience.You don’t always know. You sometimes find out.Know what you like to do and clear the decks to do it.The phone works both ways.Stacy Bogdonoff
Stacy Bogdonoff on Instagram
Rick Lowe
Martha Tuttle
El Anatsui
Death of An Artist podcast
Desert Island Discs podcast
Trauma journalism, social activism, igniting and changing conversations, and telling stories in a visual way are all integral part of Amy Putman’s life. Amy is a collagist and mixed media artist with a passion for issues of social justice. She helped create and brand the Million Mom March for Common Sense Gun Laws with her logo and slogan “Looking for a Few Good Moms.”
Amy says: “I am drawn to texture, materials pattern, and color in their own right. Working with found objects expands my visual vocabulary. These materials, each of which brings its own history and associations, give a deeper and multi-dimensional reading to the work, work I hope will ignite conversation.”
Participating in artist groups, non-profit organizations, art community adds to her depth and breadth of the work she creates. She is a Trustee of the Montclair Art Museum in New Jersey, SKIP of New York and the Trust for Trauma Journalism, a founding member of the New York Collage Ensemble, and Co-Chair of the Artists and Talent Peer Group for the Impact Guild. Her studio is in Manufacturer’s Village Artists, East Orange, New Jersey.
Key takeaways
“I have an obligation to myself to not run away from what I have to say.”You have to fill your puzzle box with all the pieces before you put the puzzle together.Being out there in the world helps you become aware of what’s relevant and is inspirational for the art.Art is an adventure. Keep growing, as a person, and bring those adventures to your art.Art is definitely therapy, whether you know it or not.Know when to say no, but remember to say YES to opportunities!Amy Putman
Amy Putman on Instagram
The Jealous Creator - Deborah Roberts episode 190, Bisa Butler episode 185
Austin Kleon
Million Mom March
NY Collage Ensemble
The Camp Gallery – The Contemporary Art Modern Project Gallery
Tish Lampert
The effect of knitting during the birthing process, the importance of resting, felting as the wild sister of fiber arts, and the role of felting in community practices and traditions all comes up during my convo with Megan Henderson. And the always impactful practice of letting go and surrendering to the present moment. Megan is a fiber artist living on a few wooded acres in Central Ohio who is inspired by nature, our connection to it and to each other, myths, lore and symbols, shadow work and the mysteries that lay just beyond our grasp.
Key takeaways
Pay attention and notice when fear needs to be conquered and when it is our intuition giving us a warning.Don’t beat yourself up when you find yourself going down the path of thinking you’re not doing enough. But if you try and notice when it happens, those feelings might lessen.You don’t have to EARN your rest.“We are not meant to understand it all. We are not meant to grasp it. We are meant to make guesses about it.”Megan Henderson
Megan Henderson on Instagram
Megan Henderson on Facebook
Nuno felting
Insight Timer meditation app
Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals, Oliver Burkeman
Rest is Resistance, Tricia Hersey
The Leftovers
ArtHoles, 7 episodes of Frida Kahlo
Pulling the Thread podcast, Knitting Together our Lives (Peggy Orenstein)
Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole, Susan Cain
Antieau Gallery
Sue Bulmer is an artist, educator, Art Psychotherapist and Inspiration Facilitator. Her expressive, energetic and colourful work is inspired by landscape and seasonal alignment. Sue believes we are all creative souls and is a passionate advocate for the well-being benefits of living a more creative life. She has a deep understanding, stemming from personal experience, of the many benefits of living a more creative life and the barriers and beliefs that stop us. We chat about paying attention to when it’s time to rest, confronting the fear that tries to keep you small and safe, being stuck and what happens when you stop fighting it, putting yourself out there even though it can be scary, the payoff is worth it!
Make art just for you.Nature takes a rest during the year. Why don’t we?Categorizing things help us understand things, but they come with rules and those rules can be limiting.It’s in the spaces that the ideas come.“Stress is caused by being here and wanting to be there.”It’s never too late.Sue Bulmer
Sue Bulmer on Instagram
Sue Bulmer on Facebook
Sustain Your Creativity through Autumn & Winter, A free guide from Sue Bulmer
The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative, Florence Williams
Environmental Arts Therapy and the Tree of Life, Ian Siddons Heginworth
Rick Rubin on Feel Better Live More
Sue’s Creative Soul Sketchbooks course
Kellee Wynne Conrad, Build it Remarkable
Beltane, Gaelic May Day Festival
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