Mark Divine is an entrepreneur, New York Times best-selling author, philanthropist, and one of the world’s top leadership and coaching experts.
After a successful 20 year career as a Navy SEAL and SEAL Commander, Mark was hired by the Navy to create a nationwide coaching and leadership program for the SEALs. The bold goal of this program was to give the SEALs the best leadership and mental-management tools in the world – to help them forge unbeatable SEAL teams that achieve mission success in the most stressful, challenging environments on earth.
Divine’s leadership and coaching program for the SEALs was so effective that it’s now being used outside of the Navy by top CEOs, Fortune 100 companies, USA Olympics, elite universities, major league sports franchises, celebrities, and successful individuals from all over the world.
Podcast: Unbeatable Mind (Mark Divine)
Book: Unbeatable Mind on Amazon
Cam has a long and distinguished career in elite Strength and Conditioning and also business. After stints in elite soccer and elite AFL, he turned his diverse skill set to private enterprise and in 2017, BFT was born. This is a deep dive into his mindset, skillset, attitude, and application of self to steer his company through 2 years of turmoil and come out the other side bigger and better. A great guy with a great story, a real story. You can follow Cam on socials:
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Australian Fitness Podcast regular, Jay Ferruggia is back. Love this guy's attitude, energy, outlook, and pure desire to win the day. We went over some training stuff, life stuff, personal development stuff and we hope some of that ‘stuff’ is something you can use. Thanks once again to the Transformation King - @jayferruggia.
Jay has worked at the coal face of elite sport, NFL, MLB, WWE and is now a highly sought after and respected online coach, speaker, and mentor. He also runs his Renegade program for men looking for physical and mental self-development and his hugely successful Renegade Radio Podcast, which has recently hit Episode 400.
You can connect with and follow Jay via:
Instagram @jayferruggia
AUSTRALIAN FITNESS PODCAST EPISODE #64 - Luka Hocevar, The Legit Entrepreneur
Many people, too many, describe themselves as entrepreneurs. Unless you have started something....a business, a product, a service, literally from an idea formulated in your own brain and built it from the ground up to be a legitimate source of income and furthermore a saleable business, then to me, you're a pretender.
Luka is anything but a pretender - he's a legit entrepreneur who has created something very special, from the ground up.
Luka Hocevar’s story is captivating. Having spent his childhood and teenage years in Eastern European countries at war, he immigrated to the USA as a teenager and took a much more stable path. He has clearly been shaped by some wonderful athletes and coaches that mentored him, and along the way, he has always had a clear vision of something extraordinary that he wanted to create one day with his own facilities, and that Vigor Ground Performance, in Seattle Washington, and Vigor Ground Gym in Slovenia.
He’s one of those rare humans that has all the key attributes necessary to succeed in business as an entrepreneur....vision, passion, an insatiable appetite for work, self-belief, and relentless determination.
Luka and I spoke at length, there is so much wonderful content and life lessons in this Podcast.
As a Coach myself, I can be critical of other coaches' content and instruction, (there’s a lot of questionable content out there) but I’m very impressed by the instruction, education, and consistency of what Luka provides to the world.
I really enjoyed this chat, and I'm sure Luka will become a regular of the Australian Fitness Podcast, he's gotta lot more to offer.
You can connect and follow Luka at:
Instagram: @lukahocevar
AUSTRALIAN FITNESS PODCAST #EPISODE #63 - The Goldilocks Zone of Exercise (Part 2)
Craig Harper - THE YOU PROJECT and I catch up again to talk about the importance of Optimising your Workout, which involves a number of different elements, attitude, application, consistency, design, technique, and more. Craig and I have been good friends for nearly 30 years, we’ve worked together, owned gyms together, so our collective experience is over 60 years of working in the health and fitness space and helping humans be better humans, both physically and in Craig’s space mentally and emotionally. This was Part 1 of a Two-Part Episode which we know will leave you with specific, useful, and most importantly USEABLE strategies and reminders to allow you to OPTIMISE your training, and therefore your health and performance.
Craig Harper is a leading authority in the space of human performance, human development, behavior change, and self-awareness. He is currently completing his Ph.D. in Neuroscience with Monash Universities Brain Park.
Craig Harper - THE YOU PROJECT and I catch up again to talk about the importance of Optimising your Workout, which involves a number of different elements, attitude, application, consistency, design, technique, and more. Craig and I have been good friends for nearly 30 years, we’ve worked together, owned gyms together, so our collective experience is over 60 years of working in the health and fitness space and helping humans be better humans, both physically and in Craig’s space mentally and emotionally. This was Part 1 of a Two Part Episode which we know will leave you with specific, useful, and most importantly USEABLE strategies and reminders to allow you to OPTIMISE your training, and therefore your health and performance.
Craig Harper is a leading authority in the space of human performance, human development, behavior change, and self-awareness. He is currently completing his Ph.D. in Neuroscience with Monash Universities Brain Park.
Brett Turley has had one very productive and extreme life. As a teenager, he entered the military and eventually wound up as a dog handler in Bomb Detection, with two tours of Afghanistan. Following that life, he entered the Fitness Industry and worked for some time as a PT.
Now, he’s running his world online and working in the Corporate space after a stint in the IT world. We discussed his career path, his brushes with death, his work now, his management of his own PTSD and left a few topics open for another Episode. Given everything Brett has seen, experienced and done, he has a very calm and insightful outlook on life, career, self management and what his purpose is all about delivering these days. He has a very wise head on some broad young shoulders. This was a very thoughtful chat with a guy who is clearly going places. I’m looking forward to Episode 2. Enjoy.
I asked him 10 questions, and he was only allowed to speak for 3 minutes on each one. He was under pressure, but as always produced concise, common sense and useable answers. The questions were;
Why do (some) people still feel intimidated by regular gyms, and where are we getting it wrong?Do Superfoods really exist?The best 6 exercises for building muscle mass?Supplements - Overrated or Underrated?Is Cardio going to damage my gains?How do I manage my nutrition? Why can't I seem to get it right?If I'm 50+ years of age, how many times a week should I train and what should I do?Machines Vs Free Weights. Which is best?Should my teenager join a gym?Does Intermittent Fasting work for all?Enjoy the Episode.
Follow Craig on Facebook and @whiteboardlessons.
His Podcast is THE YOU PROJECT
Website: www.craigharper.net
I think I spoke about 50 words during the whole show, I was simply enthralled. Enjoy this remarkable human talk about her remarkable life - thus far.
Lisa Tamati is one helluva lady. I initially wanted to talk to her about her 25-year career in Ultramarathon running, but like many good Podcasts, it went in all sorts of directions, including how she came close to death making an illegal crossing of the Libyan desert, which ultimately was largely the reason she commenced Ultramarathon running.
But then things got really crazy when she recounts the story of how she single-handedly nursed her mother through an aneurysm that should have killed her and then rehabilitated her back to full health.
Lisa clearly has a spirit that cannot be beaten, an insurmountable level of self-belief and an inquiring mind that is proving to be correct in contrast to many currently accepted medical procedures.
If you want a living example of mental toughness, an uncompromising will to never accept defeat, her name is Lisa Tamati.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lisatamati/
LinkedIn: Lisa Tamati
Instagram: Lisatamati
Podcast: Pushing The Limits
Tiffanee speaks openly of her own personal experiences (good and bad) and how those experiences have enabled her to develop self-awareness, resilience, courage, independence and the skill to be able to maximise passion, possibilities and potential. She talks about getting knocked down (literally and metaphorically) and what it is that makes some of us get back up and some, stay down.
If you would like to follow Tiff, her Podcast, her business or to connect with her:
Tiffanee Cook - Facebook
Kevin Toonen, Special Forces operator, Strength Coach, and an expert in Physical Preparation. I previously interviewed him on Episode #41. This guy has been on both sides of extreme physical performance and preparation and speaks with terrific insight into the world of being an elite performer and training both the general population and elite athletes to be their best. He's definitely going to become a Podcast regular. Enjoy.
Craig Harper and I are back at it again. This is Part 2 of a two-part podcast we recorded on a rainy Saturday afternoon a few weeks back. We were once again in a Victorian Lockdown, No 4, so we got on Zoom and smashed out some interesting content. As two aging ex PT’s we have a lot of somewhat valuable IP stored in our brains about training and how to get the best result for you, based on age, ability, injury, equipment, limitations, likes, and dislikes.
This Episode explores some different training methods that you may (or likely may not have) tried.
We hope this helps all you fitness tragics
Craig Harper and I are back at it again. This is Part 1 of a two-part podcast we recorded on a rainy Saturday afternoon a few weeks back. We were once again in a Victorian Lockdown, No 4, so we got on Zoom and smashed out some interesting content. As two ageing ex PT’s and still enthusiastic strength trainers, this topic is very close and important to both of us. So we talked about the do’s the dont’s, the why’s and why not’s to ageing.
Our take - ageing badly is a choice people, and this episode shows you how to manage it to the best of your ability. WARNING - Not really for ears that are 40 years or less - you don’t yet feel our pain!
(Jokes, you can listen in)
In this Episode, we certainly talked about Merrick’s experience from being on Australia SAS, but the conversation certainly took some interesting twists and turns. Merrick opens up about his early passions (Comedy and Military Special Forces) and how he believes his brain works in a unique manner which allows him to stay ice-cold calm in situations of chaos. He’s a deep thinker, very self-aware and incredibly mentally resilient, all the while possessing an ability to bring levity and brevity to the most serious of situations. This was a great Episode, and Merrick gave us some very candid insight into his approaches and philosophies of life.
If you want to follow this fantastically funny individual check him out @merrickwatts.
And for details on his live shows go to www.grapesofmirth.com.au
Stephanie Sanzo - Instagrammer, Coach and Superstrong Mum.
Ok, here’s the stats - Over 3.5 million followers on Social Media. 5 foot tall (1.5m) 55kg in weight (121 pounds.) 145kg Squat / 82.5kg Bench / 165kg Deadlift. Mother of 2 kids. Stephanie is a dynamo in every respect. When she says “Hey kids, tidy your room” I'll bet that happens without question.
All jokes aside, this was a great Podcast, with one very impressive lady.
We talked about all things training, but I particularly wanted to focus on the importance of strength training for women, and how this is an area that is still somewhat misunderstood and avoided by many women.
Ok, you may not want to climb strength training mountains, as Steph has done, but if I were you, ladies, I would take a good look at how she trains and goes about it - especially if you want to get into some good strength work. There are some great tips and advice throughout this conversation, all from someone who by their own admission, wasn't a big fan of fitness to begin with.
It’s detailed, heavy on the technical talk, but fascinating from the perspective of understanding what goes on behind the scenes with a very important department of airport and airline safety. If you’re a training nerd, you’re gonna love this Episode.
Brenden and I discuss managing Physical Performance across a diverse range of training abilities, ages, and injury limitations. He goes into great detail around the construction of this massive program, facility design, program design, program implementation and other details.
I love Brenden's passion for his role and Strength and Conditioning in general, and it's clear that he gives a lot of attention to detail.
VIC Active and Fitness Australia ask every single fitness centre member, employee and owner to sign this petition that will be tabled in the Victorian Parliament.
Our purpose is simple:
To request that the Legislative Council call on the Andrews Labor Government to reverse its attacks of the fitness industry and immediately reopen gyms, fitness centres and yoga and pilates studios.
We have to STAND UP to make a difference!
Please click on the link in our bio,
➡️ scroll to e-petition
➡️ View & Sign e-petitions,
➡️ click e-petition 347 to sign and support!
@martinfoleymp -
Steve Willis has been training and training humans for a very very long time. It’s only with this kind of life dedicated to all things physical that you can have the kind of insight that Steve has. And it’s evident. I love talking to this guy and tapping into his knowledge and insight. He’s measured, honest and forthright, yet at the same time, you can just tell that if he was your Coach, he’d be right in your corner! This chat covers training, of course, how he managed 2020, how his own experiences have shaped his philosophy (don’t they all) the value of the elements and being outdoors, and a little bit about his favorite kit for setting up your own home training space. If you’re in Sydney or you want to connect with Steve as a Coach here are his details. Enjoy the Podcast.
Sarah Rusbatch by all normal standards would probably have been classified as a party girl, the life of the party, the spark, the person who would host the after-party at her place when you wanted to kick on. She was also by all standards a high achiever, successful in her career, a solid parent, and always the 'fun' friend to be around. But as you’ll hear in this discussion, what you saw and what was going on behind the scenes, externally and internally, was a very different and somewhat disturbing story.
Sarah was what is known as a grey area drinker.
Before I met Sarah, I hadn’t even heard of the term.
Sarah has been through quite a lot since 2017, and through this, has not only reinvented her own health and wellness but created a brand new business and career for herself in the process.
Sarah is now a very sought-after wellness coach and Certified Grey Area drinking coach.
This was a really interesting Podcast. I learned a lot about a condition I didn’t even know existed. Sarah speaks honestly and candidly and is now helping thousands of others to manage their alcohol intake or remove it altogether.
By her own admission, Sarah really has reclaimed her life.
To connect with Sarah her details are:
Facebook: slrwellness
Another collaborative effort with my mate Craig Harper (The You Project). We cover most aspects of fitness including Strength, Power, Muscular Endurance, Speed, Aerobic Fitness, Flexibility, Agility, and so on. If you are looking for some guidance on the general approach to obtaining any or all of these, these Episodes should go some way to answering these questions for you. For further information or assistance here are some social media sites:
@russell_jarrett1 / @whiteboardlessons / @jayferruggia / @lukahocevar
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