

    September 9 (Mon) Mercury ingress Virgo: Got What You Need?

    September 11 (Wed) Mercury sextile Mars: Decisive Action

    September 11 (Wed) Mercury out of Shadow: He Knows the Plan

    September 12 (Fri) Sun square Jupiter: Let’s Check-In with the Ruler, Mercury

    Sandy’s Favorite Day

    September 15 (Sun) Venus trine Jupiter: Could Get What You Ask For

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:


    Get 10% off the entire site!



    September 2 (Mon) New Moon at 11° Virgo: The Plan Gets Delayed with Purpose

    September 2 (Mon) Mars square Neptune Rx: No Energy

    September 4 (Wed) Mars ingress Cancer: Night Charts Rejoice

    September 6 (Fri) Mercury square Uranus Rx: Third Pass

    September 7 (Sat) Sun opposing Saturn Rx: Closest to Earth

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽


    ➽ Talisman of the Month - September ➽



    To nurture my mind with clarity and precision.

    “I communicate with discernment, finding beauty in the details and strength in my connections.”

    Moon in Virgo square Mercury in Gemini (Sun, Venus, Jupiter all in Gemini as well)


    WATCH NOW September Astrology Forecast & Cheat Sheet

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 11 CWS Webinar: Eclipses of 2024

    Sign up on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    VIDEO Meet the Egypt Retreat Leaders! - https://youtu.be/BdZl00HIlH0?si=amKqub2GG_CoccQO

    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat - Basics of Astrology & Human Design


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Alex and Sandy are recapping their Burning Dude trip- the make-shift, mini-farm version of Burning Man.

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    August 27 (Tue) Venus trine Uranus: Take a Break

    August 28 (Wed) Venus opposing Neptune Rx: See & Imagine

    August 28 (Wed) Mercury stations Direct: Ready to Get Ready

    August 29 (Thu) Venus ingress Libra: She Perfect!

    August 29 (Thu) Venus trine Pluto Rx: Sign Up & Attend

    September 1 (Sun) Uranus stations Rx: Excitable Turn of Events

    September 1 (Sun) Pluto Rx ingress Capricorn: Begins the Finish

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽


    ➽ Talisman of the Month - September ➽



    To nurture my mind with clarity and precision.

    “I communicate with discernment, finding beauty in the details and strength in my connections.”

    Moon in Virgo square Mercury in Gemini (Sun, Venus, Jupiter all in Gemini as well)


    WATCH NOW September Astrology Forecast & Cheat Sheet

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 11 CWS Webinar: Eclipses of 2024

    Sign up on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    VIDEO Meet the Egypt Retreat Leaders! - https://youtu.be/BdZl00HIlH0?si=amKqub2GG_CoccQO

    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat - Basics of Astrology & Human Design


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Alex and Sandy are packing up for Burning Dude- the make-shift, mini version of Burning Man


    *Sandy’s Astro-Interesting Day*

    August 19 (Mon) Venus square Jupiter: Where is the Greener Grass?

    August 19 (Mon) Venus opposing Saturn Rx: Unworthy?

    August 19 (Mon) Sun square Uranus: Separate Yourself

    August 19 (Mon) Full Moon at 27° Aquarius: Lean to the Side

    August 19 (Mon) Jupiter square Saturn Rx: One of Three

    August 22 (Thu) Sun ingress Virgo (9:55am): Make the Most

    August 22 (Thu) Venus square Mars: Not on Board

    August 23 (Fri) Mercury Rx sextile Mars: Rethink Direction

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To rise daily with hope and optimism. (Thu, Aug 22)

    To strengthen my body and health. (Thu, Aug 22)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - August ➽



    To be self aware.

    “I easily radiate energy, self-confidence and a favorable demeanor. I am noticed as I take my daily approach to my center stage.”

    Moon in Leo square Sun in Taurus


    WATCH NOW CWS Astrology Webinar: 2024 Political Conventions

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    Or purchase it now: https://intentionbeads.com/products/2024-political-conventions-astrology-webinar?utm_source=copyToPasteBoard&utm_medium=product-links&utm_content=web

    August 25 September Astrology Forecast & Cheat Sheet

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 11 CWS Webinar: Eclipses of 2024

    Sign up on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    Meet the Egypt Retreat Leaders! - https://youtu.be/BdZl00HIlH0?si=amKqub2GG_CoccQO

    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat - Basics of Astrology & Human Design


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Alex has a Virgo meditation for you! Get organized and focused for Virgo season


    *Sandy’s Favorite Day*

    August 14 (Wed) Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini: Gasoline?

    August 14 (Wed) Mercury Rx ingress Leo: Old Thoughts?

    *Sandy’s Conflict Day*

    August 16 (Fri) Mars square Saturn Rx: Push-Pull

    August 18 (Sun) Mercury Rx square Uranus: Is It Still a Great Plan?

    August 18 (Sun) Mercury Rx conjunct Sun: Cazimi

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽


    ➽ Talisman of the Month - August ➽



    To be self aware.

    “I easily radiate energy, self-confidence and a favorable demeanor. I am noticed as I take my daily approach to my center stage.”

    Moon in Leo square Sun in Taurus


    WATCH NOW August Astrology Forecast & Cheat Sheet

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 11 CWS Webinar: Eclipses of 2024

    Sign up on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    Meet the Egypt Retreat Leaders! - https://youtu.be/BdZl00HIlH0?si=amKqub2GG_CoccQO

    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat - Basics of Astrology & Human Design


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Sandy has a small world story and it all stems from the Egyptian Retreat.


    August 7 (Wed) Sun sextile Jupiter: Announcement!

    August 7 (Wed) Mercury Rx conjunct Venus: Apologies or Rules?

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To create harmony with intellectual growth. (Fri, Aug 9)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - August ➽



    To be self aware.

    “I easily radiate energy, self-confidence and a favorable demeanor. I am noticed as I take my daily approach to my center stage.”

    Moon in Leo square Sun in Taurus


    WATCH NOW CWS Astrology Webinar: 2024 Political Conventions

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    Or purchase it now: https://intentionbeads.com/products/2024-political-conventions-astrology-webinar?utm_source=copyToPasteBoard&utm_medium=product-links&utm_content=web

    WATCH NOW August Astrology Forecast & Cheat Sheet

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    Meet the Egypt Retreat Leaders! - https://youtu.be/BdZl00HIlH0?si=amKqub2GG_CoccQO

    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat - Basics of Astrology & Human Design


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Sandy went out on a Time Left dinner. Learn more about this app and what it's about!


    August 2 (Fri) Venus square Uranus: Look at Other’s Offers

    August 4 (Sun) New Moon at 12° Leo (6:13 am): Be BOLD and Take Advantage of All

    August 4 (Sun) Venus ingress Virgo: Into Her Fall

    August 4 (Sun) Mercury stations Rx at 4° Virgo: Heading Back Around

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽


    ➽ Talisman of the Month - August ➽



    To be self aware.

    “I easily radiate energy, self-confidence and a favorable demeanor. I am noticed as I take my daily approach to my center stage.”

    Moon in Leo square Sun in Taurus


    WATCH NOW CWS Astrology Webinar: 2024 Political Conventions

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    Or purchase it now: https://intentionbeads.com/products/2024-political-conventions-astrology-webinar?utm_source=copyToPasteBoard&utm_medium=product-links&utm_content=web

    WATCH NOW August Astrology Forecast & Cheat Sheet

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    Meet the Egypt Retreat Leaders! - https://youtu.be/BdZl00HIlH0?si=amKqub2GG_CoccQO

    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat - Basics of Astrology & Human Design


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Alex has a meditation for you: a fiery, confidence builder just in time for Leo Season!


    July 22 (Mon) Sun ingress Leo (2:44 pm): Leo Leads

    July 23 (Tue) Sun opposes Pluto Rx: Nod to the Challenge

    July 25 (Thu) Mercury ingress Virgo: Home for a Minute

    July 25 (Thu) Sun sextile Mars: You Have What It Takes!

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To gain notoriety. (Fri, July 26)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - July ➽



    To journey to self-discovery.

    "I trust in the divine timing to deepen bonds and expand my horizons. I am guided by these gentle currents of intuition."

    Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini


    WATCH NOW CWS Astrology Webinar: 2024 Political Conventions

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    Or purchase it now: https://intentionbeads.com/products/2024-political-conventions-astrology-webinar?utm_source=copyToPasteBoard&utm_medium=product-links&utm_content=web

    July 25, 2024 August Astrology Forecast & Cheat Sheet

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    Meet the Egypt Retreat Leaders! - https://youtu.be/BdZl00HIlH0?si=amKqub2GG_CoccQO

    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat - Basics of Astrology & Human Design


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Sandy and Alex have a special guest- Christine Flowers- who is the Human Design teacher for the Mexico retreat this January


    *Sandy’s Conflict Day*July 15 (Mon) Mars conjunct Uranus: Pound Your Chest

    July 17 (Wed) Mercury in Shadow: Into Shadow

    July 18 (Thu) Sun sextile Uranus: Do A New You

    July 20 (Sat) Mars sextile Neptune Rx: Sensitive

    July 20 (Sat) Mars ingress Gemini: Mostly Peregrin

    July 21 (Sun) Full Moon at 29° Capricorn: Grasp What You Can. Not All Is Available

    July 21 (Sun) Venus sextile Jupiter: Feel the Blessings

    July 21 (Sun) Mercury square Uranus: First of Three

    July 21 (Sun) Sun trine Neptune Rx: Inspiring Nature

    July 21 (Sun) Mars trine Pluto Rx: Implement Change

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To embrace new communication with my partner. (Wed, July 17)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - July ➽



    To journey to self discovery.

    "I trust in the divine timing to deepen bonds and expand my horizons. I am guided by these gentle currents of intuition."

    Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

    Venus Star Point Talismans:



    WATCH NOW July Astrology Forecast & Cheat Sheet

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    WATCH NOW CWS Astrology Webinar: Mars conjunct Uranus square Saturn

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat - Basics of Astrology & Human Design


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Sandy and Alex are excited for this summer and they’re sharing their fun plans!


    July 8 (Mon) Venus sextile Uranus: Bust Out

    July 8 (Mon) Mercury sextile Jupiter: Speak It Loud

    July 10 (Wed) Sun trine Saturn Rx: Sun Becomes

    July 11 (Thu) Venus trine Neptune Rx: Vision is Concieved

    July 11 (Thu) Venus ingress Leo: Take Pride

    July 12 (Fri) Venus opposing Pluto Rx: Is Everything So Important?

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To honor both personal needs and social connections. (Tue, July 9)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - July ➽



    To journey to self discovery.

    "I trust in the divine timing to deepen bonds and expand my horizons. I am guided by these gentle currents of intuition."

    Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

    Venus Star Point Talismans:



    WATCH NOW July Astrology Forecast & Cheat Sheet

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    July 10, 2024 CWS Astrology Webinar: Mars conjunct Uranus square Saturn

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat - Basics of Astrology & Human Design


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Alex has a meditation for you to help distinguish your emotions and how they affect your body
    Listen to ALL Astrology Meditations: Subscribe Today



    *Sandy’s Favorite Day*

    July 2 (Tue) Neptune stations Rx: Dun Dah Dahhhh! (suspenseful sound)

    July 2 (Tue) Mercury trine Neptune Rx: Hieroglyphics

    July 2 (Tue) Mercury ingress Leo: Carry Your Shtick

    July 2 (Tue) Venus trine Saturn Rx: Faithful

    July 3 (Wed) Mercury opposing Pluto Rx: Tell It Like It Is

    *Sandy’s Astro-Interesting Day*

    July 5 (Fri) Mars sextile Saturn Rx: Work to Impress

    July 5 (Fri) New Moon at 14° Cancer: Feel into the Big Project

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽


    ➽ Talisman of the Month - July ➽



    To journey to self discovery.

    "I trust in the divine timing to deepen bonds and expand my horizons. I am guided by these gentle currents of intuition."

    Moon in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini

    Talismans: intentionbeads.com/products/venus-star-point-in-geini-june-4-2024


    WATCH NOW July Astrology Forecast & Cheat Sheet

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    July 10, 2024 CWS Astrology Webinar: Mars conjunct Uranus square Saturn

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat - Basics of Astrology & Human Design

    ⁠link coming soon

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Sandy recently went to a seance and is going to share a little bit about her experience!


    June 26 (Wed) Mercury sextile Saturn: Common Sense

    June 28 (Fri) Venus sextile Mars: Gentle, Yet Strong Soul

    June 28 (Fri) Saturn stations Retrograde at 19° Pisces: Slowed to a Standstill

    June 28 (Fri) Mercury sextile Uranus: Be Alert!

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To be guided by intuition. (Wed, June 26)

    To find peace and healing through service and daily routine. (Wed, June 26)

    To elevate and radiate good fortune. (Fri, June 28)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - June ➽


    #1695 - SOLD

    To express my thoughts and ideas with clarity.

    “I am blessed and gifted with a keen intellect and versitile communication styles. My curiosity guides me to diverse perspectives.”

    Moon (Gemini) sextile Mercury (Aries); Venus Sun Jupiter Uranus (Taurus) in 10th House

    Talismans: intentionbeads.com/products/venus-star-point-in-geini-june-4-2024


    WATCH NOW July Astrology Forecast & Cheat Sheet

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    July 10, 2024 CWS Astrology Webinar: Mars conjunct Uranus square Saturn

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat

    ⁠link coming soon

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Remembering Alex’s grandmother who passed, Mildred.


    *Sandy’s Favorite Day*

    June 17 (Mon) Venus ingress Cancer: Strong Emotional Bonds

    June 17 (Mon) Mercury square Neptune: Vague not Vogue

    June 17 (Mon) Mercury ingress Cancer: Mostly Peregrine

    June 17 (Mon) Mercury conjunct Venus: Tears?

    June 20 (Thu) Sun square Neptune: Overwhelmed?

    June 20 (Thu) Sun ingress Cancer: Summer Solstice!

    June 21 (Fri) Full Moon at 1° Capricorn: Where Are You Emotionally?

    June 21 (Fri) Mercury sextile Mars: Grab & Go

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To fulfill my highest aspirations. (Wed, June 19)

    To enrich my understanding of the world. (Wed, June 19)

    To journey through self discovery. (Wed, June 19)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - June ➽


    #1695 - SOLD

    To express my thoughts and ideas with clarity.

    “I am blessed and gifted with a keen intellect and versatile communication styles. My curiosity guides me to diverse perspectives.”

    Moon (Gemini) sextile Mercury (Aries); Venus Sun Jupiter Uranus (Taurus) in 10th House

    Talismans: intentionbeads.com/products/venus-star-point-in-geini-june-4-2024


    Monday, June 24 July Astrology Forecast & Cheat Sheet

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat

    ⁠link coming soon

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    A Human Design special guest is teaming up with Sandy for the 2025 Mexico Retreat in January!


    June 11 (Tue) Mars square Pluto: One Breaks

    June 12 (Wed) Mercury sqaure Saturn: Problems and Delays

    June 14 (Fri) Mercury cazimi Sun: Superior Cazimi

    June 16 (Sun) Venus square Neptune: Watch for Mistakes

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To nurture my mind with clarity and precision. (Thu, June 13)

    To be empowered to express. (Fri, June 14)

    To be open minded. (Fri, June 14)

    To align friendship toward partnership. (Fri, June 14)

    To be creative. (Sun, June 16)

    To fuel ambition. (Sun, June 16)

    To be gifted. (Sun, June 16)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - June ➽


    #1695 - SOLD

    To express my thoughts and ideas with clarity.

    “I am blessed and gifted with a keen intellect and versitile communication styles. My curiosity guides me to diverse perspectives.”

    Moon (Gemini) sextile Mercury (Aries); Venus Sun Jupiter Uranus (Taurus) in 10th House

    Venus Star Point in Gemini Talismans: intentionbeads.com/products/venus-star-point-in-geini-june-4-2024


    WATCH NOW June Astrology Forecast

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    January 4 - 11, 2025 2025 Mexico Retreat

    ⁠link coming soon

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Greece Retreat is around the corner!


    June 3 (Mon) Mercury ingress Gemini: The Fixer and the Fast Talker

    June 4 (Tue) Mercury trine Pluto Rx: Solve the Puzzle

    June 4 (Tue) Mercury conjunct Jupiter: Big, Good, & Beautiful

    June 4 (Tue) Venus cazimi Sun: Venus Star Point at 14° Gemini Talismans: intentionbeads.com/products/venus-star-point-in-geini-june-4-2024

    June 6 (Thu) New Moon at 16° Gemini: Steer Your New Self-Worth

    *Sandy’s Conflict Week*June 8 (Sat) Venus square Saturn: Watch the Hand

    June 8 (Sat) Mars ingress Taurus: Trip Up?

    June 9 (Sun) Sun square Saturn: Quiet Zone

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To invite harmonious and fulfilling partnerships into my life. (Mon, June 3)

    To ground myself in my one on one client connections. (Tue, June 4)

    To embrace curiosity. (Wed, June 5)

    To harness my quick-wit. (Wed, June 5)

    To take decisive action. (Fri, June 7)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - June ➽



    To express my thoughts and ideas with clarity.

    “I am blessed and gifted with a keen intellect and versatile communication styles. My curiosity guides me to diverse perspectives.”

    Moon (Gemini) sextile Mercury (Aries); Venus Sun Jupiter Uranus (Taurus) in 10th House


    WATCH NOW June Astrology Forecast

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Alex has a meditation for Gemini Season!


    May 27 (Mon) Mercury sextile Saturn: Tread with Care

    May 31 (Fri) Mercury conjunct Uranus: First Time

    *Sandy’s Astro-Interesting Day*June 2 (Sun) Jupiter trine Pluto Rx: Teach What Your Believe

    June 2 (Sun) Mercury sextile Neptune: Keep a Tracker

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To cultivate meaningful relationships. (Mon, May 27)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - June ➽



    To express my thoughts and ideas with clarity.

    “I am blessed and gifted with a keen intellect and versitile communication styles. My curiosity guides me to diverse perspectives.”

    Moon (Gemini) sextile Mercury (Aries); Venus Sun Jupiter Uranus (Taurus) in 10th House


    WATCH NOW June Astrology Forecast

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    May 30 - June 2, 2024 Association for Comprehensive Energy Psycology ACEP Conference - Phoenix, AZ


    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —
    Venus Star Point Talismans: https://intentionbeads.com/products/venus-star-point-in-geini-june-4-2024


    May 20 (Mon) Sun ingress Gemini: Happy Birthday to You and You!

    May 22 (Wed) Sun trine Pluto Retrograde: An Inside Job

    *Sandy’s Favorite Day*May 23 (Thu) Venus conjunct Jupiter: All Things Are Possible

    May 23 (Thu) Venus sextile Neptune: Add in your Wildest Dreams

    May 23 (Thu) Full Moon at 2° Sagittarius (8:53 AM): Speak Your Truth, Be Open & Curious

    May 23 (Thu) Venus ingress Gemini: Teaching Moments

    May 23 (Thu) Jupiter sextile Neptune: Someone to Be

    *Sandy’s Astro-Interesting Day*May 25 (Sat) Venus trine Pluto Rx: Make and Keep

    May 25 (Sat) Jupiter ingress Gemini: Into Detriment

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Finished Talismans: ➽

    To fuel my inner fire and passion. (Mon, May 13)

    To be grounded in my desires. (Tue, May 14)

    To balance passion and stability. (Tue, May 14)

    To challenge the status quo. (Tue, May 14)

    To be self aware. (Wed, May 15)

    To establish harmonious links. (Wed, May 15)

    To take risks for an inspiring vision. (Wed, May 15)

    To be protected. (Wed, May 15)

    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽


    ➽ Talisman of the Month - May ➽



    To be the center of attention.

    “I am noticed as I walk about. I possess generosity and sweetness that I willingly grant on others. We connect.”

    Moon (Aries) enclosed by Benifics- Jupiter (Aries) Venus (Aries)


    May 25, 2024 June Astrology Forecast

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    May 30 - June 2, 2024 Association for Comprehensive Energy Psycology ACEP Conference - Phoenix, AZ


    June 6 - July 26, 2024 Summer Solstice Constellation Bracelet Workshop


    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Sandy has been catching up with her mother in the garden! Tune in to hear about their adventures
    Celebrating our 300th episode! For $300, you will receive an hour reading with Sandy PLUS a $244 talisman selected for you. Value of $444 - save $114! https://intentionbeads.com/products/special-offer-universal-talisman-bracelet-60-min-reading


    May 13 (Mon) Sun conjunct Uranus: Do It Your Way!

    May 13 (Mon) Venus sextile Saturn: A Tangible Plan

    May 15 (Wed) Mercury ingress Taurus: Slow & Steady

    *Sandy’s Conflict Day*May 17 (Fri) Mercury square Pluto: Understand Profoundness

    May 18 (Sat) Venus conjunct Uranus: The Heartbeat Song

    May 18 (Sat) Sun conjunct Jupiter: Be Recognized for Your Zest

    May 19 (Sun) Sun sextile Neptune: Intuition Rises

    May 20 (Mon) Sun ingress Gemini: Happy Birthday to You and You!

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Finished Talismans: ➽

    To be unstoppable. (Tue, May 7)

    “Am confident as I charge ahead. I pursue my dreams using my dynamic personality.”

    Mars (Aries) conjunct Asc (Aries)

    To embrace my sensual nature. (Tue, May 7)

    “My innate magnetism draws all that is harmonious and fulfilling towards me.”

    Venus (Taurus) conjunct Asc (Taurus)

    To be anchored in my commitment. (Tue, May 7)

    “I am steadfast and disciplined in my efforts and emotional maturity. I use my poise and wisdom to follow through.”

    Moon (Taurus) sextile Saturn (Pisces)

    To embark on a fresh start. (Wed, May 8)

    “I am supported by the universe when I align my intentions with the fertile earth. This grows its full blossoms.”

    New Moon (Taurus) conjunct Jupiter (Taurus)

    To express my thoughts and ideas with clarity. (Fri, May 10)

    “I am blessed and gifted with a keen intellect and versatile communication skills. My curiosity guides me to diverse perspectives.”

    Moon (Gemini) sextile Mercury (Aries)

    To be lifted up by Divine Order. (Sun, May 12)

    “Using my inner stability, I navigate life’s ebbs and flows with grace and resilience. This sustains harmonious connections as I journey onward.”

    Moon (Cancer) trine Saturn (Pisces)

    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To fuel my inner fire and passion. (Mon, May 13)

    To be grounded in my desires. (Tue, May 14)

    To balance passion and stability. (Tue, May 14)

    To challenge the status quo. (Tue, May 14)

    To be self aware. (Wed, May 15)

    To establish harmonious links. (Wed, May 15)

    To take risks for an inspiring vision. (Wed, May 15)

    To be protected. (Wed, May 15)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - May ➽



    To be the center of attention.

    “I am noticed as I walk about. I possess generosity and sweetness that I willingly grant on others. We connect.”

    Moon (Aries) enclosed by Benifics- Jupiter (Aries) Venus (Aries)


    WATCH NOW May Astrology Forecast

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    June 6 - July 26, 2024 Summer Solstice Constellation Bracelet Workshop


    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Sandy is heading back out to Cincinnati and Mimi’s Garden - our latest She Beads collection for Mother’s Day.

    Celebrating our 300th episode! For $300, you will receive an hour reading with Sandy PLUS a $244 talisman selected for you. Value of $444 - save $114! https://intentionbeads.com/products/special-offer-universal-talisman-bracelet-60-min-reading


    May 7 (Tue) Sun sextile Saturn: Keep Your Promise

    May 7 (Tue) New Moon at 18° Taurus: Find Your Perfect Landing

    May 13 (Mon) Sun conjunct Uranus: Do It Your Way!

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Finished Talismans: ➽

    To be grounded in earthly elegance. (Mon, April 29)

    "My presence is magnetic, drawing in positivity, prosperity, and genuine connections with others. I find joy in indulging my senses."

    Venus (Taurus) conjunct Ascendant (Taurus)

    To embrace the unexpected allowing cosmic surprises to weave magic. (Mon, April 29)

    “I welcome these breakthroughs. My ideas blossom into susatainable solutions that benefit you and me.”

    Venus (Taurus) conjunct Ascendant (Taurus)

    To be grounded in my worth. (Wed, May 1)

    “I attract love, prosperity, and harmony into my life now. I am unwavering and graceful.”

    Venus (Taurus) conjunct Ascendant (Taurus)

    To radiate charm and attract opportunities. (Wed, May 1)

    “My career journey is infused with the essence of beauty, harmony, and financial prosperity.”

    Venus (Taurus) conjunct Midheaven (Taurus)

    To create a life of fulfillment and joy. (Thu, May 2)

    “I embrace my individuality and nurture relationships with authenticity and care.”

    Moon (Aquarius) sextile Venus (Taurus)

    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To be unstoppable. (Tue, May 7)

    To embrace my sensual nature. (Tue, May 7)

    To be anchored in my commitment. (Tue, May 7)

    To embark on a fresh start. (Wed, May 8)

    To express my thoughts and ideas with clarity. (Fri, May 10)

    To be lifted up by Divine Order. (Sun, May 12)

    To fuel my inner fire and passion. (Mon, May 13)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - May ➽



    To be the center of attention.

    “I am noticed as I walk about. I possess generosity and sweetness that I willingly grant on others. We connect.”

    Moon (Aries) enclosed by Benifics- Jupiter (Aries) Venus (Aries)


    WATCH NOW May Astrology Forecast

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    June 6 - July 26, 2024 Summer Solstice Constellation Bracelet Workshop


    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Sandy and Alex share about a baby shower they just returned home from!

    Celebrating our 300th episode! For $300, you will receive an hour reading with Sandy PLUS a $244 talisman selected for you. Value of $444 - save $114! https://intentionbeads.com/products/special-offer-universal-talisman-bracelet-60-min-reading


    April 29 (Mon) Venus ingress Taurus: Increased Charm

    April 30 (Tue) Mars ingress Aries: The Males are Ready & Willing

    April 30 (Tue) Venus square Pluto: Stay Above the Line

    May 2 (Thu) Pluto stations Retrograde: Stand Alone

    May 3 (Fri) Mars sextile Pluto: Innovating Fire

    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:



    ➽ Finished Talismans: ➽

    To honor both needs for connection and independence. (Mon, April 22)

    "I dance in the harmony as my emotions are illuminated, fostering balance and peace in all my interactions. There is a noticable symphony in all my bonds."

    Moon (Libra) opposing Venus (Aries)

    To command respect and admiration. (Mon, April 22)

    “Each step I take leads me closer to my highest aspirations. I am dedicated to excellence in all that I do. I leverage my skills and talents.”

    Moon (Libra) opposing Venus (Aries)

    ➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽

    To be grounded in earthly elegance. (Mon, April 29)

    "My presence is magnetic, drawing in positivity, prosperity, and genuine connections with others. I find joy in indulging my senses."

    Venus (Taurus) conjunct Ascendant (Taurus)

    To embrace the unexpected allowing cosmic surprises to weave magic. (Mon, April 29)

    “I welcome these breakthroughs. My ideas blossom into sustainable solutions that benefit you and me.”

    Venus (Taurus) conjunct Ascendant (Taurus)

    To be grounded in my worth. (Wed, May 1)

    “I attract love, prosperity, and harmony into my life now. I am unwavering and graceful.”

    Venus (Taurus) conjunct Ascendant (Taurus)

    ➽ Talisman of the Month - May ➽



    To be the center of attention.

    “I am noticed as I walk about. I possess generosity and sweetness that I willingly grant to others. We connect.”

    Moon (Aries) enclosed by Benifics- Jupiter (Aries) Venus (Aries)


    WATCH NOW May Astrology Forecast

    Join on Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/chattingwiththestars⁠

    June 6 - July 26, 2024 Summer Solstice Constellation Bracelet Workshop


    September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat


    October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat


    (Central Time for all dates & times)

    Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:⁠ ⁠https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat⁠⁠

    — OUR HOUSE: —

    Alex has another meditation for you this Taurus season! Tune in & Chill out…

    Celebrating our 300th episode! For $300, you will receive an hour reading with Sandy PLUS a $244 talisman selected for you. Value of $444 - save $114! https://intentionbeads.com/products/special-offer-universal-talisman-bracelet-60-min-reading