Soy Esther Iturralde y durante la última década me he apasionado por crear una vida que me encante vivir; me reinvénte por completo y descubrí cual es Mi Medicina. En este podcast hablaremos de Manifestación, Sanación, Espiritualidad, Consciencia, Psicodélicos y Sexualidad; una mezcla hermosa que cambió mi vida, ¡déjame contarte como puedes hacerlo también!
Sense of Soul is a podcast for anyone who wants to heal, grow and awaken to their highest self. Shanna holds an inviting, safe space for inspiring souls, spiritual teachers and experts from around the world who share their raw experiences of turning pain into purpose on the journey of discovering their light within. In each episode, you will hear stories of healing and transformation from different cultures and backgrounds. Tips and tools for self-love and awareness to deep diving and uncovering true history never told. Raising the consciousness of humanity. Calling all empaths, intuitives, the curious, soul seekers and spiritual sleuths, you’re not alone.
Please subscribe, rate, and review the podcast. For support, resources and more visit our community at
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Narraciones conscientes | Un equipo de reconocidos actores del doblaje cinematográfico narra de manera amorosa y profesional canalizaciones y textos espirituales de diversas entidades y autores a fin de favorecer la expansión de la conciencia. ¡Gracias por permitirnos realizar esta labor! Luz, Paz y Amor en tu camino... Lee el texto a la par que lo escuchas en
¿Te sientes realmente cómoda en tu piel o luchas con sentimientos de inseguridad, miedo, culpa o vergüenza?
¿Evitas expresar lo que piensas y sientes por temor al rechazo o a equivocarte?
¿Te comparas constantemente con los demás, sintiendo que nunca eres suficiente?
¿Te preguntas cómo la falta de amor propio está influyendo en tus decisiones y en la calidad de tu vida?
¿Sabes cuáles son esos pensamientos negativos que constantemente se repiten en tu mente?
¿Sueñas con amarte y aceptarte incondicionalmente para encontrar paz interior y armonía en tu vida?
✨¡Entonces, este podcast es para ti!
Bienvenida a Mi Hogar Divino, un espacio donde te acompaño a crear una vida guiada por el amor propio, la conexión espiritual y la armonía contigo misma y tu hogar. Aquí fortalecerás tu autoconocimiento, te darás cuenta de tus heridas emocionales y aprenderás a construir relaciones más auténticas y amorosas, comenzando por ti misma.
Soy Sonia Salvador, psicóloga, terapeuta emocional y mentora de Feng Shui. Mi misión es ayudarte a reconectar con el amor incondicional que ya vive dentro de ti. Desde mi propia experiencia de vida, marcada por el rechazo y la búsqueda de pertenencia, inicié un viaje de sanación que me permitió transformar mi relación conmigo misma y, a través de ello, con los demás.
Gracias a mi formación y aprendizaje, he tenido el honor de acompañar a cientos de mujeres como tú a encontrar su poder interior y crear vidas más plenas y alineadas con su esencia.
Únete a mí cada lunes y jueves en este viaje de transformación, donde te compartiré herramientas prácticas de Feng Shui, psicología y espiritualidad para transformar tu energía y tu hogar en un refugio de paz y amor.
💫 Conecta conmigo en Instagram: @soniasalvadorsanz (
💛 Namasté. -
YOU ARE... the one you've been waiting for, the maker of your reality, the creator of your life experiences.
Your past doesn't define you. Your genes don't define you. Your childhood doesn't define you. Your circumstances don't define you. YOU DO.
It's time to wake UP to who you really are, to harness your confidence, freedom, and joy, to trust your intuition, to follow your soul's unique path, and to make your life a miracle.
Having experienced childhood trauma, followed by life-disrupting anxiety and self-doubt, Joy hit bottom at the age of 24, which led her on an unexpected spiritual journey.
Studying and practicing with some of the world's greatest thought leaders and spiritual teachers, Joy found answers and relief. But it wasn't until she experienced a moment of clarity — a spiritual "download" — that she finally found the missing piece that set her free for good.
And now she's here to share it all with you.
If you love all things personal development, self-discovery, spirituality, and mindset, this podcast is for you.
Joy Stone is the bestselling author of If I'm So Spiritual, Why Am I Still So Anxious? and the founder of the Soul Subscription Membership and Community. She's a spiritual teacher, mindset mentor, yoga psychologist, and positive psychology practitioner with a purpose to guide women (and men) back home to themselves and to become the hero of their life story. She blends universal principles, positive psychology, and yoga psychology with energetics and science to empower you to stop endlessly working on yourself and instead KNOW who you really are at a soul level.
Visit for all available offers, more resources, and to connect. -
Offering Direct Guidance for Awakening, Self-Realization and Enlightenment.
Lately, do you find yourself yearning for a deeper understanding of the universe and your place within it? How much would you like to unlock the secrets of manifesting?
"The Awakening Hour: Expanding Consciousness for Unlimited Potential," is a podcast that transcends the boundaries of conventional knowledge. Together, we will take a life-changing journey, exploring the infinite power that lies within us all, and leveraging it to manifest a life of purpose, joy, and abundance.
A higher consciousness itself directs the episodes of our podcast, and unveils remarkable secrets with unlimited potentials. Through immersive experiences and tangible methods, I will provide you with the tools to enter altered states of awareness, opening doors to realms previously unexplored. Imagine the powerful impact this will have on your ability to manifest perfect health, enrich your relationships, and attract the abundant resources necessary for a life of joy and purpose.y
My methods are effective because they leverage the true power of the mind. I am a Quantum Consciousness Guide, and here on this podcast, I provide guided visualizations captured from higher octaves. If this doesn't make sense y-e-t, stay with me here. It will. :)
Empieza a Vivir es un programa en el que el desarrollo personal, la ciencia y la espiritualidad se unen para abrir nuestras mentes y ayudarnos a encontrar una nueva forma de vivir.
En este programa encontrarás invitados de todo tipo: desde psicólogos y coaches hasta sanadores energéticos, físicos cuánticos, filósofos, etc.
¿Crees que la ciencia y la espiritualidad están reñidas?
Aquí comprobarás que no sólo son amigas, sino que van totalmente de la mano.
Expande tu conciencia hasta el infinito y descubre la potencialidad de nuestro cuerpo, mente y espíritu, así como las maravillas del mundo en el que vivimos, siempre con un toque de humor.
¿Qué somos realmente?
¿Cómo es el mundo que nos rodea?
¿Hasta dónde llega nuestro potencial?
Encuentra la respuesta a muchas de estas preguntas de la mano de Beatriz Comes.
EMPIEZA A VIVIR cada Lunes a las 14h00 por RELAX FM
Sintonízanos en : DAB+
( Madrid - Valencia – Denia – Torrevieja - Murcia – Cartagena )
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Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast: -
Introducing "The Angel Mystic Podcast," where spiritually open minds come together to explore the the wonders of Angels, Spiritual connections, and the art of manifesting.
Hosted by Amanda Tooke “The Angel Mystic” your spiritual midwife to help you on your journey to a fulfilling and happy life as seen on ITV & Channel 4 and writer for Fate & Fortune Magazine.
Each episode we will delve into the mystical world of Angels, offering insights, guidance, and practical tools to deepen your connection with “The Upstairs” so you can find inner peace, happiness and joy and create the life you want, finding that missing piece! peace.
This Podcast is your go-to resource for navigating life with more ease and flow. Whether you're a beginner on the spiritual path or a seasoned practitioner, join us as we unlock the secrets of the Universe and harness the power of manifestation to create the life you desire.
Tune in weekly for inspiring fun conversations, and transformative insights that will elevate your spiritual journey and awaken your inner mystic.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Bienvenida y bienvenidas a Resonando, un espacio para adentrarnos en el autoconocimiento como herramienta para transitar del sufrimiento y conflictos, a una vida llena de enseñanzas, paz, coherencia e infinitas posibilidades.
Recuerda que somos energía, vibramos y resonamos. Transforma tus pensmientos, tu enrgía y atrae mejores experiencias a tu vida.
Resonemos en la frecuencia del amor, la expansión, el respeto e infinitas posibilidades desde el pensamiento cuántico aplicado.
Comenzamos -
Recibe una palabra de ánimo... una palabra de inspiración... una palabra de fe... ¡todos los días del año!
El devocional Crezcamos de Fe en Fe, escrito por Kenneth y Gloria Copeland, aborda temas de la vida diaria como resultados de la experiencia propia.
Se trata de las luchas que enfrentas a diario, luchas contra el cansancio, la irritación, los hijos, las finanzas, etc. Kenneth y Gloria Copeland te enseñarán cómo obtener la victoria, basados en La Palabra. -
Luis Román es un teólogo católico, felizmente casado y padre de 3 varones y 2 niñas. Es el anfitrión de los Programas Conoce Ama Y Vive Tu Fe y Perspectiva Católica con Luis Roman. Tiene una Maestría en Teología de la Universidad Franciscana de Steubenville. y también posee dos Maestrías en Administración y Gerencia Estratégica. Por más de 17 años ha trabajado con diversas empresas.
Pertenece a la Orden de los Caballeros de Colon (Knights of Colombus)Su Programa Conoce Ama Y Vive Tu Fe es seguido por casi 500,000 mil personas todas las semanas.
Puedes contactar a Luis Roman por email: [email protected]
Tambien lo puedes seguir y contactar aqui:
Lo puedes seguir en:
Facebook: @conoceamayvivetufeTwitter: @ConoceF3Instagram:conoceamayvivetufe -
Awakenings with Michele Meiche is Your place for insight, tools and the 411 to track & navigate the Path of Awakening, Soul Expression, and living your life more fulfilled in all areas.Learn and share in living more awake, aware and conscious in your everyday life.Gain the insight and learn the tools to find your Soul purpose and Path to live your Soul Expression more happily and abundantlyAwakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT Call in for intuitive readings and with your questions and to share. #347-539-5122 Michele gives a talk every week and answers listener's questions; as well as does readings for callers. Awakenings Podcasts are available on Itunes Through Awakenings you can get the support and tools to make the changes to live more fulfilled, authentic, Soul expressed and prosperous.Be a part of awakening Dialogues, Interviews, Meditation, Healing & learn the tools to Navigate the individual & collective Shifts of Awakening. Guest and topic suggestions, email questions; and ‘all things Awakenings’: Email: [email protected] Playground Blog & Resources Website: http://www.soulplayground.lifeFor more resources and to connect further with Michele, you can find her on Instagram, You Tube, FB and Twitter.To reach Michele: [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________________ Michele is an artist, guide and creator focused on inspiring and empowering other in their own life. She is a constant student of life and the Mystery of The All That is... She shares what she has learned along the path in hopes that others will live more fulfilled, happy and life the life the dream.Michele is also a published author of transformational audio CDs and the book and companion CD “Meditation for Everyday Living”. Michele focuses on useful tools for transformation, healing and empowerment for life enhancement. She gives us an idea of w
Tune in to the St. Josemaria Institute Podcast to fuel your prayer and conversation with God.
On our weekly podcast we share meditations given by priests who, in the spirit of St. Josemaria Escriva, offer points for reflection to guide you in your personal prayer and help you grow closer to God.The meditations are typically under 30 minutes so that you can take advantage of them during your time of prayer, commute, walk, lunch, or any time you want to listen to something good.
The St. Josemaria Institute was established in 2006 in the United States to promote the life and teachings of St. Josemaria, priest and founder of Opus Dei, through prayer, devotions, digital and social media, and special programs and initiatives. -
The examen is an ancient prayer practice that enables you to find God in your daily life. Our podcast is based on a technique that St. Ignatius Loyola outlined in the "Spiritual Exercises," his classic manual for prayer. Each week Fr. Martin will provide you with a new reflection and guide you through the examen prayer.