
  • Today on Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Sonia Narvaez, slightly personality-test obsessed owner and Chief Operations Strategist of Operation QOL, discuss learning to recognize and cut through clutter to create higher impact, better quality of life and a more efficient business. The first step is to have an awareness that clutter exists, next is to identify what is important to us and understand our true priorities, and then set our boundaries and be accountable for them. 
    Listen today as Jennifer and Sonia explain that when we have a supportive network to help and encourage us, it's much easier to move through the experiences and experiments that come with being an entrepreneur. We have to be able to prioritize what we can do and release what we can delegate in order to stay aligned, authentic, and connected with Soul as we expand and grow.
     You can learn more about her at https://www.operationqol.com/.
    About Sonia
    Sonia Narvaez is the owner and Operations Strategist at Operation QOL, a BIPOC- and women-owned business that supports altruistic entrepreneurs on their path to greater impact and a higher quality of life. Sonia delivers Fractional COO services that help to align operations and catapult growth while supporting the CEO as they focus their time and energy on what matters most to them.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • On today's episode of Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Flor Blake, personal branding and commercial photographer and contagious ambassador for self-love, talk about discovering your inner badass, living colorfully, being patient with the process and trusting that the Universe will catch you when you jump out of your comfort zone. Being a badass takes daily practice to keep up your confidence and your trust.
    Join us here as Jennifer and Flor share that we need to begin with small steps and as we do, then something bigger will become available to us. We need to have trust that even though we want results fast, it takes time and patience to learn what may be holding us back and overcome those fears. It takes a lot of internal work to connect with our Soul and identify the limiting beliefs we have that keep you from embracing our badassness. You can learn more about Flor at https://www.florblakephoto.com/.
    About Flor
    Flor Blake is a celebrity and personal branding photographer with a style consisting of creative, bold, and dynamic imagery. Flor knows everybody is gorgeous and is on a mission to help you connect and embrace your inner badass to conquer YOUR WORLD. She has made striking portraits of Michelle Obama, Gloria Estefan, Octavia Spencer, Gloria Steinem, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Misty Copeland, and many more beautiful faces. She is a contagious ambassador for self-love, confidence, diversity & inclusion, and she wants you to celebrate your existence at every age and every weight because you’re always worthy. Flor travels around the world to give her clients the best Personal Branding Photoshoot Experience they'll ever have. Flor’s work has been seen in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Buzzfeed, People, Inc., The Photographic Journal, 5280 Magazine, El Nuevo Día, The Denver Post, and more.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • On this episode of Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Judy Goldberg, transformational leader, author, highly respected influencer and founder of Wondershift LLC, explore the idea of wonder, allowing ourselves to be curious about the things that interest us, and stepping out of routines that may keep us stuck and unable to see what else is possible. 
    Listen in today as Jennifer and Judy discuss how we learn to start small with mini-shifts in our patterns that give us the opportunity to expand and grow. True growth begins with awareness and by asking powerful questions, considering different perspectives and being curious, we are able to see and do things in a different way and choose our best path forward.
    You can learn more about Judy at www.wondershift.biz.
    About Judy
    Judy Goldberg is the founder of Wondershift LLC, a firm focused on results-driven transformation, helping leaders to shift their businesses and employees to be more successful, productive, strategic, and present.
    With over 30 years of experience, Judy is a highly respected and renowned influencer in this sector. Her clients are varied across industry, location, and size. Most of her business is acquired through direct personal recommendation, a testament to her high-quality design and delivery.
    Judy partners with clients to embrace cognitive diversity using Emergenetics. Taking a whole brain approach, she designs and delivers live and virtual leadership experiences, team retreats, coaching circles, and strategy sessions. She also moderates and hosts meetings, panels, and conferences. The combination of her warm, engaging, and human way, with her insatiable appetite to learn, means that Judy always brings fresh thinking to any engagement.
    Previously, Judy was the Executive Director of Leadership & Organisational Development at Sony Pictures Entertainment, and she led the International Learning & Development department at Discovery Networks International, both based in London. Today, she calls New York City her home.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • Today on Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Heidi Smith, sacred space alchemist, professional interior designer and founder of Sacred Space Living, talk about creating aligned sacred spaces which allow us a soft place to land and a strong place to launch our vision from. As we change our external environment, we can re-create where we live in a way that best suits who we have become, and who we sense we are becoming.
    Join us here as Jennifer and Heidi offer ideas for simple energy exercises that help us align our surroundings with the cosmic energies and the five natural elements to begin creating sacred spaces which encourages us to grow and thrive. Think about what you can do right now that will make your life feel better, and don't underestimate the energetic shift that can occur just by moving or changing one small thing in your environment. You can learn more about her at: http://www.heidilsmith.com/.
    About Heidi
    Things began to change for Heidi in miraculous ways as she awakened to a conscious spiritual path. Grace, wisdom, and love like never before, brought a greater depth and appreciation to Heidi’s life.
    Decades earlier, she embarked on professional schooling for interior design which led to creating lovely home interiors for her clients, a traditional path that she followed for years.
    However, Heidi’s ever-expanding path to awakening continued to offer more to her work in the world than what meets the eye.
    Her passions for spiritual practices, study of ancient wisdoms, deities that provided inner guidance, along with a developed depth of intuition, informed both a renewed life path, as well as a more aligned career direction for Heidi, thus revealing deeper, sustainable and more meaningful ways to serve her clients.
    Today, at the center of Heidi’s life and her work are the loving and nourishing energies of Mother Mary, the deity Heidi most resonates with and is deeply connected to. Heidi’s work is integrated with her channel to Mother Mary’s essence and is a unique amalgamation of powerful, spiritual, intuitive and practical modalities that brings her clients into the realm and rewards of their own personal, spiritual sacred space experiences.
    Heidi’s wish is for all to experience a soft place to land and a strong place to launch.

    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • Today on Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Veronica Drake, Intuitive Business Strategist, Master Intuitive and founder of The Intuitive Incubator, explore intuition and what it is, how we can better connect with our inner knowing, understanding that awareness is key to tapping into the messages from Soul and engaging with being open to receive information on a soul level.
    Join us here as Jennifer and Veronica explain that when we connect with our Soul, which is the essence of who we truly are, and accept the ways it's speaking to us, it expands us and we can breathe into it. Everyone is intuitive, everyone is capable of change, and everyone deserves to be guided by their soul.You can learn more about Vee at https://veronicadrake.com/.
    About Vee
    Veronica (Vee) introduces creative, driven entrepreneurs to their intuition to move out of drama and chaos.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness
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  • On this episode of Asked and Answered By Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Kristine Wilson-Slack, certified Leadership Coach, change agent facilitator, and creator of Managers2Leaders, talk about discovering who you really are and expressing that authentically. When we take a step back, dig deep, and can get past our own ego then we will find the people who accept us and make an impact from there.
    Listen in today as Jennifer and Kris share that in reality, none of us are "normal" and when we learn to find patience for ourselves, for others and cultivate the curiosity to see things clearly and from different perspectives, then we are able to release our fear and grow. Remember, if you don't like what you have and you don't like where you are, it's okay to choose again.
    About Kristine
    Kristine is a professional leadership coach, working with leaders who are struggling to be heard and make an impact. She has been in the tech industry most of her adult life, and now am working with individuals who aspire to do much more. Kristine is part of a large fraternal organization, Universal Freemasonry, where they work on making the world better by combating ignorance, fear, and hate. She lives in Larkspur, Colorado, and has a lovely family, complete with three cats.
    You can learn more about her at https://managers2leaders.com/.

    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Kerstin Oleta, master body language strategist, speaker, author, coach and founder of BLE Institute, discuss fully owning your space and embracing the idea of connecting and creating impact for others. When we learn to enlist our body and being to magnetize others as we interact, we are able to roll out a powerful presence.
    Join us here as Jennifer and Kerstin explain that it's your responsibility as a human, no matter what you're doing, to show up - and HOW you show up is what magnetizes and draws other to you. You are a gift, so release the idea that everyone in the world has to like you and put your energy into fully staying grounded in your center . . . that energy and output and impact are so incredible and beautifulAbout Kerstin
    With over 30 years of training and performing in theater and opera, Kerstin Oleta has acquired an in-depth knowledge of all levels of communication. Kerstin brings her unique skills, talents, and understanding of non-verbal communication to life. Kerstin is the CEO and Founder of The Business Leadership Excellence Institute - a training system for learning to communicate leadership and executive presence through enhanced body language, and leadership and team management skills.
    Kerstin’s works with international speakers, bestselling authors, real estate professionals, lawyers, and business executives in Fortune 500 companies. She speaks and trains nationally on Body Language Strategy and Executive Management for Business and has performed keynote speeches and workshops for organizations such as Google, eBay Global, National Women's Council of Realtors, and Amazon.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Christine Campbell Rapin, mentor, consultant, speaker, best-selling author and owner of CLEAR Acceleration, Inc., discuss dreaming big, using curiosity to quest for the answers within, letting go of the "hows" and delving into the "whats" instead, and learning to recognize what's possible, what's hopeful, and what stirs your Soul.
    Listen today as Jennifer and Christine share that you actually have your Dream from the moment you're born, and your Divinely guided purpose is always within. When you learn to slow down, sit in the stillness, and truly listen, you find that all the answers you seek are already inside you. Ask what is possible, follow your convictions, and trust that the guidance and synchronicities will appear. Learn more about her at https://christinecampbellrapin.com/.
    About Christine
    Christine Campbell Rapin is a business mentor, consultant and owner of CLEAR Acceleration Inc. She has a no-nonsense approach to helping business owners achieve consistent client growth by improving client conversion rates. Creative service-based business owners and consultants seek her out to create consistently profitable businesses by implementing effective marketing and business strategies and scale successfully.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
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  • On today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Sunni VonMutius, founder of Wildflower Strategy, retired corporate shark and intuitive strategist, explore ways to create spirituality in our everyday lives and recognize that we don't have to be in a specific place or position to access moments of peace and clarity. When we learn to focus our thoughts, even daily tasks such as doing dishes or laundry can become a meditation and our way to connect more deeply.
    Join us today as Jennifer and Sunni talk about becoming more spiritually conscious, understanding that we already have everything we need within us, and being perfect is not the endgame we are striving for. It's really about letting go of judgment and the parts of us that believe we have to get everything "right". We only have 100% to give so we give what we can, take care of ourselves, and accept that sometimes good enough is all we need.
    You can learn more about Sunni at https://wildflowerstrategy.com/.
    About Sunni
    From corporate shark to spiritual mentor - Sunni has always found an unexpected path forward gathering new tools and stories to share along the way. After her career in tech she retired in her early 30’s and then became a full time nomad for several years. Now, as an Intuitive Strategist with Wildflower Strategy, Sunni is masterful at playing with analytical and neurospicy people to integrate spirituality into their daily lives and businesses through metaphysical project management. She holds a variety of certifications and is currently pursuing ordination as a Minister of Metaphysics. You can find her in central Florida living with her partner, their toddler and 2 cats.
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  • Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Daniel Ruke, creative marketing expert, artist, entrepreneur, and creator of Game Changers business club, talk about casting the vision for what you want to step into, choosing to express your darker side because that's where you release and heal, and understanding that the more YOU that you are, the more abundance and flow you experience.
    Listen here as Jennifer and Ruke discuss the beauty of designing your unique life outside the box the world wants you to inhabit. When you can tune into the voice of your soul, and get rid of all the fears and "why nots" to become what you were born to be, that's the real work and where true success resides.About Ruke
    Ruke focused on Branding, Marketing, & Sales in a ridiculously creative and powerful ways. He helps CEOs build businesses that honor their family, passions, and finances.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • On today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Claudine François, certified Functional Medicine & Holistic Health Practitioner, podcaster, lifestyle expert and founder of In Good Clean Taste, have a lively and information-packed call about becoming empowered and taking our health into our own hands. When we get to the point where symptoms like fatigue, inflammation, headaches and more are occurring, it's a message from the body that something isn't right and it's important to take action.
    Join us here as Jennifer and Claudine discuss ideas and tips about how to transcend burnout and overwhelm, learning to follow the path of wellness that aligns best with you and your Soul, and recognizing that if you don't stop and enjoy the present, you will have a whole life you didn't have fun doing. Claudine also shares several tools for beginning your journey to wellness and emphasizes that you are in control of your body and you get to say "when". 
    About Claudine
    Claudine Francois is a Board-Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner empowering women to reclaim their health narratives and find lasting solutions.
    With expertise in uncovering the root causes of chronic issues, she uses sophisticated tests and a holistic approach to craft personalized protocols for energy, clarity, and vitality.
    You can learn more about her at www.ingoodcleantaste.com.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Gili Wolf, artist, designer and art director at the Alkimie Collective, talk about how to carve out space to release your creative ideas, bringing in more of your own creative voice and overcoming certain preconceived belief systems about branding and creating success as an artist. 
    Listen in today as Jennifer and Gili also share that with the advent of the internet, the idea that you can't make money as an artist due to a system or gatekeeper is no longer relevant. Artists now have the ability to take control of their destiny, and as long as you know what you stand for, what you are trying to communicate, and who your ideal audience is, your brand and marketing will bring success. 
    About Gili
    Equal parts designer and artist, I bring a unique perspective and carefully crafted style to the brands that I create. I have created branding, identity systems, packaging, print, and social media design for businesses large and small – from locally owned to international brands. A few notable brands include Samsung, Dell, Best Buy, Hitachi, and others.
    I have worked across a range of industries including health and wellness, the wedding industry, performing and fine arts, tech, non-profit, real estate, education, food packaging, and restaurants (and probably some others I’m not thinking of.)
    You can learn more about her at https://www.giliwolfstudio.com/.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • About Orly
    Orly Amor is a trailblazing entrepreneur, corporate trainer, bestselling author, and international public speaker. With a track record of starting five successful companies, Orly has empowered over 200,000 individuals globally to triple and quadruple their sales through effective profiling. Orly helps speakers, authors, coaches, and entrepreneurs grow their brand and position themselves as subject matter experts. Unlike typical speaker coaches, Orly Guarantees $150K in your first year of public speaking, in writing or she works with you until you do!
    You can learn more about her at: https://meetorlyamor.com/.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Lisa Munjack, President of Munjack Marketing, Queen Bee of the "Empollinate" small business online marketing course, and co-owner of Verona Yoga, talk about marketing touchpoints, utilizing multiple channels to market your business, FOMO (Fear of Marketing Overwhelm) and learning to focus less on doing and more on breathing. 
    Listen in as Jennifer and Lisa also discuss some of the fears that may be creating self-sabotage and keeping your message out of the limelight, as well as the importance of understanding who your ideal client is and also the need to re-assess and step out of habitual patterns and comfort zones in order to experience growth and expansion.
    About Lisa:
    Lisa Munjack, a Fractional CMO with Munjack Marketing, helps businesses with 5-60 employees, making $500K to $5 million, get over FOMO (Fear of Marketing Overwhelm). Her superpower is to help businesses more consistently and clearly communicate with their clients and connect with ideal clients by reaching them where they already are. We don’t want to waste time on channels that are just that, a waste of time. Digital and traditional marketing services include monthly blogs, newsletters, website refreshes, social media creation and distribution, and strong email campaigns. She's got a daughter in college in South Carolina and a recently graduated son, a devil dog named Cooper and a retired husband who has too much time on his hands.
    You can learn more about Lisa at: https://munjackmarketing.com/.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • On today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Tien Neo Eamas explore the big ideas of binary identity, cultural awareness, and the importance of releasing the ego attachment to judgment and the need to be right so that our Souls can access and stand in freedom and create a new dimension of awareness. 
    Join us here today as Jennifer and Tien share that it's time for us to be fully responsible for our part in what's happening in our world, and do the work to share wisdom, shine light and spread joy while having fun ourselves. When we consciously choose to be more interested in creation, generating light, and being joyful, that's when we are able to truly shift and impact others.About Tien Neo Eamas
    Tien is the 1st Asian transman to come out in Vancouver BC 2002 and his experience of racism, gender and trans hatred, family violence and more has been the training ground for him to shine finally and for him to share his purpose my Soul Purpose - Transcending Gender, so that we can Connect Soul to Soul. Tien is Singapore-born, of Chinese and Indigenous Southeast Asian blood, now living in Vancouver BC, the indigenous land of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh people. Tien Gender Guide, an artist, performer, and a spiritual teacher.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com.
    And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Karen Kessler, author, speaker, and trainer, and Founding Partner at Big Blue Door, take a deep dive into the knowing that this physicality we have is the greatest illusion, and the importance of understanding how the spiritual goes into the mental, which moves into emotional, and finally into the physical. 
    Listen today as Jennifer and Karen discuss how the art of manifestation is very similar to planning a vacation . . . once you have taken the steps to plan and schedule it, you get to sit back and look forward to the experience. Remember, you have everything you need and you can start anywhere - all you have to do is just decide. 
    About Karen
    KK (Karen Kessler) is an accomplished and celebrated trainer. She applies her humor and expertise to prepare Leaders ready to increase their impact and reach in this world; those Leaders committed to connecting deeply and inspiring life-long change.
    Karen’s research and exploration into leadership, motivation, inspiration, and the human brain/body/soul connection have created an understanding of what she calls the Next-Level Leader - A leader that has expanded on their natural leadership talent and brings a focus on mastering the skill sets while they foster leadership in others.
    Karen is known for her leadership, integrity, and focus on results. Her reputation grew as she progressed rapidly through leadership positions in corporate, government, and our growing Big Blue Door Community.
    You can learn more about KK at https://home.bigbluedoor.space/pages/new-home-page.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com. And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Dana Canneto, spiritual coach, podcast host, and Feminine Essence and Soul Purpose Guide, discuss finding and aligning with the embodied feminine presence that allows us to become a clear channel for our highest purpose and our greatest impact in the world.
    Join us today as Jennifer and Dana share ideas for stepping into a space of feminine freedom and balance with our true self and learning to walk our unique divine path on purpose from a place of clarity and gratitude. When we tune in, listen within and rather than judging emotions, move through them instead of around them, we connect with and can choose devotion, compassion and sovereignty.
    About Dana
    Dana helps Feminine Visionaries, Thought Leaders, Paradigm Shifters, Changemakers, Healers, Coaches who are looking for clarity on the next incarnation of their Soul's Purpose and ready to align with their Sacred Feminine Leadership in a new way.
    As a woman who has been through her own rites of passage towards embodying her deeper purpose and aligning with her sacred feminine, her deepest passion and greatest joy is watching the magic that unfolds when a woman steps into her embodied feminine presence and becomes a clear channel for her deepest purpose to emerge to create an even greater impact as the leader she is here to be in the world.
    As a byproduct, she creates more wealth and vitality in all areas of her life and steps into a space of Aligned Feminine Freedom.
    You can learn more about her at https://danacanneto.com/.
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  • On today's episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Dr. Ericha Scott, author, artist and addiction, trauma and mental health professional, talk about creating a healing experience using art and the profound ways that it can generate self-awareness, reduce stress and take the physical charge out of trauma. 
    Listen in today as Jennifer and Ericha share that when we use our hands we are engaging a larger portion of the brain, our senses and the somatic system which often reveals more than standard therapies might. Addressing deep trauma while having fun creating art is a very powerful way to liberate and heal ourselves, others and the earth.
    About Ericha
    An authentic, dedicated, passionate, licensed psychotherapist, with additional certifications as a Board Certified Registered Art Therapist (ATR-BC), Registered Expressive Arts Therapist (REAT), and an Interfaith Spiritual Director. In addition, she is an author, artist, and advocate for disempowered populations. 
    Dr. Scott is a healer who walks the fine line between mysticism and evidenced-based psychotherapy. For 39 years, she has worked with those who struggle with substance and behavioral use disorders, survivors of trauma, complex trauma, torture, dissociation, victims of sex trafficking, and ritual crime.
    She is an honorary Fellow for the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. 
    Her commitment to health, wellness, and "art as medicine" includes experiential teaching for medical doctors in Andrew Weil’s University of Arizona Center for Complimentary Medicine for eight years, professional clinicians, the public, and her own personal health journey.
    Her investment in social change via the arts across the world includes travel, presentations, collaboration, and cultural exchange in 4 continents. Her worldwide creative and spiritual workshops bring hope and healing to diverse populations.
    A number of her peer-reviewed academic publications and lectures have been translated into Prussian, Arabic, and Czechoslovakian. Last year she was the Keynote Speaker in Cairo for the first international art therapy conference in Egypt. 
    In two hospitals, 20 years apart, pre and post-tests as well as outcome studies, revealed that Dr. Scott’s groups were the most effective.
    For more information, please visit her website at www.artspeaksoutloud.org. To register for a private creative arts intensive, please call Dr. Scott at 310-880-9761. 
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com. And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • On this episode of Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Wendy Darling, transformational change expert, author, and creator of the Miraculous Living Method and Institute, discuss creating a miraculous life and learning to pay attention to, cultivate and honor the gentle impulses of your heart and soul.
    Join us here as Jennifer and Wendy talk trust, taking action on what you feel called to, asking for signs and indicators, and recognizing the miracles that are happening every single day. It's so important to realize that if there is a desire in your heart, it's never too late . . . it's your Truth - you are meant and destined to experience it.
    About Wendy
    Wendy Darling is the founder of the Miraculous Living and a recognized relationship and transformational change expert. She is the creator of The Miraculous Living Method™, her unique transformational system, that allows her clients to gently remove the internal mental and emotional barriers that have interfered and held them back, while repositioning them to close the gap to finally be living the life of their dreams. After years of being a management and organizational consultant, and a life and business coach, Wendy saw how shifting priorities, finding ways to be nourished in an intimate relationship, developing relationship and communications skills, had a direct impact on the level of success and fulfillment her clients were experiencing. Wendy has over 35 years of experience as a business and life transformation expert, management and organizational development consultant, radio talk show personality, keynote speaker and columnist. After a serious accident, Wendy opened up to her unique healing gifts and processes. Combined with her comprehensive diagnostic system and laser coaching style, the transformations are profound. Change has NEVER been easier. Where previously held back, Wendy’s clients are finally FREE to live the life of their dreams, while still having the impact they have longed for. Wendy is the #1 best-selling author of The Miracle That Is Your Life. Wendy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in education, a Master of Education and a Specialist’s Degree in counseling psychology, and post-graduate work in Management and Organization Development from the University of Missouri – Columbia. Clients have dubbed Wendy as their personal “fairy godmother” for her ability to help them turn their dreams into reality. You may reach Wendy at [email protected]
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com. And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
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  • Today on Asked and Answered by Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Dr. Erika La Vella, bariatric surgeon and founder of Art of Bariatrics, a holistic lifestyle company, take a deep dive into aligning your physical health with your Soul and the Divine. When your body is running smoothly and you can intuitively interact with your Soul and higher self then everything can vibrate and do as it's supposed to do.
    Listen today as Jennifer and Erika discuss learning to recognize how close to divinity we all are, and how our earthly body is the vessel that provides us that opportunity for learning here in this life. When we take things one step and one awareness at a time, we can build an intuitive relationship with our Soul and have the power to transmute any negative energy and allow the regenerative energy within to flow.
    About Erika
    Dr Erika La Vella, bariatric surgeon and founder of the Art of Bariatrics. A wholistic lifestyle company helping people with obesity find soul aligned health.
    The Asked and Answered by Soul podcast is dedicated to helping you understand that your Soul is the answer. If you want to learn more about your soul's answers and purpose, access your free guide at www.themythsofpurpose.com. And, you can purchase our God magnet at https://jurezzio.etsy.com/listing/1623450013/refrigerator-magnet-borg-of-goodness.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices