
  • Can anger be expressed in a healthy way?

    In this episode of the Anger Secrets podcast, host Alastair Duhs explores this question and shares the distinction between healthy and unhealthy expressions of anger.

    Drawing from over 30 years of experience teaching more than 15,000 men and women how to control their anger, Alastair acknowledges argues that while anger often leads to negative outcomes, it can serve positive purposes when expressed constructively.

    In this episode you will learn what constitutes healthy anger and the differences between healthy and unhealthy anger.

    Alastair also provides practical tips for channeling your anger in a healthy way.

    If you would like to manage your anger more healthily, this episode is for you!

    For a free training to how to control your anger, master your emotions and create a calmer happier and more loving relationship, visit angersecrets.com.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Welcome to the Anger Secrets Podcast

    00:13 Exploring Healthy vs. Unhealthy Anger

    00:39 The Impact of Anger on Relationships

    01:27 Understanding Healthy Anger

    02:02 Examples of Healthy vs. Unhealthy Anger Responses

    04:34 Tips for Channeling Anger Healthily

    07:14 Closing Thoughts and Resources

  • Do you want to create a happy, healthy and passionate long-term relationship?

    In this episode of the Anger Secrets podcast, host Alastair Duhs explores the significance of primary loving relationships for happiness and success in life.

    Alastair introduces his upcoming relationship coaching program, "Reignite My Relationship", which aims to help couples foster happier, more loving, and passionate relationships through effective communication, developing intimacy, shared goals and much more.

    The core of the episode delves into a lesson from the program, highlighting friendship as the paramount factor in the success of romantic relationships. Citing recent relationship research Alastair explains how being best friends with you partner is the best predictor of relationship success.

    If you would like a happier, healthier and more passionate relationship, this episode is a must-listen!

    To take the next step on your anger management journey, visit angersecrets.com.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Welcome to Anger Secrets Podcast

    00:22 Introducing the Breaking The Anger Cycle Training

    00:43 Transitioning to Relationship Success Secrets

    01:10 Reignite My Relationship: An Upcoming Coaching Program

    02:25 Diving Deep into the Power of Friendship

    08:28 Practical Steps to Positive Sentiment Override

    12:11 Concluding Thoughts and Next Steps

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  • Have you and your partner separated due to anger issues?

    If so, this episode of the Anger Secrets podcast is for you.

    In this episode, host Alastair Duhs explores the challenge of rebuilding a relationship after separation caused by anger issues. While this is difficult, it can be done!

    In this episode, Alastair outlines a five-step process for individuals looking to reconcile and rebuild their relationships. These steps include dealing with one's anger issues, accepting responsibility for the impact of one's anger, reestablishing contact when appropriate, showing evidence of change and working on the relationship together.

    Alastair emphasises the importance of commitment, effort, patience and professional guidance in this difficult but rewarding journey towards a healthier, more respectful partnership.

    For more information on your anger management journey, visit angersecrets.com.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Navigating Anger and Separation

    02:09 Introducing the Anger Secrets Podcast

    03:03 Unlocking the Steps to Rebuild Your Relationship

    04:20 Step-by-Step Guide to Healing After Separation

    09:48 Conclusion and Resources for Rebuilding Stronger Relationships

  • Do you struggle to control your anger with your partner?

    If so, you are not alone. But it is vital that you learn to control your anger as soon as possible.

    In this episode of the Anger Secrets podcast, host Alastair Duhs revisits strategies to master your anger in relationships.

    Anger is a natural human emotion and it's normal to feel angry from time to time. However, if your anger becomes too intense in your relationship, it will cause significant damage. And even worse, it can very easily result in the end of your relationship.

    Recognising the potential damage of uncontrolled anger to relationships, Alastair shares four key tips to control your anger in your relationship, no matter what your partner says or does.

    Alastair also offers resources, including a powerful new anger management training to help listeners improve their anger management skills.

    To access this free training, visit angersecrets.com/training.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Welcome to the Anger Secrets Podcast

    00:24 Revisiting Mastering Anger in Relationships

    01:31 Four Key Tips for Mastering Your Anger

    01:39 Understanding Your Anger Triggers

    03:06 Communicating Openly with Your Partner

    05:00 Managing Stress to Control Anger

    07:00 Remembering You're on the Same Team

    08:29 Recap and Closing Thoughts

    09:04 Looking Ahead and Final Words

  • In this episode, host Alastair Duhs provides advice on how to avoid escalating conflicts in relationships.

    Drawing on the work of relationship expert Dr. John Gottman, Alastair discusses the concept of relationship repair, or the ability to deescalate conflicts and resolve them harmlessly.

    You will learn how to recognise signs of escalating conflict, the importance of valuing the relationship over the conflict, and how to make repair attempts to deescalate conflict.

    Alastair offers practical examples of relationship repair attempts and emphasises the significance of accepting and acknowledging repair attempts from your partner.

    For further information on this topic, as well as a FREE training on how to control your anger visit:


    Time Stamps:

    00:01 Introduction

    00:54 Welcome to the Anger Secrets Podcast

    01:22 The Complete Anger Management System

    02:16 Understanding Relationship Repair

    02:55 Practical Tips for Avoiding Conflict

    05:50 The Importance of Recognizing Repair Attempts

    06:26 Final Thoughts on Relationship Repair

    07:11 Invitation to the Complete Anger Management System

    07:35 Conclusion

  • In this episode of the Anger Secrets podcast, host Alastair Duhs discusses the importance of not sweating the small stuff in life.

    Alastair describes how small issues often escalate into larger conflicts, and why this is.

    This episode will teach you to take a step back before responding to situations, question the long-term significance of any issue you are facing and practice gratitude.

    Alastair also shares his personal perspective on the value of focusing on the important aspects, and why he does not sweat the small stuff!

    Finally, Alastair shares how not sweating the small stuff and anger management are linked.

    For further resources (and a FREE training) on how to control your anger visit:


    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction

    00:38 Understanding the Importance of Not Sweating the Small Stuff

    01:36 Introducing the Complete Anger Management System

    02:26 Exploring the Concept of 'Not Sweating the Small Stuff'

    03:32 Why We Get Worked Up Over Small Things

    04:46 Tips to Let Go of Small Irritations

    08:26 Personal Experiences and Insights

    09:42 Conclusion

  • In this episode, host Alastair Duhs discusses four behaviors that quietly kill any relationship.

    You will learn what these behaviors are, real-life examples of these behaviors and the "antidotes" (or opposites) to these behaviors.

    If you want to create a calmer, happier and more loving relationship, this episode is for you.

    Alastair discusses the importance of managing anger in maintaining a happy, healthy and loving relationship. He also introduces his powerful online anger management coaching program called The Complete Anger Management System.

    For more information on this powerful program visit:



    00:00 Introduction

    00:23 Unveiling the Hidden Killers of Relationships

    00:48 Understanding Anger and Its Impact

    01:21 Introducing the Complete Anger Management System

    02:13 Exploring the Four Relationship Killers

    03:10 Deep Dive into Criticism

    04:43 Understanding Defensiveness

    05:36 Unpacking Contempt

    06:27 Exploring Stonewalling

    07:51 Antidotes for the Relationship Killers

    10:33 Linking Relationship Killers to Anger

    10:58 The Importance of Communication Skills

    11:46 Conclusion

  • In episode 69 of the Anger Secrets podcast, host Alastair Duhs discusses the power of active listening to transform relationships.

    This episode will teach you:

    what active listening iswhy it is so important, andwhat the four key skills of active listening are.

    You will also discover how active listening can help you create calmer, healthier and more loving relationships.

    For further resources (and a FREE training) on how to control your anger visit:


    Remember too that struggle with anger is a common issue, but one you need to address rather than hide.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction

    00:22 The Importance of Active Listening

    01:03 Understanding Anger and Its Impact

    01:52 Introducing the Complete Anger Management System

    02:44 Defining Active Listening

    03:22 The Pitfalls of Ineffective Communication

    03:49 The Essence of Active Listening

    04:15 Mastering the Skills of Active Listening

    04:44 Using Minimal Encouragers

    05:34 The Art of Asking Questions

    07:40 Summarising and Reframing

    08:38 Giving Positive Feedback

    09:21 Recap of Active Listening Skills

    09:34 Additional Resources for Active Listening

    09:56 Next Steps

  • In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, host Alastair Duhs addresses an important question to ask while seeking to control your anger: '

    Why do you want to control your anger?

    Alastair describes why knowing your motivation for change is crucial to successfully controlling your anger.

    Various responses to this question from clients, often complex and deeply personal, are shared, demonstrating the different reasons people seek to control their anger.

    Key motivations include everything from bettering relationships, setting positive examples, breaking the cycle of anger or abusive behaviors, to leading a calmer and happier life.

    For individual anger management coaching, or to enrol in Alastair's powerful online anger management program, visit: angersecrets.com.

    Time Stamps:

    00:01 Introduction

    00:21 The Fundamental Question: Why Control Your Anger?

    01:48 Personal Stories: Reasons to Control Anger

    08:49 Common Themes in Anger Control Motivations

    09:17 The Importance of Self-Awareness in Anger Management

    09:42 Offering Help and Resources for Anger Management

    10:01 Conclusion

  • In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, host Alastair Duhs addresses the often asked question: "How do I stop being so defensive in my relationship?'".

    Alastair begins by defining what defensiveness is.

    He then suggests four steps to stop being defensive, namely:

    a) becoming aware your defensiveness

    b) empathising with your partner

    c) taking responsibility for your actions, and

    d) improving communication to effectively address disagreements without getting defensive.

    Alastair encourages listeners to listen to and validate their partner's feelings, as well as communicate openly and honestly for a healthier relationship.

    For individual anger management coaching, or to enrol in Alastair's powerful online anger management program, visit: angersecrets.com.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction

    01:17 Understanding Defensiveness in Relationships

    02:14 Breaking the Cycle of Defensiveness: Awareness and Responsibility

    03:39 Empathy: A Key to Reducing Defensiveness

    04:39 The Role of Effective Communication in Reducing Defensiveness

    05:12 The Journey to Change: Patience and Practice

    05:55 Conclusion

  • In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, host Alastair Duhs revisits the popular topic of how to take responsibility for your actions.

    Listen to this episode to learn the importance of acknowledging your actions, accepting their consequences, and formulating a plan for behaviour change.

    Alastair discusses four common reasons why people struggle with taking responsibility, including fear of consequences, their family upbringing, beliefs of entitlement and fear of shame.

    He then elaborates on ways to take responsibility, including how to seek professional help for anger issues.

    The episode is powerful call towards personal growth and healthier relationships through the power of taking responsibility for your actions.

    For individual anger management coaching or to enrol in Alastair's powerful online anger management program, visit: angersecrets.com.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction

    01:21 Revisiting Episode 8: Taking Responsibility for Your Actions

    02:49 Understanding the Concept of Taking Responsibility

    03:18 Common Reasons for Not Taking Responsibility

    07:32 Steps to Take Responsibility for Your Actions

    10:05 Seeking Professional Help for Anger Management

    11:22 Recap and Conclusion

  • In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, host Alastair Duhs interviews a new member of his Complete Anger Management System, Katie.

    Building on comments Katie makes in this interview, Alastair discusses why attending traditional therapy sessions is unlikely to effectively address anger issues.

    Alastair and Katie discuss the benefits of his online coaching program, which focuses on dealing with anger in the present and applying simple, practical and effective anger management tools.

    Katie also describes substantial improvements in her relationship and parenting practices, stating the program is not only more specific but also comprehensive than traditional therapy sessions.

    To control your anger now, including accessing FREE anger management resources and information, visit angersecrets.com.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction

    00:38 Acknowledging Anger Issues

    01:41 Katie's Story: Struggles with Anger

    02:05 Why Traditional Therapy Often Fails for Anger Management

    03:16 The Importance of Practical Tools for Anger Management

    04:53 Katie's Journey: Taking Action to Address Anger

    05:33 Interview with Katie: Personal Experiences and Progress

    11:29 Katie's Insights: Comparing the Course with Therapy

    12:37 Conclusion and Disclaimer

  • In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, host Alastair Duhs discusses the pitfalls of trying to "be right" all of the time.

    Drawing from over 30 years experience teaching over 15,000 men and women to control their anger, Alastair advises listeners that instead of "being right", it is more useful to concentrate on understanding others' perspectives.

    Alastair shares a story of a truck driver who, after listening to this advice, managed to control his road rage by using this advice.

    To control your anger right now, or to access FREE resources and information to help you create a happier, healthier, and more loving relationship, visit angersecrets.com.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction

    00:08 The Purpose of the Anger Secrets Podcast

    00:45 A Story of Road Rage

    02:10 The Importance of Not Needing to Be Right

    03:40 How to Handle Arguments

    04:32 The Impact of the New Approach

    05:20 Applying These Lesson to Relationships

    05:45 The Dangers of Always Wanting to Be Right

    06:47 Final Thoughts

    07:20 Conclusion and Farewell

    08:02 Disclaimer

  • In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, host Alastair Duhs discusses three tips for building healthier, happier and more loving relationships.

    These tips include how to manage conflict effectively, how to communicate effectively, and how (and why) to prioritise your relationship.

    Alastair emphasises that anger is a normal emotion felt by everyone, but when it becomes too extreme or damaging, help should be sought.

    To access FREE resources and information to help you control your anger and create a happier, healthier, and more loving relationship, visit angersecrets.com.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction to the Podcast

    00:30 Understanding Anger

    02:02 Introduction to Today's Topic: Building Happier, Healthier And More Loving Relationships

    04:36 Practical Tips for Building a Happier, Healthier And More Loving Relationship

    04:43 Tip 1: Manage Conflict Effectively

    06:50 Tip 2: Communicate Effectively

    09:19 Tip 3: Prioritise Your Relationship

    12:09 Conclusion

    12:49 Disclaimer

  • In this episode, Anger Secrets host Alastair Duhs discusses the reasons why some people think they get angry fast.

    These reasons include:

    a) Unawareness of the buildup of anger

    b) Learned habits of reacting with anger, and

    c) Underestimating the speed of brain's information processing ability.

    The episode also discusses the Tension Scale as a tool for recognising rising tension levels, discusses how to "unlearn" reacting with anger, and emphasises the use of cognitive speed to respond more positively in anger-inducing situations.

    For help dealing with your anger issues right now, visit angersecrets.com.

    Time Stamps:

    00:00 Introduction and Welcome

    00:48 Understanding the Nature of Anger

    01:42 Reason 1: Unawareness of Anger Buildup

    02:27 Introducing the Tension Scale

    04:22 Reason 2: Habitual Response with Anger

    05:23 Unlearning the Habit of Reacting with Anger

    06:40 Reason 3: Underestimating the Speed of Your Brain

    08:37 The Power of Your Brain in Managing Anger

    10:18 Recap and Conclusion

    10:44 The Complete Anger Management System

    10:59 Conclusion

  • In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, host Alastair Duhs provides an encore episode of 6 Easy Tips To Control Your Anger.

    These tips include

    1) Understanding that it's not events but your thoughts that create your anger

    2) Use the "Tension scale" to monitor your anger levels

    3) Question the efficacy of expressing your anger aggressively

    4) Practicing relaxation techniques

    5) Try to see situations from the other person's perspective and

    6) Take Time-Out effectively.

    The episode concludes with a reminder that while you can't control others, you can control yourself.

    For help managing your anger, visit angersecrets.com or book a free 30-minute anger assessment call with Alastair Duhs here.

    00:00 Introduction and Welcome

    00:31 Understanding Anger and Its Control

    01:50 New Year Reflections and Managing Holiday Stress

    03:19 Six Easy Tips to Control Your Anger

    03:35 Tip 1: Understanding the Root of Anger

    05:28 Tip 2: Using the Tension Scale

    07:43 Tip 3: Evaluating the Consequences of Anger

    09:28 Tip 4: Practicing Relaxation Techniques

    11:02 Tip 5: Empathising with the Other Person

    12:25 Tip 6: Taking a Time-Out

    14:18 Conclusion and Next Steps

    15:01 Disclaimer

  • In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, host Alastair Duhs shares his insights on how to manage anger during the holiday season.

    Building on his experience of teaching over 15,000 men and women to control their anger, Alastair introduces five key strategies to maintain calm during this period:

    1) Set realistic expectations

    2) Maintaining healthy habits

    3) Using effective communication

    4) Take time out when needed, and

    5) Practicing gratitude.

    Alastair emphasises the benefits of each of these techniques to maintaining calm, preventing escalation of conflict and achieving a more peaceful and enjoyable holiday season.

    For help managing your anger, visit angersecrets.com or book a free 30-minute anger assessment call with Alastair Duhs here.

    00:01 Introduction

    00:33 The Challenges of Christmas

    01:51 5 Simple Ways to Manage Anger Over Christmas

    02:15 Tip 1: Set Realistic Expectations

    03:43 Tip 2: Maintain Healthy Habits

    04:57 Tip 3: Use Effective Communication

    06:14 Tip 4: Take Time Out When Needed

    07:36 Tip 5: Practice Gratitude

    08:57 Summary and Conclusion

    09:22 How to Reach Out for Help

    10:02 Final Thoughts

    11:08 Disclaimer

  • In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, host Alastair Duhs explores the most common reasons people resist participating in anger management programs.

    These reasons are: skepticism towards these programs' effectiveness, concerns over the lack of personalisation, fears of a lengthy time commitment, financial constraints, and difficulty navigating technology.

    Alastair shares two personal stories demonstrating how refusal to seek help can lead to devastating consequences.

    In the last part of the episode, Alastair illustrates the efficacy of anger management programs in transforming people’s lives, the personal support offered, the short-term commitment, the long-term cost-benefits, and the low technological demands of his complete anger management system.

    Alastair emphasises that the skills learned are life-changing for many people and lead to calmer, happier and more loving relationships.

    For help managing your anger, visit angersecrets.com or book a free 30-minute anger assessment call with Alastair Duhs here.

    00:01 Introduction and Welcome

    01:12 Why You May Not Want to Do an Anger Management Program

    01:53 Real Life Stories: Colin and Leon

    03:28 The Impact of Anger and the Benefits of Anger Management

    04:21 Real Life Story: Jane

    06:26 Five Common Reasons for Not Doing an Anger Management Program

    06:49 Reason 1: It Won't Work

    09:42 Reason 2: It Won't Be Personal Enough

    11:46 Reason 3: It Will Take Too Long

    13:16 Reason 4: It Will Be Too Expensive

    15:09 Reason 5: Not Good with Technology

    16:16 Conclusion

    16:44 Outro and Disclaimer

  • In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, host Alastair Duhs shares a candid interview with Paul, a 54-year-old man who decided to join The Complete Anger Management System following an ultimatum from his girlfriend.

    Having struggled with anger issues all his life, Paul opens up about his journey towards controlling his anger, the strategies he has adopted and the noticeable changes he has made so far.

    This episode highlights the importance of acknowledging anger issues and seeking out professional help for creating calmer and healthier personal relationships.

    For help managing your anger, visit angersecrets.com or book a free 30-minute anger assessment call with Alastair Duhs here.


    00:01 Introduction and Welcome

    00:40 The Story of Paul: A Journey to Anger Management

    02:09 The Struggles and Realisations of Paul

    02:35 The Awakening: Paul's Decision to Seek Help

    03:59 The Impact of Anger: Paul's Personal Experience

    04:17 The Search for a Solution: Paul's Experience with Anger Management Courses

    05:54 The Change Process: Paul's Progress and Challenges

    08:46 The Impact of Change: Observations from Paul's Relationships

    10:53 Advice for Others: Paul's Recommendations for the Anger Management Course

    12:53 Conclusion: Reflections on Paul's Story

    14:32 Outro and Disclaimer

  • Episode Overview:

    In Episode 57, Alastair Duhs delves into the complex relationship between alcohol and anger management. This episode is invaluable for anyone grappling with anger issues and seeking to understand how alcohol consumption might be impacting their emotional regulation and behavior.

    Key Topics Explored:

    1. Understanding the Influence of Alcohol:

    Alcohol as a depressant affects the nervous system and brain function, leading to relaxation but also intensifying negative emotions like anger and aggression.Alcohol impairs the prefrontal cortex, responsible for decision-making and emotional regulation, thus affecting the ability to control impulses and reactions.

    2. The Link Between Alcohol and Anger:

    Alcohol lowers inhibitions and increases impulsivity, potentially leading to aggressive outbursts.Alcohol can distort perception and escalate conflicts, affecting communication skills and judgment.

    3. Managing Anger in Relation to Alcohol Consumption:

    Be mindful of alcohol limits; recognize the amount that triggers anger and limit consumption accordingly.Have a plan for managing anger triggers while drinking, such as stepping away from frustrating situations or practicing deep breathing.Consider professional support if contemplating quitting alcohol.

    4. Does Alcohol Cause Abuse Or Violence?

    Alcohol does not directly cause abuse or violence but can amplify existing tendencies.The root cause of anger lies in individual thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, not solely in external factors like alcohol.

    Call to Action:

    Visit angersecrets.com for more resources and to book a consultation with Alastair.


    "Understanding the interplay between alcohol and anger is key to better managing your emotions. You can't control others, but you can control your reactions and choices."