
  • Do you believe you have to choose between love and money? Is there an inner narrative in you that says you can't have both? There was for me. For years I've felt like I had to choose to be successful in either love OR money and this year I decided I wasn't going to accept that.

    If you've heard episode 17 called "re-writing my money narrative" this is the follow up four years later. I talk about how I absolutely would not accept the belief that I had to choose between the two, and how I managed to prove that I could in fact have both. This month marks not only my most successful financial month to date, but also a milestone in my relationship.

    Curious how I did it? Tune in to find out.

    You can find more of me at -

    Insta - @samzagar

    YouTube - @samzagarhumandesign

    Website - www.samzagar.com

  • Today I'm interviewing Shyanna Pilch, a 6/2 Emotional Projector.

    I met Shyanne when she reached out to me after watching some of my YouTube videos and we were fast friends. I felt incredibly recognized and connected to her because she invited me to chat on a platform that used video and we both showed up with messy hair, no make up, kids interrupting and smoking weed. We were kindred spirits.

    Shyanne is a woman, wife, and mother who is outnumbered by energy types in her household. In this episode we explore our designs, motherhood, relationships, emotions, de-conditioning, nutrition, enema's, and more. Hear how Shy navigates her moods, conflict, and rest in an ever-changing cultural landscape.

    Shy has the Channel Of Emoting and she's a passionate, provocative, romantic, and sensitive creature.

    Tune in if you're keen to hear two new Projector besties recognize eachother while supporting, empowering, and sharing with eachother.

    If you want to meet Shyanne - you can find her on instagram @sensiblyshy

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  • Kaitlin's back!

    (and we're as vulnerable, edgy and open with our language as usual so be mindful of little listeners)

    In this conversation we talk about the difference between being "eclipsed" and being "triggered" and where we can take radical, personal, responsibility for ourselves.

    Kaitlin Garratt is a 3/5 Pure MG with only individual circuitry. She has the channels of Inspiration, Perfected Form, and the Beat. Kaitlin also has a Pure Individual partner, who is a 5/1 Emoting Projector, and a QR 1/4 Reflector daughter.

    Join us again as we shoot the sh*t about our de-conditioning process. We cover a lot of Human Design topics, but what is more interesting is the way in which we interact with eachother. As the Projector, I ask a lot of questions, and they come through a strategic mind, which is great for Kaitlin as she responds from her sacral, and also enjoys me puling from her receptive mind.

    I can't reccommend working with Kaitlin enough if you're looking for someone to empower you through a phase of intense growth in your life. You can find her at -

    https://www.instagram.com/kaitlinrewilding/ or https://yourewilding.com/

  • A lot of us are motivated by a four letter word that starts with 'L' and it's not Love. In this episode I explore the concept of being "lazy", the drive for perfectionism that's entirely unrealistic, the pushing of things that are truly artificial, and the clusterfu*k that is the not-self "dream life".

    If you're ready to release the pressure to do more, be more, have more, crush more, grind more, compete more - this is for you. If you recognize that you, and most others, are actually already doing enough, in fact you're likely doing more than enough, then this is definitely the episode for you.

    (And If you want to hear more about my life circa 2005, when I was obsessed with hipster movie rental stores and korean silent films, this episode will also entertain you)

    You can find more of me at

    Insta - @samzagar

    YouTube - @samzagarhumandesign

    Website - www.samzagar.com

  • In this episode I begin to explore the topic of feminine and masculine energy in relation to Human Design mechanics.

    This is a topic that is often much more full of homoegnization than differentiation.

    I do not believe that all men should present as a standard type of "masculine" or that all women should present as a standard type of "feminine". I believe different mechanics alter the way in which we are perceived as masculine or feminine by the other, but it has much more to do with the conditioned narrative that the other has attached to the words "masculine" or "feminine" and nothing to do with the actual quality of energy.

    A common example I reference is the Manifestor woman who inititates (a "masculine" quality) or the Projector man who waits to be invited (a "feminine" quality).

    When Ra Uru Hu talks about the feminine and masculine energies, he refers to them as Yin and Yang. Just that subtle shift in language can help to discern the difference between "masculine" and "feminine" in their true expression versus their not-self performance.

    You can find more of me at

    Insta - @samzagar

    YouTube - @samzagarhumandesign

    Website - www.samzagar.com

  • It's been an honest year for me and it's showing no signs of slowing down.

    This episode has a lot of personal story sharing and in the spirit of truth and confrontation - I wasn't actually sure I was going to follow through with publishing it. I was a little nervous about what I had said. I gave myself time to process and let it all sink into my body and just waited for a clear no from my spleen and not my mind. I allowed all the nervousness about why I should avoid being honest in this way to come in and be felt.

    I started feeling like I needed to listen back to the episode to see if it was as scary, shameful, or embarrassing as my mind wanted me to believe, so I made a coffee the next morning and put my headphones on in bed and hit play.

    I'm glad I did.

    There's a reason I felt called to record this, and it's the same reason I'm going to publish it now - because it feels clean to tell the truth. It feels like washing my solar plexus. It feels incredibly empowering and the more I do it, the easier it gets.

    You can find me at -

    Website - https://www.samzagar.com/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samzagar/?hl=en

    Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@SamZagarHumanDesign

    Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.ca/samzagar/

  • Kaitlin's back!

    (and we're as vulnerable, edgy and open with our language as usual so be mindful of little listeners)

    Kaitlin Garratt is a 3/5 Pure MG with only individual circuitry. She has the channels of Inspiration, Perfected Form, and the Beat. Kaitlin also has a Pure Individual partner, who is a 5/1 Emoting Projector, and a QR 1/4 Reflector daughter.

    Join us again as we shoot the sh*t about our de-conditioning process. We cover a lot of Human Design topics, but what is more interesting is the way in which we interact with eachother. As the Projector, I ask a lot of questions, and they come through a strategic mind, which is great for Kaitlin as she responds from her sacral, and also enjoys me puling from her receptive mind.

    This conversation has an emphasis on deconditioning our undefined centers but doesn't feel dry or technical in anyway. Since we're both third lines, you're going to hear a lot of what hasn't and doesn't work for us.

    I can't reccommend working with Kaitlin enough if you're looking for someone to empower you through a phase of intense growth in your life. You can find her at -

    https://www.instagram.com/kaitlinrewilding/ or https://yourewilding.com/

  • While this episode stands alone, it makes an excellent follow up to the episode where Ean had me on his YouTube Channel, Dharma Science Radio.

    You can find that video here.

    Ean and I have a fantastic, free flowing conversation about living our designs. I have to acknowledge that one of the things I enjoyed most about this conversation is the level of HD with which we're able to speak at. I found it incredibly refreshing to have a conversation with no particular goal in mind. We're not selling you anything, we're just sharing our lived experiences.

    Ean and I are both strong advocates for sourced based Human Design material, and we both care deeply about being able to live out our Human Design Experiments according to our own mechanics.

    This chat is innocent, quirky, playful, considerate and encouraging.

    You can also find Ean on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dharma.science.radio/

    or on Discord at https://discord.com/invite/C9JfMjbM4Z

  • I'm thrilled to introduce you to Jess Gelvin, a 3/5 Pure MG.

    Jess and I are a complimentary binary in that she is a Quad Right, and I am a Quad Left in our variable configurations. Thats a loose way of saying Jess absorbs information whereas I organize information. There is something very cool that Jess and I are able to demonstrate and that is the relationship between the Projector and Sacral Being where I ask and she responds, and then we add another layer to that of my leftness asking/pulling from her rightnesse.

    We jumped into this chat with no plan and no goal, other than to let our natural mechanics do what they do and see how it goes. I naturally prioritized asking Jess questions I was curious to know the answer to, especially if I felt that we could relate.

    Topics that naturally came up where being neurodivergent, being parents, using cannabis, enjoying our outdoor home space, how we eat, medication, plants, and more

  • This episode hits hard, and is NOT appropriate for kids.

    This episode is intimate, personal, vulnerable, and wildly empowering. It's my pleasure to introduce you to my client, my friend, and my rewilding teacher Kaitlin.

    Kaitlin is a 3/5 Pure MG with only individual circuitry. She has the channels of Inspiration, Perfected Form, and the Beat. Kaitlin also has a Pure Individual partner, who is a 5/1 Emoting Projector, and a QR 1/4 Reflector daughter.

    I met Kaitlin in December of 2023 and we spent time together in person in April of this spring. When we were together Kaitlin recognized that I needed some empowering and she invited me to receive work from her which I eagerly accepted. What proceeded was an intense excavating of not-self blocks, a powerful mutation and a deep time of processing and embodying. When she was done with me, the first thing I could feel was that my voice was significantly stronger. It's because of that and her that I've made such incredible progress recently towards my signature.

    I hope you love this episode as much as I do. If you want more, I've got good news - Kaitlin will be back regularly.

    If you'd like to work with Kaitlin you can find her at -

    https://www.instagram.com/kaitlinrewilding/ or https://yourewilding.com/

  • Today I'm interviewing Nadia Scott, a 1/3 Sacral Generator

    Nadia is a Quad Left, with the channels of Rhythm and Curiosity.

    I asked Nadia if she wanted to come on Anew Narrative because when I found her instagram, I was immediately attracted to her energy and soon figured out why. Nadia has been through a profound health journey and while some of it is gutwrenching, it does have a very satisfying ending. I hoped she would have a positive response to coming and sharing her story with us and thankfully she did!

    Because this episode is so focused on healing the body, I'd also like to acknowledge that Nadia is Direct Light Determination, Smell Cognition, and Narrow Valleys Environment.

    Tune in to hear how Nadia managed to reclaim her authority from the health industry and took her healing into her own skilled hands.

    If you want to meet Nadia - you can find her on instagram @nadiascott_living_by_design

  • Anew Narrative is back and kicking off Season 3 with a new sound, a new vibe, and for this episide something else is new - I have two guests!

    Laura is a 2/4 DRLPLR Pure Sacral Generator with Indirect Light Determination.

    Stevie is a 2/4 DRRPRR Pure Sacral Generator with Indirect Light Determination.

    I loved how similar some of the definition was between Laura and Stevie and also how similar aspects of their lifestyle were as they are both parents, and both are in committed long term relationships.

    You can also get a good sense of how they're different -

    Laura has 6 defined centers, While Stevie only has 2. Laura has no Tribal circuitry, and Stevie has no Collective circuitry. Laura's mind is strategic while being Innocent(ly) motivated. Stevie's mind is receptive while being Hope(fully) motivated.

    Tune in to hear how they navigate daily life, parenting responsibilities, de-conditioning and much more!

    If you want to meet Laura - you can find her on instagram @indirect.photography, She is also my VA and the editor of this podcast

  • The conversation between 2/4 pure Manifesting Generator Olyveya Mazier and myself started when I sent her a DM on instagram asking her if I could run her bodygraph to see if she is a first color determination. Her instagram name at the time was @carnivoreballerina and she was tracking her health journey as she moved towards a VERY simple diet that is heavy in animal products. Olyveya has a defined spleen and a defined heart through the Channel of Surrender like I do, and we both digest animal products very well, especially ruminant animals. She had a yes for me running her chart and we discovered she is in fact a first color determination - Alternating!

    We talk about detoxing, mold poisoning, skin issues, ballet, pain, working through discomfort, travelling, finding/hunting/ordering food, eliminating foods, her sacral response, recipes, and much more!

    You can find this episode on YouTube here.

    You can find Olyveya here -

    Youtube - @olyveya

    Instagram - @Olyveya

    LinkedIn - Olyveya Mazier

    If you're interested in exploring your Human Design with my guidance, I offer a variety of ways to do so -

    Website - www.samzagar.com

    Instagram - @samzagar

    YouTube - @samzagarhumandesign

  • Join 5/2 Emotional Manifestor Dave Myers and myself as we have an innocent and candid conversation. I ask Dave about his experiment, his feelings, his relationships, and his manifesting process among other intriguing topics.

    You can find Dave here -

    Youtube - @neutrinoradio7894

    Instagram - @NeutrinoRadio

    If you're interedted in exploring your Human Design with my guidance, I offer a variety of ways to do so -

    Website - www.samzagar.com

    Instagram - @samzagar

    YouTube - @samzagarhumandesign

  • There's something about this episode for me that was so powerful, so personal, so profound - that it became my new favourite episode while listening back to it and editing the YouTube video for it. While it might sound wildly cliché, I could hear in my own voice how much I've learned to accept myself. I've been struggling with some aspects of my own functioning, such as how quickly I can get overwhelmed and overstimulated, or how intense of a focus I can get locked into. Through seeking support, I learned that I am someone with the right cluster of syptoms to be diagnosed as high functioning ADHD. I've begun working with a psychiatrist on an assortment of strategies to help me structure my life to be more supportive to how I function. Understanding my Quad Left variable configuration is probably the most helpful thing I've learned about myself, but there was a LOT of value in knowing my type, and what undefined centers I had as well.

    Are you curious to know how you can relate, or how you are different? Tune in for 64 minutes as I take us on a little journey into the core of how I operate. You can also find this on YouTube with a video of a Manifestor and I walking BX Falls in Vernon.

    If you're interested in exploring your Human Design with my guidance, especially how you function according to your design - I offer a variety of ways to do so -

    Website - www.samzagar.com

    Instagram - @samzagar

    YouTube - @samzagarhumandesign

  • This is a personal episode where I catch you up to what's going on in my life, especially in regards to my functioning as a QL, what I'm currently processing, and how. After that I expand on a previous piece of Instagram content called "Where to Find What You Want to Know" and how I relate to each piece of information. Tune in if you want to hear my usual candid-oversharing-shameless nature about my experiment.

    If you're interested in exploring your Human Design with my guidance, I offer a variety of ways to do so -

    Website - www.samzagar.com

    Instagram - @samzagar

    YouTube - @samzagarhumandesign

  • I recently did a post on instagram called 6 Non-Negotiables for Projectors that became a YouTube video called 8 Tips for Projectors. Here I've decided to expand on both of those from my 3/6 profile and share from my personal view about how I learned each point the hard way through my own (3) trial and error, and eventually came to a more embodied understanding that I was able to (6) role model. Tune in if you want to hear my usual candid-oversharing-shameless nature about my experiment.

    If you want to learn more, join my upcoming class - A Proper Projector on July 24th. Click here to sign up.

    I also offer small packages for Projectors if you're looking for 1:1 guidance to know your system which can be found here.

    Website - www.samzagar.com

    Instagram - @samzagar

    Youtube - @SamZagarHumanDesign

  • Meet the woman who empowered me to try something I've wanted to my whole life - Isabella McGuire Mayes, the genius behind Ballet With Isabella.

    Isabella is a 5/2 Self Projected Projector with the channels of Structuring and The Alpha, but what she does for work is run a ballet related empire. I found her on Instagram where I was immediately struck by her voice - in particular the way she spoke to the person on the other side of the camera. While most ballet content I find is showing movement set to music, she is doing something different - giving incredibly accessable instruction to anyone who wants to follow along.

    It wasn't long before I left a shy comment, and when she replied, I felt seen and even more drawn to her. I joined her membership at the top tier so I could have access to the 30 minute session with her where she structures a custom plan for you to practice with. I dove into classes and then realized she had a podcast as well called A Dancers Mindset. I started to binge her work and the curiosity of what her design was began to gnaw at me. I invited her onto Anew Narrative and at her acceptance I asked for her birth information. When I found out she was a Projector with Innocence motivation like myself, I kinda lost my sh** in a great way. It was an overwhelming relief. I felt so validated that someone similar to me had achieved so many things I wasn't sure a Projector could.

    This episode is relatively short and sweet as I wanted to be mindful of her energy considering she doesn't make any of her own, but I'm rather certain she'll be back for a second one at the very least. I could talk to her for ages. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did!

    Website - samzagar.com

    Instagram - @samzagar

    Website - Ballet With Isabella

    Instagram - @balletwithisabella

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  • It's time to meet the Big Invitation Client - Jesse Johnson.

    Jesse's design is a 4/6 emotional Generator with the Channels of Abstraction and Mating, but what she does for work is support people to make the money they need in order to realize their potential.

    Previously an NYC math teacher, she pivoted into the world of business coaching when she realized she could generate more of the results she wanted in that industry. Once she was able to leave the structure of the classroom, she found the freedom and spaciousness she was craving in her work relationships, and the success results began to follow. I say success because her work is in making financial abundance a reality for people who didn't believe it was possible, and that work satisfies her to no end.

    How we ended up in relationship is quite a fantastical, mechanical story - and one I'll mostly save for part 2 of this episode - but for now, it's time to meet Jesse. I hope you hear what I hear - a Generator in response, and how satisfying that can be. She's one of my favourite Generators to absorb and amplify. I tell her she's "fresh-pressed Jesse" and I'm thirsty.

    Website - samzagar.com

    Instagram - @samzagar

    Website - jessejohnsoncoaching.com

    Instagram - @jessejohnsoncoaching

  • This is a personal expression that comes with a warning for sensitive listeners as I dive into Determination and how it can lead to another variation of disordered eating when attempted too soon or without an integrated understanding how it works in relation to strategy and authority. As always this is based on my own experience and comes from my personal view.

    If you want to have this or similar conversations with me on a personal level, you can invite me into a guiding relationship by finding me at the places below -

    Website - www.samzagar.com

    Instagram - @samzagar