
  • 1. proceeds 收益 

    Ross和Phoebe找到逃婚的Chandler, Chandler向他们解释逃跑的原因是因为对婚姻没信心。在他印象中只有演员Paul Newman的婚姻是成功的。而自己跟Paul Newman一点也不像,他说了一个不像的点包括 None of my proceeds go to charity.


    例句:The proceeds of the concert will go to charity. 这次音乐会的收入将捐给慈善机构。

    2. have a low opinion of 轻视,看不起

    看到Chandler对自己经营婚姻没信心,Phoebe使出了激将法说no-one has a lower opinion of you than I do. But I totally believe you can do this.

    have a low opinion of 轻视,看不起


    Ross: Chandler, have you ever put on a black cocktail dress and asked me up to your hotel room?

    Chandler: No.

    Ross: Then you are neither of your parents!

    Chandler: It’s not just their marriage! I mean, look at yours. Look at everybody’s! The only person that can make marriage work is Paul Newman! And I’ve met me; I am not Paul Newman. I don’t race cars! I don’t make popcorn! None of my proceeds go to charity.

    Phoebe: But look Chandler, right now no-one has a lower opinion of you than I do. But I totally believe you can do this.

    Chandler: I want to. I love her so much, but I’m afr…It’s too huge.

    3. keep an eye on sb/sth 看管,留意

    Rachel正要跟Monica说实话,Chandler不见了。Phoebe及时赶到暗示Rachel, Chandler找到了。找到是找到了,但是还要keep an eye on it.

    keep an eye on sb/sth 「留一只眼睛在某人或某物上」,其实要表达的就是「看管某人 鳄 某物、留意某人或某物」的意思!

    例句:Keep an eye on your personal belongings at all times as this city is known for its thieves an诶 pickpockets.(时时刻刻都要留意你的个人物品,因为这座城市的小偷和扒手是出了名的。)

    Rachel: Oh good God! I’ve fallen down! (She trips and falls.)

    Monica: (entering) What’s going on?

    Rachel: Okay. Alright. (Gets up.) Honey listen. When I tell you what I’m about to tell you, I need you to remember that we are all here for you and that we love you.

    Monica: Okay, you’re-you’re really freaking me out.

    Rachel: We can’t find Chandler…(Phoebe sticks her head and motions that they found Chandler)—‘s vest. We can’t find Chandler’s vest.

    Monica: How can that be?! Oh wait! Wait! Are you, are you serious?!

    Phoebe: (entering) Found the vest! I mean we’re gonna have to keep an eye on it, y’know make sure we don’t lose it again…

    Rachel: Oh!

    Monica: Oh wow! Okay. Don’t scare me like that okay? I mean for a minute there I was like, "Oh my God! The worst has happened!"

    4. flight risk 有逃离风险的人

    Chandler又不见了,菲比责备Ross明知道Chanlder是flight risk还跟他玩儿hide and seek. 

    flight risk 这个短语本来是法律用语,律师不同意被告保释会说他是flight risk,意思是被告会坐飞机逃走。在口语里flight risk指会逃离一份工作或一段感情的人。

    Ross: Uh Phoebe, can I see you for a second?

    Phoebe: Yeah!

    (They both go out into the hall.)

    Phoebe: What’s going on?

    Ross: Chandler’s gone again!

    Phoebe: Oh my God! Why would you play hide and seek with someone you know is a flight risk?!

    5. walk out on sb 抛弃某人

    Ross发现了Chandler立刻把他按倒在地说You are not walking out on my sister. 

    Walk out on sb 意思是突然结束跟某人的一段感情,抛弃某人。

    Ross: (turning a corner) There he is!!

    Chandler: What?

    (Ross runs over and tackles him.)

    Phoebe: Hey! Oh!

    Ross: You’re not getting away this time mister! Unless you want that ass kicking we talked about!

    Chandler: Ross! (He starts to get up.)

    Ross: Hiiii-Ya!! (Chandler lies back down.) I’m serious! You’re not walking out on my sister!

    6. the big picture 大局

    Chandler正解释自己听到Monica怀孕以后的心路历程,提到了去买烟,Ross开始大惊小怪买烟的事情。Chanlder说了一句big picutre.

    the big picture 整个情况

    Picture 是指图片、图画,不过当人家说 the big picture 其实要说的是「整个情况」、「总括的大方向」的意思喔!

    例句:Let’s look at the big picture first before working out the details.


    7. Chucky 鬼娃恰吉

    Chandler拿了一件婴儿服说能穿下这样衣服的人一定不会可怕。菲比回敬一句You did not see Chucky 3. Chucky 是好莱坞经典电影形象鬼娃。

    Chandler: I know about Monica.

    Phoebe: You know?!

    Ross: What?

    Chandler: Yeah, I heard you and Rachel talking.

    Ross: What?! What?! Talking about what?!

    Chandler: You don’t know?

    Ross: Know what—If somebody doesn’t tell me what’s going on right now…

    Phoebe: What? You’ll hi-ya?

    Chandler: Monica’s pregnant.

    Ross: Oh my God. Oh my God! And you’re-you’re…you’re not freaking out?

    Chandler: Well I was! Then I went down to the gift shop because I was out of cigarettes…

    Phoebe and Ross: Cigarettes?!!

    Chandler:Big picture please! So I was in the gift shop, and that’s when I uh, saw this. (He holds up a little, tiny baby jumper that reads I (heart) New York.) Yeah, y’know what? I thought anything that can fit into this, can’t be scary.

    Phoebe: Well you obviously didn’t see Chucky 3.

  • 1. ball and chain 老婆 

    几个朋友在咖啡厅聊天感慨这是最后一次六个人作为single在一起喝咖啡了,Chanlder说了几个妻子的用法,说到最后一个ball and chain,Monica怒了。

    Ball and chain 球与链, something that limits one's freedom or ability to do things在口语里指缠着你的人,去哪儿都得带着他/她的人,也经常用来指老婆或已婚女性。

    其他关于妻子的说法还有little woman, old lady等

    Monica: Do you realize this is probably the last time we’ll all be here in the coffee house as six single people?

    Phoebe: Why?! What’s happening to the coffee house?! (Monica looks at her.) Oh! (Realizes.)

    Chandler: Yep! From now on its gonna be the four of you guys and me and the mrs. The little woman. The wife. The old ball and chain.

    Monica: Old?

    Chandler: The young hot ball and chain.

    2. I hear what you are saying 我明白你说的

    Ross以Monica哥哥的身份向Chandler提出警告,如果敢对她妹妹不好他就饶不了Chandler. 因为两个人太熟了,Ross严肃地说这番话让Chandler强忍着笑说I hear what you are saying. 

    I hear what you are saying. 你说的话我明白。

    这句话也可以简化为 I hear you. 

    Ross: Okay! You guys are getting married tomorrow and-and I couldn’t be more thrilled for both of you, but as Monica’s older brother I-I have to tell you this. If you ever hurt my little sister, if you ever cause her any unhappiness of any kind, I will hunt you down and kick your ass! (Chandler laughs.) What? I’m-I’m-I’m serious! (Chandler laughs harder.) Come—Hey! Dude! Stop it! Okay? I’m-I’m not kidding here!

    Chandler: (smiling) Hey, I hear what your saying, okay? And, thanks for the warning.

    Ross: No problem.

    Chandler: So are we…friends again?

    Ross: Yeah.

    Chandler: Okay. (Pause) You won’t believe what Monica’s older brother just said to me!

    3. 大牌客串:加里奥德曼


    他是哈利波特里的小天狼星,是杀手莱昂中的可恨警察,是蝙蝠侠里的吉姆戈登,他就是好莱坞著名大反派加里奥德曼。在《老友记》中他客串了和Joey互吐口水的大牌演员。这段对话还拿Gary Oldman数次提名奥斯卡不中当做一个梗,2018年他终于凭借Dark Hours中对丘吉尔这个角色的完美诠释拿下奥斯卡。 

    The Assistant Director: (approaching) Hey Joey! We’re ready.

    Joey: Yeah! Me too. (He pats his pocket.)

    The Assistant Director: (to another actor) Richard? We’re ready for you. (Richard approaches.) Joey Tribbiani? This is Richard Crosby, he’s playing Vincent.

    Joey: I’m doing my scenes with you?

    Richard: Nice to meet you Joey.

    Joey: Wow! I can’t believe this! This is incredible. I mean you just won an Oscar!

    Richard: No I didn’t.

    Joey: I think you did.

    Richard: I think I lost. Three times.

    Joey: Uh…Cookie?

    4. raise the glass to 致辞

    Ross做为伴郎best man在婚礼上致辞,在感人的致辞的最后他说到So if you’d all please join me in raising a glass to the, the couple we’re here to celebrate.

    在说祝酒词的时候可以用常见的let’s make a toast to也可以用let’s raise the glass to 

    另外也可以用cheers to或者here it to

    Ross: (clinking a wine glass) Can I have everyone’s attention please? I’m uh; I’m Ross Geller.

    Mr. Geller: Doctor Ross Geller.

    Ross: Dad…dad, please! As I was saying umm, I’m Dr. Ross Geller. Uhh, and I’m the best man. And uh, this marriage is doubly special for me umm, because not only is the groom my best friend but uh, the bride is my little sister. And, she’s the greatest sister a guy could ask for. So if you’d all please join me in raising a glass to the, the couple we’re here to celebrate. (Everyone does so.) To the Bings.

    All: To the Bings!

    5. Ray-Ban 雷朋眼镜



    Joey: Hey! Where have you been?

    Ross: Oh, taking my parents back to the hotel.

    Joey: Oh.

    Ross: What? Are you going back to work?

    Joey: Yeah.

    Ross: Nice shades.

    Joey: Thanks. Yeah, I figure if I wear these in my scenes at least I won’t get spit in the eyes, y’know?

    Ross: And if I remember correctly, Ray Ban was the official sponsor of World War I!

    Joey: Great! All right. I’ll see you later.

    6. pull yourself together 振作起啦

    婚礼前夕Chandler不见了,大家都认为他get cold feet临阵脱逃了。Rachel看到Monica兴奋的样子,想到婚礼可能取消就快崩溃了Pheobe让Rachel “pull yourself together” 

    pull yourself together 你要振作起来,打起精神来。

    还有一个类似的短语就是get a grip

    Rachel: (closing the door) Ross said there’s still no word from Chandler.

    Phoebe: Oh man.

    Rachel: Oh but he did say that they found the grandmother wandering down fifth avenue.

    Phoebe: Okay. Well there’s one down.

    Monica:  I’m getting married today!!! (She trips and falls.) (Getting up) I think I just cracked a rib. But I don’t care because today’s my wedding day! My day is finally here!! (Runs back into her room.)

    Phoebe: Y’know she might not even notice he’s gone.

    Monica: (re-entering) I’m gonna start getting ready! (Goes back into her room.)

    Rachel: God! Don’t—We can’t let her start getting ready! This is too awful! Oh God, but wait she’ll be in the gown and then he won’t show up and then she’s gonna have to take off the gown…

    Phoebe: Shhh! Stop it! Stop it Rachel! You can’t do this here! (She drags her into the bathroom.)

    Rachel: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just…It’s just so sad!

    Phoebe: Yeah, but you’ve got to pull yourself together! Monica can’t see you like this! Then she’ll know something’s wrong!

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  • 1. horse around 胡闹,鬼混

    当Ross知道Rachel驾照过期的时候大惊失色,对开车的Rachel说Stop horsing around. 

    Horse around = fool around 在俚语里胡闹,鬼混的意思。

    例如:Stop horsing around and get to work! 别玩了,干活去吧。

    Rachel: God. I forgot how much I love driving. I have got to get my license renewed.

    Ross: (shocked) You don’t have a valid driver’s license—Okay that is it! Pull over right now!

    Rachel: Oh Ross you’re so tense! You just gotta relax, okay? Just need to relax all right? Just need to relax… (She takes her hands off of the wheel.)

    Ross: (grabbing the wheel) What-what are you doing?! Are you—Okay that’s not funny! Just stop horsing around!

    Rachel: I am not horsing around, okay? I am Porsching around.

    2. 民谣歌曲 Cats in the Cradle   

    Chandler提到刻意躲避父亲时说That’s very Cats in the Cradle. 

    Cats in the Cradle是一首70年代的民谣歌曲讲述了孩子恳求父亲融入他的童年生活,父亲却以忙碌来搪塞。Chandler用来比喻自己用托辞躲避父亲。


    Monica: I still say that if we had called your dad we coulda gotten better seats.

    Chandler: No! No! I don’t want him to know we’re here yet! I’m not sure I’m ready for that. And besides, he’s not gonna be too happy to see me either.

    Monica: Why not?!

    Chandler: I don’t know if I’ve told you this, but he’s kinda tried to get in contact with me a lot over the last few years

    Monica: What?!

    Chandler: Yeah, he’s made phone calls, written letters, he even came to New York, but I always said I was too busy to see him. Y’know it’s all very Cats in the Cradle—I don’t want to get into it. (The show starts.) Here we go.

    Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the incomparable Helena Handbasket!

    Helena: Hello darlings.

    Chandler: And there’s daddy!

    3. handle a stick 开车(手动挡)

    Rachel超速后和警察flirt蒙混过关这段对话十分经典。最后警察建议Rachel不要开车了让Ross开的时候问Can he handle a stick?

    hanlde a stick = handle a stick shift 操控手排挡,意思是会开车

    Policeman: Can I see your license please?

    Rachel: Oh yes, absolutely! Y’know, it’s weird uh, but I had a dream last night where I was stopped by a policeman. And then he uh…well I probably shouldn’t tell you the rest.

    Policeman: Your license?

    Rachel: (handing it to him) Yes. Here you go Officer uh, Handsome.

    Policeman: That’s Hanson.

    Rachel: Oops sorry, my mistake.

    Ross: Dear Lord!!

    Policeman: Wow!

    Ross: Here it comes.

    Policeman: This is a great picture.

    Rachel: Really?! You think so? Y’know, I had just rolled out of bed.

    Policeman: Yeah? Well you look phenomenal.

    Ross: Well she should, it was taken ten years ago!

    Rachel: Y’know you’re-you’re probably wondering about the old date on there.

    Policeman: Yes I am.

    Rachel: Yeah.

    Policeman: You’re an Aquarius, huh?

    Rachel: I bet you’re a Gemini.

    Policeman: Nope.

    Rachel: Taurus?

    Policeman: Nope.

    Rachel: Virgo?

    Policeman: Nope.

    Rachel: Sagittarius?

    Policeman: Yep.

    Rachel: I knew it! I knew it, ahh….

    Policeman: Well I tell you what…

    Rachel: Yeah?

    Policeman: You’re not gonna speed anymore right?

    Rachel: I won’t speed.

    Policeman: And you promise you’ll get this taken care of right away?

    Rachel: I promise.

    Policeman: And in the meantime you better let him drive. Does he have a license?

    Rachel: Yeah!

    Policeman: Can he handle the stick?

    Rachel: Oh well…

    Ross: I can handle the stick!!

    4. hoot 活宝

    Chandler说自己的父母They are a hoot. 

    Hoot 当名词是有趣的人,滑稽的人。也可以理解为活宝。

    Helena: So what’s your name?

    Chandler: (resigning himself to his fate) Chandler. (He quickly sits down.)

    Helena: Chandler? What an unusual name! You must’ve had terribly fascinating parents.

    Chandler: Oh, they’re a hoot.

    5. not miss sth for the world 无论如何不会错过

    听到Chandler要邀请自己去参加婚礼,Chandler的父亲很激动,说 I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

    not miss (sth) for the world 无论如何也不会错过某事

    例句:Don't worry, sweetie, I'll be there to see your performance tonight. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

    6. get misty 泪眼模糊

    紧接着Chandler的父亲说I am getting misty. 

    get misty = get all misty 眼中含泪, 泪眼模糊

    形容词misty-eyed 泪眼朦胧的

    Helena: (To Monica) And who is your friend?

    Monica: I’m-I’m Monica.

    Helena: Monica! Where are you from?

    Monica: New York.

    Helena: I’m not very fond of New York. Queens I like. (Noticing Monica’s ring.) Ooh, what is this sparkle something! (Shows the audience who woos.) Honey! Huh?

    Chandler: Actually Monica and I are engaged.

    Helena: Really?! Congratulations. When’s the big day?

    Monica: (looks at Chandler) In…in two weeks.

    Helena: (disappointed) I see. Well, I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. (To a bald guy.) So you’re bald?

    Chandler: Wait! Wait! We’d really love it if you could be there.

    Helena: We? (Looks at Monica who nods.)

    Chandler: I know it would make me happy, ma’am.

    Helena: Well I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Oh! I’m getting all misty here! You’d think I was having my legs waxed or something. (Goes back on stage.)

  • 1. so much for sth 到此为止 

    除了Rachel以外,所有的朋友都可以开Monica的保时捷车。虽然Monica告诉大家不要告诉Rachel,结果还是都说漏嘴了。所以Monica宣告计划告终so much for  "You can drive it, but don’t tell Rachel" plan!

    so much for sth 意思是某事到此为止,告终。Monica宣告计划告终so much for the plan.

    比如,英语老师上完课说:so much for this today,everyone! 意思为:今天就到这里吧,各位!

    Joey: (entering) Hey!

    Ross: Hey!

    Phoebe: Hey!

    Joey: Saw the Porsche out there Mon, lookin’ good. When do I get to take that baby out again?

    Rachel: (shocked) You let Joey drive it?!

    Phoebe: I’ve never driven it! Okay? Not once! Okay once. Okay, I drive it all the time.

    Monica: Nice work everybody! So much for the y’know, "You can drive it, but don’t tell Rachel" plan!

    2. add up to 总起来意味着

    Add up to 两个含义,一个是总数加起来

    例句:His business expenses add up to around £4,000 a year.

    另一个几个因素加起来达到某种效果或影响。to combine to produce a particular result or effect

    这里Ross说That adds up to a bad driver.这意味着你是个糟糕的司机

    Rachel: Come on Ross give me the keys! Monica does not know what she’s talking about! I am an excellent driver!

    Ross: You’re fast and irresponsible. That adds up to a bad driver.

    Rachel: Well in High School, that added up to head cheerleader.

    3. RSVP (邀请函)请答复


     Monica 说仍没有得到Chanlder父亲对于婚礼邀请的RSVP.这个缩写的意思是“请回复”就是对于邀请函的正式确认。缩写来源于法语Répondez s'il vous plait。接到邀请(无论是请柬或邀请信)后,能否出席要尽早答复对方,以便主人安排。一般来说,对注有R.S.V.P.(请答复)字样的,无论出席与否,均应迅速答复。注有“Regrets only”(不能出席请复)字样的,则不能出席时才回复,但也应及时回复。经口头约妥再发来的请柬,上面一般那注有“To remind”(备忘)字样,只起提醒作用,可不必答复。答复对方,可打电话或复以便函。

    4. drag show 变装秀

    Chandler的父亲表演Drag show。

    Drag show 就是变装秀,男性表演者穿上女性的服装表演,这样的演员叫Drag queen 

    Monica: Chandler, we still haven’t gotten an RSVP from your dad.

    Chandler: Oh! Right. Umm, maybe that’s because I didn’t send him an invitation.

    Monica: Chandler! He’s your father; he should be at the wedding.

    Chandler: I don’t even know the man. Okay? We’re not that close. I haven’t seen him in years.

    Monica: Well what are you gonna do when he finds out he wasn’t even asked?!

    Chandler: Well he doesn’t have to know! It’s not like we run in the same circles. I hang out with you guys, and he stars in a drag show in Vegas.

    Phoebe: Ooh, I think I wanna trade circles.

    5. Speedo 速比涛

    Chandler说小时候的男扮女装的父亲去参加他的swim meet就是游泳比赛时的尴尬经历,提到了Speedo. 


    是著名泳衣制造品牌中文叫做“速比涛”。速比涛 (Speedo) 来自澳大利亚,创立于1928年。

    Chandler: Look forget it okay? I don’t want to go. I don’t want to see him. I don’t wanna.

    Monica: Chandler, look I-I know that your dad embarrassed you. I know…

    Chandler: No-no all kids are embarrassed by their parents, you’d have to come up with a whole new word for what I went through. When I was in High School, he used to come to all of my swim meets dressed as a different Hollywood starlet. Y’know it’s hard enough to be fourteen. You’re skinny. You’re wearing speedos—That your mom promised that you would grow into! And you look up into the stands and there’s your dad cheering you on dressed as Carmen Miranda. He was wearing a headdress with real fruit that he will later hand out to your friends as a healthy snack!

  • 1. 大牌客串: 薇诺娜.瑞德 Winona Ryder 


    2. M.I.A 战斗中的失踪人员

    Rachel和多年不见的老友偶遇,在catch up的过程中,Melissa称呼Rachel是M.I.A.

    M.I.A = missing in action 战斗中的失踪人员


    Rachel: (to the gang) Oh my God, Melissa Warburton. I don’t think I have the energy for this.

    Melissa: (Gasps when she notices Rachel) Oh my God! Ray-ray Green?! (Screams)

    Rachel: (screaming) Melissa!

    Melissa: You have been M.I.A for the past seven sorority newsletters, what’s up with you?!

    Rachel: Wh—(Turns and looks at the gang who’s staring)—Why don’t I tell you over here? (She walks Melissa away from the gang.)

    3. ESPN 娱乐与体育节目电视网


    ESPN(英文:Entertainment and Sports Programming Network,即娱乐与体育节目电视网)是一间24小时专门播放体育节目的美国有线电视联播网,最初ESPN也播放娱乐节目,后来全力发展体育节目. E! Magzine是美国著名娱乐新闻频道。

    Chandler: (sees another rack) Well, what’s the deal with these? These-these look nice.

    Rachel: Oh they are nice. We-we custom-make tuxedos for celebrities and then when they’re done with them they just send ‘em back.

    Chandler: You mean like for award shows?

    Rachel: Some of them.

    Chandler: You mean these tuxes have been down the red carpet with people yelling, "Who are you wearing?! You look fabulous!"

    Rachel: Honey, might I suggest watching a little more ESPN and a little less E!?

    4. vanilla 平凡的,乏味的



    Rachel: Hey, come on! I had this friend from college and I made the stupid mistake of telling Joey that one time…she and I y’know…kissed a little bit.

    Phoebe: (laughs) Yeah, I’m sure that happened.

    Rachel: It-it did!

    Phoebe: Sure!

    Joey: Hey. (Laughs, then seriously) It happened!

    Rachel: Yeah, it was senior year in college. It was after the Sigma Chi luau and Melissa and I got very drunk! And we ended up kissing! For several minutes!

    Phoebe: (To Joey) Which means she had a couple spritzers and a quick peck on the cheek.

    Joey: Why are you taking this away from me?

    Rachel: Yeah, why is it so hard for you to believe?!

    Phoebe: Okay! I just—I didn’t know that you are a lesbian. 

    Rachel: I’m not saying that I’m a lesbian! I’m just saying that this happened!

    Phoebe: Okay, it just seems pretty wild and you’re so—y’know so…vanilla.

    5. yoo-hoo 美国的巧克力软饮



    Chandler: Ross is Batman!

    Monica: Well, he did manage to keep his identity secret for a long time.

    Chandler: Rachel got Ross the tuxedo that Val Kilmer wore in Batman. Okay Batman is so much cooler than James Bond!

    Monica: What are you talking about?! 007 has all those gadgets!

    Chandler: Batman has a utility belt!

    Monica: 007 has a fancy car!

    Chandler: Batman has the Batmobile!

    Monica: 007 gets all the ladies.

    Chandler: Batman has Robin! (Pause) We get ESPN right?

    Monica: How about you go put on your 007 tuxedo and I’ll make you a nice martini.

    Chandler: Actually, I don’t like martinis.

    Monica: How about a Youhoo with a funny straw?

    Chandler: Ooh, yum! (Runs into the bedroom.)

    6. pass out 昏厥

    Melissa就是不承认她曾经和Rachel亲吻的事情,甚至说出了Maybe I passed out and you did stuff to me while I was sleeping.

    “pass out,to faint, or lose consciousness,就是“昏厥,失去知觉”的意思。

    He passed out as soon as he saw the blood.


    Rachel: How can you not remember us kissing?!

    Melissa: I don’t know. I don’t remember a lot of things that never happened.

    Rachel: Wh… Come on! Remember? We were on the sleeping porch! We couldn’t stop giggling? And our coconuts kept knockin’ together?

    Phoebe: Oh, somewhere Joey’s head is exploding.

    Rachel: Yeah—but come on—Listen, I’m sorry I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but I told Phoebe that it happened and she doesn’t believe me.

    Melissa: I’m sorry Ray-ray. I mean if I thought it happened I would say it. Maybe I passed out and you did stuff to me while I was sleeping.

    Rachel: No!!

  • 1. get in line 还轮不到你呢 

    Joey的跟经纪人结束通话说新角色要求全裸出演,如果自己真的全裸演出电影的话,他担心的是他奶奶会看到他裸体的场景,Phoebe就说了一句Grandma’s gonna have to get in line.

    get in line 我还想做这个事情呢,还轮不到你


    A: We didn’t want to work with Mr. Giuliani. 

    B:Get in line! No one wants to work with Mr. Giuliani.


    Phoebe: What’s the matter?

    Joey: They want me to be totally naked in the movie!

    Monica: Wow!

    Joey: I know! My grandmother’s gonna see this!

    Phoebe: Grandma’s gonna have to get in line.

    2. wafer think ice 你在玩儿火,小心点

    Ross和Monica的表妹Cassie来访,本来暂住Monica那里,但是她太漂亮了,Chandler老盯着她看,结果Monica就让她搬来跟Ross住。当他们聊到表妹的妈妈也很漂亮的时候,Chandler忍不住问这位漂亮姑妈是否会出席他们的婚礼。忍无可忍的Monica说wafer thin ice.

    wafer 本意是晶片或薄饼。中文也翻译成“威化”,很多人都吃过雀巢的巧克力威化.

    wafer think ice 意思是薄冰,直译:你在薄冰上滑冰!意译:你在玩火!悠着点,别惹我发火!

    Monica: (To Ross) Cassie needs to stay at your place.

    Ross: What—why?

    Monica: Because Purvy Perverson over here can’t stop staring at her.

    Ross: What?! Chandler, she’s our cousin!

    Chandler: I was not staring at her. Okay? I was just listening intently. It’s called being a good conversationalist. Watch. (Stares at Monica’s eyes.) Say something.

    Monica: You were staring about eight inches south of there.

    Ross: Fine, she can stay at my place. By the way, what-what does Cassie even look like now.

    Monica: She looks exactly like Aunt Marilyn.

    Chandler: Umm, so this Aunt Marilyn is-is-is-is she coming to the wedding?

    Monica:Wafer thin ice!

    3. off the top of one's head 随便一想

    Joey的角色是要求没有做过环切手术的,Monica帮Joey想办法怎么蒙混过关时说off the top of my head I’m thinking double sided tape and some sort of luncheon meat.

    off the top of one's head 随便一想,大概一想 without careful thinking or investigation


    Monica: Oh my God, what are you gonna do?!

    Joey: I just have to call my agent and tell her I can’t do the part. 

    Monica: Unless!

    Joey: Unless what?

    Monica: Well, this may sound crazy, but there maybe something we could fashion.

    Joey: Like what?

    Monica: Well I’m not sure yet, but umm, off the top of my head I’m thinking double sided tape and some sort of luncheon meat.

    4. seed money 种子资金

    Phoebe在Monica的钱包里找电话簿的时候顺出来40美元然后高兴地说a little seed money for the party

    seed money 种子资金,就是用于启动某项活动的启动资金


    Rachel:  We have to get her a present?!

    Phoebe: Okay but look! Look at what I got! It’s her address book! (Holds it up.) We have a guest list!

    Rachel: Oh my God you’re amazing! Did you just pull that out of her purse?

    Phoebe: Uh-huh, and a little seed money for the party. (Holds up $40.)

    5. have a knack for sth 做某事很有天赋

    Ross看到漂亮的表妹Cassie也犯起了花痴,Cassie说你模仿Chandler真像啊,Ross赶紧说I have a knack for impression. 

    have a knack for sth 做某事很有天赋

    Cassie: Oh my God! You do a great Chandler!

    Ross: Uh-huh. Yeah, I-I have a knack for impressions.

    Cassie: Well, maybe after we get reacquainted uh, you can do me.

    Ross: Yeah—No!!

    6. 大牌客串:丹妮斯理查兹 Denise Richards

    因《星河舰队》和《玩尽杀绝》走红的美女明星。后来除了在007里客串了一把邦女郎后再没什么优秀的作品问世。最后对她的印象是她出现在群星熠熠的Love Actually影片的结尾部分,出场时间不到1分钟。 

  • 1. tiptoe around 小心翼翼,避免 

    Phoebe和新男友如胶似漆,但她怕刺激到即将结婚的Monica所以有所收敛。Monica对Phoebe说 it’s okay. You don’t have to tip toe around me.

    tiptoe这个词的意思是脚尖,用脚尖走。而tiptoe around主要有两个意思:

    1.做某事小心翼翼的 (to act very cautiously about something )

    例句:Yet to this day they tend to tiptoe around Muslims as a distinct market segment.


    2. 避免谈论令人不快的或者有争议的事情(to avoid speaking about a painful or controversial issue)

    例句:In 1940, Franklin Roosevelt tried to tiptoe around the war question and when that didn't wash, he simply lied about it.


    2. pull my finger  逗你玩儿

     Chandler在说完和Monica关系多么深厚以后,忽然说pull my finger. 这是一个古老的恶作剧。恶作剧的始作俑者会伸出指头说pull my finger, 如果你真的去拉他的手指,他会忽然放屁。

    pull my finger 引申为调侃,逗你玩儿,没多大关系


    Jake: Bye Phoebe.

    Phoebe: Okay bye. (They kiss.)

    Jake: All right. Bye. (Backs out the door.)

    Phoebe: Bye! We said good-bye at the door so as not to flaunt our new love.

    Monica: Phoebe, it’s okay. You don’t have to tip toe around me. I-I’ve been thinking about it and umm, y’know what? I’m okay about not having that new relationship feeling…

    Jake:  I miss you already!!

    Phoebe: (yelling back) I miss you too!!!! 

    Monica: See? That’s what I mean. I mean that, that’s great! But I wouldn’t trade in what I have for that. I mean I’m gonna be with Chandler for the rest of my life, and that’s what makes me happy. (Chandler approaches.) Hey sweetie, come here! Come sit down. Hey Phoebe and I were just talking about how our relationship is deep and meaningful. It really is, don’t you think?

    Chandler: Oh totally! (Holds up his finger.) Pull my finger.

    3. yank one's chain 玩弄某人,欺骗某人

    又一个以爱上Ross来找他改分的学生被拒绝后揭穿了上一个学生也是骗Ross的事实,他对Ross说He’s totally yanking your chain!

    yank one's chain 玩弄某人,欺骗某人

    Lewis: Professor Geller?

    Ross: (turning towards him) Yes Mr. Lewis, how can I help you?

    Lewis: I know I didn’t do well on my midterms and stuff but, I was kinda hoping you could change my grade.

    Ross: And why exactly would I do that? (Goes back to writing on the board.)

    Lewis: Because I’m in love with you.

    Ross:  What?!

    Lewis: Yeah, I’m all…in love with you and stuff. So could you change my grade?

    Ross: No!

    Lewis: Well why not? You changed Ned’s grade!

    Ross: Well that’s different! Okay? Because he, he was actually in love with me!

    Lewis: No he’s not! He’s totally yanking your chain! He’s done this with three other teachers!

    Ross: What?

    Lewis: He’s got a girlfriend!

    Ross: I can’t believe someone would do that for a grade.

    Lewis: I know! It’s awful. I love you.

    4. don't sweat it 别担心

    Monica对于结婚以后就只能忠于伴侣一人这个事情有点焦虑,她想找Phoebe聊聊。Phoebe一听还是这个话题先说don't sweat it.

    Don’t sweat it 意思是Don’t worry. 别担心!

    还有一个相似的短语是no sweat = it's a piece of cake. 太简单了。 

    5. get sth out of one's system 把很想做的事情做了,然后就别再想了

    ahead get it out of your system. That guy’s cute.

    get someting out of one's system 字面上意思 “让什么东西离开你的身体”这个表达的实际意思是发泄。或是把很想做的事情做了,以后就不再想了。 

    例句:He's been talking about skydiving for so long, I'm just glad he's finally going to get it out of his system.

    Monica: Have you seen Chandler?

    Phoebe: No. Why?

    Monica: ‘Cause I just keep thinking about all these things that I’m not gonna have, and it’s freaking me out. I don’t know what to do about it.

    Phoebe: Okay, don’t sweat it. (Looking around her.) Chandler is nowhere around so go ahead get it out of your system. That guy’s cute. (Points to a guy sitting behind Monica.)

    6. putting out (女性)轻佻,轻易献身

    当Phoebe意识到妈妈留给她的那些人生道理都是错的的时候问了Monica一句Does this also mean putting out doesn’t get you love?

    在这里putting out 是俚语里的粗俗用语vulgar slang 意思是指女性轻佻放荡, 轻易献身。

    例句:Joe is going to dump his girlfriend because she won't put out for him

    看来Phoebe的妈妈是告诉她put out是能带来真爱的,所以Monica直接震惊了。

    Phoebe: All right, I’ve never been engaged and I’ve never really been married, but I can only tell you what my mother told me. Whenever you have doubts or fears or anxieties about a relationship, do not communicate them to your husband.

    Monica: So I’m not supposed to share my doubts and fears with the guy I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with?

    Phoebe: That is correct! Yes, you’re supposed to take all of that stuff and put it in a little box in your mind and then lock it up tight.

    Monica: Your mother told you this?

    Phoebe: Yes!

    Monica: The woman that got married a bunch of times and killed herself when you were 13?

    Phoebe: Oh my God! You’re right! Go! (Monica starts to leave.) Go tell Chandler! Hurry before it’s too late! Wait no! (Monica stops.) Does this also mean putting out doesn’t get you love? (Monica is shocked.)

  • 1. Emmy 艾美奖 


    Joey: Hey! You guys! You’re not gonna believe this! I just got off the phone with my agent…

    Phoebe: Oh my God! (Joey looks at her.) I’m sorry, too soon. You go.

    Joey: Okay. I got nominated for my part on Days of Our Lives!

    Monica: Joey!

    Phoebe: Good for you!

    Monica: Congratulations! Wow! I can’t believe you’re nominated for an Emmy!

    Joey: No-no.

    Monica: Oh Soap Opera Digest award!

    Joey: No! I’m up for a Soapie!

    2. cut sb some slack 放某人一马,让某人好过点

    Ross跟一个不及格的学生这段对话很有趣。60分及格这个学生考了7分,还希望老师照顾他一下,说Well maybe you can cut me some slack。

    slack 就是布的皱折,穿著衣裤时,肘弯处、跨部及膝盖处若没有皱折,就会觉得衣裤很紧不舒服,

    所以 cut me some slack “多剪一些布给我当皱折”就被引申为“别对我那么严格;让我轻松一点”。

    3. in the loop 骨干范围

    学生想要老师给提分的借口五花八门,这次这个学生的借口是I am sort of in love. 当Ross回应That's not my problem的时候,学生说I am in love with you. 这下Ross傻了,说了一句Well, that brings me in the loop a little. 

    这里的核心短语是 in the loop.  loop 本意是圈或者电路。这个短语中意思是圈子,指圈内人物,具体说是互通重要情报、共同参与决策的一个群体,属于圈内骨干范围。

    例句:Sometimes they are not even in the loop to get important information.有时候,他们甚至不属于能获悉重要情报的圈内人士。

    Ross说bring me in the loop 字面上是把我带进了核心决策圈,意思是和我扯上关系了。

    另外一个常用的短语是 keep sb in the loop, 有最新情况跟某人说一声 相当于keep sb posted/updated.

    4. turtleneck sweater 套头高领毛衣

    这个学生在说他喜欢Ross的原因时提到了Ross的turtleneck sweater. 

    Turtleneck sweater 套头高领毛衣,直译是龟脖子毛衣

    Ross: Mr. Morse I need to talk to you about your mid-term exam, I’m afraid I-I had to fail you.

    Morse: (shocked) Why?!

    Ross: Well you need 60% to pass…

    Morse: What’d I get?

    Ross: Seven.

    Morse: That’s not so good.

    Ross: No-no it’s not. What-what happened there Ned?

    Morse: Well maybe you can cut me some slack. I’m sort of in love.

    Ross: Well I’m sorry but, that-that’s really not my problem.

    Morse: I’m in love with you.

    Ross: Well that brings me in the loop a little.

    Morse: You see, that’s why I did so bad on this test. I’m having a hard time concentrating. When you’re up there (Points to the podium) and you’re teaching and your face gets all serious…you look so good. (In a sexy voice) You wear that tight little turtleneck sweater

    Ross: Okay! (Walks away from him.) Umm, I uh, I’m your teacher. I’m sorry, you’re-you’re a student and I-and I like women. In spite of what may be written on the backs of some of these chairs.

    5. kiss and tell  泄露隐私信息

    Monica想要知道Phoebe约会的细节,Phoebe首先回答是I don't kiss and tell. 

    Kiss and tell 非正式用法,意思是泄露出一些私密的信息,尤其指一手的私密信息


    6. speak for itself 非常明显,不言而喻

    虽然Phoebe说我不会kiss and tell, 但她接下来就撩起衣服说But this hickey speaks for itself. 


    speak for itself 非常明显,不言而喻

    俚语:The school's excellent record speaks for itself. 這個學校的聲譽卓著,不言自喻。

    所以这一句跟Phoebe先前说的I don't kiss and tell形成了鲜明的对比,甚至用到了修辞手法中的pun. 

    Phoebe: Oh hey!

    Monica: Hey! How’d your date go with Jake?

    Phoebe: Oh, great! We couldn’t keep our eyes off each other all night and then every once and a while y’know, he’d kinda lean over and stroke my hair and touch my neck. 

    Monica: Okay, stop it Phoebe, you’re getting me all tingly.

    Phoebe: All I could think of was y’know, "Is he gonna kiss me? Is he gonna kiss me?"

    Monica: And did he?

    Phoebe: I’m a lady Monica, I don’t kiss and tell. But this hickey speaks for itself

  • 1. narrow down to 压缩到 

    Monica和Chandler的婚礼在即,有很多准备的工作。婚宴上12道甜品被Monica narrow down 到6种。

    narrow down 缩减,压缩

    narrow down to 缩减到,压缩到


    We narrowed the list of candidates down from ten to three.我們把候選人從十位篩選至三位。

    2. since forever 有史以来

    Chandler说婚礼上要请一个swing band,Phoebe就问他你什么时候喜欢swing music了,Chandler的回答是since forever 

    since forever 有史以来,夸张用法表示已经有很长一段时间到了。 

    Monica: So the wedding caterer sent me this list of twelve appetizers and I have to narrow it down to six.

    Joey: Food? Uh-huh gimme!

    Chandler: So did Monica tell you about this great band called the Swing Kings that we’re trying to get to play at the wedding?

    Phoebe: Since when are you into swing music?

    Chandler: Oh since forever! I used to go all over town listening to bands!

    3. fan out 散开

    Monica带着Rachel和Phoebe去婚纱店抢中意的那件婚纱,店门一开,Monica给朋友们的指示是fan out,分头去找。

    fan out 散开  spread out over a certain area 

    例句:The soldiers fanned out to search the enemy. 士兵们分散开去搜寻敌人。 

    A Woman: What is taking so long?! I mean whatever!

    Rachel: (To Phoebe) So this is Brooklyn.

    Monica: All right, listen up. There is usually only one dress in each size so when they open those doors, fan out. Now, this is what you’re looking for! (Holds up a picture of it.) Memorize it! When you locate the dress, blow on these. All right? (She passes out whistles to them.) Three short blasts. When you hear it, come running.

    Rachel: Okay.

    Phoebe: Got it.

    Monica: All right.

    4. T-zone 额头鼻子下巴T型区

    Ross在去约会前用了facial,也就是面膜。按照他自己的说法,他有一个oily T-zone.

    T-zone 额头鼻子下巴这个T型区

    Joey: (entering) Hey!

    Ross: Hey! What’s up?

    Joey: I just wanted to come by and y’know, wish you good luck on your date.

    Ross: Oh thanks!

    Joey: Yeah. What time are you meeting her?

    Ross: We have 8:00 reservations at Gramercy Bistro.

    Joey: Wow, that’s in like 20 minutes. You’d better get dressed.

    Ross: I am dressed.

    Joey: Oh. Well good! (To himself) For me. (He picks up a jar of lotion.) What is this? Did you give yourself a facial?

    Ross: I have an oily T-zone

    5. on the verge of 接近于,濒于

    Ross和Joey在女邻居面前互揭糗事,最后Joey下了狠手就是说It just seems like Ross is the kind of a guy that would marry a woman on the verge of being a lesbian and then push her over the edge.

    on the verge of 接近于…;瀕于…

    on the verge of collapse/success/tears/death/disaster/war 瀕於崩潰/接近成功/差點流淚/瀕臨死亡/瀕臨災難/處於戰爭的邊緣Her husband's violent and abusive 例句:behaviour drove her to the verge of despair.她丈夫的暴力和虐待行為將她逼到了近乎絕望的境地

    Joey: Hi!

    Ross: Hi. (They shake hands.) It’s nice to meet you. I used to have a friend named Joey. I don’t anymore.

    Kristen: Our table will be ready in a couple minutes.

    Ross: Yeah. So…

    Joey: Sure! I would love to wait with you guys! Thanks! (Sits down.)

    Ross: So Joey umm, you look familiar. Are uh, are you on TV or something?

    Kristen: Well Joey doesn’t like to talk about it but, he’s one of the stars of Days Of Our Lives.

    Ross: That’s right! That’s right, don’t you play a woman?

    Joey: A woman in a man’s body.

    Ross: Much better.

    Joey: So y’know Ross it’s funny ‘cause, you look familiar to me too. Have you ever been married?

    Ross: Well yes, yes I have. In fact umm, just the other day Kristen and I were talking about how I’ve been married and how I have a son.

    Kristen: Yeah, little Eric.

    Ross: That’s right! Wait no, Ben.

    Joey: So you’ve just married the one time then?

    Ross: Well umm…

    Kristen: You’ve been married twice?

    Ross: Yes. And another time after that. Boy I’m getting hungry! Hey Joey, have you ever been so hungry on a date that when a girl goes to the bathroom you ate some of her food?

    Kristen: You said the waiter ate my crab cake.

    Joey: (laughs that one off) Yeah. So uh Ross, well now—why did that first marriage breakup? Was it because the woman was straight or she was a lesbian?

    Kristen: Do you two know each other?

    Joey and Ross: No. No.

    Joey: No. It just seems like Ross is the kind of a guy that would marry a woman on the verge of being a lesbian and then push her over the edge.

    6. 客串明星:Gabrielle Union 

    客串明星:Gabrielle Union


  • 1. Ex-con 有犯罪前科的人 


    Ex-con 有犯罪前科的人

    Con有几种意思,常见的意思是骗局,conman 就是骗子。Con还有反面反对的意思,以前提到过的pros and cons 利弊

    Ross: Hey listen can you do me a big favor? The dean’s office just called and said there was an urgent meeting. Can you watch Ben for like an hour?

    Rachel: What-what about Monica?

    Ross: Oh, she isn’t home.

    Rachel: (nervous) So it would just be me alone?

    Ross: Well, Ben would be there.

    Rachel: Huh umm…

    Ross: What’s the matter?

    Rachel: Well that—y’know it’s just uh, I’ve never done that before. Me and him alone.

    Ross: Rach, he’s not an ex-con.

    2. call it 我定了

    Monica和Chandlder的结婚典礼找不到主持的牧师,Phoebe说其实可以从网上获得婚礼主持的资格,Joey大喊I call it. 

    call it 意思是我定了,我要了,这事儿是我的

    类似的美语口语还有dibs. 比如一个人对大家说Who want the last piece of cake? 一个人大喊Dibs. 我的了!

    Phoebe: Oo! You should have one of us do it!

    Monica: Phoebe, we’re getting married, married; not sixth grade married.

    Phoebe: No! No! It’s-it’s uh a real thing! Anyone can get ordained on the Internet and perform like weddings and stuff!

    Monica: Are you serious?

    Phoebe: Yes! A friend of mine did it and it’s totally legal!

    Joey:I call it!!

    Phoebe: What?! No! It was my idea!

    Chandler: Guys thank you very much but neither of you is marrying us.

    Joey: Does calling it not mean anything anymore?!

    3. have a bone to pick 找某人算账

    Ross被儿子的恶作剧整惨了,因为恶作剧都是Rachel教的,所以Ross找Rachel去算账。见面就是一句I have a bone to pick with you.

    have a bone to pick  我要给你找点儿麻烦了,我得给你说道说道了。

    通常来说这句话就比较重了,在撕破脸的边缘。如果语气不想表达得那么重也可以说We need to talk.

    Rachel: Coming.

    Ross: have a bone to pick with you.

    Rachel: Uh-oh.

    Ross: Yes! Ben learned a little trick.

    4. what a nice surprise  什么风把你给吹来了

    Rachel去拜访Ross的前妻Carol. Carol开门一看,稀客啊,于是就说了这样一句话。

    what a nice surprise! 什么风把你给吹来了!

    另外一个某人意外拜访时用的句子是 To what do I owe the honor. 这句话主要想问对方拜访的目的。 

    Carol: Hey Rachel! 

    Rachel: Hi!

    Carol:What a nice surprise! What are you doing here?

    Rachel: Well y’know I was just in the neighborhood and I passed by your building and I thought to myself, "What’s up with Carol and sweet, little Ben?"

    Carol: Can I ask what—Come on in.

    Rachel: Okay.

    5. bode well for 对...来说是个好兆头

    回顾Monica和Chandler在伦敦第一次hook up的场景。Chandlder脱衣服很快,Monica有点惊讶。Chandler就说 It bodes well for me that speed impresses you.

    bode well for 对...来说是好兆头

    例句:These figures do not bode well for the company's future.


    Monica: Wow! You are really fast!

    Chandler: It bodes well for me that speed impresses you.

    Monica: We’re gonna see each other naked.

    Chandler: Yep!

    6. man of the cloth 神职人员,公职人员

    Chandler因为伦敦之夜本来不是Monica首选对象而生气,Monica在解释的时候无意贬低了Joey。Joey就不开心地说 Now I’m a man of the cloth, but I still have feelings!

    Man of the cloth 穿制服的公职人员或神职人员,尤其指神职人员

    Chandler: (To Monica) So you came to the room looking for Joey? Did you ever in-intend on telling me about this?

    Monica: No, because it-it didn’t seem important.

    Chandler: Oh, it’s not important? It’s not important?! If it wasn’t for a bridesmaid you’d be marrying him not me!

    Monica: Noo!! The point is that is was you that was there that night! It is you that I am marrying! It is you that I fell in love with!

    Joey: And it is a love that is based on having and giving and receiv—(Shuts up on Monica’s glare.)

    Chandler: I don’t believe it. The most romantic night of my life and I’m runner up.

    Monica: Chandler, please! Do you know how unbelievably glad I am that Joey was not there that night?!

    Joey: Hey! (Monica turns and looks at him) Now I’m a man of the cloth, but I still have feelings!

  • 1. bounce something off (of ) someone 从某人那里得到想法或反馈 

    Monica为自己的婚礼要求大家集思广益时说bounce some idea off of you 从你们这里得到些点子。Bounce something off (of ) someone 从某人那里得到些想法或反馈

    例句:I bounced the idea of becoming an actress off of my friends before discussing it with my parents.

    另外一个从某人那里获得看法的说法是 pick one's brain. 

    2. on the Q.T. 保密

    到底在Monica和Chandler的婚礼上表演什么?Ross将自己的计划弄得神神秘秘,说I’m kinda keeping this one on the Q.T.

    on the Q.T 的意思是“保密” QT其实就是quiet 

    Monica: Thanks for coming by guys. We wanted to bounce some ideas off of you about the wedding ceremony.

    Rachel: (starting to cry) Ohh…

    Ross: What’s the matter? You okay?

    Rachel: Yeah, it’s just y’know…

    Chandler: (To Ross) Monica said wedding.

    Monica: Uh, so anyway, we thought one of you could read something during the ceremony.

    Rachel: Oh! I would love to read a poem.

    Chandler: Do you think you could get through a poem?

    Rachel: (crying) It’ll be a short one.

    Monica: Okay, so Ross will be doing the reading.

    Rachel: Ohhh…

    Ross: Okay. Yeah, I guess, I guess I could do that too.

    Chandler: Too?

    Ross: Yeah, I kind of uh, have something else planned for you guys.

    Monica: Do you mind telling us what it is?

    Ross: Sorry, I’m kinda keeping this one on the Q.T.

    Chandler: Well, whatever it is, I hope it involves winking. 

    3. fill one's shoes 接替某人

    Joey在他演出的剧集Days of Our Lives中要接替一位资深演员的角色,所以心里还是有点忐忑, 就说it’s gonna be really hard to fill her shoes.

    Fill one’s shoes 令人满意地代替某人,接替某人

    另外一个相关的短语 be in one's shoes 站在某人的立场上

    What would you do if you were in my shoes? 

    Rachel: Cecilia Monroe man, what a great actress.

    Joey: Oh, tell me about it. And she’s been on the show forever, it’s gonna be really hard to fill her shoes.

    Ross: Yeah-yeah, help me out here, when you come out of the "brain transplant," you are going to be her?

    Joey: Yes, but in Drake Ramoray’s body. (Ross laughs unbelievably.) Why is this so hard for you to get? I thought you were a scientist!

    4. knocker 丰满的胸部,胸部丰满的人

    Phoebe和Monica无法判断眼前的帅哥是straight还是gay, 刚好有个身材很棒的女士从他面前走过,这个帅哥盯着看,这回他的性向就明朗了。所以Phoebe说 Ohh knockers will help us figure it out.

    knocker 本意是门环,俚语指丰满的胸部,或胸部丰满的人


    Phoebe: (Clears Throat) Rach, so, that guy there. Straight or gay?

    Rachel: (They both look behind them.) Well, I'd have to say gay.

    Phoebe: Yeah? Why?

    Rachel: Well mainly because he's kissing that other guy.

    Phoebe: Oh no not that guy there. That guy right there. 

    Rachel: Oh yeah he's too cute to be straight.

    Phoebe:  Ohh knockers will help us figure it out. 

    Rachel: All right, straight, and not subtle.

    5. speed dial 快捷呼叫

    为了弄清楚丢手机帅哥的状况,Rachel建议查看一下他手机上的speed dial, 来确定她和Phoebe谁和帅哥更有共同之处。而Phoebe的建议是看谁的名字跟Phone的单词接近。

    speed dial 快捷呼叫 


    Rachel: No Phoebe! You cannot get the phone that way; that’s not fair! Okay look, I have an idea. Why don’t we, why don’t we see what kind of number he has on his speed dial, and then from that we can tell who has more in common with him. And then whoever does gets the phone.

    Phoebe: Or, we can decide by whose ever name is closer to the word phone.

    Rachel: I don’t think so.

    6. shake things up 做出改变

    Joey劝解Cecilia离开这个角色不见得是个坏事情,It will give you a chance to shake things up.

    shake things up 做出改变,打散重组


    Cecilia: Right. He’s not angry at the room either. Try it again, he owns it! He owns the room. It is his. He owns, owns, owns, owns the room! He owns it!! (Joey gets a snooty look on his face.) All right, it’s a little weird, but it’s getting better. (Joey is pleased.) Oh well, I’m gonna miss this woman so much. I don’t know what I’m going to do! I mean, it’s been 20 years of my life.

    Joey: Oh well—Hey-hey! Maybe, maybe uh, maybe this is a good thing. Y’know? It’ll-it’ll give you a chance to shake things up, play different characters. You’re so talented.

    7. 大牌客串:苏珊.萨兰登


    苏珊萨兰登, 美国著名影星,经典电影无数,凭借《死囚漫步》拿下了奥斯卡影后。让人印象深刻的角色还包括《末路狂花》等。前夫是奥斯卡影帝蒂姆罗宾斯,就是《肖申克救赎》里的男主角。这段曾被视为好莱坞经典爱情的长达23年的姐弟恋婚姻在萨兰登63岁时告终。

  • 1. breath 口气 

    Monica三十岁生日,Chandler组织了一个surprise party, Monica的父母和一帮朋友都在等着给她惊喜,结果Monica醉醺醺地回来了。为了不让Monica父母得知她喝醉,Chandler想办法替她蒙混过去。但首先we have to do something about your breath.

    breath 口气 

    bad breath 口臭

    这里breath指的是呼出的口气。很常见的一句话Your breath stinks and you should brush your teeth.

    Chandler: (laughing) Okay we have to do something about your breath.

    Monica: What about your breath?! 

    Chandler: That’s still yours. Okay, now remember it’s a surprise party. So, when you go in, act surprised.

    Monica: Okay. I can do that.

    Chandler: Okay.

    2. neutral 空档

    Ross的车被堵着出不来,Phoebe决定break into前面那一辆车,然后put it in neutral。这里neutral不是常见的中立的意思而是汽车的空档。


    P - park  停车

    N - neural 空档

    R - reverse 倒车

    D - drive 前进

    3. haul ass 跑啊

    Phoebe撬开汽车触发了报警器,赶紧跑,边跑边喊haul ass.

    Haul ass 粗俗俚语,意思是逃啊,翻译成单田芳的语言:风紧,扯乎

    Phoebe: (running up) Okay. Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do. Okay, I’m gonna break into this mini-van and put it in neutral. You guys push it forward so Ross can drive out of his spot. Okay? All right, here we go. Haul ass!!!! (Runs off.)

    4. be pissed 生气

    Monica把朋友Phil的名字叫错了,所以Phil is really pissed. 

    be pissed = be pissed off 气坏了

    piss基本上有三个意思1. 撒尿 2. be pissed 喝醉 3. be pissed或be pissed off 生气,恼火。 

    5. be wasted 喝醉了

    Chandler解释说monica喝多了用的是she is wasted 

    be wasted = be drunk = be pissed = be hammered  喝醉了

    be buzzed = be tipsy 喝得飘飘然,微醺

    Rachel: What’s-what’s going on? Phil’s really pissed!

    Chandler: Monica’s wasted.

    Ross: Maybe that will liven up this party.

    Chandler: (To Rachel) Okay, will you just go help her change please!

    Rachel: Okay, but taking care of a drunk, naked woman seems like a job for Joey.

    Joey: Yep. 

  • 1. hippety-hop 跳跳球 

    Phoebe 30岁前完成的梦想包括用hippity hop走一英里。

    hippety-hop 可以当动词 跳跃

    例句:He hippety-hopped on the stage. 他蹦上舞台。


    2. patch things up with sb 与某人修补关系

    Phoebe的另外一个30岁前的愿望就是patch things up with her sister. 

    patch things up with sb 与某人修补关系


    Novick suggests that she take this as an opportunity to patch things up with her husband.


    3. godsend 天赐之物,及时雨


    And-and girls this thing is a Godsend if you know what I mean.

    godsend 天赐之物,及时雨

    例句:The grant was a real godsend, especially considering the theatre was going to be shutdown next month.

    Phoebe: I did it! One mile on a hippity-hop! That’s it!! That’s everything I wanted to do before I was thirty. Oh, except I wanted to patch things up with my sister. But oh well. Yay!! (They all cheer again.) And-and girls this thing is a Godsend if you know what I mean. 

    4. convertible sports car 敞篷跑车

    Ross买了一辆sports car遭到Chandler的嘲笑

    Sports car 跑车 

    convertible sports car 敞篷跑车

    5. be into sb/sth 喜欢某人或某事

    为了辩解自己买跑车,Ross讲I am a sports car enthusiast. I have always been into cars.

    be into sth/sb 喜欢某事或某人

    曾经风靡北美的情感畅销书He's just not that into you, 后来也改编成了电影。 

    Ross: How hot do I look in this, huh?!

    Chandler: Ross, a sports car? Wouldn’t it have been cheaper to just stuff a sock down there?

    Ross: That’s not what this is about okay? I-I am a sports car enthusiast. I have always been into cars.

    6. least of all 最不,尤其不

    Least of all = especially not 最不,尤其不。这里菲比说least of all you = especially not you 尤其是你不行。

    例句:1 No one believe her, least of all us. 没人信她,尤其是我们。

    2. I never hid the truth, least of all from you.


    7. sonny 小毛孩儿

    Monica称呼Tag为sonny, 因为他炫耀年龄小。

    sonny 孩子,小毛孩儿(年长者对年轻人的称呼)

    Monica: All right Rach, for what it’s worth, I think that you’re doing great. I mean y’know let’s face it, no one handles this well.

    Phoebe:Least of all you.

    Tag: Why? What you’d do?

    Monica: Weren’t you asked to leave sonny?

  • 1. body is not even cold yet 尸骨未寒 

    Rachel把Joey的椅子Rosita给弄坏了,于是说给他买新的椅子。Joey气愤地说She is not even cold yet.

    这句话来源于The body is not even cold yet 

    body is not even cold yet 尸骨未寒

    Rachel: Joey, Joey I am so sorry.

    Joey: I told you not to move it! Rach, how would you feel if say, I wanted to move your mom, and you said don’t, and I did it anyway and her head fell off?

    Rachel: Okay, come on—Joey, I’ll buy you a new one! All right? We’ll go down to the store right now and we’ll-we’ll get you a new chair.

    Joey:She’s not even cold yet!

    2. trial run 试运行

    Phoebe应聘了一份toner推销员的工作,主管为了测试她的工作能力,进行了一个电话对话作为trial run. 

    trial run 试运行

    Supervisor: So basically this is very easy. You read from the script and try to sell as much toner as you possibly can.

    Phoebe: Okay, I can do that! Oh, by the way, I love my office.

    Supervisor: (laughs) Why don’t we do a trial run.

    Phoebe: Oh okay. Umm, all right. Hi, this is Phoebe from Empire Office Supplies, can I speak to your supply manager please?

    Supervisor: I’m the supply manager.

    Phoebe: Umm, okay I would like to talk to you about your toner needs.

    Supervisor: We don’t need any toner.

    Phoebe: Oh okay, well I’m sorry to bother you. Bye-bye. (Hangs up the phone.) Yeah you’re right, this is easy.

    3. dead end 死路,困境

    Phoebe在打推销电话时意外地遇到一个想要自杀的Earl,问他为什么要自杀Earl说I uh, have been working for ten years now at this meaningless, dead-end job and nobody here even knows I exist!

    dead end 死路,困境

    dead-end job 没有前途的工作


    Earl: Okay, so…no toner today. Thanks anyway, bye-bye.

    Phoebe: No-no wait-wait! I can’t just let you hang up! Just please talk to me.

    Earl: Well…I only have one thing to do today. (He looks at his board in his office that reads, "Today’s Tasks: KILL SELF.") I guess I could push it back.

    Phoebe: Yeah! Now, why do you want to kill yourself?

    Earl: It’s just that I uh, have been working for ten years now at this meaningless, dead-end job and nobody here even knows I exist!

    Phoebe: Chandler?

    Earl: I-I’m sorry?

    4. 客串巨星:Jason Alexandre

    客串明星:扮演想自杀经理的是Jason Alexandre,美国演员,导演,即使不熟悉他的成名做《宋飞传》也应该对《风月俏佳人》里那个贱贱的律师有印象。最近还在Young Sheldon里看到他客串的身影。 

    5. in one's prime 在某人的鼎盛时期

    Joey在缅怀他的椅子的时候说cut down in her prime.

    Cut down in one’s prime 在茂盛时候被砍倒,可以引申为英年早逝

    in one's prime 在某人的鼎盛时期

    电视台常说prime time 意思是黄金时段

    Rachel: Come on Joey, I just bought you a new chair! The most expensive one in the store! Hey, y’know what I was thinking? We could name her Francette.

    Joey: Francette? What is she? A couch?

    Joey: Poor thing. Cut down in her prime.

    6. pass off as 把...冒充为,假称是

    Ross发现父母重新装修房子时把自己的东西都留下了,而把Monica的童年物品全扔了,于是对父亲发火。Mr. Gellar的对策是We’ll-we’ll take stuff from mine and whatever we can pass off as hers

    pass off as 把…冒充为,假称是

    Mr. Geller: Well, she’ll understand right? It’s not like I did it on purpose.

    Ross: Dad, that won’t matter to her. Look, all my stuff is safe and dry and all hers is-is, is growing new stuff! See, this is exactly the kind of thing that makes her think you guys love me more than you love her.

    Mr. Geller: Oh my God, does she really thinks that?

    Ross: Well, can you blame her?

    Mr. Geller: Well I don’t know, I-I suppose we may have favored you unconsciously, you were a medical marvel! The doctor said your mother could…

    Ross: Dad, dad I don’t want to hear about it.

    Mr. Geller: Really?

    Ross: Well, not right now. Okay look, Monica came here for some memories and damnit, we’re gonna give her some! Okay, grab…grab some empty boxes. Okay? We’ll-we’ll take stuff from mine and whatever we can pass off as hers we’ll-we’l put ‘em in there.

    Mr. Geller: Great!

    7. take sth for a spin 对某事尝试一下

    为了补偿对Monica的冷落和不重视,Mr.Gella把自己的保时捷车送给了女儿并建议她take it for a spin

    take sth for a spin 对某事尝试一下 (尤其指汽车)

    Monica: Wait, you’re giving me your Porsche, you’re kidding me right?!

    Ross: Well w-w-w-w-wait, w-wait, wait, wait a minute! I mean a couple of stupid boxes get wet and she gets a Porsche?!

    Mr. Geller: (To Monica) Why don’t we take it for a spin?

    Monica: All right!

    Ross: Well, what about me?! I’m a medical marvel!!

  • 1. chilly 冷飕飕 

    大家在屋顶看彗星Monica说Chandler is getting chilly. 

    Chilly 和 Cold 当冷讲的时候有区别。Chilly 主要指感觉到冷嗖嗖的,冷的让人不舒服,当形容词还有怕冷的意思,而cold就是冷。 

    Monica: Okay, we’ve been out here for two hours and we haven’t seen any stupid comets. Can we go now? I mean, Chandler’s getting chilly.

    Chandler: (with a quivering voice) No, I’m not!

    Joey: Then why are you wearing Monica’s jacket?

    Chandler: Because it’s flattering!

    2. overnight sth 当日寄出

    Rachel问Ted是否寄出了重要的合同说:did you overnight them?

    Overnight 当副词或形容词用我们都很熟悉。其实它还可以当及物动词,

    overnight sth 把信件或包裹在一天之内寄出去。

    Rachel: You wanna go in the bedroom? It’s a little more comfortable.

    Tag: Sure.

    Rachel: Okay. Oh wait! Umm, did you send those contracts to Milan?

    Tag: If this is your idea of sexy talk?

    Rachel: No seriously, y’know the contracts I gave you, did you overnight them?

    Tag: What contracts?

    Rachel: Okay please tell me that this is just one of your jokes that you do that I don’t get.

    3. feel free to do sth 请随意做某事吧

    Rachel和Tag因为合同的事情杠上了,Rachel非说给了Tag了然后就要去他的桌子上翻。Tag有点赌气了,说你随便看。Feel free to to look.  

    Feel free to do sth = don’t hesitate to do sth 请随意做某事吧。

    例句:If you have any question, please feel free to ask.

    Tag: Okay! Feel free to look, but I’m telling you those contracts are not on this desk.

    Rachel: Oh how can you possibly know? Look at this mess, Tag! I mean, this is what I’m talking about! You have to be organized! You’ve got newspapers! You’ve got magazines! You got—Ohh! (Finds a picture.) And who is this chippy? A little young for you Tag, but whatever.

    4. puzzler 令人困惑的人或难题


    Puzzler 是令人困惑的人或难题,Rachel用到这个词时的感叹语气,直接翻译成奇了怪了!

    Tag: It’s not here.

    Rachel:Puzzler. A bit of a puzzle. Why don’t you um, check the copy room, maybe you left the contracts in there?

    5. have a good grip 抓得很牢

    Ross和Joey两个人被困屋顶,决定搭人梯自救。Joey先吊fire escape上,Ross再抓着Joey往下爬。Joey就位后,Ross先问了一个问题, Do you have a good grip?

    have a good grip 抓得很牢 to have a strong physical hold on something.

    另外这个短语还有一个意思就是have control of sth 对某事控制

    Ross: Okay, do-do you have a good grip?

    Joey: Yeah!

    Ross: Okay, I’m going to start climb down you now.

    Joey: All right! Just hurry up!

    6. holiday weight 节日体重

    Ross踩得Joey喘不过气,Joey问他到底是有多重,他说I still wears some Holiday weight 

    holiday weight 节日体重. 一般在节日后人们会用到这个词,意思是节日里吃的比较好,会发胖些,但这并不代表自己的实际体重。

    Joey: (grunting) Oh my… How much do you weigh Ross?!

    Ross: I prefer not to answer that right now, I’m still carrying a little holiday weight.

    7. rush sb 催促某人快做某事

    虽然已经离地面很近了,Ross还是不敢往下跳。Joey实在受不了了催促Ross说Just drop. Ross大喊Don't rush me.

    rush sb 催促某事快点做某事

    Ross: Hi.

    Joey: Hi.

    Ross: (looking down) M-maybe I should hang and you can climb down me.

    Joey: (angrily) Yeah? Maybe we should talk about that for a little while!

    Ross: It’s still looks pretty far!

    Joey: It’s not that far! Just drop!

    RossDo not rush me!!

  • 1. have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食 

    Chandler拿着蛋糕给Rachel吃,Rachel 说I am not much a sweet tooth. 我不是一颗甜牙。

    have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食

    实际意思是,我不喜欢吃甜食, 也可以说I don’t have a sweet tooth.

    Chandler: Ohh. Mmm.

    Rachel: (Comes in the front door and walks towards the kitchen.) Hi.

    Chandler: Hey, you have got to try this cheesecake.

    Rachel: Oh, y’know I'm not that much of a sweet tooth. I—(Chandler puts a forkful of the cheesecake in her mouth.)—Wow. My God, so creamy. Oh my God, this is the best cheesecake I have ever had. Where did you get this? (She reaches over to look at the label on the box.)

    Chandler: (nervously) It was at the front door. When I got home. Somebody sent it to us.

    Rachel: Chandler, this is not addressed to you. This is addressed to Mrs. Braverman downstairs. (Gasping) Thief.

    Chandler: I—no! I didn't read the box before I opened it. And you can't return a box after you've opened the box.

    Rachel: Why, why not?

    Chandler: Because it's too delicious.

    2. dully noted 知道了

    Ross得知Phoebe和Joey要出去单独对其他的朋友进行评价,就赶紧讨好Phoebe说May I say how lovely you look tonight. Phoebe也不客气,直接回答duly noted. 

    Duly noted 知道了,会引起重视的。

    例句:Your suggestion has been duly noted. 你的建议受到了重视。

    Joey: Hey, so Pheebs, we still on for tonight?

    Phoebe: Absolutely!

    Joey: I’ll see you at 8:00.

    Phoebe: Okay. (Joey exits.)

    Chandler: Oh, what’s at 8:00?

    Phoebe: Oh, I have dinner plans with Joey. We get together about once a month to discuss the rest of you guys.

    Ross: Wow, did not know that! May I say how lovely you look today?

    Phoebe:Duly noted.

    3. cancel on sb 取消与某人的约定

    Monica非要Ross带她去参加表妹的婚礼,可Ross还是想带女伴Joan去,就说I can't cancel on Joan.

    cancel on sb  取消与某人的约定

    类似的说法还有bail out on sb. 

    I can't believe he bailed out on me for a football game. 

    Monica: Wait a minute, y’know, you’re bringing me!

    Ross: What? I can’t cancel on Joan!

    Monica: Why not?!

    Ross: Bec—Did you not hear me?! She’s an assistant professor in the Linguistics department, okay? They’re wild! Why do you want to come anyway?

    Monica: Because! She’s my cousin. I mean, we grew up together! We’re family y’know? Well that’s important to me.

    Ross: Okay, all right, I’ll take you. I’ll go call Joan. 

    4. red-eye 红眼航班


    red-eye = red eye flight 红眼航班

    a red-eye flight is a flight scheduled to depart at night and arrive the next morning.红眼航班最早在1959年出现于美国,因为乘客下飞机时多睡眼惺忪,像兔子一样红着眼睛上下飞机,红眼航班因此得名。

    Phoebe: Well, of course I would want to see you. I…I think about you all the time.

    David: Really? Because I think about you all the time.

    Phoebe: Really?

    David: I mean, there’s a statue in Minsk…

    Phoebe: Uh-huh.

    David: That reminds me of you so much, I mean umm, it-it’s actually of Lenin. But, y’know at certain angles…

    Phoebe: Yeah.

    David: Umm, anyway…Do you want to have dinner tonight?

    Phoebe: (excited) Yes! Oh no!

    David: (disappointed) Oh. Uh, what?

    Phoebe: I can’t. I can’t believe I have plans, I can’t. Can you do it tomorrow night though?

    David: Uh no, I have to go in a few hours. I have to be on the red-eye. Well listen, y’know, next time you’re in Minsk umm…

    5. pull a fast one on sb 成功欺骗某人

    Joey听Chandler说Phoebe要爽自己的约安排别的事情,于是大为恼火说 I think she’s trying to pull a fast one on Big Daddy!

    pull a fast one on sb  成功地骗某人,使用诡计去占上风

    fast one = unfair trick

    我们可以说 pull a fast one on someone或 pull a fast one with someone,意思都是“成功地欺骗耍弄一个人,使一个人上当受骗”。比如,Neil 的那部新手机是假货,他完全的上当了。The phone seller pulled a fast one on Neil.

    Chandler: What are you doing tonight?

    Joey: Huh? Uh… 

    Chandler: Dude! Dude! 

    Joey: Oh! (Pulls up his pants.) Sorry. Uh, I’ve got those plans with Phoebe, why?

    Chandler: Oh really? Uh, Monica said she had a date at 9:00.

    Joey: What?! Tonight?!

    Chandler: That’s what Monica said.

    Joey: After she gave me that big speech?! She goes and makes a date with a guy on the same night she has plans with me? I think she’s trying to pull a fast one on Big Daddy!

  • 1. Licorice 甘草糖 

    Phoebe拿着一个骷髅头,里面放着Licorice.结果除了Ross, 别的朋友都不敢吃。

    Licorice 甘草糖,因其形状也常叫做licorice twist.

    Phoebe:  Hey!

    Chandler: Hey!

    Rachel and Monica: Hi!

    Phoebe: Haaaa... ... ahhhh!

    Chandler: Pheebs?

    Phoebe: Huh?

    Chandler: Skull?

    Phoebe: Oh, yeah, it's my mom's.

    Rachel:  Oh my god!!

    Phoebe: No, no, no. It's not! It's not my mom. It belonged to mom. Yeah, no, she used to put it out every Christmas to remind us, that even though it's Christmas, people still die. And, you can put candy in it. 

    Ross:  Hey!

    All: Hey!

    Monica Licorice?

    Ross:  Sure!

    2. shake sb down 向某人勒索钱财

    Monica和Chandler到餐厅吃饭,座位要45分钟后才可以安排。Monica建议给领座员塞小费,因为Places like this are always shaking you down.

    Shake sb down 向某人勒索钱财 

    此外shake down还有彻底搜索某地的意思。

    3. pay off someone 给某人钱

    为了早点得到座位,Monica建议Chandler pay off Maitre d. 

    pay off someone 给某人钱,通常是非法地给

    pay off 还有还债或得到回报的意思

    Chandler: (to the Maitre d') Hi, could we get two burritos to go, please? (Laughs.)

    Monica: I'm sorry. But not that sorry, 'cause you don't have to live with it. Um, we have a reservation under the name Chandler Bing.

    Maitre d': Oh-kay, we'll have a table for you in about 45 minutes.

    Chandler: Forty-five minutes? We have tickets to the Musicman at 8:00.

    Maitre d': I'm sorry. Christmas is a very busy time, sir.

    Chandler: Is this because of the burrito thing?

    Monica: You need to give him money.

    Chandler: Give him money? It was a joke!

    Monica: No, to get a table! Places like this are always shakin’ you down. Everybody wants to be paid off.

    Chandler: Right, calm down, O'Mally. I'll slip him some money.

    Monica: You've got to be smooth about it.

    Chandler: Hey, I can be smooth. Listen, we're a little bit in a hurry, so, if you can get us a table a little quicker, I'd appreciate it. (Shakes his hand)

    Maitre d': Of course, sir.

    Chandler: Okay. (Walks back to Monica)

    Monica: How did it go?

    Chandler: Had the money in the wrong hand. 

    4 on some level 从某种程度上来说

    Chandler和Monica质问Phoebe送Joey那些烦人的礼物是不是为了让Rachel不想住Joey的公寓。Phoebe的回答是Maybe on some level.

    On some level = to some degree 在某种程度上,从某种程度来说

    Chandler: Hey Pheebs!

    Phoebe: Hey! (she sits down next to him)

    Chandler: If you wanna give Joey a Christmas present that disrupts the entire building, why not get him something a little bit more subtle, like a wrecking ball, or a phial of small pox to release in the hallway?

    Monica: It's not just the drum noise. Every five minutes, Joey throws his sticks in the air, and I have to hear, "Oh my eye! Oh god, my eye!" I mean, it is so annoying.

    Phoebe: Yes, thank you. You see, this is how normal people are supposed to react to drums.

    Monica: Phoebe, you got Joey drums to annoy Rachel, so she wouldn't wanna live there anymore?

    Phoebe: Maybe on some level.

    5. be thrilled about 对某事很兴奋

    在讲述犹太人光明节故事的时候,Joey说是超人带犹太人飞出了沙漠,对于这种说法身为犹太人的Ross说I am not thrilled about it. 我不为此感到高兴 

    be thrilled about  = be excited about  对某事很兴奋

    be thrilled to bits 异常兴奋

    Ross: …and the miracle was that that little bit of oil that should’ve just lasted just one day, burned for…

    Ben: (answering him) Eight whole days.

    Ross: That’s right, and that’s why we celebrate Hanukkah today. The end.

    Ben: Awesome!

    Ross: Yeah?

    Chandler: My favorite part was when Superman flew all the Jews out of Egypt. 

    Ross: The Armadillo was actually not so thrilled about that part! Okay Ben, it’s time to light the Hanukkah candles! 

    6. Easter Bunny 复活节兔

    Rachel和菲比看到众人的装束后说这是Easter Bunny的葬礼。

    Easter Bunny 复活节兔。复活节是几年耶稣在十字架受刑死后复活的节日,西方基督国家都过这个节。节日习俗出了彩蛋外就是Easter Bunny, 复活节兔子。因为兔子繁殖能力强,所以被看做是新生命的代表。

    Rachel: (entering with Phoebe) Hey!

    Phoebe: Oh.

    Rachel: Wow! It looks like the Easter Bunny’s funeral in here.

    Ross: Come on, come on, we’re-we’re-we’re lighting the candles!

    Rachel: Oh.

    Phoebe: Oh.

    Phoebe: Okay, I understand why Superman is here, but why is there a porcupine at the Easter Bunny’s funeral?

  • 1. out-of-towner 外地人 

    Monica的糖果越来越受欢迎,连out of towners都来捧场。 

    out-of-towner 外地人

    be out of town意思就是到外地出差。美国喜剧明星Steve Martin在1999年就主演了一部同名喜剧 The Out-of-Towners.

    The Woman: Hi! I’m sorry, I know it’s after hours but I really need candy.

    Monica: I’m sorry, I can’t help you. See? (Points to her new sign.) Rules are rules.

    The Woman: Please! I have people coming from out of town today! And, I told them all about your candy!

    Monica: No kidding, out of towners huh? What did you tell ‘em?

    The Woman: I told ‘em your candy is absolutely indescribable!

    Monica: Some people have been saying its y’know little drops of heaven, but whatever.

    The Woman: Please, can’t you help me out?

    2. bean bag chair  豆袋椅

    Phoebe不会骑自行车,学的时候也是推三阻四,她抱怨自行车座位不舒服,希望把自行车座换成beanbag chair. 

    bean bag chair 风靡欧美的豆袋椅,也叫懒骨头沙发。在国内现在也很常见。

    Ross: Okay, now just remember everything I taught you and you’ll be fine. Okay? Here we go. Ready…Set…

    Phoebe: (hopping off the bike) Wait! This seat is really uncomfortable! Yeah, maybe before we start we should just get another one. Perhaps, like an airplane seat—or a beanbag chair!

    3. lure sb away 把某人引开

    Rachel和Tag在商量怎么把瞎写的那份evaluaction拿回来,Rachel建议用巧克力把门口的秘书Betty lure away. 

    Lure sb away 把某人引开,如果仅仅是分散某人注意力就可以用distract sb 


    Rachel: Okay, I think we can get the evaluation back before they see it, but we’re gonna have to get into Mr. Zelner’s office. Now, he doesn’t get in until 10, so he’s no problem, but his assistant, Betty, she comes in early to eat her breakfast at her desk.

    Tag: That’s kinda sad.

    Rachel: Yeah, well Betty is kinda sad. Which is why I believe I can lure her away with these chocolates. (Holding up the box of chocolates.) Now, while I distract her, you get in the office.

    Tag: Got it!

    Rachel: Let’s roll!

    4. in jeopardy  有危险

    Rachel把跟助手Ted调情开玩笑瞎写的员工评价交给了上级,上级找他们谈话告诉Rachel如果他俩人有问题的话Rachel在公司的未来in jeoprday 

    In jeopardy 有危险,有问题。

    If you don’t change your behavior, your future in the company might be in jeopardy. 

    double jeopardy 法律术语:一罪不受两次审理原则

    Mr. Zelner: Hello Rachel, you uh, got a minute?

    Rachel: (worried and shocked) Yeah, sure Mr. Zelner, for you anything—minute. Okay. Fine. (To Tag) Abort the plan, abort the plan. (She start to usher Tag out.)

    Mr. Zelner: Uh actually, I’d like to speak with both of you.

    Rachel: Okay. Uh, well can we, can we get you anything Mr. Zelner? Maybe some chocolates? (Holds up the box.)

    Mr. Zelner: Umm, no. Thanks, but I’ll give these to Betty. (Rachel glances at Tag to say, "See?") So I read your evaluation of Tag, or to use his full name, Tag Sweetcheeks Jones. Is something going on with you two?

    Rachel: (laughs) Oh my God. Can you imagine if there was?! I mean, (getting serious) what would happen exactly.

    Mr. Zelner: Well, I’d be forced to file a report. I’d have to consult with the legal department, and your future at the company would be in jeopardy.

    5. pipe up 高声说话

    一堆人堵在Monica家门口要糖,Monica根本做不过来了。Chandler出去对大家大喊pipe down.

    pipe up 提高嗓门大声说话

    pipe down 闭嘴,安静下来

    Monica: (opening the door and frantically) Okay, guys! The candy is coming; I just need another 15 minutes for the chocolate to cool!

    All: We want candy! We want candy now! (And other general commotion sounds.)

    Chandler: All right everybody! Just be quiet! Be quiet! Be quiet!! Pipe-pipe-pipe down! (They settle down) What is the matter with you people?! This woman was trying to do a nice thing for you. She was making candy so she could try to get to know all of you, and I’ll bet that not one of you can tell me her name! Am I right?

    The Man: (from earlier) Candy Lady?

    6. corny 陈词滥调的

    Ross向菲比发表自信战胜恐惧的陈词滥调时,菲比说Don’t be so corny. 

    Corny指陈词滥调的,过时的,老生常谈的。类似的次还有cheesy 不过cheesy更强调俗气,如果用名词说陈词滥调就用cliché 

    Phoebe: I can’t believe it! I did it! I rode a bike! I never thought I’d be able to do that! Thank you Ross.

    Ross: Oh hey, don’t thank me, thank yourself. You’re the one who faced her fears and ultimately overcame them.

    Phoebe: Don’t be so corny Ross, it’s not an after-school special.

  • 1. a chunk of 一大块 

    Monica的糖果大受欢迎,Joey建议她多做些千层面,因为something might happen to a chunk of it. 

    A chunk of 意思是一块某物,有一个与chunk相关的俚语 chunk of change,一大笔钱。The new car costs me a chunk of change.

    Monica: Joey!!

    Joey: Yeah?

    Monica: Did you eat all the neighbor candy?!

    Joey: Uh well yeah, that was the plan, but by the time I got to it there was only a couple of pieces left!

    Phoebe: Yeah, and they’ve been coming by all day. They love it!

    Monica: They love my candy? Oh man!!! I’ve gotta go make more!! (Starts to do so.)

    Joey: Hey Mon, you might wanna make some more lasagna too, because something might’ve happened to a huge chunk of it.

    2. test ride 试骑

    Ross给Phoebe买了一辆自行车,得到人生第一辆自行车的Phoebe很高兴,Ross建议give it a test ride.谁知道Phoebe其实不会骑车。

    test ride 试骑  test drive 试驾

    Phoebe: (gasps) Oh my God Ross!!

    Ross: You like it?

    Phoebe: I love it!!

    Ross: Yeah?

    Phoebe: Ohh!! Ohh!! And I love you!

    Ross: Ahh.

    Phoebe: Not that way! But the bike brought you a lot closer!

    Ross: Ah! (She hugs him.) Well uh-uh, t-take it downstairs, y’know give it a test ride.

    Phoebe: Okay! Oh my God! My first bike! Thank you for the best present I’ve ever gotten.

    3. swing by 顺道拜访

    邻居半夜来要糖,Monica和Chandler很无奈,说早晨再做糖给他,于是他说I'll swing by later. 

    swing by 顺道拜访  drop by/stop by 都有顺道拜访的意思,swing by更强调快速短暂。 

    Gary: Hi!

    Monica: Hi. Do you know what time it is?

    Gary: It’s candy time! My roommate says that they taste like little drops of heaven.

    Monica: Oh please! (To Chandler) Did you hear that? Little drops of heaven.

    Chandler: (laughs) 4:00 A.M.

    Gary: So, can I get some candy?

    Chandler: I am sorry, but some of us have to get up early and go to work! (Monica looks at him) (To Monica) He does not know that I am not some of us.

    Monica: Umm, listen I am sorry, but I’ll put some out first thing in the morning.

    Gary: Well okay, I’ll swing by later. Do you live in this building?

    Monica: Um-hmm.

    Gary: (looking at Monica.) Mm! Seems like I would’ve remembered you!

    Chandler: Mm! Night Gar’! 

    4. when it comes to 当我们谈到...时

    Rachel把跟助手Ted调情开玩笑瞎写的员工评价交给了上级。Monica教训Rachel说 There is no such thing as a secret when it comes affairs.

    when it comes to…是“当我们谈到……时”的意思,可以认为它算是一种固定用法,做伴随状语。 

    例句:When it comes to fishing, John is an expert.

    5. affairs 婚外情

    还是这句话There is no such thing as a secret when it comes affairs. 

    affairs 婚外情,偷情。一部经典电影叫做An Affair to Remember 译为《金玉盟》

    Monica: See, this is why I told you never get involved with your assistant! And there is no such thing as keeping secrets when it comes to affairs. (To Chandler) Did you hear that Chandler? No such thing!

    Chandler: (with his mouth full) What happened? I’m just eating candy.

    6. come in handy 派的上用场

    大家惊讶Joey模仿Rachel的涂鸦画得那么好,Joe骄傲地说this little talent came in handy before I could afford porn.

    come in handy 派的上用场,迟早有用

    Joey: Hey Rach?

    Rachel: Yeah?

    Joey: That sketch you mentioned? Might it have looked a little something like this? 

    Rachel: Oh my God! Joey!

    Chandler: What is the matter with you?

    Rachel: Ugh!

    Joey: Boy I tell ya, this little talent came in handy before I could afford porn.