Happy St. Patrick's Day! Who is Saint Patrick? What role do saints have in our faith? Grab a plate of corned beef and cabbage and join us for this discussion!
Make friendship bracelets and join us LIVE in Pittsburgh on March 21 + 22!
Friday Night Live Episode: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/bf7a14
Saturday Morning Retreat: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/16ac6f
Like what you hear? We are an entirely crowd-sourced, you-funded project.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Our Website: https://andalsowithyoupod.com
Our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
MERCH: https://www.bonfire.com/store/and-also-with-you-the-podcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
Confessing our sins can be super liberating, but it is a practice that has been used to predatory ends. How do we approach "Confession" from a liberating standpoint, and what are ways we think about being forgiven as people who live in the real world? Join us for an enlivening, deep conversation with The Rev. Kelli Joyce on sin, confession, mercy, forgiveness, and what God has to do with it all.
Make friendship bracelets and join us LIVE in Pittsburgh on March 21 + 22!
Friday Night Live Episode: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/bf7a14
Saturday Morning Retreat: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/16ac6f
Like what you hear? We are an entirely crowd-sourced, you-funded project.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Our Website: https://andalsowithyoupod.com
Our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
MERCH: https://www.bonfire.com/store/and-also-with-you-the-podcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
Saknas det avsnitt?
We opened our phone line for your questions! The gang tackles this one on prayer and listening to God's voice.
Make friendship bracelets and join us LIVE in Pittsburgh on March 21 + 22!
Friday Night Live Episode: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/bf7a14
Saturday Morning Retreat: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/16ac6f
Like what you hear? We are an entirely crowd-sourced, you-funded project.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Our Website: https://andalsowithyoupod.com
Our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
MERCH: https://www.bonfire.com/store/and-also-with-you-the-podcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
The idea of "sin" has been weaponized, especially against marginalized folks. We've brought our colleague, friend, and brilliant theologian The Rev. Dr. Patrick Cheng to speak with us on sin, and why we're not giving up on the idea of sin even as liberated Christians. Father Patrick is a prolific writer, thinker, and leader in the church; in this episode, we're talking especially about his book, From Sin to amazing Grace: Discovering the Queer Christ. If you like this episode, read his books! And tell your friends!
You can find more from Father Patrick on his website here: https://www.patrickcheng.net
Make friendship bracelets and join us LIVE in Pittsburgh on March 21 + 22!
Friday Night Live Episode: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/bf7a14
Saturday Morning Retreat: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/16ac6f
Like what you hear? We are an entirely crowd-sourced, you-funded project.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Our Website: https://andalsowithyoupod.com
Our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
MERCH: https://www.bonfire.com/store/and-also-with-you-the-podcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
What a weird and hard and scary time it is to be a queer person, and what a confusing time for both queer people and allies to understand alike to think through the relationship between the Christian faith and queerness, when so much is being said by Christians against queer and trans people. And yet, queer and trans and non-binary and gay and lesbian and bi Christians exist and more than arguments for our rights to exist, more than scriptural and theological underpinning for our legitimacy and our being made in the image of God, and certainly more than our flush assimilation into the structure and life of the church as it is and has been, gay and queer and trans people have unique and important faith and unique and important vocations within the church. We are joined by the Rev. Dr. Cameron Partridge in this week's discussion of queer ministry and vocation.
Cover 🎨: @the_red_boyy
Make friendship bracelets and join us LIVE in Pittsburgh on March 21 + 22!
Friday Night Live Episode: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/bf7a14
Saturday Morning Retreat: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/16ac6f
Like what you hear? We are an entirely crowd-sourced, you-funded project.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Our Website: https://andalsowithyoupod.com
Our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
MERCH: https://www.bonfire.com/store/and-also-with-you-the-podcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
So you've kissed Christian purity culture goodbye ... but now what do we do with all those Bible verses about "purity"? How do we think about innocence, readiness, and being purified before the Lord? Join Rev. Laura and Rev. Lizzie as we unpack this concept in Leviticus and beyond to a more liberated understanding of our bodies as good, beloved, and ever-changing.
Make friendship bracelets and join us LIVE in Pittsburgh on March 21 + 22!
Friday Night Live Episode: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/bf7a14
Saturday Morning Retreat: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/16ac6f
Like what you hear? We are an entirely crowd-sourced, you-funded project.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Our Website: https://andalsowithyoupod.com
Our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
MERCH: https://www.bonfire.com/store/and-also-with-you-the-podcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
Why is Eve always getting blamed for the downfall of humanity? Is that fair? Is that even what happens in the Bible?
Make friendship bracelets and join us LIVE in Pittsburgh on March 21 + 22!
Friday Night Live Episode: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/bf7a14
Saturday Morning Retreat: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/16ac6f
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Our shiny new website: https://andalsowithyoupod.com
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
PRE-ORDER HER BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
Why is Eve always getting blamed for the downfall of humanity? Is that fair? Is that even what happens in the Bible?
Make friendship bracelets and join us LIVE in Pittsburgh on March 21 + 22!
Friday Night Live Episode: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/bf7a14
Saturday Morning Retreat: https://stpaulspgh.breezechms.com/form/16ac6f
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Our shiny new website: https://andalsowithyoupod.com
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
PRE-ORDER HER BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
What is the future of the church? Where do we go from here? We invited the Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, the Bishop of the Diocese of Texas on to help us explore this question. Bishop Doyle has a unique perspective on the church from where he sits and it was a delight to talk to him!
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
PRE-ORDER HER BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
Repentance and forgiveness are central themes of scripture, both Hebrew scriptures and the Gospel, and yet the work of reconciling conflict still feels at times: so confounding, so anaphylactic that you might think that we – as a culture, as a Church – have fudged our resumes.
And yet, matters of conflict and repentance (or unrepentance) and forgiveness feel so prescient and urgent both for our ordinary lives in community and relationship, and for the health of our country, our world. What is forgiveness? How do you forgive? When do you forgive, and when do you withhold forgiveness? What if the other person is unrepentant? What if it’s a series of repeat offenses? What if the conflict is within a community? What if the conflict is between factions, or political parties, or across an unassailable power dynamic? We are not going to solve this puzzle today but we’re going to talk both big and small about this thing: forgiveness. We are so grateful to be joined by the Rev. Cate Anthony in this week!
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
PRE-ORDER HER BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/ (if you like this episode in particular? You're really, really going to love this book!)
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
In this episode we discuss a timeless topic but we are recording it in the context of the new year. It is early January, a time when people are typically thinking about their goals and intentions for the new year. Having habits, goals, etc. isn’t inherently a bad thing! But it becomes tricky when we think we can somehow be “better” people. There is a prevalent thought within Christianity that our faith is supposed to make us better people. In this episode Laura and Ethan talk about resolutions and how they might relate to our faith.
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
PRE-ORDER HER BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
In the midst of a really big season in the life of the church (Christmas!) it’s tempting to think, this is it! This is the best the church has got! And big grand occasions are special in the life of the church. But the church has so much to offer in addition to these big occasions. This week we reflect on how weird and good church can be in the little, every day moments. We have one of our very weird and good friends here to talk about this with us today, the Rev. Spencer Cantrell.
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
PRE-ORDER HER BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/ (if you like this episode in particular? You're really, really going to love this book!)
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
Merry Christmas! To help us tell the Christmas story, we present to you: an AAWY Christmas Pageant! Join Laura, Lizzie, Ethan and Jonathan for this episode. After the Pageant, we gab about what we love about pageants. Wishing you a Christmas filled with hope and love. Thank you for supporting And Also With You.
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
PRE-ORDER HER BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
More about our guest, theologian Laura Kelley Fanucci:
Website: https://laurakellyfanucci.com
Mothering Spirit: https://motheringspirit.com
Substack: https://laurakellyfanucci.substack.com
@thismessygrace on instagram!
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
Christmas can be a happy time! But many of us come to this season with heavy hearts. Maybe you have recently lost a job, or maybe you are missing a loved one, or maybe the news cycle has you down. If this is the case, we would like you to know that you are not alone. In our Blue Christmas episode we hold space for everyone who might be feeling a little blue as we approach this Christmas season.
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
And Also with You is hosted by two young women Episcopal priests, moms, and deconstructing Christians, The Rev. Laura Di Panfilo and The Rev. Lizzie McManus-Dail. Neither one of us grew up Episcopalian and yet both of us have found a home in this faith ... and we know how disorienting it can be for people who are new to liturgical Christianity or who have never known there was another, faith-full way to follow Christ. Enter: And Also with You!
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Advent 1 marks the beginning of a new year on our liturgical calendar. This week we talk through the calendar, what it means to use one to help us make sense of worship, and how to follow along with it. We are joined by our friend Juniper LaNunziata who helps us tackle this big topic!
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
PRE-ORDER HER BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/ (if you like this episode in particular? You're really, really going to love this book!)
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
Today's episode features a special guest who joins us to talk about an exciting new book! That's right, the Rev. Lizzie McManus-Dail is on today to share about her upcoming book "God Didn't Make Us to Hate Us!" Countless Christians are deconstructing the fear-based faith they were handed, but many don’t want to give up on God—they want to love and be loved by Jesus without hateful or abusive theology. If you’re one of these believers, this feminist, anti-racist, LGBTQ-affirming devotional will take you on a journey of spiritual reenchantment. Featuring 40 devotions on God’s radical and liberating salvation, it’s here to help you heal your church hurt, restore your sense of community, and embrace Jesus’s heart-healing forgiveness. Move beyond rigid religion and reconnect with the undeniable truth that predates and will outlive all the toxic theology in the world: God made you to love you.
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
PRE-ORDER HER BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/ (if you like this episode in particular? You're really, really going to love this book!)
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
We’ve planned a pair of episodes this week and next to talk about what is a priest and what is a lay person so as to explain what it means to work and worship within a church that practices different orders of ministry. This week we've invited Maxine King who joins us on her prie-dieu to help us understand the laity and the ministry of the church.
We’ve planned a pair of episodes this week and next to talk about what is a priest and what is a lay person so as to explain what it means to work and worship within a church that practices different orders of ministry. This week we've invited the Rev. Julia Macy Offinger on to help us explore the priesthood together.
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
PRE-ORDER HER BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
More about our guest, theologian Laura Kelley Fanucci:
Website: https://laurakellyfanucci.com
Mothering Spirit: https://motheringspirit.com
Substack: https://laurakellyfanucci.substack.com
@thismessygrace on instagram!
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
This episode will release the day before the US presidential election, but we hope it will be a conversation that speaks to you wherever and whenever it finds you. We are living in stressful times and so Ethan and Laura invited The Rev. Steven D. Paulikas on to share about how Christians locate hope in the midst of political uncertainty.
Like what you hear?
We'd love your support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/AndAlsoWithYouPodcast
There's all kinds of perks including un-aired live episodes, Zoom retreats, and mailbag episodes for our Patreons!
Keep up with us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/andalsowithyoupodcast/
More about Father Lizzie:
PRE-ORDER HER BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/762683/god-didnt-make-us-to-hate-us-by-rev-lizzie-mcmanus-dail/
Jubilee Episcopal Church in Austin, TX - JubileeATX.org
More about Mother Laura:
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh, PA
Theme music:
"On Our Own Again" by Blue Dot Sessions (www.sessions.blue).
New episodes drop Mondays at 7am EST/6am CST!
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