
  • Saher Haddad was a nominal Christian in Baghdad. He fled Iraq as a refugee and settled in the Netherlands, where he lost his faith. Over time, Saher came back to Christ, and in this episode tells the story of his faith journey. Saher lives in the Netherlands with his family.

    Episode on the church in the Middle East:

    This is the 257th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought.

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  • Romans is often considered one of the hardest and confusing books of the New Testament. What is Paul telling us through this complex book? David Bercot breaks down what the early church believed about the book of Romans before the time of Augustine, and why it matters to our understanding of Romans today.

    David Bercot’s Romans commentary:

    I Was An Anglican Priest. Here’s Why I Left:

    This is the 256th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought.

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  • Communication is something we do every day. But why does communication matter, and why should we try to do it well? Rick Rhodes describes how this should inform our churches and the way we present the message God has given us, while also giving many practical tips for learning to communicate better.

    Rick Rhodes’ communication conference:

    This is the 255th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought.

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  • In this episode Matthijs Blom shares his journey of searching for a fellowship of likeminded believers. And sheds light on the state of the Anabaptist church in Europe.

    Episode with sister Judy:

    This is the 254th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought.

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  • Supporting those suffering from mental illness is hard, complicated, and fraught with many opinions. Elizabeth shares some principles for how our communities can care for, and be gracious towards, those suffering from mental illness.

    Episode on Abuse in the Church:

    Trauma Informed Churches:

    This is the 253rd episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought.

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  • The book of Revelation can be confusing. Knowing the context for all the amazing scenes is important. In this episode Paul Lamicela discusses key points in the book of Revelation that provide context for it’s entirety.

    Paul’s Previous Episodes:

    What is Galatians All About?:

    Stepping Into Scripture's Stories:

    How to Read Revelation & Avoid the Mark of the Beast:

    The Nation-State of Israel & the Church:

    Exile and the Storyline of the Bible:

    Jesus vs. the Politics of the Beast:

    Revelation, the (missing) Temple, and Eden:

    This is the 252nd episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought.

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  • Conrad Grebel was a significant figure in the founding of the Anabaptist movement. Who was he? What did he teach that was so radical that it resulted in literal burnings at the stake? And how can his life and writings inform us today?

    Conrad Grebel: Son of Zurich book:

    Funeral Service for Harley Wagler:

    Episode with John Roth:

    This is the 251st episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought.

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  • Tirzah Heinzel was born in Ireland to Irish and Swiss missionary parents. Due to their work in overseas missions, they never joined a local Irish church. Tirzah tells the story of her journey as an adult coming to embrace and commit to an Anabaptist church in Ireland. She discusses how she processed baptism, accountability, community, distinctive clothing, head coverings etc. in the process of seeking God’s will for her life. “It’s important to remember that ultimately God is in our story.”

    Episode with Samantha Bender

    This is the 250th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought.

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  • The rich imagery of Revelation contains a multitude of connections to the rest of the story of the Bible.

    Paul Lamicela helps us explore fascinating details in Revelation 21 and 22 to help us answer questions such as: Why is there no temple in heaven? or What are we supposed to learn from all the measurements John gives?

    Link to previous episode on how to read Revelation:

    Recommended commentary by Craig Keener:

    Recommended commentary by D.A. Carson and G.K. Beale:

    This is the 249th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought.

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  • Charlie Duke was the tenth man to walk on the moon as part of the Apollo 16 mission in 1972. It is an honor to have him on this episode as one of only twelve people in history to walk on the moon. But the story doesn’t end there; Charlie Duke came to Christ after his experience. Enjoy this special episode as we journey with Charlie on one of the greatest explorations ever lived.

    NASA images and videos used in this video are in the public domain.

    Official NASA page on Apollo 16 mission details

    Charlie Duke’s book

    This is the 248th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought.

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  • Glenn’s book

    Stephen Russel's Episode

    This is the 247th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought.

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  • Elizabeth Vendley describes her life as a social worker, and how this work can serve our communities, churches, and people we interact with in daily life. What is social work, and how can it inform how we serve our communities?

    First episode with Elizabeth

    Episode with Gary Schrock

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  • Yuriy Kravets was born in Ukraine behind the Iron Curtain, in the Soviet Union. His family emigrated to America, where they experienced many different church situations on a journey to finding a community to plug into. Yuriey explains the challenges and joys of following Christ’s leading to America, and ultimately back to Ukraine and beyond.

    This is the 245th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. 

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  • There are many different opinions about what God’s will is, and how to find it. Rick Rhodes gives principles and practical insight on how we can discover what God’s will is for us, and how this informs our walk with Christ.

    Rick Rhodes’ Sold Out Ministry

    This is the 244th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. 

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  • John Ruth explores the historical backdrop of the land that many of the early Anabaptists settled in Pennsylvania. How did this affect the indigenous population that lived in this region? Were the Mennonites culpable in the appropriation of native lands?

    This Very Ground

    This is the 243rd episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. 

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  • Elizabeth Vendley was born into the Roman Catholic Church and embarked on a long journey of trying to find a church and community to integrate into. Ultimately, this led her and her family to join the Amish, and then through life circumstances a Mennonite church. Elizabeth shares her story, what she learned along the way, and lessons for those that are searching for a church to be a part of.

    Developing As A Servant course - Frank Reed

    Anabaptist Perspectives Partners

    Essays for King Jesus

    This is the 242nd episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. 

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  • Conversations about the environment, climate change, and “going green” quickly become mired in controversy and fierce debate. But what does God say? Are there principles from Scripture that can teach us how to be proper stewards of the world God has made, and how have Anabaptists in the past cared about the creation?

    More episodes with Matt Landis 

    This is the 241st episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. 

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  • Some claim that there are variations in the manuscripts that our English Bibles are translated from, and therefore this proves the Bible is false. Others say that the King James Version is the only true Bible. How should we think about these issues? What is a proper understanding of textual variants, and is the KJV a good translation? David Bercot presents a framework for how to think about these issues, and explores the history of some of the texts that English Bible translations are based on.

    The reference mentioned that is translated with word or work - Romans 9:28.

    This is the 240th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. 

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  • Ben Harris is a computer scientist researching LLM’s. He also cares about spiritual formation, thoughtful living, and education. Ben and Marlin discuss the formative role of studying in church and school and how to simultaneously protect education from technologies that replace study and teach students to use technologies that support active study.

    Business, Math, and Righteous Living with Dr. Benjamin Harris – Episode 004

    Into the AI Flood by Ben Harris

    This is the 239th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. 

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  • Ruth Anna Kuhns shares from her experience teaching neurodivergent students. How can we better understand and care for those that are different from standard ways of learning? How can parents, teachers, and schools make the educational experience better for all students?

    Episode with Kyle Stoltzfus on higher education

    This is the 238th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. 

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