
  • Today I draw upon the work of leadership experts James Kouzes and Barry Posner in their book The Leadership Challenge and Nick Duffell in his book Wounded Leaders.

    What are 5 reasons according to science that those who go to boarding school make bad leaders?

    Based on the article by Nick Duffell in the Guardian in 2014: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2014/jun/09/boarding-schools-bad-leaders-politicians-bullies-bumblers

    I talk about the lack of love, emotional intelligence, flexibility of the brain, not being able to interpret facial signals and others.

    Any questions please do let me know.

    #leadershipdevelopment #leaders #boardingschoolsyndrome #boardingschool

    Warm regards,



    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • What is emotional neglect? And how might that link to boarding schools?

    Today I am speaking with psychotherapist and author, Graham Music, who attended boarding school from age 9.

    He talks about what trauma is, dissociation and neglect.

    And he dives deep into emotional neglect. What is it and how might it show up in a boarding school setting? Why might neglect go unnoticed?


    Graham Music is a psychotherapist, trainer, author and supervisor. He is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist at the Tavistock Centre where he has worked for over 20 years, and he has been an adult Psychotherapist for about 35 years. He supervises and teaches nationally and internationally and has a particular interest in linking cutting-edge developmental findings with therapeutic practice.

    Formerly Associate Clinical Director of the Tavistock Clinic’s Child and Family Department, he has developed many innovative programs, including setting up services in over 40 schools and a range of services working with the aftermath of child maltreatment and neglect. His clinical specialty for decades been understanding and working with trauma.

    #neglect #emotionalneglect #boardingschoolsyndrome #boardingschool

    Some questions for Graham:

    I would love for you to share about how you got into the work you now do?I would love to hear about your boarding school experiencesHow can we re-spark hope and joy after being through trauma?Your thoughts on dissociationThe importance of emotional development. What happens to a child when we are not emotionally nurtured?Your thoughts on neglect - what it is and how does it impact children?Could you please speak to emotional neglect. Why is it so damanging?The importance of the body in therapeutic work. The work of Wilhelm Reich and somatic healing.Anger and trauma. What to do when anger starts to arise in us. Why is that a hopeful sign?How do we cultivate resilience?How to people learn more about you?

    To find out more about Graham and his work: http://www.nurturingnatures.co.uk/

    sign-up for newsletter https://nurturingnatures.co.uk/sign-up/

    twitter @grahammusic1

    linkedin www.linkedin.com/in/

    Books https://amzn.eu/d/c5hNFtg

    Journal articles https://nurturingnatures.co.uk/publications/journals/

    Book chapters https://nurturingnatures.co.uk/publications/book-chapters/


    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • Saknas det avsnitt?

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  • I often hear from people who went to boarding school – “Nothing happened to me.”

    What they mean is that they weren't abused, beaten or sexually abused.

    I then ask, did you see or hear beatings, violence, bullying or abuse?

    Most reply, yes.

    So the research around mirror neurons is now showing that the person who witnesses violence whether that be at home or at school will feel it, mirror it in their own brains.

    Today I draw upon the work of psychiatrists, Dr Judith Herman in her book Trauma and Recovery, Dr Bessel van der Kolk's The Body Keeps The Score and Dr Paul Miller.

    What are mirror neurons?

    What happens to us when we witness other people being hurt?

    I also quote from Boris Johnson's biography, Just Boris by Sonia Purnell about he felt when he heard younger boys being beaten at his boarding school Ashdown House and David Cameron's For The Record.

    #mirrorneurons #boardingschooltrauma #boardingschool #childhoodtrauma

    Take care,



    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • Is it possible to heal from childhood trauma?.

    What if we had a really tough upbringing which included abuse, neglect and possibly even boarding school.

    Can we heal?

    What if we've tried everything but nothing is really working.

    What can we do?

    In today's conversation I am speaking with the founder of Realm Theory, Roslyn Snyder.

    We talk about her work helping those that have been through trauma heal.

    A really engaging and thought-provoking conversation.

    Thank you Roslyn.


    RoslynSnyder is the creator of books, experiential trainings and a practising psychologist. After a career in applied medical science, Roslyn Snyder graduated with first class honours in psychology in 1995 focussed on psycho-neurobiology and psychometrics. In 2017 she published Realm Theory and is now in the process of operationalising Realm Theory.

    Questions for Roslyn:

    I would love for you to share some of your journey. What was your childhood like and how did that impact your line of work?I would love for you to talk about realm theory. What is it?Could you please speak to the path of healing. Can we heal? What is the path of healing?I would love you to talk about the Aboriginal culture. How does it differ from the Western school of thought? What can we learn from them?Other areas to talk about:Aboriginal boarding schoolsThe MapNature, place and purposeThe nature of patternsThe importance of eldersThe Aboriginal way of bringing up childrenLeadership – what you teach leaders

    #childhoodtrauma #trauma #traumaandrecovery #recoveryfromtrauma

    To find out more about Rosylyn's work: https://wisdominyourlife.com.au

    Or here: https://roslynsnyder.com/

    To connect with her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roslyn-snyder-5552a15b/


    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • Leaders and Burnout. What are the symptoms of burnout?

    In my 20s, I had a breakdown and burnt out. I was working in London.

    I had a job in sales and essentially lost motivation and drive.

    I was selling big ticket items in the financial sector.

    Some weeks I only sold one product a week. It felt exhausting.

    Eventually it got so bad, I couldn't even get out of bed.

    So I went through a period of a few years of burnout.

    And I see in the work I do with my clients, a lot of my clients have come to me with burnout.

    They're struggling. They are really chronically stressed.

    The common theme for my clients is that they also went to boarding school as well.

    And I find that this is a common overlap, this burnout for ex-boarders.

    Why? We struggle to stop.

    So what are the symptoms according to Emma Seppala PhD in her book The Happiness Track?

    being cynical,critical at work, dragging yourself to work, and having a hard time motivating yourself once therebecoming irritable or impatient with colleagues or clients, lacking the energy needed to be productive, lacking satisfaction when you achieve something, and feeling disillusioned with your work.

    Do you resonate with any of these?


    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • Why is group work so important for boarding school survivors on the path to recovery?

    If being seen was dangerous as a child at these public schools why is it so helpful to be seen in a group setting as we heal?

    Today Nick Duffell who is one of the founding voices in the Boarding School Survivors movement talks about group work.

    He talks about why we heal in group settings and how the group dynamics works.

    He explores the process of surviving at boarding schools and the process of how we learn to thrive again.

    Our wounding came from a group so it makes sense that our healing can come from the same setting.

    A fascinating podcast.


    Nick Duffell is a psychotherapist and trainer in private practice who pioneered therapeutic work with ex-boarders and specialist training for psychotherapists. He is the author of The Making of Them, Trauma, Abandonment and Privilege and Wounded Leaders.

    Questions for Nick

    I would love for you to talk about the importance of group workWhat is it about being in a group of 'survivors' be that boarding school, childhood trauma or addiction that helps us to heal?What makes the BSS workshops so unique, powerful and effective?Why we learn to survive at boarding schools? What might surviving look like as an adult?How we start to thrive in our lives again?Other areas to talk about:DissociationProblems with intimacyWorkaholismAddictionsWhy were boarding schools set up?What was the purpose of them?What is the link between boarding schools, and colonialismWhat is the impact of boarding school on children?How might a boarding school education show up in adult life?

    8. How do people find out more about your work?

    #nickduffell #boardingschoolsurvivors #boardingschoolsyndrome #workshops #groupwork

    To book on one of Nick's workshops (Men's Workshop September 2024/ Women's October 2024): https://www.boardingschoolsurvivors.co.uk/events-and-workshops/

    For more information please visit: https://www.boardingschoolsurvivors.co.uk/


    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • Today I wanted to talk about a recent conversation I had with Nick Duffell the author of Wounded LEaders and The Making of Them.

    Nick has been running group workshops for many years. https://www.boardingschoolsurvivors.co.uk/events-and-workshops/

    He first began offering these 4 day workshops in 1989/90 and has run them every year since.

    He offers them for both men and women.

    Today I talk about the importance of group work.

    I talk about the men’s circles that I run and the benefits I have found from attending these groups.

    I share some of the beliefs that we might carry post boarding school - ‘there’s something wrong with me,’ or ‘I’m the only one.’

    Because we never share and we never speak to others about what happened these beliefs get cemented inside.

    It is time for us to let go of them.

    How? By speaking them in a group or working 1-1 with someone we have an opportunity to share what we went through and to hear others’ experiences.

    I share today many quotes from the psychiatrist, Dr Judith Herman, from her book Trauma and Recovery.

    For groups that you can join as a boarding school survivor please visit:

    Women: https://www.theboardingschooltherapist.com/womens-online-group

    Men: https://www.piers-cross.com/online-mens-circles

    #grouphealing #groups #nickduffell #boardingschoolsurvivors #judithherman

    Take care,



    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • Gabriel Hershman is an author who also publishes under the name of Daniel Kupfermann. He has written 5 books, so far. Four were film biographies and written under the name of Gabriel Hershman. He has also written a memoir called, Don't Be So Sensitive.

    “I decided to write the memoir under a pseudonym as a demarkation from my other work but also to shield the work from other living family members.

    I grew up in London and then moved to Portugal and then Bulgaria. Writing a memoir is always a work in progress and it was only when I'd finished the book that I realised I'd been dealing with 4 family members who had attended boarding school and the strange effects on their psyche."

    Questions for Gabriel:

    I would love for you to share how you got into writing. What drew you to write your autobiography?What was it like growing up? Could you please share some of your journey growing up?What was it like being a day pupil at a school where there were boarders? What did you make of boarding at that age?Could you please talk about highly sensitive people (HSP)? What is it? P.7Your step-father Gerard's experience of boarding school: He was “sent away” “despatched” “being kicked in the teeth.” P.24 “he'd been through a tough time at boarding school” P.83The physical, mental and emotional treatment you received from Gerard. What was it like growing up with an ex-boarder? P58 – “Gerard criticised me...” and would then.. P.59 “lose his temper.”Even though Gerard had had a tough time at boarding school (your mother saying that he'd had “an emotional hysterectomy”) why did he want to send you away to one? P.83As I was reading the book I could see many of Gerard's traits as symptoms of trauma/ boarding school syndrome: only interested in beautiful women/ weathy people, trying to curry favour with people. He had to win everytime. Very critical of you.Leaving you for most of the winter age 10 with your alcoholic half-brother age 20. How was that for you? P.88 (Your mother leaving the same age her mother died age 10 – P.94)Having no one to validate your feelings and left alone (P.134) How was that for you?The experiences of your half-brothers and your mother's at boarding school (P.144)Your experiences of Dulwich - “Dulwich was remarkably sink or swim.” P.151 Bullying P.160What other aspects are there to these single-sex 'elite' schools that are detrimental to development?Four members of your family went to boarding school and all became problem drinker. Could you please talk to that?Your debilitating speech problem. Where do you think that arose from?How do people find out more about your work and books

    To purchase his memoir: https://amzn.eu/d/gR05hc9

    To purchase his books on Amazon: https://amzn.eu/d/eTOwAHN

    To connect with him on LinkedIn please visit: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabriel-hershman-24955619/?originalSubdomain=bg


    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” Albert Einstein

    Over the past few months I have over indulged in the news coverage of the troubles in the middle east, the violence on the streets of the UK and the challenges of the world.

    And I started to lose perspective.

    I started to catastrophize.

    In today's video I talk about the research around negativity bias and how as humans we have a preponderance to focus more on the negative than the positive.

    I talk about how as trauma survivors, whether that be childhood trauma or boarding school, we are prone to seeing the glass as half full.

    We fulfil early childhood beliefs that – the world is not a safe place.

    I touch on the work of Stanford's Emma Seppala, the Dalai Lama and I share some tips for how to unplug and move back into stillness and centredness again.

    For my latest podcast talking about childhood trauma please visit: https://youtu.be/IFCFl3RccQ0

    Take care,



    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • Boarding School | Complex PTSD | Peter Cook | Path of Healing AEM #104 Jonathan Hansler

    John Brittan is an English actor who actor name is Jonathan Hansler. He has worked in theatre, film, television and is a comedian and director. He was John Cleese's Basil Fawlty in the Edinburgh Festival in 2019.

    Questions for Jonathan:

    I would love for you to share some of your journey. How did you get into the work you now do?
    Your journey at boarding school. What was it like?
    I would love for you to talk about your connection to Peter Cook. What inspires you about him?
    How has boarding school impacted you as an adult?
    Your relationship to alcohol.
    What has been your path of healing
    Other areas to talk about:Spirituality
    Complex PTSD
    Eckart Tolle and the Power of Now
    The healing power of writing
    The inner critic

    To find out more about Jonathan please visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Hansler

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.hansler

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonhans17/

    Twitter: https://www.x.com/johnhans


    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • I was listening to ex-Navy Seal Jocko Willink talk about leadership a few days ago.

    In the talk he shared some unethical ways of controlling people. https://youtu.be/qcEiBIuJ5xg?si=cAy6SyJq8hSjJEij

    Four things:

    1. Enforcing sleep deprivation

    2. Isolation from friends and family

    3. Inducing guilt

    4. Hero Syndrome manipulation.

    As I listened I started to think of the biographies I have read, my clients and my own experience of boarding school.

    Today I share some stories of King Charles, some words of psychiatrist, Dr Judith Herman, and Nick Duffell among others.

    For the Youtube version: https://youtu.be/IDSYoLPDB3w


    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • How does trauma affect our leaders?

    International CEO talks about what makes a great leader.

    In today's conversation, Mason Farmani talks about trauma processing and how important it is.

    He also talks about how we change as individuals and leaders. How do we heal?

    Mason talks about energy medicine, the work of Joe Dispenza, his journey into shamanism and spending time with Dennis McKenna researching ayahuasca.

    He shares his thoughts about command and control leaders and emotionally intelligent leaders.

    I really loved this conversation.


    Mason Farmani is an intuitive personal and corporate coach. He comes from a place of spirituality and works with trauma healing. He is the founder and leader of several thriving companies, both as startups and through acquisitions. Mason now works one-on-one with clients.

    Questions for Mason:

    1. I would love for you to share some of your journey. How did you get into the work you now do?
    2. His own journey in the corporate world and beyond
    3. What are the different types of leadership you have seen?
    4. What is the importance of heart centred leadership?
    5. Would love to hear you talk about how spirituality would play a role in leadership in a holistic way.
    6. How do we move through anxiety?
    7. What is the path of recovery from anxiety?
    8. How do we begin to heal trauma?
    9. Other areas to potentially cover:
    1. Spirituality
    2. Goal Setting:
    3. Career Development:
    4. Time Management:
    5. Stress Management:
    6. Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem:
    7. Personal Growth and Fulfilment:
    8. Health and Wellness: Sleep, as well as mental and emotional well-being.
    9. Decision Making:
    10. Transition and Change:
    11. Creativity and Innovation:
    12. Work-Life Balance:

    #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipskills #traumahealing #ceo
    To find out more about Mason's work please visit: https://farmanicoaching.com/


    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • Touch And Violence

    “In the 1960s, anthropologist James Prescott carried out a very large scale study of child rearing and violence across different societies. He foun dthat those societies which gave less touching and affection to young children, had by far the most violence amongst adults.

    "It's clear that the more tender and warm are the lives of children, the safer and more loving they will be as adults.” Steve Biddulph, Raising Boys

    In the UK at the moment there is a lot of violence on the streets.

    I read the above quote today and thought that I would share a few ideas about why this violence might be happening.

    Could it have anything to do how we bring our children up?

    Could it be that so many of the leaders in the UK in medicine, and politics used to talk about the need for less touch? Leave them to cry?

    I talk about Sarah Ockwell Smith who I interviewed here: https://youtu.be/ijqYaxlXK34

    And I talk about Nick Duffell who I interviewed here: https://youtu.be/gJ1MIdS6wiY

    Take care,



    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • Dr. Cate Howell is a medical doctor, a therapist, an educator and an author, specializing in mental health at every age. With more than 40 years of training and experience in the health arena, her practice and interest focuses on the intersection between physical, emotional, and mental health. She is the author of "The Changing Man: A mental health guide," as well as four other books. "The Changing Man" explores what mental health means for men at every age - from teens to seniors.

    Cate was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for services to mental health. Cate currently works as a general practitioner, has a private practice focusing on mental health, and is involved in various teaching activities. Cate has a passion for sharing practical information about mental health through writing, and she has authored five books on mental health and counselling.

    Questions for Dr Howell:

    I would love for you to share some of your journey. How did you get into the work around men's mental and emotional health?What are the issues that affect men’s emotional health?Why is that men are often left to suffer in silence. What have you seen in your clinical work?Could you please talk about where physical health meets mental health for men?What are some of the unique tools that can help men understand what they are feeling?Could you please talk to women's mental health? What is the best way to help women flourish?Could you please talk about some of the holistic and integrative approaches to mental health?Other areas to talk about:How to manage stress, worry and anxietyListening, learning and caringDepressionIntuitionSelf-compassion – Kristin Neff – Self-Kindness, Common Humanity, MindfulnessHow do people find out more about your work?

    #mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters

    To find out more about Cate's work please visit: https://www.drcatehowell.com.au/

    To buy her books please visit: https://amzn.eu/d/0eBVKNSR

    For men: https://amzn.eu/d/0b97v9Y2

    For women: https://amzn.eu/d/00w2Y13H


    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • Today I talk about trauma and mental health.

    Many writers have shown the link between childhood trauma and poor mental health.

    I talk about how in my own work some of the key symptoms of boarding school survivors are depression, anxiety and worry.

    So what are 5 things you can do to improve your mental health?

    I also talk about my upcoming podcast with medical doctor Dr Cate Howell where we go into more depth about mental health especially with men.

    Take care,



    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • A simple guided meditation to help you slow down.

    Based on the Quick Coherence Technique from the Heart Math Institute this guided meditation is very easy to do.

    It will help with stress, relaxation and improving your sleep if you do it before bed.

    #meditation #guidedmeditation #heartmath

    Take care,



    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • Jay Marshall is a design engineer who after working across, Formula 1, film, sound and human performance has been motivated to help stop child exploitation due to friends, and his own experiences. He is the co-founder of Safe Kids Spaces www.sks.fyi a 51% parent owned community company building AI technologies to secure children’s online safety, wellbeing and digital sovereignty.

    Questions for Jay:

    I would love for you to share a little of your journey. How did you get into the work you now do?How technologies and online companies are harming our children but also how we can develop our way out of these problems using the same tech to protect children. For example, a conversation around how our Ai-Parent http://qrco.de/SKS-Ai-Parent could help children that boarded, (remembering the Alexa on your child’s phone is swapped out for an all seeing virtual Ai CC version of the child’s parent).The IICSA report, the flawed online safety bill, and the “Children’s Digital Sovereignty” bill we are working towards partitioning.We should have the VPOC portal (the verified-parent-only-community company forum) in a couple of weeks, it would be nice to steer people there. This community effectively owns 51% of SKS Ltd and its technologies in perpetuity, the community regulates the company and R&D’s the tech, will in the future onboard best fit staff throughout the portal, negate moral questions around our mission combatting CSA (because eventually we will polygraph everyone) and leave a sizeable 49% stake for investment and to help the organisation remain financially agile / independent.How the governments lack in direction and the ability act around CSA is affecting groups like ours.My and my families encounters with CSA.Homicidal ideation Promoting / restricting the child’s agency / responsibility during abuse conformation and perpetrator confrontation ie pre / 0 judicial intervention of the child’s abuse ie “You don’t have to worry about a thing its all taken care of, to, what do you want to do about what’s happened your in control?).Public School / school reform in generalHis public school experienceHis career in F1 and the music industry and how school, family and CSA experiences effected that journey.

    To find out more about Jay's work please visit: www.sks.fyi



    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • James Blunt has a new documentary out on Netflix at the moment called, One Brit Wonder.

    It is excellent.

    I was really touched by some of his reflections about his boarding school experiences.

    There is footage of James' sister being driven to meet him to play a gig. She says, "I've never really met him before." She's asked, "Is that because of boarding school?" She replies, "Yes."

    I also link in boarding school syndrome to many of the topics James talks about: workoholism, struggling with emotions, eating food fast, bullying.

    It is really worth a watch: https://youtu.be/2MQG7u9Nwbs?si=cH5XP62lnyfQ_CXJ

    Take care,



    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • Conflict often shows up in relationships. Especially for those who have been through some form of childhood trauma or been at boarding school.

    We weren't taught how to resolve conflict in a heart-centred way. Instead we learned to avoid conflict at all costs. For many it was seen as dangerous.

    But there is a positive and life affirming way to resolve difficulties in relationships with others.

    And today's guest, Kimberly Best, who is an expert in this field leads us through the key principles of conflict management.

    A really fascinating conversation.


    Kimberly Best is a civil mediator and is currently serving her second term on the board of the Tennessee Association of Professional Mediators as Chair/President. She also have over 4 decades as a licensed registered nurse and an MA from the Institute of Conflict Management, Lipscomb University.

    Areas to talk about:

    I would love for you to share some of your journey. How did you get into the work you now do?Men and interpersonal conflict. Why do men keep so much stored up inside themselves?What are some of the of rules and expectations that we put on men?What do we need to do instead of instilling rules and expectations?How important is it to be heard without judgement and validated, so much locked emotion comes out. It is sacred to share those moments. Can you please share some tips on conflict management, the emotional experience and/or why we do conflict like we do?Can you please talk about how conflict is normal.It’s a sign of a problem to solve and just because people don’t agree with us doesn’t mean they’re against us - it means they’re different from us. I talk about the cost of right/wrong, win/lose; the stories we tell ourselves about the other person; the uselessness of blame. One of the most common for men is trying to mitigate for someone else’s feelings - a commitment to “not upset.”I talk about being honest about what goes on with us and letting the other person feel however they need to. Conflict resolution is about the “what next?” I also really like to talk about using mediation as a tool for conflict resolution - at work and with interpersonal relationships.

    #conflictmanagement #conflictresolution #boardingschooltrauma #complexptsd

    To find out more about her please visit: https://www.bestconflictsolutions.com/mediation-practice


    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross


  • What is the path of recovery from childhood trauma, abuse and boarding school syndrome?

    What does it look like?

    Today I am talking with Bryn Edwards about his journey of recovery. Bryn went to boarding school from age 8-18. He was a complier. 1st XV Rugby, and sportsman.

    He also talks about colonisation and how that links to boarding school.

    He talks about the difference between trauma and abuse. And he shares his ideas around the inner indigenous (a subject Nick Duffell explores in Wounded Leaders) and what we can do to reconnect to it.


    Bryn Edwards has worked in the dynamic field of organisational and cultural psychology, solving problems at the intersection of culture, team performance, and individual mental and emotional health for many years. He hosted the WA Real Podcast for 4 years hosting over 200 episodes. And he has completed a three-year mentorship to become a practitioner of Roslyn Snyder’s Realm Theory, the comprehensive psychology framework revealing the universal principles shaping our lives.

    Some areas to talk about:

    Your journey to get where you are today?Actual dynamics of colonisation and the process of assimilating into it (and out).Being British and linking it to boarding school as a fractal of this. Looking at the history of Britain not just as a coloniser but also as a colonised state.Britain was colonised in 40AD and had been ever since by different European elements. Britannia was its first given colonised name (think Bombay-Mumbai or Ceylon-Sir Lanka), it had another before - Albion. So everytime we sing Rule Britannia, we are celebrating our own colonisation; and for me celebrating our collective trauma and servitude. Intergenerational trauma: the cycle of abuser/abusee flowing from generation to generation. This collective trauma invoked from within himself as part of my own bigger healing journey.The well-honed ‘capacity to bear’ something he almost celebrated, something drilled into him not just at school but also by merely being British. Colonisation and boarding school and other such inhumane artefacts as acceptable.

    To find out more about Bryn and the work of Roslyn:

    His linkedin profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryn-edwards-29a906/ Company link - https://wisdominyourlife.com.au/ Bryn's podcast with Roz - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8m7zLmT_S8

    #trauma #traumaandrecovery #boardingschoolsyndrome #colonisation


    Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.

    He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.

    He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1

    For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross

    For FB: https://www.facebook.com/pierscrosspublic

    For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community

    Many blessings,

    Piers Cross
