We're back for Episode 134!
In this episode Cody and Eric catch up on the news + 6 Good ROM Hacks
11:20 - Quick Questions
33:13 - Patreon Song
37:44 - Tea Time With Tim - Rad Racing
50:30 - Cody's Corner - Masterpiece Theatre
1:02:20 - News
1:48:48 - 6 Good ROM Hacks
News Notes at pixelgaiden.com
Please give us a review on Apple Podcasts!
Thanks for listening!
You can always reach us at podcast@pixelgaiden.com. Send us an email if we missed anything in the show notes you need. You can now support us on Patreon.
Thank you to Henrik Ladefoged, Roy Fielding, Matthew Ackerman, Josh Malone, Daniel James, 10MARC, Eric Sandgren, Brian Arsenault, Retro Gamer Nation, Maciej Sosnowski, Paradroyd, RAM OK ROM OK, Mitsoyama, David Vincent, Ant Stiller, Mr. Toast, Jason Holland, Mark Scott, Vicky Lamburn, Mark Richardson, Scott Partelow, Paul Jacobson, Steve Rasmussen, Steve Rasmussen's Mom, Retro Gamer Nation, Peter Price, Brett Alexander, Jason Warnes, and Adam from Commodore Chronicles for making this show possible through their generous donation to the show.
Support our sponsor Retro Rewind for all of your Commodore needs! Use our page at https://retrorewind.ca/pixelgaiden and our discount code PG10 for 10%
How fast can you negotiate an alien world...with a flea?!?!? THIS is the one and only question Bugaboo The Flea asks! Armed with the unbelievable skills that only a flea possesses, can you lead Bugaboo to the surface!? Can you do it faster then your buddy can!?! Join us on Our Sinclair 110 as we find out if DEM BOYS can do it! (Hint, I can't). 🏆 Please check out our Patreon to support ARG Presents and our other wacky endeavors!https://www.patreon.com/TheRetroRotation🔗 Get social!Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming#Amiga #Retrocomputing
Saknas det avsnitt?
🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast!
📌 Chapters:
0:00 Ridiculous Banter
6:20 Phoenix Review
41:03 Amiga / Arcade Comparison
54:38 RetroRewind.ca for all your Commodore computer needs!
Subscribe to the podcast at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/amigospodcast
🔗 Get social!
Twitter: @amigosretro
Facebook: Amigos Retro Gaming
Twitch: amigosretrogaming
Amigos: Everything Amiga is a weekly, wacky exploration of the Amiga scene, current news, and a look at the games we all remember--even those we'd like to forget!
Thanks to our sponsors!
RetroRewind.ca - Retro Computing Goodness!
Amiga Addict - Britain’s best-selling Amiga Magazine!
#Amiga #Retrocomputing
Welcome to ARG Presents 297! This week I, Amigo Aaron picks BOTH games! I've decided to explore the Sega System 32 Arcade PCB. I'll be playing Spider-Man: The Video Game. THE BRENT will get to play a game I've NEVER heard of until this week, and it's a fighting game. Enjoy the fun of Dark Edge.🏆 Please check out our Patreon to support ARG Presents and our other wacky endeavors!https://www.patreon.com/TheRetroRotation🔗 Get social!Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming#Amiga #Retrocomputing
🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast!
📌 Chapters:
Subscribe to the podcast at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/amigospodcast
🔗 Get social!
Twitter: @amigosretro
Facebook: Amigos Retro Gaming
Twitch: amigosretrogaming
Amigos: Everything Amiga is a weekly, wacky exploration of the Amiga scene, current news, and a look at the games we all remember--even those we'd like to forget!
Thanks to our sponsors!
RetroRewind.ca - Retro Computing Goodness!
#Amiga #Retrocomputing
Welcome to The CoCo Show! I heard of a game way back, where you play a character with a sword that explores a huge map full of dungeons and caves, all to unite pieces of a triangle shaped artifact and win the freedom of your lady! Zelda...no wait, it's THELDA! That's right, this week, join us as we take on THE QUEST FOR THELDA!🏆 Please check out our Patreon to support ARG Presents and our other wacky endeavors!https://www.patreon.com/TheRetroRotation🔗 Get social!Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming#Amiga #Retrocomputing
We're back for Episode 133!
In this episode Cody, Tim, and Eric catch up on what they've been playing and adding to their collections + 6 Good Games About Dreams
4:48 - Quick Questions
25:52 - Patreon
30:38 - Eric's Take - Memories Of Street Fighter II
1:00:28 - Masterpiece Theatre
1:14:50 - Catching Up
2:43:32 - 6 Good Games About Dreams
Please give us a review on Apple Podcasts!
Thanks for listening!
You can always reach us at podcast@pixelgaiden.com. Send us an email if we missed anything in the show notes you need. You can now support us on Patreon.
Thank you to Henrik Ladefoged, Roy Fielding, Matthew Ackerman, Josh Malone, Daniel James, 10MARC, Eric Sandgren, Brian Arsenault, Retro Gamer Nation, Maciej Sosnowski, Paradroyd, RAM OK ROM OK, Mitsoyama, David Vincent, Ant Stiller, Mr. Toast, Jason Holland, Mark Scott, Vicky Lamburn, Mark Richardson, Scott Partelow, Paul Jacobson, Steve Rasmussen, Steve Rasmussen's Mom, Retro Gamer Nation, Peter Price, Brett Alexander, and Adam from Commodore Chronicles for making this show possible through their generous donation to the show.
Support our sponsor Retro Rewind for all of your Commodore needs! Use our page at https://retrorewind.ca/pixelgaiden and our discount code PG10 for 10%
🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast!
📌 Chapters:
0:00 Ridiculous Banter
7:46 Robocop Review
42:00 Amiga / Arcade Comparison
45:04 RetroRewind.ca for all your Commodore computer needs!
Subscribe to the podcast at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/amigospodcast
🔗 Get social!
Twitter: @amigosretro
Facebook: Amigos Retro Gaming
Twitch: amigosretrogaming
Amigos: Everything Amiga is a weekly, wacky exploration of the Amiga scene, current news, and a look at the games we all remember--even those we'd like to forget!
Thanks to our sponsors!
RetroRewind.ca - Retro Computing Goodness!
Amiga Addict - Britain’s best-selling Amiga Magazine!
#Amiga #Retrocomputing
It's the Gaming Life of Dean Bent this week on ARG Presents 296! Who's Dean Bent you ask?!? FIND OUT as we delve DEEPLY into a career spanning from U.S. Gold to Code Masters to NVIDIA! Join Amigo Aaron and THE BRENT as we check out two of the games Dean toiled on - Go Go Beckham on the Gameboy Advance and Striker Pro 2000 aka UEFA Striker!Get your tickets for Kickstart, the UK’s largest Amiga Event!https://www.amigashow.com/🏆 Please check out our Patreon to support ARG Presents and our other wacky endeavors!https://www.patreon.com/TheRetroRotation🔗 Get social!Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming#Amiga #Retrocomputing
🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast!
📌 Chapters:
0:00 Ridiculous Banter
6:06 Leisure Suit Larry 2 Review
57:09 RetroRewind.ca for all your Commodore computer needs!
57:43 Amiga News
Subscribe to the podcast at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/amigospodcast
🔗 Get social!
Twitter: @amigosretro
Facebook: Amigos Retro Gaming
Twitch: amigosretrogaming
Amigos: Everything Amiga is a weekly, wacky exploration of the Amiga scene, current news, and a look at the games we all remember--even those we'd like to forget!
Thanks to our sponsors!
RetroRewind.ca - Retro Computing Goodness!
Amiga Addict - Britain’s best-selling Amiga Magazine!
#Amiga #Retrocomputing
It's that time of year...the homecoming of retro computer and gaming enthusiasts known as Boatfest has arrived! Join Amigo Aaron and THE BRENT for a LIVE edition of ARG Presents LIVE from Boatfest 2024!Get your tickets for Kickstart, the UK’s largest Amiga Event!https://www.amigashow.com/🏆 Please check out our Patreon to support ARG Presents and our other wacky endeavors!https://www.patreon.com/TheRetroRotation🔗 Get social!Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming
🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast!
📌 Chapters:
0:00 Ridiculous Banter
3:14 Commando Review
28:10 Live Audience Reviews!
39:39 RetroRewind.ca for all your Commodore computer needs!
Subscribe to the podcast at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/amigospodcast
🔗 Get social!
Twitter: @amigosretro
Facebook: Amigos Retro Gaming
Twitch: amigosretrogaming
Amigos: Everything Amiga is a weekly, wacky exploration of the Amiga scene, current news, and a look at the games we all remember--even those we'd like to forget!
Thanks to our sponsors!
RetroRewind.ca - Retro Computing Goodness!
Amiga Addict - Britain’s best-selling Amiga Magazine!
#Amiga #Retrocomputing
We're back for Episode 132!
In this episode Cody and Eric catch up on the news + Battle Of The Systems: Sled Storm (PS1) vs. Wave Race 64 (N64)
5:57 - Quick Questions
31:58 - Patreon Song
36:34 - Tea Time With Tim - Neo Geo Part 2
47:48 - Cody's Corner - The Second $100
1:15:40 - News
2:15:02 - Battle Of The Systems: Sled Storm (PS1) vs. Wave Race 64 (N64)
News - Notes can be found at pixelgaiden.com
Please give us a review on Apple Podcasts!
Thanks for listening!
You can always reach us at podcast@pixelgaiden.com. Send us an email if we missed anything in the show notes you need. You can now support us on Patreon.
Thank you to Henrik Ladefoged, Roy Fielding, Matthew Ackerman, Josh Malone, Daniel James, 10MARC, Eric Sandgren, Brian Arsenault, Retro Gamer Nation, Maciej Sosnowski, Paradroyd, RAM OK ROM OK, Mitsoyama, David Vincent, Ant Stiller, Mr. Toast, Jason Holland, Mark Scott, Vicky Lamburn, Mark Richardson, Scott Partelow, Paul Jacobson, Steve Rasmussen, Steve Rasmussen's Mom, Retro Gamer Nation, Peter Price, and Adam from Commodore Chronicles for making this show possible through their generous donation to the show.
Support our sponsor Retro Rewind for all of your Commodore needs! Use our page at https://retrorewind.ca/pixelgaiden and our discount code PG10 for 10%
Join Amigo Aaron and THE BRENT this week as we take a look at a game based on the beloved scifi puppet show from the 1960's! It's THUNDERBIRDS on Our Sinclair 109! Thunderbird 1 and Thunderbird 2 are READY FOR LAUNCH, so get the hell out of the pool! Get your tickets for Boatfest, the Amigos’ annual Vintage Computer meetup!https://boatfest.info/Get your tickets for Kickstart, the UK’s largest Amiga Event!https://www.amigashow.com/🏆 Please check out our Patreon to support ARG Presents and our other wacky endeavors!https://www.patreon.com/TheRetroRotation🔗 Get social!Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming#zxspectrum #Retrocomputing
🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast!https://www.patreon.com/amigospodcast📌 Chapters:0:00 Boatfest is THIS WEEEKEND!8:52 It Came From the Desert Review52:24 RetroRewind.ca for all your Commodore computer needs!53:17 Amiga NewsGet your tickets for Boatfest, the Amigos’ annual Vintage Computer meetup!https://boatfest.info/Get your tickets for Kickstart, the UK’s largest Amiga Event!https://www.amigashow.com/Subscribe to the podcast at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/amigospodcast🔗 Get social!Twitter: @amigosretro Facebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogamingAmigos: Everything Amiga is a weekly, wacky exploration of the Amiga scene, current news, and a look at the games we all remember--even those we'd like to forget!Thanks to our sponsors! RetroRewind.ca - Retro Computing Goodness!Amiga Addict - Britain’s best-selling Amiga Magazine!#Amiga #Retrocomputing
Join Amigo Aaron and THE BRENT this week on the Atari ST Show as we check out the classic game that was both BattleTech's entry into video gaming AND served as Infocom's first shaky steps out of the last of pure text gaming! We'll go over what BATTLETECH is, and then kick back and relax as we hop in our mech's and STOMP SOME SUCKA'S OUT! It's ON in BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception!🏆 Please check out our Patreon to support ARG Presents and our other wacky endeavors!https://www.patreon.com/TheRetroRotation🔗 Get social!Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogamingGet your tickets for Boatfest, the Amigos’ annual Vintage Computer meetup!https://boatfest.info/Get your tickets for Kickstart, the UK’s largest Amiga Event!https://www.amigashow.com/#atarist #Retrocomputing
Indy Heat is an overlooked gem of a racer!
🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast!
📌 Chapters:
0:00 Pre-Boatfest Unboxing from Scoob!
12:13 Indy Heat Review
39:58 RetroRewind.ca for all your Commodore computer needs!
40:30 Amiga News
Get your tickets for Boatfest, the Amigos’ annual Vintage Computer meetup!
Get your tickets for Kickstart, the UK’s largest Amiga Event!
Subscribe to the podcast at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/amigospodcast
🔗 Get social!
Twitter: @amigosretro
Facebook: Amigos Retro Gaming
Twitch: amigosretrogaming
Amigos: Everything Amiga is a weekly, wacky exploration of the Amiga scene, current news, and a look at the games we all remember--even those we'd like to forget!
Thanks to our sponsors!
RetroRewind.ca - Retro Computing Goodness!
Amiga Addict - Britain’s best-selling Amiga Magazine!
#Amiga #Retrocomputing
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