Short interlude on how to deal with challenges. Important for understanding where we are in Yechezkel which will idea will be completed next week.
Continuing discussion on can children be punished because of the sins of their parents and vice versa.
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God says I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth.
Continuing Teshuvah
Continuing discussion of Teshuvah
Why should Man expect God to treat us any differently when we sin than what a human court would do?
Continuing discussion on reward and punishment.
Continuing discussion about Teshuvah and righteousness versus a sinner
Continuing discussion of Teshuvah and Ramchal approach that one should have done Teshuvah before Rosh Hashanah.
Discussion of Teshuvah and what it means and how
to accomplish it.
Continuation of the discussion of sin and mitzvot regarding a son and a father.
Continuation of discussing when the grandson is good and the father and grandfather were evil. Started a philosophical
discussion on the soul and eternal life.
Discussion of King Yoshiyahu
Discussion of penalty for Jew charging
a Jew interest.
Finish discussion of Tazaddik Gamur and deal with an evil son born of this Tzaddik.
Difference between Emet/Sheker and Tov/Ra. Definition of Emet: Authentic, Eternal, Real
What is the problem with Jews charging interest?
Definition of a righteous person.
If one doesn't do 4 basic mitzvoth
he is considered righteous
All souls belong to God and the soul that sins will die.
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