Am I the Jerk? is a show where voice actors discuss real stories like:
My Wife cheated on me with 14 men so I set her designer bags on fire… Am I the Jerk?
My Daughter’s Boyfriend Got Me Pregnant… but I still haven’t told her… Am I the Jerk?
Am I the Jerk? is the perfect show to put on in the background while you are driving, studying, drawing or just chilling out.
You can freely share your deepest secrets via our story submissions (linked below) because you can remain completely anonymous when you send in your stories.
Either way, subscribe to Am I the Jerk RIGHT NOW before you forget, new episodes everyday.
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Full VIDEO Version of the Am I the Jerk? on - 📺 youtube.com/amithejerk
submit your stories on - 📝 amithejerk.com/submit