In this episode we tie together all of the previous 3 episodes in the heal the healer series, to encompass the whole mind, body, and spirit into reality. We share stories, tips and tools to empower you to step into your own confidence and dreams to decide what’s right for you to shine your genius upon the world
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Today Angie and Lisa are focusing on “the spirit” and the zip code of our purpose in life and how to start connecting with our inner heart, voice, calling, and embrace change which we all deserve. Learn how to surrender and serve others.
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this episode, Angie and Lisa explore the GPS of our minds and how we can challenge ourselves to reprogram our thoughts to align with our passion and soul’s purpose.
In short, become a Hope Dealer!
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
In this episode, Leslie and Lisa explore the importance of a healthy body as part of the 4 part series Heal the Healer. As part of a healthy body, we discuss the importance of nutrition and exercise and share tips and information about taking care of your body.
This series includes the mind, spirit, and reality.
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
This beautiful episode takes us on a guided shamanic/meditation journey, by our wonderful co-host Angie Ates-Clark.
This tool will help you discover your purpose and provide guidance on what you need to know next for unanswered questions that have been floating around you.
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
In this episode, Dr. John explains why childhood cancer is different from adult cancer and how it comes into being. He explores the feelings that the parents and the child go through and gives some wonderful advice on what the parent can do to minimize emotional disruption with the child and create a harmonious environment.
To further the value in the episode, Dr. John offers some wonderful advice around what a parent can do to support the child from a nutritional perspective and an emotional engagement perspective alongside the traditional medical route.
Dr. John is passionate about empowering parents with the knowledge so they can help support the child whilst the child is under medical supervision and receiving treatment. All his opinions are complementary to the medical route and it's wonderful to know that a parent can also play a part in supporting the child's journey back to health.
Website: https://www.drjohnonhealth.com/
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Diabetes. Can you reverse it? If so, how do you reverse it? Dr. John Poothulli has a wealth of knowledge on Cancer and Diabetes. In this episode, he shares what happens in the body when we experience disease and how we can help ourselves through nutrition. Not just what we eat, but how we eat too!
Website: https://www.drjohnonhealth.com/
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
This episode explores the “flow of the healing journey” and not trying to force feeling positive either about yourself or others.
It’s allowing the feelings to flow. Acknowledging them, and creating space to heal. It is an opportunity to reaffirm that it's OK to not be OK and that this too shall pass along your healing journey.
Contact Angel HilesRelational Therapist, Coach, Writer, Teacher, Mom
Website: https://angelhiles.com
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com -
Eric Christiansen shares with us the importance of healing from grief and trauma no matter what scale it is on. Eric helps people in a very unique way, grounded in clinical evidence, he supports people to heal through filmmaking. An episode not to be missed.
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Today we explore the significance of healing from emotional trauma and recognizing that mental wellbeing is as important as physical wellbeing.
Additionally, we encourage people to ask and accept help from others and check in on people around you, even if they seem to be just fine.
Michelle E. Dickinson is a Wellbeing Strategist and passionate mental health advocate. She is also a TEDx speaker and a published author of a memoir entitled Breaking Into My Life. Michelle goes first and sees herself as the bridge that helps people get comfortable with their mental health so that they reach out and get the support they need before they hit a crisis. She makes it ok to not be ok and thrives on making a real difference in the lives of others – especially around their wellbeing.
Michelle is out to do her part to eliminate the stigma by normalizing the mental wellbeing conversation within the workplace and beyond. She partners with innovative leaders to bring them her Psychological Resilience programs and mental health strategies to recenter employees and cultivate cultures of compassion. Her signature Resilience webinar has made a positive impact on thousands of employees during COVID-19.
Contact Michelle DickinsonWebsite CareForYourPeople.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/mdickinson13
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/michelledickinson71
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/michelle.dickinson.146
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
In this episode, we discuss really simple ways to start taking back control of our health. Lisa and her guest Tania discuss sleep and nutrition to reduce stress. Tania has been a Shiatsu massage practitioner since 2004.
Contact Tania NobleWebsite: https://www.oxfordshirewellness.co.uk/
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
As we release this episode, it may be obvious to you that the new team of co-hosts Lisa Victoria, Angie Ates, and Leslie Kasanoff have been around together for a while with about 9 episodes under their belt.
Well, today, we wanted to make formal introductions… and have some fun doing it. Enjoy the show! ~ John
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Join Co-hosts Angie Ates and Lisa Victoria as they discuss how to recognize an emotional trigger and the steps to begin the healing process. We talk about why the "charge" is there, where it really comes from, and the methods of balancing them once and for all.
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Visit AlternativeHealthTools.com
Visit Carrie Asuncion at KeyToEmpowerment.comIn this episode, Co-hosts Leslie Kasanoff and Angie Ates talk with Business and Life Coach Carrie Asuncion about tapping into our powers to envision the future using vision boards and other intuitive exercises that get us out of our head and into our heart and our intuitive energies.
Carrie is a high-energy, powerhouse who helps heart-centered business leaders build profitable, sustainable businesses by transforming gremlins of doubt, fear, and confusion.
She’s guided thousands of clients to trust themselves and build confidence, as they bust through what holds them back.
After discussing the power of vision boards, Carrie takes us through a couple of short exercises so we can experience the power of envisioning our future.
This program is preferably listened to at a time when you are not driving or multitasking so you can take full advantage of the exercises within it.
Contact Carrie Asuncionat https://Keystoempowerment.com
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Join Angie and Leslie as they discuss a unique formula for client wellness plans.
The S.A.N.E. approach is a 4 pillar template that all will enable Practitioners and Clients alike to be ahead of the game for effective results. Angie takes you behind the scenes as she unlocks this extraordinary tool she has successfully utilized with over 5,000 clients.
The S.A.N.E. ApproachS for Supplements - where we unravel the idea of the “pill for an ill” theory.
A for Ancillary - where we challenge the need for a Professional collaborative partners model to ensure compliance
N for Nutrition - where we add, remove and neutralize nutritional action steps
E for Emotions - where we Target Emotional elements contributing to ultimate healing.
Claim your Complimentary S.A.N.E. approach mastery traininghttps://www.ihistudies.com/CHALLENGES
Questions? Email Angie Ates with Academy EPIC stuff@academyEPIC.com
Feel free to leave us a note or audio with feedback.
You can find Leslie here: https://www.drlesliek.com/
and Angie here: www.academyEPIC.com
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
In this session, co-hosts Angie Ates and Leslie Kasanoff delve into the unhealthy and sometimes self-sabotaging attitudes we can have about holiday eating and holiday parties.
We suggest an approach using self-compassion, lack of perfectionism, and a little planning to make your celebrations truly joyous occasions.
We make some suggestions about healthier dishes to bring to the holiday party.
And we acknowledge that the important thing is that connection with people, not perfectionism about how and what we eat. We make some suggestions about digestive enzymes and other hacks that can assist us if we’ve gone too far with celebrations.
We are wishing you a happy and healthy holiday session.
Feel free to leave us a note or audio with feedback on AlternativeHealthTools.com.
You can find Leslie here https://www.drlesliek.com/
and Angie here www.academyEPIC.com
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Hormones: The nemesis of every female on the planet! (And many guys too!) In this 2-episode series, Leslie Kasanoff and Angie Ates, our hosts, discuss the often unrecognized fact that our hormones are the accumulated result of many things we can control.
In this second episode on hormones, we discuss Xenoestrogens, environmental chemicals that mimic our hormones and wreak havoc on our systems. We discuss ways to begin to impact changes for ourselves that can help mitigate the consequences of our environment.
Pick up Leslie's "14 hormone Hacks"
or dig in deeper and take our Women's Collection Short Course.
Feel free to leave us a note or an audio with feedback.
You can find Leslie here: https://www.drlesliek.com/
and Angie here: www.academyEPIC.com
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Hormones: The nemesis of every female on the planet! (And many guys too!) In this 2-episode series, Leslie Kasanoff and Angie Ates, our hosts, discuss the often unrecognized fact that our hormones are the accumulated result of many things we can control.
In the first episode, we delve into the diet and the gut microbiome, their interaction with our hormone production, and some things we can do to gain the upper hand in controlling our hormones.
You can pick up Leslie's "14 Hormone Hacks" or dig in deeper with our “Women's Collection Short Course” here in our “EPIC” library https://library.academyepic.com
Feel free to leave us a note or audio with feedback.
You can find Leslie here: https://www.drlesliek.com/ and Angie here: www.academyEPIC.com
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
In this episode, new co-hosts Leslie Kasanoff and Angie Ates delve into diet.
From a full-body health perspective, we look at truths and misconceptions, oftentimes promulgated by Big AG and Big Business that plague our societies and have resulted in us being so unhealthy.
We talk about the diets of the world's healthiest people and what we can learn from them. Leslie outlines simple steps you can take today, that she helps her clients with, to move toward a healthier lifestyle.
Leave us a note or an audio message, question, or feedback on our website.
You can find Leslie here: https://www.drlesliek.com/
and Angie here: www.academyEPIC.com.
Links Mentioned In This EpisodePick up Leslie's 3 Simple Steps to a Healthier You "CheatSheet" on her website.
Task nutrition into your own hands and learn more with our certification in Family Nutritionist.
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
In this episode, new co-hosts Leslie Kasanoff and Angie Ates delve into Naturopathy. Angie, who is a Naturopath, gives us an overview of what it is and the healing philosophy behind it. We look at the range of both licensed and unlicensed providers and talk about their approach and what kind of problems Naturopathy is best suited to.
Want to learn how you can step into your passion as a Traditional Naturopath?? Join us for more details here at https://academyepic.com/
We’d love to hear from you! Leave us a note or audio feedback at https://www.alternativehealthtools.com/
You can find Leslie here at https://www.drlesliek.com/
and Angie here https://academyepic.com/
Contact UsWebsite: https://www.alternativehealthtools.com
Contact co-hosts:
John Biethan (producer) https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
Lisa Victoria https://www.lisavictoria.co.uk
Kim Shea https://www.retirementpurposecoach.com
Leslie Kasanoff https://www.drlesliek.com
Angie Ates https://academyepic.com
Produced by ImaginePodcasting.com dba Heard Not Seen Media, Inc. https://www.imaginepodcasting.com
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